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Nighthaunt Noob

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Posts posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. 3 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

    So they HAVE said that more Soulblight stuff is to come, but I do find it weird that they’re still teasing it tbh. Just let the cat out the bag, we all know that they’re coming!

    Because there are quite a few things ahead of them in the release cycle? We just saw all of the Lumineth today.

    • Like 1
  2. I've seen a number of surveys like this where Fyreslayers score extremely poorly. This may be controversial but I think the best solution here is not to give them more models. You don't sink money into a loser. They should, at best, merge them into a combined Duardin book. It isn't just the number of options that causes them to score low. It is the visual design. There are other low kit armies that score much better in appeal and use.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Hashut said:

    Just a thought on the mysterious silhouette- why are we assuming it’s one model? If the design elements that we can identify don’t match up, doesn’t it make sense that GW might have mashed-up the silhouettes of two or more models?


    the news of Hashut’s return fills me with a joy I can barely describe. Aqshy is his by right!

    Because GW has never done that before...

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  4. 19 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    are those warden's spears off the sprue or elongated?? because the second from the right is so clearly bent... if these are from the sprue i'm kinda glad i didn't buy wardens :(

    While the spears are a pain, there is often an issue with the way they take these pictures that artificially makes the pikes look bent.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Overread said:

    those are awesome skeletons! 

    As for Gravelords and Soulblight it could still be on the fence, they blend well and would give the vampires a good troop optoin; but we'll just have ot see. Also remember that the rpg game is going to have allies together so what appears united there might be separate in the main game. Just look at the good side, its all units from different forces. 



    No way that they aren't part of the faction. Their armor design and paint scheme picks up with the Vampires we've seen already.

    Also I can't imagine the term "Gravelord" not lumping in skeletons.

  6. I was thinking about this old Azyrheim Cryer recently as a source of rumours. 


    Certainly it has been a sign of some things to come (Bugman model, Vampires, Morathi's narrative resurgence, Slaanesh, possibly the Seraphon WU band). There are still some things that I don't think we've heard about in here. Possibly still more hints left in this article or just filler mixed in with the real rumours?

  7. 4 hours ago, Shearl said:

    I wonder if it will be the Grave Keeper and some of the generic enemies that accompanies it. So maybe we'll get a look of the Grave Keeper and some zombies or something. 


    I think that's a good guess. Unless the game is coming sooner than we think they can't give too much yet.

  8. 40 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh my!! I'm sure the Grave Keeper will be gone over in detail like the Witch Hunter. There are 12 characters so they could reveal one a week for 3 months leading up to Warhammer Quests release!!

    Also really hoping they mean to unveil the entire Warband this week because that would be amazing!!

    well they said they would be looking at "some of the villains" so unless they're playing fast and loose with language (which certainly wouldn't be a first), hopefully we'll see something new as well this week.

  9. 7 hours ago, Gwill_of_the_Woods said:

    Do we have any indication if timelines for reveals or releases for this?

    I'm so hyped 🤣

    Anywhere between March and May (probably not as early as March but some people claim to have an inside scoop that it could be)?

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    I have to respectfully disagree with you there. The problem is rounding. Let's say you develop mathematically consistent way of pointing warscrolls. You put a warscroll into the model and it spits out a value of 95 points. You put in another warscroll and it spits out a value of 94 points. These warscrolls are going to be almost identical in power level, but 10 point rounding will leave one at 90 points and the other at 100 points. If the warscrolls are within the same faction that can be the difference between one being competitive and the other seeing no competitive play. If we're talking about basic battleline for two different factions it could have a significant impact in faction balance.  The less rounding we have the better.


    This requires us to suspend reality and believe that GW is accurate enough with their estimations of value that they are currently "forced" to price two very similar units 10 points apart from each other. There is no way GW's points balance issues have anything to do with rounding. That gives them way to much credit.

  11. 45 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    They don’t get access to the normal STD spell lore? 

    If so, that’s one of the things I found frustrating about the Lumineth one, they chose the keywords on purpose in way to make sure Myari can’t cast anything besides what’s on the Warscroll. He has a Warscroll spell at least, not something fun or awesome though.

    I don’t understand why they really try hard for most of the bands to make them pretty much unfun and useless in the main game. 

    Right?! It doesn't make any sense. It seems like they could make a lot more money if they cross sold their products more. Don't give Underworlds warbands such throw away warscrolls, make Underworlds bands more portable into Warcry, etc.

  12. 1 hour ago, zamerion said:

    GW said on Sunday that there would be a blood bowl article for the future of this season this week.



    nothing has uploaded.

    It is normal?

    They did the same thing with a Khagra's Ravagers article that didn't post til this week when it was supposed to be last week. I don't think they're doing a good job updating some of their preview articles based on schedule delays to their release timeline.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    There's already a shining Sigmarite priestess in there. A Lumineth priest breaking off from Teclis' Hysh invasion force to further spread the light or a even a dour black armored Anvil of Heldenhammer Stormcast or skull-helmed, former life necromancer/vampire, Relictor stormcast priest would fit with her divinity.

