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Posts posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. 1 hour ago, Alan Mandelson said:

    I've personally never had 20 man units Bestigor work for me, they become a much bigger and more obvious target and I've never had more than 11 actually attack on the charge. I always believe either take all min squads or take a big brick of 30 to be the distraction for all your min squads. I just don't think 20 has enough benefits to make up for the detriments. (I more often than only get 8 or 9 of my 10 man units fighting on the charge).

    I've used cogs with Bestigors to help multi-charge several units, and I've got all 30 into combat a few times. Worked wonders with Depraved Drove in Slaanesh Allegiance for those triple hits on 6's.

  2. 3 hours ago, SevenXes said:

    How many participants were there? Not trying to be disrespectful by any means but #35 isn't exactly top tier. The list looks the kind of list I'd bring to have some fun and see how far I get rather than trying to win it all. 

    LVO is a pretty big tournament. Obviously #35 isn't top tier, but I'm still impressed that he managed to pilot a list with two gargants to #35. I think that takes more skill than taking an optimized Petrifex  or Eternal Conflagration list to top 10.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Death1942 said:

    Cheers, found it!

    Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
    - Army Mission: Invade
    - Greatfray: Gavespawn

    Beastlord (90)
    - General
    -Command Trait: Unravelling Aura
    -Artifact: Mutating Gnarlblade
    Great-Bray Shaman (100)
    -Artifact: The Knowing Eye
    Great-Bray Shaman (100)

    40 x Ungors (200)
    - Shortspears & Half-Shields
    40 x Ungors (200)
    - Shortspears & Half-Shields
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    10 x Bestigors (120)

    3 x Bullgors (140)
    - Great Axes
    3 x Bullgors (140)
    - Great Axes
    10 x Ungor Raiders (80)
    1 x Tuskgor Chariots (60)
    1 x Tuskgor Chariots (60)

    Chaos Gargant (170)
    Chaos Gargant (170)

    Desolating Beastherd (150)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs

    Wildfire Taurus (80)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 185


    I like it but I think I would be tempted to take a big unit of Ungor raiders for some ranged threat.  Not sure about the Gargants vs the Ghorgans (cheaper too) and I am 50/50 on the chariots too.  I wonder what he had in his summoning pool.

    Wow! Incredible that he was able to place so highly with a double Gargant list! He must be a very good general.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Death1942 said:

    Beasts came 35th at LVO (3 wins).  I can't find the list can anyone else seem to track it down?  I would love to see what he ran.

    Check the AoS shorts website. Dan posted a pdf with all of the lists, so if you know the player's name you should be able to track it down.

  5. 1 minute ago, Maddpainting said:

    Ok thats good to know.

    I know i was thinking of getting them, they look good to me in this new book other than auto loose vs Slaanesh. Having 2 local players that plays them made me not want to get them, even tho my army would be nothing like theirs at all (I would use basically just 2 units, 60 Gnoblars, and 30 leadbelchers lol.

    They are good in melee and they shoot.. why would you not take lots of them!?!?! lol

    I play Ogres as my second main army after Beasts, and they're quite fun. But they lack any movement tricks (other than Hunter cat ambush) and they are very predictable, so they might suffer in the future meta (and especially against Bonereapers). They're a great army for casual play though, if you don't want to think much and just want to smash stuff with big monsters and blobs of elite units.


  6. 11 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    I know i'm late, but about Ogres being at 44%, thats also with their old rules no? Is there a way to see games played only with their new rules?

     44% is only with the new rules, post-battletome. They grouped all old results for BCR and Gutbusters together under "historic destruction".

  7. 3 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Seems the points changes for next GHB update are up. So far its not confirmed but the people who are more knowledgeable about these things and have better sources than I said that pretty much all of it is sure to be in the final print.

    Warherds discounts (finally). So far nothing else (so no Jabber). But this might be just part of it.

    Lets be honest > after Ogres dropped, and all of their stuff in the same price range as our Minotaurs are better due to the crazy buffs (3+ to hit for them is huge), this was to be expected. Still wish instead of price changes we`d see a warscroll update, but I get it. Thats not something GHB updates address.

    Still take this with a pinch of salt, until its fully and officially confirmed.

    But if its true, Cheaper Cygor and Gorghon do seem even more attractive, especially since monster get offed fairly quickly.  Still... for friendly games ? Two Cygors for 280 will be a lot of fun!



