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Posts posted by BlancoNino

  1. 30 minutes ago, Tasman said:

    Looks pretty solid.... the only thing I'd change,---and this is just my preference, is a blight lord instead and blight cyst. You'd have a little trouble freeing up the 20 pts, tho. And the synergy that you have would change a bit, but I like his command ability better.

    Also, check out some of the cool artifacts in the Malign sorcery book. In particular ulgu for the sword of judgement, or Ghyran for Ghyrstrike. Either of these on the Verminlord are epic.

    He actually have 80 points left over because eblessed sons required plague.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Tasman said:

    You may need to re-read that scroll for the Harbinger..... it states that he can give "a' unit the 5+ save. Singular now as opposed to the 7" bubble effect of before. Still pretty potent though.

    I think your interpretation is a little off personally.  If it said pick a unit within 7" you would be correct.  The warscroll says each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a friendly Nurgle unit while they are within 7".  To me the "a"  is a description, not a limit.  Also I belive they FAQ changes like that (see Glottkin ability change) and there isn't anything for Harbringer.

  3. spoilpox scrivener would work to trigger the plague drone extra attack, and as the drones have plaguebearer keyword, do they trigger the rerolls?  If so, has anyone tried this?  I know hes slow, but the flying + speed boost artefact would let him keep up and I dont know if people would focus him over the drones.

  4. 12 hours ago, calcysimon said:

     On the first list u can try play more defensive, I would play rotigus with sorcerer with 2 spells Artifact, u will force your OPPO to bring down roti and sorcerer as soon as possible since they can kill 1 hero in 1 hero phase with their spells (plagues qual on source) witherstave on harbinger and general trait on the wheel switch for more chances of 3 mortal wounds effects on 1 hero

    I had tried to play more defensive the last few matches to no avail.  While I like the list, I think I'm going to let it go for now.  The spell focus might work, but DoK and LoN have powerful casters to unbind so it's not garunteed.


    11 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I dont think its anything other then the fact that Plague cyst just isnt very competitive. For 200 points, you get re-roll 2s for blightkings (since lop already lets you reroll 1s) and an extra 15% chnace to do d3 mortal wounds 3 times a game..It's simply not a tournament level competitive battalion.  That is... if your intention is to be as competitive as possible. blightkings are the backbone of that army.. but the battalion bonuses (boni??) doesnt do much to support the backbone.  The Lord of Plagues is such a dope character and model. I absolutley LOVE that he chops people up and mulches his garden with there bodies! But if you want to beat some of these harder matchups... in my opinion.. its blight cyst or no battalion. Blight cyst certainly has its weaknesses. nighthaunt is LOL. seraphon too. But most of the time.. rend -1 on blightkings, and ignore cover are just so so much better of a bonus then plague cyst. Plgue cyst should cost more then 120-140 points imo. WAY over costed. 

    After thinking about it today I have to agree.  Blightkings are strong, but relying on just their exploding 6s that are easily countered (geminids) and rerolling into them just isn't effective.  Going to give blight cyst a try this week.

  5. Allegiance: Nurgle - Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Great Unclean One (340) - General - Command Trait : Pestilent Breath  - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell - Artefact :  The Witherstave  - Lore of Virulence : Favoured Poxes
    Gutrot Spume (140)
    Lord of Plagues (140) - Artefact :  Ghyrstrike 
    Harbinger of Decay (160) - Artefact :  Rustfang  
    Sorcerer (120) - Lore of Foulness : Plague Squall
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    Plague Cyst (200)
    The Blessed Sons (100)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000     EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2     WOUNDS: 143

    Having trouble coming up with a list for NOVA.  The Plagued Sons (above) was my first real attempt I thought would be solid enough.  However, I keep getting crushed by a DoK Witch horde type army.  He keeps his hags bubble wrapped by 2 sets of 30 witch elves, which manage to do 60-80 attacks each.  I am not very experienced, which I may be making my list appear weaker than its potential.  It also makes we think about other horde type armies (LoN mainly) and if I would be able to handle it.  I guess what I'm wondering is what everyone thinks of the above list?  Should I just keep practicing with it?  Should I tweak it to something similar to the list below?  Should I start from scratch (I have most units either built or in the box for Nurgle)?  Any input is appreciated, I can handle criticism so please be as tough as you can be.


    Allegiance: Nurgle - Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Great Unclean One (340) - General - Command Trait : Pestilent Breath  - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell - Artefact :  The Witherstave  - Lore of Virulence : Favoured Poxes
    Gutrot Spume (140)
    Lord of Plagues (140) - Artefact :  Rustfang  
    Festus The Leechlord (140) - Lore of Foulness : Plague Squall
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    3 x Plague Drones (200)
    Plague Cyst (200)
    Balewind Vortex (40)


  6. Had an idea for a feculant gnarlmaw, but I'm hesitant to pull the trigger customizing one of the two I have left to build (largely because they are expensive and hard to come by) so i figured I'd post the idea here and get other opinions before I pull the tigger.  Basically I would build the tree, then hack it apart to make a stump similar to the image.  Just not sure how good it would look because the tree is gorgeous, but it would mix it up rather than having 3 similar ones.



