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Posts posted by Pagan

  1. For me it was a simple choice.

    I love GW models, but I already find many of them unpalatably expensive and so don't buy them. A pertinent recent example is £31.50 for 2 human sized character models - the witch hunters. 

    I am therefore unwilling to spend hobby money on content which I already feel is provided for free on youtube by a variety of talented individuals or companies. 

    At the moment Warhammer + feels like they are trying to prove to someone that they have a saleable product that isn't their miniatures, but they're having to bribe people with miniatures or ££ to get people to subscribe because the content is bizarrely thin on the ground.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I clicked on that article too and immediately had the same feelings as yourself. 

    Whose hobby space is a "what's what" of the latest overpriced GW painting paraphernalia, to the detraction of anything else?

    I have to say I don't go on the community website much and never have done since I got back into the hobby 3 years ago. I check the Sunday previews and occasionally click some lore articles and enjoy the pictures, I also read the short stories which they occasionally put out. 


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    1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    what makes the Megas another no-go for me is that they are dwarved by Archaon. They are less tall than a Knight castellant and have about the same height as the Glotkin while costing  SO much more.

    The only thing that‘s mega about them is their price...

    Well I am still looking forward to fighting them or getting one Second Hand.

    Agreed on that. I just watched that video as well, and looking at the gargant next to a MB on Maw Krusha - which I recently bought and has an RRP of £70 - they look about the same amount of plastic.

    I spent £90 on Silver Tower - a whole game with 51 miniatures. Spending £120 on a single model that isn't even that big just seems utterly ridiculous.

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  4. Yes varnishes do protect your models, the formula contains acrylic polymer suspended in water which evaporates when you brush/spray onto your model, leaving a continuous film of clear acrylic which is somewhat resistant to oil/grease, water, scuffing, marring, scratches etc.

    Almost all acrylic emulsions are glossy by nature, and so glossy varnishes can usually contain a higher % of acrylic but I don't think this is the most important factor. Not all acrylic emulsions are created equal, and there are a vast range available from many big and small chemical companies which will offer different properties of interest to us hobbyists. 

    The Vallejo matte varnish at least claims to be 100% acrylic resin, and I think this may indeed be possible as there are a few acrylic emulsion products out there that are innately matte in  finish due to the controlled polymer particle size. Most matte varnishes and paints contain a matting agent such as fumed silica which controls the level of gloss, but in my experience it has no effect on the durability of the final film.

    It is also not only the acrylic resin which provides protection on your models. Every decent paint and varnish will contain a small amount of silicone additive which gives "slip," this is what makes it harder to scratch the paint or varnish off.

    • Thanks 1
  5. That's a neat idea, although I'm sure there are those who would balk at the very blasphemy of replacing the original models!

    1 Dwarf - Warden King? You could use a kharadron overlord or Fyreslayer hero too

    1 Elf - The Nomad Prince?

    1 Wizard - One of the battle wizards

    6 Orc warriors - I would get some second hand orc boys from Warhammer Fantasy

    6 Orc archers - Same as above

    6 Goblin spearmen (solved: grot stabbas)

    6 Goblin archers (solved: grot shootas)

    12 Skaven (solved: clanrats)

    3 Minotaurs (solved: bullgors)

    12 Giant spiders - The grot spider riders? These were in the Skull Pass set also

    12 Giant bats - Fell bats or the chaotic beasts from Warcry

    12 Giant rats (solved)

    12 Snotlings (There is a new snotling team coming for Bloodbowl!


    Those are my ideas, hopefully you find something useful there. It sounds a great idea, expensive though!

    • Like 1
  6. To chip in with my own experience...

    I bought one of the Amazon bundles for Christmas. Not sure if I'm allowed to post links) but it was like this one:


    Generic dual action gravity airbrush and generic compressor with moisture trap and tank.

    5 months may not be much in the long run but I am very pleased with the results I've got with them both. The compressor is quiet and unobtrusive and while I have no experience with expensive airbrushes, the airbrush itself does what I want it to. I have primed lots of minis - big and small - usually with 2-3 colour zenethal highlighting. I also use it to lay down base colours and glow effects etc.

    I've even committed the cardinal sin of airbrushing: I dropped it while the needle cap was off and completely bent the end of the needle. I thought it was time to buy a new one but the thing still works exactly the same as it did before.

    I have no doubt that expensive airbrushes are way better in every regard and I plan on getting one sooner or later to see how it can improve my painting and, well, because I really enjoy airbrushing. Just thought I'd offer my tuppence worth that I think the cheap ones are perfectly adequate as a toe dipping exercise.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Between Forbidden Power, that Hammergrod short story, the Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans books, and now this, the "Fall Of Excelsis*" supplement is 100% confirmed. 

    *I hope the city itself survives though !

    Out of interest, the events of that excerpt are the subject of the novella "City of Secrets" which is a couple of years old.

  8. On 12/23/2019 at 1:25 PM, michu said:

    I think that hammer with comet is CoS. And if god-specific mortals and daemons are counted as one (even with two separate symbols) then we have all 15 factions spoiled in the WD.

    Unfortunately that is the symbol of the stormcast warrior chamber as shown in the new tome 

  9. I like to use a D3 or D4 wood glue rather than regular white PVA glue. Wood glues usually contain a cross-linker which gives a more water-resistant bond when dry. I find that the sand is much more rigid after drying than when I used to use standard craft PVA glue, which is usually at least somewhat washable. If you find the viscosity of the wood glue too high, it can be thinned out with a little water.


