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Posts posted by Durnaxe

  1. Ironically, Warhammer Fantasy is what got me into table top games despite never having played it, however every video I've watched of WHFB makes the game like an un-enjoyable mess and I'd rather punch a wasp hive then play it.
    I've found I enjoy 70% of the rules, the other 30% of em I DESPISE with a severe passion. It doesn't help that NONE of my friends enjoy fantasy style games. They are all over Team Yankee at the moment. One tried to get us into Star Wars legion but after playing it, feels way to much like Kill Team (40k) and I actually like Kill team (I hate IgoUgo, oh and I play 'nids so my rules get #### on all the time.)
    I only ever got to play AoS in tournaments because of a busy life. It was during the last AoS tournament (brought IJ based Warclans) I went to was so unfun that I stopped painting my bonesplitters and haven't played a game since.

    ANYWAY there are 3 things that make me angry at AoS.

    Why are there so many damn re-rolls and just rolling dice in general? You missed with your weapon, how are you able to re-roll that into a hit? What do you flex your swing so hard your axe or sword bends enough to hit the target? Oh you swing it again wouldn't that JUST BE ANOTHER ATTACK?!  Same with shooting, what is this Wanted! where we can curve arrow bolts and hit the target? Get rid of wound rolls or saves as well. 3 dice should not need to be rolled to hit something, more if its random damage (I'm okay with random damage).

    All of the scenarios are utter garbage. I HATE all of them. Like, the level of hate that Allied Mastercomputer (AM) from "I have no mouth and I must scream" has for humans I have for the scenarios.
    Every game, every scenario, is "Go hold point" and is stupid trash. GW games are the ONLY games I have ever played where that is the ONLY ####ING OBJECTIVE. Why? Why can't I do an X objective in addition to Y? Why is it I ALWAYS HAVE TO DO Y OBJECTIVE?
    I'm basically a narrative only player now which means I might as well chuck all my Orruks into the garbage since the only people who play around here are all tournament players, even though I'd love to start a Legion of Azghor army.

    IgoUgo can go ####### with a ##### while ##### is in its #####.  If you could only move half your army and shoot or attack with it I'd enjoy it much more, or make it more like Kill Team/Apocalypse from 40k with a more alternating action capability.

    Almost everything else about this game I enjoy. I enjoy the surface level lore but after diving into more in-depth stuff in 40k, I should stick to the surface level lore or otherwise I'll be disappointed. 
    I do want to play an AoS orruk in some tabletop rpg setting but that side of my friend group has no interest in AoS.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 3
  2. I'm super dissapointed by this turn of events. I was actually looking to start this army after I was done with my bonespiltterz.

    This army was the closest thing AoS has for an artillery army that I saw (KO seems trash atm and Cities/Skaven are exploding artillery) so I was looking forward to something far different then what I have played. Hopefully this isn't just negative news for AoS.

  3. This is going to be a wall of rant from a new player, warning issued.

    So I just got back from my current escalation league match  and I have to say I'm starting to get very disenchanted with Ironjaws.
    I really want to love them but what am I supposed to do against all this shooting, flying, instant unbinding, and deep striking? I thought @Malakree was being silly with wanting the 40k Deepstriking rule (that rule makes me not want to play 40k with my nids) but after encountering SCE today, yea I want that rule ASAP.
    I started Ironjaws knowing they were underpowered but I was hoping for at least some close games and not these total stomps I keep encountering but man, its really frustrating.