  7. 12 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I think this would be a mistake. Blessed sons and harby makes those kings an immovable brick that can also dish out a butt load of mortal wounds and regular wounds. Most objectives are tap and go. if you need to leave 5 behind to guard an important one then you still have 10 with lop, sorc and harby. 


    He is squishy if he is run into the heart of the enemy like a beatstick. I wouldnt treat him the same I would Prince Vordraior say a war mammoth. He is a support character who is also really good in combat. He makes marauders potentially one of the most devastating units in our army and also one of the best tarpits in the game. Plus I spent WEEKS painting him and he single handedly won me runner up best painted at NOVA last year. So Its VERY VERY hard for me to not take him. 

    I like your list a LOT. Especially with plague cyst and blessed sons in there. Im clouded with "model bias". I spent a LOT of time converting horticulous and painting him to a high standard (for me) and since my army is HEAVILY converted to be in the middle of a garden it is hard to not include the Grandfather's head gardener! And now I am getting that same attachment to the CLoDM! I need tos top converveting before I run out of lists!! haha. Let me know how the game went PLEASE!

    I played most of this last night against my friends Deepkin army in Duality of Death.  I did make one slight change where I removed harbringer to increase the knights to a unit of 10.  His list was the caster Eidolon, Akhelian King, Soulscryer, Tidecaster, x10 Thralls, x3 Morrsarr Guard, x3 Morrsarr Guard, x3 Morrsarr Guard, x6 Ishlaen Guard (or something very similar).  


    Turn 1

    Opponent  went first and took the left objective with his Eidolon, wrapped with a bubble of Thralls, then moved his Tidecaster (on balewind) 8" away to the far left side of the board.  He took the right objective with his King wrapped with 2 groups of Morrsarr.  He delayed the Soulscryer with 1 group of Morrsar and the Ishlaen. 

    I charged his Morrsar with my Knights/CLoDM and sent 5 Kings in for backup.  Managed to lose 2 knights, but killed 4 of the 6 units wrapping the king.  LoP charged his Eidolon doing minimal damage.  Attempted to charge the Eidolon with 5 kings but failed, with Gutrot 9" away his kings, but they all failed the charge.  My remaining Kings charged the Tidecaster and killed her dead. 


    Turn 2

    I win the double turn, finish charging Gutrot and the 2 units of Kings into Eidolon/Thralls and manage to kill them all with ease (one unit of Kings managed to generate 25 hits total on his Eidolon, my opponent was not happy).  The Kings that killed the tide caster started to run across the board to support there.   Finished off the Morrsar with my Knights. and moved the Kings up, but failed the charge on his King.


    Opponent decided it was time to bring in his Soulscryer to support his King as he would have a point lead so long as he didn't lose that objective.  The x3 Morrsarr charged my Kings and did their exploding thing, and managed to kill 2.  I killed 2 of them in return, but was unable to finish off the unit so they were stuck.  The Ishlaen managed to kill 6 of my Knights, and decimated that far they didn't do anything in return.


    Turn 3

    I win the roll again.  Start to run my sorcerer and Festus to the right objective, realizing my CLoDM is most likey dead.  Leave my Gutrot on the objective with a unit of kings wrapping him and begin to run the LoP and other unit of Kings toward the right objective.  On the right side my Kings killed the last Morrsar, but weren't in range to do anything further.   His Ishlaen finished off the Knights and CLoDM.


    Opponent moves and charges my sorcerer with his 6 Ishlaen, killing him easily.

    Turn 4

    I win the roll again, finish running everything closer, but not close enough to charge his King, so I charge 1 unit of my kings to deal with the Ishlaen and kill a few of them (forget exactly how many, but 2 or 3).  He wipes them off the board in return.


    We called the game at this point as it was late and we both had to work in the morning.  It was a toss up as to who would win as he would charge my last unit of kings within range to threaten him and pile in to the LoP (who had 3 wounds left from earlier combats).  If I won that combat and my LoP didn't die, I would continue moving to his King and try to kill him with 5 Kings and a LoP (which the way I was rolling was very feasible).  If I went first I would have won, if he went first or I didn't win that combat he would have won.


    All in all I am really happy with how the majority of the list preformed.  Still need to test it against some horde type armies and either learn to play with or remove the CLoDM/Knights bravery bomb, but overall the Plagued Sons battalion (Plague Cyst + Blessed Sons) is pretty solid. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, LordRogalDorn said:

    I'd almost rather drop festus from that list to either bump a PBK unit up to 10, add another PBK unit, or bring the knights to 10. 10 knights can really break a tough unit's back, I have found 5 to be decent. Yes, they are a little easier to manoeuvre as 5, but I haven't had issues getting 8-9 knights in combat on the charge so far. 


    The list I'm thinking about putting together is a bit different, and any feedback would also be appreciated. 