    On a different note: Bloodstalkers finally getting to the points range they should have always been. Maybe now the nice looking Melusai archers will finally see some table from DoK players. I know I wanted to field them for a long time now. Avatar still not worth it since a priestess has to tag along as a additional price tag.


    EDIT: UPDATE - OK SO ITS LEGIT. GW  just updated the Battletome FAQ, and the point drop is as written here. 

    With the current power creep of Ogors and Necro...err Osiriarchs, this doest change much honestly, as that would require a global -10/20 pts drop on all of our stuff to compete, but its still great for people who want to run Warherds. 

    Cygor is super cheap now, and Gortach for 160 is a very very solid deal.

    I don't think Ogres are a good example of power creep at all---they're at around 44% win rate, and are the second weakest book released this year (only beating Sylvaneth). In fact, I'd say Ogres are the easiest imaginable matchup for us: they usually only have a few units on the table and have no flying or summoning so are super vulnerable to being alpha-chaffed and having their backfield objectives stolen by summoning. 


    Bonereapers, on the other had, are indeed the worst cheese army of the year (even beating Slaanesh in win rate now).




  8. 25 minutes ago, NoLifeKing said:

    Thats the thing, i dont see a beasts of chaos errata or designers commentary on the page. Nor does any other FAQ enlighten me further

    The website might be buggy for you. But your question is indeed addressed in the BoC FAQ and Designer's Commentary.  Dan Street (AoS Shorts) keeps a compiled FAQ updated on his website and twitter page if you run into issues with the GW website: https://twitter.com/AoS_Shorts

  9. 1 minute ago, NoLifeKing said:

    I have a probably foolish, but question anyway. 

    If i were to use a hero at the herdstone, to inflict mortal wounds on itself for the savage ritual(i assume that is legal and all correct).  And if that hero were to have a way to negate mortal wounds(like Ignax's Scales), would negating those mortal wounds prevent me from gaining primordial call points? 

    I am able to see it going either way, and cant exactly find the written rules to settle this, so i would like to hear if there anyone wiser than myself to liberate me from my ignorance.

    Always check the FAQ and Designer's Commentary on the GW website.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Budda said:

    What things can I take guys to make the hit rolls better on a unit of Bullgors?

    In BoC allegiance only Grashrak. You can also ally in a Chaos Sorcerer Lord for rerolls 1's to hit, but I'm not sure he's worth the cost.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Honestly in this list I`d say that Gnarlblade BL is kinda unnecessary. I mean sure, its a cheap killing machine, but I think I would drop him and a unit of Bestigors and add either some Centigors or Chariots (since Razorgors are now obsolete due to the price hike, if for 10 more you can get a chariot) for chaff and objective capture purpose.

    Then again I tend to play a slightly smaller format of 1500pts, and pretty much never use Predatory type Endless Spells, so take what I am saying with a pinch of salt.


    Strongly disagree with this. A Gnarlblade-wielding Beastlord is a fantastic investment for 90 points. You can ambush him easily since he has such a tiny footprint and he can kill a lot of 200+ point heroes in one phase. Even if he doesn't get into combat, he then turns into a spawn and potentially locks a valuable piece in combat to waste a turn (or two if you tag a large unit on the flank).  

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    So, lets get this straight: We have a non-western predominantly bone-based army with necromantic constructs and skeletal catapults, who have a robust culture of honor (bone tithe contracts for example) and vaguely Egyptian imagery (hieroglyphics and cartouches [which are distinctly Egyptian I might add]) mixed with other eurasian cultural elements (but not enough that it can be tied to any one culture in our world, something that make it immanently IP-protectable), and are lead by an ego-manical leader who won't even deign to fight the peasants unless they prove themselves worthy...and you don't see any remagined, AOS-ified TK in that? At all?

    Yeah I think you're definitely reaching.

    If you showed the models to someone unfamiliar with Warhammer, then "Egyptian skeletons" is definitely not the first thing (or second, or third, ...) that would come to mind.

    • Like 3
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    • Confused 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:











    This new army is an ugly mess of Tyranid and Necron assets mashed together though.

    If these are the new Tomb Kings, then I'm Rameses IV.

