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Nighthaunt Noob

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Posts posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. 5 hours ago, swarmofseals said:


    The one warscroll that I really dislike is Chaos Knights. The design is poor, particularly given the monopose kit in the new box. The champion's flail option is mathematically worse than the ensorcelled weapon (and benefits less from bonus attacks). You basically never want to take the flail, but unless I am misunderstanding the SC box will force you to build the champion with an inferior weapon. The lances are also dicey. They are better than the blades on the charge, but not by a lot. Using rend weighting they are about 25% better on the charge. They are much worse if you aren't charging though. Blades are 165% better if you aren't charging. So for the lances to be better, you'd need to be charging during 7 activations for every 1 activation that you aren't charging. And of course the new kit is lances only.


    How does the champion's extra attack work with the flail?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

    Call me pessimistic, but I think that making the things monopose will not diminish its price. People were hoping the same during the transition from metal to plastic and turns out that things are even more expensive after the change. The Slaves SC is not cheaper than other non easy to build ones and I’m not sure if nighthaunt are the best example of cheap easy to build, as chainrasp are expensive as hell.

    Are they cheap as a start collecting? No. Are they cheap compared to what a box of 10 warriors, a box of 5 mounted models, and a unique hero box would cost? Absolutely. Probably somewhere between a 35 to 50% discount on what 3 boxes like that would cost separately, and other start collectings can't boast brand new, fantastic sculpts.

  3. 1 hour ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    My understanding is that there will be multipart releases of the SC set around March. 
    I have no issues with easy to build start collecting sets. Obviously it's a shift in direction from the current SC sets.... Ideally the easy to build ones would be a bit cheaper. Some of the easy to build nighthaunt stuff is significantly cheaper than similar multipart kits, which makes sense. 

    Any source or basis for that "understanding"?

  4. 3 hours ago, Austin said:

    I guess I am hoping the community article is poorly worded? But I think if they were coming out with a multi-part version, they would have said that also.  So that sort of stinks.

    Puts a damper on the release to be honest.  Although I am pumped about the SC box, I was hoping to finally update all the very very old warrior models.

    I think people could be reading a bit too much into the wording. Is a multi-part kit coming out next month? Almost certainly not. However, I don't think this language is meant to be interpreted that one isn't coming out at all next year. 

    If there truly aren't any more new kits coming out for the next few years, that would certainly be disappointing, but at the same time there are so many things that could still use new models, I'd prefer if they did 3 new kits for 10 armies instead of 10 new kits for 3 armies and slowly improve the quality of each army range.

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  5. 57 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Makes sense actually. Last week I was on vacation in the UK and I was at one of their major store fronts and was chatting with one of the employees who asked what faction I played. I told him Legion of Blood and then I proceeded to talk about how I wished LoN would get updated and/or there would be more Vampire stuff. He told me that he has heard internally of a Soulblight related army coming out but not until 2021, which seems like a really long ways away but I don't know. He also mentioned some really big models coming out in the near future fr AoS. If there was a Soulblight related army coming out then I could very well see "Legions of Nagash" being phased out for specific Death factions and not the LoN "soup" as we know it.

    While it is extremely unlikely your buddy has any legit info, I'll bite. What are these supposed "big models" coming out?

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  6. 4 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    My issue is that GW has sort of started forcing "diversity" into both 40k and AoS in the last few years. To me it doesn't feel like it's been handled in a natural and realistic way. It can come across as their being a quota. In particular the fact that the majority of the stormcast exclusive models have been named female characters. It seems like they really want to show off their diversity. 

    It feels like Warhammer, rather than being the sort of harder fantasy world, has beant it's own rules to ensure a certain level of gender representation. 

    With all the culture wars stuff going on sometimes you just want fantasy to be fantasy in the traditional vein. 

    It honestly isn't a big thing or something I think about much. It's just another thing to sort of roll my eyes about when I see these exclusive stormcast models. 