    It's all in the presentation. Just look at any AoS28 examples:




    Sure but GW almost always paints Stormcast one way. Bright shining gold just doesn't fit any of the aesthetic they have laid out so far. A converted Death Guard model doesn't do anything to convince me GW would do it in a way that fits.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 26 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah, that's why I put they can easily surprise us because trying to predict GW is like guessing where a bottle  rocket without the stick is gonna fly. xD

    Like they discontinued the Doomseeker despite having a perfect army for him and then brought it back with the Fyreslayer update.

    Warhammer Quest's history is very random so using it as a basis is definitely us clutching at any straws.

    Yeah, the blocky body, strange head and bulky forearms kinda look like somebody tried to build an Orruk.

    Also yeah I hope the 8th hero is Deepkin(or Solaire Lumineth would be fine too in bringing the sun back into the city with their glowing body). The map has that old canal that could connect with them and certainly there's a ton of tempting lost souls in the city now.

    I'd rather not any Lumineth or Stormcast. They don't feel quite right for the grittiness of the setting.

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  15. Right so we've seen 6 of the 8 heroes so far. Really curious what the last 2 might be. No stormcast yet. I'm really hoping it stays that way as they would break the gothic horror immersion in my opinion. They aren't gritty enough for the setting. I think we could use 1 more tank/barbarian type. 1 more spell caster might be nice too. I hope the last 2 spots are bigger wildcards though, like a not traditionally "good" faction.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    That’s not the reason. The actual reason is manifold:

    - People try to keep occupied (painting, building, watching an endless tide of grey rising)

    - People Plan armies for games once the Pandemic  ceases

    - People might play with their wifes/ children/ room mates and therefor need a second army

    - People Are trying to cure the rising mental pressure and decreasing mental health by consumption (hobby goods)

    - People like the models and so they buy the models

    - Quite a flood of new players that discovered or rediscovered this hobby which keeps them occupied.

    Simply claiming that only the Model matters and that‘s why sales rise is losing sight of the complex situation at hand.

    On the contrary:

    My brothers and I for example have bought as few models as never before during the lockdown. Reasons: Yeah there are cool new models, but I already have enough cool models that need painting. I‘ve sold about 350 models and only bought 30 new ones as I realized that I have enough of everything. 🤷🏼‍♂️ (And the Marketing is rather anti-Hype for me lately).

    What about other hobbyists I wonder? Did they buy more or rather less than usual?

    Only 1 of the 6 reasons you provided require GW to make nuanced rules tweaks. My "people only care about models" comment certainly contained some hyperbole, but at the end of the day I stand by the assertion that GW doesn't have to do much above and beyond to tweak and improve their existing rulesets to keep people buying their products. AOS is a perfectly playable game without big FAQ updates to balance the meta. You'd think the way some people are reacting that AOS literally was left with a totally abandoned ruleset because, gasp, the rules today are almost exactly the same as they were yesterday.

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  17. 52 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    AoS 3 is at the end of this year at the earliest. And "They just care more about money than customer satisfaction" is also not really an excuse.

    I think my point is the evidence suggests that customers don't seem to care that much about "customer satisfaction", at least as it pertains to rules/gameplay. They mostly just care about good models which is why they're happy to buy even when we're all locked down.

  18. People can't play in person and GW's sales are higher than ever. They really don't have that much business incentive to invest a lot of time in rules and points tweaks, especially if 3.0 is going to hit later this year and shake some things up.

    I do however agree that their excuse is lame considering 40k got points updates but I also get why this isn't really a priority for them.

  19. 7 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    It'll probably be £25 in Bong, so slap on GW's Colony Tax and $35-$40 sounds about right. 

    The 'reasonable' price really depends on the warband. For something like Vampires that you can, presumably, use to proxy a character model it's pretty good. £22.50 for a Nurgle Sorcerer that's not twenty years old + two Blightkings isn't bad either. The problem is when you get something like Grymwatch where it's cheaper just to buy another box of generic Ghouls.

    Also remember that Underworlds is pushed as something of a LCG, wherein even if you don't want the models these boxes contain a lot of cards that pretty much every player wants. You're not required to do it, but due to the importance of these cards - particularly if you're playing a weaker warband - and the competitive nature of the game (it's right there on the box) you're definitely pushed to it. If you're just into buying it for the models then yeah, by GW standards it's pretty cheap but if you play it half-way seriously the cost definitely ramps up almost deceptively quickly.

    The dual demand for the contents of the box can also mitigate cost. If you don't want the cards, there's a group of people out there willing to pay for them. If you don't want the models, there's a different group of people willing to take them off your hands.

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