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Elazar The Glorified

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Posts posted by Elazar The Glorified

  1. Knights are the same base size as Fiends. I liked them as an anvil when Hellstriders could babysit them and make them harder to hit. They're still tough but they definitely don't pull their weight on the dealing damage front. They have a place where their durability and base size is a strength. E.g just owning an objective in No Man's Land but they may need help capturing it first if you want it done quickly etc

    Bestigor will grab you an objective from the enemy but they won't hold it under any real pressure. 

    I'm really enjoying my Beasts in HoS. Not managing to really use my Fiends at all though at the moment



  2. I think the entitlement thing is a bit harsh. This is the first time there has ever been a standalone Slaanesh army book so I don't think it was that unreasonable to expect at least a unit as part of that same release. This isn't a re-release for 2.0 or even a rejoining of an army that had been broken for other books like Skaven and Legions ot Nagash so the lack of dice, units, reboxes of existing units like Hellstriders (battleline with no AoS box and rectangular bases still) does seem a little odd and doesn't fit the blueprint of any other recent NEW army releases that I can think of. They've gone very character heavy and filled gaps in the range that I'm very happy with but I can totally understand people who assumed we were seeing week 1 of a 2 week release feeling a little let down.

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  3. You might be right but I don't think things come out in the same strict order they're worked upon and I suppose as owners of the IP they always have the option of later fleshing these sub factions out. Would be quite interesting to hear about it on the Stormcast Podcast actually, if there is a reasoning 

  4. With the whole bigger or smaller factions thing it's worth highlighting that there was clearly a point in time when they moved between a plan of having lots and lots of sub factions and really playing up the differences between elements that had previously made up the same army to aiming to give both the sub factions and the overall faction more depth by highlighting their differences and also how they then come together. The first obvious examples of this were Legions of Nagash and then the Beasts pulling smaller factions back together (e.g. Monsters, Brayherd and Warherd) . Then Gloomspite did similar and now Skaven since. They could have expanded a specific element further but clearly the strategy has changed with these now 

  5. 4 minutes ago, peasant said:

    I've noticed our made to order special characters are for sale only for this week and a box of ungor riders with round bases seems to seen in stock again. Have you buy any box of ungors?, Ive phoned my local GW store and told me they are only available in web like the old boxes.

    The Ungors still come with square bases. Although the customer service team aren't 100% sure of that (which you could take advantage of I suppose) I phoned and was told the Raiders listing comes with round bases and the regular Ungor listing comes with square. Both say they come with square in the description and they're both meant to apparently. Mine came with square so I got back in touch and they sent me round ones as they had said on the phone that's what I should have gotten.

    I have no idea why they're still coming with square bases now they're in the generic white citadel mini boxes - no reason not to pack those correctly now. The round bases are only in the start collecting currently. Is the same deal with Seekers of Slaanesh and Hellstriders only getting the new oval bases if bought in the start collecting or army sets.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 hours ago, adamtrunzo said:

    A few questions:

    If your Gavespwn hero turns into a spawn, is it a Gavespawn spawn? 

    Are summoned units able to have the Gavespawn keyword (or any greatbray keyword for that matter)? 

    The wording on the great bray shaman 'Infuse with Bestial Vigour' stipulates that it affects 'units wholly within 12" of any friendly Great-Bray Shamans'.  Does this mean that the unit has to be wholly within range of a single shaman or that overlapping shamans can fully cover a unit that a single shaman might not be able to?

    The first two questions the answer would appear to be yes judging by the following in the Core Rules Designer's Commentary

    Q: If I add units to my army after a battle has started, and 
    my army has an allegiance ability that adds a keyword to the 
    units in the army, is that keyword received by eligible units I 
    add to my army after the battle has begun? For example, if I 
    have a Stormcast Eternals army and use the Stormhosts rule to 
    give all Stormcast Eternals units in the army the Hammers 
    of Sigmar keyword, would any new Stormcast Eternals units 
    that I add to my army get the keyword? By the same token, 
    if an allegiance ability has a spell lore that grants a spell to 
    Wizards in an army, do Wizards that I add to the army 
    that have the appropriate allegiance gain a spell?
    A: Yes to all questions.


    As for the overlapping auras from Bray Shamans I would say we probably need a more specific answer on that but the below definition makes me think that if every model is covered it'd be valid even if by multiple Shamans

    Q: When the word ‘any’ is used in the criteria for an ability, 
    how many times is that ability applied when the criteria for 
    the ability are fulfilled? For example, if an ability said ‘Add 
    1 to hit rolls for models that are within 6" of any models with 
    this ability’, would I add 1 to the hit rolls of a model that was 
    within 6" of three models with the ability, or would I add 3 to 
    the hit rolls?
    A: The word ‘any’ is treated as being synonymous with 
    ‘one or more’. In your example, this means that 1 would 
    be added to the hit rolls, not 3.

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