    Mighty Destoyers is so un-reliable I might as well not even roll for it and now Thunderscorn get what it used to be...yaaay.....
    Smashing and bashing when it actually works is amazing but it never works because everyone has 3+ re-rolling saves or ignores rend and FNP.
    Eager for Battle helps but feels like only on Ardboyz.
    As for units, I really like Gore-Grunta's since it's our only model with speed and has great wound count for the points. Good number of attacks too. 
    Ard boyz are awesome too with a +3" charge and being a scary tarpit unit damage output wise (though I think my ardboy bosses need to quick drinking)
    Warchanter is great for his buffing abilities and he's no slouch in combat, wish he had rend though. Might actually put him onto par with everything else in the game having rend. 
    Megaboss is amazing in combat but holy friggin ****** is his waagh absolute, utterly terrible, hot stinking dog s###. It's sooo bad I never want to use it. It almost forces you to bring an Orruk Warboss just for his waagh alone.
    Wierdnob is still unknown to me, he feels like he should be good but I cant tell since he dies right away without doing anything (oh wait the knight incantor dispelled the only thing he did for free....). His spells feel terrible since they require us never getting our ardboyz into combat. At least you can bring groups of orruks with bows to help with that.
    Brutes. I really, really REALLY hate brutes. 3 wounds, 6 bravery, FOUR ####ING INCH MOVEMENT, and our most expensive unit does not do what it needs to. Every time I've dropped brutes onto the table they either get dogpiled instantly or immediately shot off/run away before they get to do anything. Why are the biggest and baddest Orruks total wusses when it comes to bravery? When they get to fight its amazing (esp boss klaw/smasha) but  with their garbage bravery, terrible wound count, and slow movement they get to die before fighting. I don't understand how you can run them without Ironfist. If you run you can't charge, if you run and cant charge, then they get charged and die. They cost way to much for what they are. 
    Haven't gotten to use MBMK but I'm HOPING he doesn't let me down, or get shot to uselessness before he gets to move. His Waagh looks slightly better but you still have to roll (which is stupid for how many points he is).

    Maybe next month when I finally have enough points for a battalion I'll actually be able to get to not feel so gimped. I'm looking at a wierdfist with boys and grunta's to try and do something.

    I try to play the objective game but then they tarpit my heroes or shoot them down. I try to use cover to avoid it but apparently shooting through a ruins window doesn't count as cover. We're not fast so other armies can get to objectives faster, we don't have anything against Mortal Wounds, and we can't fight on the magic level. 
    I know I'm still new, can and will make mistakes. I'm reading on here to go for objectives when we are too slow and vulnerable to do so and my LGS has an IJ player who says "Ignore objectives, just deathstar" and both of those keep failing for me. I'm trying to take as much advice as I can to heart from these forums and what my fellow orruk player tells me but man, this is getting depressing seeing everyone having cool toys and I can't do jack ******.
    The only match that was even close was against Slaneeshi demon's and even then he can take his cheap units and delete a squad with 72+ attacks (I pulled my brutes after the first 50) but thats because it feels like two underpowered armies smacking each other around while all the favorite children get all the cool stuff to pick on us with. I guess I'll just keep losing to all the SCE, deepkin, and Nighthaunt players till I reach the armies that are actually at my level and then I get competitive games. Assuming I just don't loose my temper and chuck all these orks in the garbage.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Honestly though I'm thinking we need to be abusing the SoJ, it's the one ridiculous combo we have for removing those horrific monsters we normally can't deal with. Either on a footboss or on the Cabbage.

    I think this combo needs explained to me. I'm guessing just multiple WAAGHs and (mulitple?) FoV to buff up our SoJ wielder?

  5. 4 hours ago, Malakree said:

    @Durnaxe do you need to keep the units as you go up points or can you completely change your list?

    Going for wc2 you could pick up some gitmob rock lobbers, you get 1 per 4 units total and are 100 points each.


    I can change the army lists entirely as long as I stay in my allegiance. I signed up as "orcs" because I didn't know any better at the time so the TO put me down as destruction so I guess in theory I could do a complete switch and start running Beastcallers


    2 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    Warcraft 2 Horde seems sort of mildly incompatible. 

    Dragon Riders would probably be a regular warboss on wyvern or maybe maw-krusha with some imagination. 

    I guess you could take allies for a few ogres, but are there any ogres mages in the whole game? 

    Grunts would probably just be ‘Ardboys 

    but then there’s like summon daemon which is for sure chaos and a bunch of just like death and necromancy from the acolytes and warlocks which Destruction just doesn’t have like death knights and acolytes and so on. 

    Also there is no troll axe thrower or berserker equivalent I know of or goblin sappers. Still it could probably be done with some creativity and some conversions :) 


    Yea I plan on doing my dragon riders as the MBMK and the Warboss on wyvern. The Ogre mages I've found are Butcher from gutbusters and the Firebelly, though I did find a 2 headed ogre mage model that I plan on using if I use an Ogre wizard.
    At least one wierdnob shaman is supposed to be my representative of Gul'dan and my Shaman on boar is a hero forge model that is gonna be Teron Gorfiend (I cleared proxies with the TO before really setting into the theme).
    It's not an official GW store so as long as the TO clears it proxies are allowed within certain tolerances. Sadly my idea of turning a Magma Dragon into Deathwing is put on the back burner since its 520 points and with match play rules I cannot ally him in ?
    I was gonna turn Bonsplitterz savage arrow boys into some trolls but then I remembered they would fit much better as Cho'gall's crazed Twilight hammer clan. Although one of the people at my shop did say there was a rumor of IJ getting axe throwers at some point...
    Otherwise Ardboyz and orruks are the grunts and I'm taking a slight liberty with the mounted units since in WC2 they were ogres but in WC1 and 3 they are wolf riders.