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  10. 26 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    As ever with GW release practices, it was an interesting but weird week-end ! There is a few questions I d'like to discuss ; 

    1) Question : Why where the Devoted Of Sigmar gutted in the CoS book ?

    Flagellants and Priests are very well represented in artworks and stories since AOS 2.0 (the new Celestant-Prime artwork with cherubs and Devoted with cool design, Excelsior Warpriests leading crusades of Devoted to Lethis from Azyrheim to help the siege in Forbidden Power, squads of mounted Warrior Priests defending Glymmsforge, the God-King's brand story in the Stormcast BT, etc.). Speaking of Excelsior Warpriest, why isn't he rereleased with the book (like the Doomseeker with Fyreslayers) or simply its Warscroll printed in ? The EW are very present in the Forbidden Power story and rules as said above, and so are they in the AOS RPG Soulbound ! Note that the Excelsior Warpriest is the only "common Human" model designed for AOS so far that is not dead (unlike that sigmarite peasant in the Lord of Afflictions' hand or the entombed Sigmarite barbarian in the objective set).

    Also : Witch Hunters of the Order of Azyr ! They are in tons of BL novels right know, and are a very important Warhammer archetype.

    Possible answer : because (just like the Nighthaunts after the Legions of Nagash BT), there is a Devoted of Sigmar army in the work. It would help GW  flesh out the normal human sides of things (like Cities of Sigmar do), but with a proper AOS, trademarkable design (unlike CoS).

    It would also help GW flesh out AT LONG LAST the Realm of Azyr (which already exist in rules in the Chronomantic Cog and the Celestial Hurricanum warscrolls) and the city of Azyrheim. There is too few details about Azyr and its capital in the Core Book, the Stormcast BT and apparently now in the CoS BT (which indeed contains infos about Azyrheim, but with less details than the old Grand Alliance : Order book !). And we need a map of Azyr...

    The Devoted of Sigmar armies could be presented (like in AOS1 fluff and the Lethis story) as crusading armies coming from Azyrheim to help the Cities of Sigmar and the greatly outnumbered Stormcasts Eternals in every Realms. So a kind of rearguard / reserve horde-type troops.


    As someone who just spent around £200 on a Devoted of Sigmar army before the cull, I hope you're right! 😂

    Seriously though, I knew they were not a competitive army and were liable to become unsupported and am happy with my purchases. If they were released as a new army that would be awesome! Seeing as the EW isn't in the cities of Sigmar book I think you may be onto something. They are also not one of the factions in the book that has a page on their lore. 

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks for the words Boss.

    In most cases I went over the contrast basecoats with a second layer of contrast to give the colours more opacity. I think it's worked out well as the first layer was a mix of two colours (mostly Wyldwood mixed with red or green or blue) and then a straight wash or contrast over the top. It means that most of them have a unique colour to their robes which I think is a good thing, they're wearing rags in various states of filth after all!

    Nice idea for the list, thanks! I did purposely build in all of the units in the warscroll battalion so that I could take it in a 2k point list, and also it just made for a sensible range of models to purchase/build/paint. I have a ton of unpainted Stormcasts in various starter boxes I have so I will take up your suggestion for an alternative list. I also am pretty excited for the Cities of Sigmar book coming soon, hopefully I can expand the army to 2k points with some more Stormcast/Freeguild and maybe even others.

    You're right, I will be playing matched play almost exclusively but I am not concerned at all about the most competetive list, otherwise I wouldn't be building Devoted at all!

  12. Quick status update: Jeez painting a squad of 40 is a lot of hard work! For the first time I've had some cramping in my hand and aching in my resting elbow. It feels like manual labour!

    The models at the moment are quite a mess. I had the best of intentions to be neat and tidy but that quickly become slapping on colours just to get the main areas blocked in. As we stand all 40 dudes have their robes and skin painted at least.

    I used quite a lot of contrast for skin/hair and robes and in lots of cases it's left a quite unacceptable finish which will need serious retouching if not completely painting over. As it stands I have to paint the metals and weapon hafts, followed by last bits of cloth/bandage and then they will be mostly finished. The last step will be a model-by-model touching up process to clean up any mistakes.



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  13. Evening all.

    Since returning to The Hobby 18 months ago I've been very naughty and built up an embarrassingly large collection of models and an even more embarrassingly small number of finished armies. Zero to be precise. To that end I present this thread! A place to post my progress with painting/modelling/narrative efforts. 

    I have the rest of this week off work and will have plenty of time to paint up a 1k narrative/matched army I have built for Devoted of Sigmar.  The list is as follows:

    Lord Celestant on Dracoth (General)
    Witch Hunter
    Warrior Priest x 2
    War Altar of Sigmar
    Flagellants 2 x 20

    Total = 990 pts

    Hopefully enough to have some fun at least! I hope to do a little creative writing for their fluff soon, but my initial idea for them is that they are essentially from a small trading town in some cold/mountainous part of Ghur (do the realms even have a north??). The coming of a zealous Stormcast and a few Azyrites to the town has whipped a large number of the populace into a pro-Sigmar frenzy and formed a semi-rabid mob ready to unleash on the non-Sigmarites in the region. More to come on this as I think on it.

    Now onto progress pics...


    The goodies...


    All built...


    Sprayed and ready to paint!

    With all their skin and cloth I'm thinking they're prime candidates for some contrast paint, and I'm hoping I can get them painted pretty quickly while training my speed muscle. Will be back soon with progress! 



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