    Mortal Realm: Hysh
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - General
    - Trait: Pestilent Breath 
    - Artefact: The Endless Gift 
    - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions
    Horticulous Slimux 
    Gutrot Spume 
    Lord of Blights 
    - Artefact: Lens of Refraction 
    Festus The Leechlord 
    10 x Putrid Blightkings
    5 x Putrid Blightkings
    5 x Putrid Blightkings
    5 x Putrid Blightkings 
    Blight Cyst 

    2k on the nose. The basic idea is to use the great unclean one to hold the middle and give all my units a first and second turn speed boost to get to the objectives early and hold out on them for as long as possible. Gutrot will take 5 or 10 PBKs depending on if I need a big unit in my deployment zone or if they can go disrupt things. Festus tries to keep the GUO alive and Slimux helps get the summoning jump-started a turn earlier.  I'm really torn between festus and a Lord of Plagues, not sure which will actually work better in this list. 

    I thought the same, but honestly running 1 caster worries me a bit.  Maybe replace festus with a sorcerer or poxbringer, drop blessed sons and harbringer, move 1 unit of BK into another to make 10 and upping the knights to 10.   Leaves me with 140 extra points I'm not sure what to do with.



    I like your list, but Endless Gift on GUO and festus seems like overkill.  Maybe replace it with witherstave or tome of a thousand poxes?

  9. 15 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    So I am going to NOVA Open again this year. Last year I was 8th overall and Runner Up best painted army! Hoping to have similar success this year. They are sold out and wait listing with about 160 players I believe. Last year was 67 lol

    This list I have been playing with lately. Not feeling to confident with it at the moment. But I like it..haha. I converted my own chaos lord on demonic mount so I REALLY want to bring him to nova. Sort of a beast to rot fly metamorphosis gone wrong (right?) with a Cell (Dragonball Z) style life/body draining appendage! 


    I also am just so immensly proud of my work on the glotkin I cant bring myself to remove him... 

    This is the list..please be brutally honest. 

    Allegiance: Nurgle 
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran 

    The Glottkin (420) 
    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction 

    Gutrot Spume (140) 

    Festus The Leechlord (140) 
    - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall 

    Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount (140) 
    - General 
    - Trait: Hideous Visage 
    - Artefact: The Carrion Dirge 
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 

    40 x Chaos Marauders (200) 
    - Axes & Shields 
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 

    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 

    10 x Chaos Knights (320) 
    - Chaos Glaives 
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle 

    Total: 2000 / 2000 
    Wounds: 188 

    -Gutrot takes ten kings with him. Ambushes an objective, backfield unit, sows chaos, spilts enemy forces. A solid fighting group. 

    -Chaos Lord on Demonic Mount (CLoDM) and the knights roll together. At -5 bravery combined, they can do some serious damage on the charge and in battleshock. CLoDM command ability is superb and makes them a great target for blades (+1 and rr charges). Another solid independent fighting group. My thoughts were to have them charge in, retreat, have one of the 5 man units step up and plug the holes, hold then enemy in place while the knights prepare for another charge. 

    -Glotkin and the marauders run together. He can double their attacks, wounds, cast blades on them...really whatever I need. They can be a tarpit or a mortal wound bomb. The second unit of blightkings runs behind them as backup. 

    Please let know your thoughts. Dont hold back on criticism. Maybe I should ditch the bravery bomb and select different artifact and command trait?? Something I get for 200 points thats better than 40 marauders? Take out Glotty??? 

    I'm running a similar list tomorrow night for NOVA practice.  I like the list you have, but would consider moving the Chaos Knights to 1 or 2 units of 5.  CLoDM also works with a Drone bomb, coupling that with your bravery bomb might yield decent results.  As for Glottkin I'm not really sold on him.  Hes amazing, but very squishy and takes 1/4 of your army (1/3 if you include the 40 marauders he needs).  For 20(?) points more you can get 30 Plaguebearers and a GUO, who have more staying power.



    Lord of Chaos on Demonic Mount (140)


    -Hideous Visage

    -Carrion Dirge

    -Mark of Nurgle


    Harbringer of Decay (160)



    Lord of Plagues (140)



    Sorcerer (120)

    -Blades of Purtrification


    Festus the Leechlord (140)

    -Magnificent Buboes


    Gutrot Spume(140)



    x5 Putrid Blightkings (160)

    x5 Putrid Blightkings (160)

    x5 Putrid Blightkings (160)

    x5 Putrid Blightkings (160)



    x5 Chaos Knights (160)

    -Chaos Glaives

    -Mark of Nurgle


    Plague Cyst(200)

    The Blessed Sons(100)



    Balewind Vortex


    Plan is to run CLoDM with the knights (BoP and 2 CLoDM abilities if it goes off) for quick strikes to soften units and disrupt the opponents plan.  I found running 10 they are too bulky and get tied down easily.


    Gutrot and a unit of x5 kings to do much the same as above, deploy deep to cause chaos or early objective challenge.


    The rest of my army has multiple ways to react depending upon opponent and battle plan.  A large turtle of every thing else.  2 units of kings with LoP and Sorcerer (BoP and reroll all missed hits).  2 units of kings with harbringer for survivability.


     The biggest weakness I see is lack of bodies for objectives.  Thinking about removing Blessed Sons, Harbringer and Gutrot to add in 2 units of 15 Chaos Warriors or 3 units of 10 Chaos Warriors.

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