    ANYWAY the only real ally splash I saw from lists on here was the fungoid shaman so I wasn't too worried about trying to fit other ally's in.

  6. Hey all after finding out the subreddit is nothing but people posting their paint schemes I found this site and this section for IJ and was looking for advice and a couple of questions answered. My actual gameplay experience is a whopping 3 games but I listen and watch battle reports as I paint (Oh and reading all 17 pages of this thread did help as well).
    With the start of AoS 2.0 my LGS had started an escalation league. Choosing IJ, I got wrecked by my opponents Deepkin if the first round at 500 points (though a lot of that was I could not win initiative at all).
    Before I smash my face into whomever I play next, I'd like some advice on my armies.
    I've got a rough idea of the next couple of lists. Most of it was gleamed from this thread's advice.
    Putting them in spoilers to make it less of a mess. Also a minor stipulation about my lists, we have a "theme" competition going on for the league and since I'm already off on a bad footing for actually winning I'm trying for to keep my theme,and my theme is...Warcraft 2. So unless there are some grot suicide bombers (goblin sappers) I'm keeping it as Orky as possible.

    750pt bracket:


    140pts - Megaboss on Foot (General) w/ Ironclad and Amberglaive
    80pts - Warchanter
    160pts - Ardboys
    180pts - Brutes
    140pts - Gore Gruntas
    700 points total
    1 Extra CP
    Went with Ghur for the Amberglaive as a pseudo Warchanter, that way the real Warchanter can focus on the brutes.

    1000pt bracket:


    180pts - Wierdfist Battallion
    120pts - Weirdnob Shaman (General) w/Ironclad and Doppelganger Cloak
    140pts - Gore Gruntas
    140pts - Gore Gruntas
    140pts - Gore Gruntas
    120pts - Orruk Great Shaman on Boar w/Spellmirror (ally)
    80pts - Orruks w/Bows and Cuttas (ally)
    40pts - Balewind Vortex
    40pts - Geminids of Uhl-Gysh
    1000 points
    1 Extra CP
    Gonna go with Wierdfist at this level since any other battallion seems insufficient at the bracket. Also got the idea from this very thread at some point. Without a WAAAGH! of some sort extra CP doesn't seem THAT needed. The orruks with bows stick with the wierdnob up on his balewind to keep giving him a +1 and just a small cheap shooty wall. The great shaman keeps up with the Gore Gruntas with his spell mirror and other spells.

    1250pt bracket:


    140pts - Mega Warboss on Foot (General) w/Ironclad and Amberglaive
    80pts - Warchanter w/Gryph Feather Charm
    180pts - Ironfist Battallion
    160pts - Ardboys
    180pts - Brutes
    180pts - Brutes
    140pts - Gore Gruntas
    140pts - Gore Gruntas
    2 Extra CP
    This list I am a little iffy on still. Running Ironfist just to have a nice catch all battallion, running multiple small units to avoid bravery checks on some of the more cowardly models and if I need to head towards objectives If I have to. Might combine the Brutes into one unit to make the Warchanter's life a little easier.

    The 1500 and 1750 brackets I'm not entirely set on yet. 1500 thinking a big gorefist with warboss on wyvern but that means more kitbashing for my theme (putting orks on wolves instead of pigs) and I'm feeling kinda lazy in that regard. 1750 and 2000 I'm looking at Bloodtoofs with cogs, HOWEVER I am confused about Bloodtoofs.

    Bloodtoofs says it requires a Megaboss on Maw Krusha and a 5 man Ironfist battallion. I use the app battlescribe for alot of my list building and I double check it against the Warscroll builder. Except the Warscroll builder doesn't auto include requirements or warn of you such, where Battlescribe does. Battlescribe says the 5 man Ironfist Battallion is free.
    So my questions are as follows, (1) Is the Ironfist free in Bloodtoofs? (2) Does the MBMK get the free move from "ere we go" or is that only for the "5 man" Ironfist battallion?

    Thanks for any help in this regard!

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