    I have absolutely no issue with women, I love my partner, the women in my family and I respect my female colleagues. But warhammer has always been a "boys and their toys" space and it doesn't need to be liberalised or diversified. 

    I hope you can see where I'm coming from even if you don't agree.

    Anyway didn't mean to go so off topic. To end I would have preferred a cool and gender neutral exclusive nighthaunt model. 

    Having a problem with overly tailored/marketed models is one thing, but suggesting that the hobby in general should continue to be haven for men and doesn't need more diversity is ridiculous.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Does anyone want a Kidney? Or how about a bit of liver - or a lung! 

    Fairly sure I can do without them in order to be able to afford next week! *

    Now that's a launch! Boxes of 20 surprises me, though I'm really excited to see the cavalry! 

    We also finally get to see this guy




    *failing that I've got some high elf chariots and wood elves....... ;)

    Am I the only one that looks at these and thinks, damn this army would be so much cooler if they didn't wear armor? The guys manning the catapult also inspire this thought in me.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Raviv said:

    Combining a few things people said here, I'm starting to think that the new mini that was generally assumed to be part of a new dual box is actually a one-man underworlds warband

    I doubt it. There were other ogres in the reveal video that looked like the right amount of models for 1 half of a dual box.

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  9. 9 hours ago, the_master288 said:

    Still waiting for that Slaves to Darkness Battletome.  I find it hilarious that with all this Warcry excitement, they decided to go a different route with the reveals.  I'm happy for those Battletome reveals, don't get me wrong, but I mean.............. Slaves could've used a Battletome reveal now too.

    Idk, considering the most recent new models (not counting single heroes and terrain/endless spells) before this were for Slannesh, and we've got Warcry going on now, plus 40k got a bunch of Chaos and Chaos Knights, I think getting StD next would be a little bit overkill and demoralize non-Chaos fans of the game. It is better to mix stuff in-between IMO. 

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  10. 11 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    Yea, it's low hanging fruit for a "new" faction if the centrepiece model is already out there.

    Why does it have to be a new model necessarily? 

    Because it is someone that Nagash just broke out of a stormvault so it wouldn't be someone that was already being fielded in armies.

  11. 33 minutes ago, the_master288 said:

    I agree with you completely.  It seems that the community is under the ASSUMPTION that GW will do something and release the new box models separately at some point.  I don't like sitting here and watching players not be able to get the models they want because they were held hostage to a box set months ago, and have no sign of being released as a separate unit anytime soon.

    No one is making any assumptions. GW has explicitly told us that the models in Looncurse will be made available individually. I can't recall but they probably said the same about Carrion Empire as well.

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  12. 48 minutes ago, SaJeel said:

    Yea the story isn't resolved In forbidden power, it's gonna continue, my money is 100% on Be'lakor anyone else got any idea who this old Ally could be?


     And gods are more abstract they are like a collection of energy able to move and change, as such all of them has to be destroyed for them to truely die. eg as long as there is urgold Grimnir still exists as that is what his energy has coalesced into 

    How is Be'lakor an old ally of Nagash?

    • Thanks 2
  13. 13 minutes ago, Murder Pancake said:

    I wish they would just share the warscrolls for everything else since the books are delayed. I know it won't happen, but I would feel considerably more comfortable building new models if I knew what options were.

    Agreed I haven't finished assembling Looncurse yet cuz I'm waffling on spite vs tree revenants. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, aktanolt said:

    Hey there , not sure what it's mean ( or if it mean something) But GW just relaunch some army color packs. First one is Khorne, which just got a new battletome. But also there is Nurgle, Chaos and .... Seraphon.  Not sure if it's a random preorder or some short terms preparation for upcoming Battletome updates .


    Behold the redemption of NDABreaker?

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  15. 26 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Over on Honest wargamer they have been collecting tournament stats for a while. Stormcast is the second most popular army after LON. After them it is a big gap to number 3.

    Probably not the fairest measure since it is heavily influenced by the strength support of different armies.

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