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Posts posted by Tarryk

  1. 8 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    I don't know how handy you are with magnets and pins and such but it's easy enough to construct the shrines so that the statue/mirrors and medusa/queens are removeable and swap-able, then you wouldn't have to choose!

    But if that doesn't appeal I would say 1 Bloodwrack Shrine isn't a bad choice, it's the most durable wizard available if you don't have Morathi, and can unlock the formidable Blood Sisters as battleline units.  If you're playing matched play at lower points levels (up to ~1500pts or so) the Shrine is not a handy thing to have available.

    You probably don't need two Shrines though, for the most part, which leaves a choice between the two Cauldron options, they're both kinda similar but do bring some different options to the table.  The Slaughter Queen is better in combat if you need it to get stuck in, comes with a free unbind which can be handy if you're low on wizards and an excellent, if situational command ability.  Meanwhile the Hag Queen loses all of that but comes with a more durable source of the very powerful Witchbrew and a lower price tag.  Personally I favour the Slaughter Queen version and keep my Hag Queens on foot (cos you're still gonna need that Witchbrew).  But at sub 2000 point games (if playing with points) then a Hag Cauldron does sometimes sneak into my lists.  Notably if you are using a Bloodwrack Shrine as your general in order to access Melusai Battleline then the Slaughter Cauldron loses some of its luster as you can't use its command ability anymore, in which case the Hag Cauldron might be preferable.

    That's how I see it.

    That's a lot of great information, thank you!

    I was leaning towards the bloodwrack purely for the tougher wizard and to play around with temple nest.

    I may just leave the other unbuilt for the time being and use the extra hags and slaughter queens on foot as I haven't pinned anything or used magnets before.

    Another quick question but I don't see many lists running with an avatar. Is that due to it relying on the hag too much or is there another reason?

    Appreciate you taking the time to answer my noob questions


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