    • Like 1
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  14. 7 hours ago, benmoorepaintco said:

    Hey y'all, I'm still pretty new to BoC and I'm working on a list I can take to a gaming store/maybe some local tournaments. It looks like this:

    Beastlord: general, unravelling aura, mutating gnarlblade
    Great Bray Shaman: knowing eye, vicious stranglethorns (to sit at the herdstone)
    Great Bray Shaman: tendrils of atrophy
    Great Bray Shaman: Wild Rampage

    10x ungors
    10x ungor raiders
    30x ungor raiders (these can alternately be build as 2 20 man units)
    10x gors: gor blades & beastshields
    30x bestigors
    30x bestigors
    5x centigors (because I really like the models)
    1x Chaos Spawn

    1x Ghorgon

    Desolating Beastherd

    Wildfire Taurus


    Can I do anything with this list, or do I need to revamp it  again?

    I think it's a solid list. I think that the  small Raider unit you have is a good choice since they give you a forward alpha-strike screen thanks to their 6" move after deployment.

  15. 32 minutes ago, Great Bray Tom said:

    Somehow it won't let me post replies so try number 3:

    Why not?

    Take a battalion and knowing eye as the extra artifact. 

    Start your first turn with:


    Get one Prim. call point and 1 CP for the turn. 

    1 PCP
    3 CP

    Roll for knowing eye and slaughter some goats

    2-4 PCP
    3-4 CP (to turn into PCP if you want).

    That's a very good start.

    What's not viable? 

    Aetherquartz is superior to Knowing Eye whenever you start with extra CP (e.g. battalion or purchased CP). Knowing Eye returns 0.5 CP per turn, whereas Aetherquartz returns 0.5 CP per CP spent.

  16. 36 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    I just don't see All Herd as remotely viable now given the CP purchase changes. 


    I don't think buying lots of CP was ever a great idea with Allherd. Each summoning point is worth 20 points roughly, so if you bought CP and then traded them for Primordial Call points you're throwing away 30 points. Aetherquartz makes each CP worth 1.5 call points, but then you're still losing 20 points.

    Sure, arguably the positioning advantage of summoning is worth losing 20 points, but you don't want to lose too many of your bodies on the board by investing heavily into CP purchases.

    To play Allherd effectively you just need a (ideally cheap) Battalion so that you can take Aetherquartz.

    For example, see the US  ETC 2019 team, which is taking an Allherd list with 1 CP purchased, and Depraved Drove to get the Brooch and a second CP. 



  17. 1 minute ago, Oreaper84 said:

    So i went to a 2 day, 5 round event this past weekend....and it was DOMINATED by Slaanesh. Had to play the buggers twice myself. Ended up 4/1 and playing on table 1 round 5...but just couldn't get over on the Invaders list at the top table. My list was as follows:

    Reapers of Vengence / Ulgu

    Gore Pilgrims / Charnel Host

    BT of UF: Mage Eater, Crimson Crown

    Blood secrator: Skullshard Mantle

    2x Slaughter priest

    Blood Master

    Deamon Prince: sword of judgement

    2x (10) bloodletters

    (20) bloodletters

    (5) blood warriors

    (10) blood reavers


    3 x Judgments


    The list hinged on the 6" pile in and the fight twice from reapers...and did rather well. there ended up a 4 way tie for 2nd and the killpoints were the tiebreaker. I already have some adjustments to the list to make...but it was dishearting when Slaanesh took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Do we have a answer for the net variety list that they can bring? They seem to outclass us in almost every aspect. (one game i managed 3130 kill points because of all his summoning). Have others had similar exp in this new meta? am i crazy and thier is a silver bullet against Slaanesh?


    Wrong thread mate.

  18. 2 hours ago, Cookiez said:

    Ok, I've read through some pages and to summarize the most competitive choices and top builds. So what I'm looking at right now are:

    - Bestigors

    - Ungor Raiders/Ungors

    - Enlightened

    - Taurus spell and a combination of 2 Shamans.

    Within Slaanesh (without Enlightened then, ofc) alliegiance accompanied by Keeper and the mirror. The second option is the Khorne alliegiance with Bloodsecrators. Did I miss anything? Any competitive builds with BoC alliegiance? It seems really lakcluster to me.

    The current "top" build is the one used by Daniel Bradshaw to win the UK Masters and Sheffield Slaughter. As far as I know it is the only BoC list to win a major tournament.

    • Thanks 1
  19. Just now, Kyriakin said:

    As someone who like BCR for more thematic reasons, I am concerned a Ogre soup tome will strip away our thematic identity (i.e. the Everwinter, etc.) and turn everything back to bish-bosh Ogre Kingdoms 2.0.

    This is my general feeling on soup tomes in general.

    I feel like they lost their nerve with cool, aesthetically tied-together factions and are rushing back to the crutch that is the old world armies.

    I'm glad, for one. I liked the old Ogre Kingdoms.

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