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Posts posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. 20 minutes ago, Sauriv said:

    Summoning, is it possible to sommon bigger units is you can afford it? 

    I cant seam to find any info regarding this.

    My guess is no though

    Not possible. So you cannot summon say 20 Bestigors in a unit, but can do two units of 10 each. 

  2. My guess is Skaven aren't coming until 2020 (the Year of the Rat) and it will be an early release, maybe even in January. Skaven have quite a few models that need updates, and are a popular GW IP so I don't think they will rush them like they did with Beasts of Chaos and just give them a terrain piece/endless spells.

    • Like 4
  3.  Very cool models! I'm pretty jealous though that they're getting way more stuff than Beasts of Chaos did. Would have been nice to at least get one plastic hero like Morghur or Shaggoth/Kholek Suneater. And an update to the tuskgor chariot was needed as well.

    • Like 4
  4. 7 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Anyone else notice the stealth buff to Centigors?  Base size moved down from 75mm to 60mm ovals.  Makes it much easier to attack in two ranks and helps getting more in each rank.  Makes 10 beast units more of a tempting proposition: easily throwing out 20 spear attacks for a nasty charge.

    Centigors have been on 60mm ovals for a while.

  5. 10 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well enlightenments will do a massive amount of damage as long as the unit they’ll be facing has a 4 or less save.

    anything better and well bullgors might do the trick.


    Enlightened always do more damage than Bullgors when using the clip-charge trick behind a screen.  

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Maddpainting said:

    Im not worried about points, i know GH2 will come out.

    Im more worreid about what i have now, and if there is a must uni that i dont have, also what are the good combos for spells/relics/command traits. Comming from Deepkin, there are a few key ones, like the Teleporting Tidecaster to attempt to snipe out 2 low wound characters (like Priests), or Ethereal Amulet on the King to he can get his buff without taking -1 to armor saves. etc..

    Knowing i can get only 2-4 Summoning points a turn (I think?) is it worth to summon 10ma Ungors every turn? or wait 2 turns for a slightly better unit?

    Enlightened are the hardest-hitting and arguably best unit in Beasts of Chaos at the moment. Skyfires are also very good, despite the nerf to their shooting.

    Summon Bestigors, Ungors, Raiders, Centigors, Warhounds, or Chariots depending on the situation.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    Getting into BoC finally. But a really quick question while i'm building my force. Whiling i'm ordering and building, i wanted to make sure if i need anything else.

    I will have 3 Start collecting boxes, 10 Centigors, 1 Shaggoth,  2 Gor boxes. endless spells/Heardstone, playing at 2000pts.

    Should i get 1 more Gor box? And what do i need after that for summoning, or is this enough? 
    PS: should i make one of the 3 Ghorgons into a Cygor? Or make all 3 Ghorgons?

    Oh, PPS, is there any artifact/Command trait/Spell combos you like?


    Gors kind of suck right now. Bestigors hit harder, and Ungors fill the horde and chaff roles much better. But I'm hoping that if GW has any sense then they will do something about the points to make Gors more attractive in GHB 2019. 

    I would build one as a Cygor for variety. You probably wouldn't want to run 3 Ghorgons in a list anyway.  Cygor is overcosted at the moment but I hope GW will fix his points in GHB 2019 as well.

  8. 14 minutes ago, 123lac said:

    Are you sure they've committed to disposessed and the various old 'aelf' factions from WHFB?

    I see GW as being in an akward position with AoS where on one hand they're releasing these new and exciting armies like Idoneth and KO that are inspired by the new setting, but on the other they're constrained by having to 'support' old WHFB stuff that should have probably been killed off like Tomb Kings and Bretonnia.

    At the end of the day I wouldn't hold out hope that they'll do anything to these old model lines besides give them some token warscroll battalions and allegiance abilities in each new edition of the general's handbook. 

    An exception to this, I believe, would be Skaven who are both featuring in important parts of the new lore and have a totally unique model line and aesthetic.

    Killing off Tomb Kings and Bretonnia was dumb and just upset the fanbase. They should have just incoporated the models into larger factions, like Bretonnia into Free Peoples.

    • Like 3
  9. 15 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    So it's been a few months now the book is out, has anyone had any success with Allherd? Is that extra summon point worth the trouble of lugging around the trait and item?

    Yeah Allherd is very good in low points games; I took them to a 1250 point tournament a couple months ago with Desolating Beastherd and Aetherquartz Brooch for extra CP, and got 3 wins, 2 draws. The artefact is trash so just stick it on whatever hero and don't invest any points into it (e.g. don't bother taking a Beastlord or Doombull).

  10. Just now, Myrdin said:

    My bad. BD has limit of 1-4 heroes, but I got it mixed with Desolating Beastherd where you can have only 1  of them.

    Also, the guy was asking about running Brass Despoilers in Blades of Khorne so he can't take Mutating Gnarlblade.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    For Brass Desp. Go with Doombull to benefit from the reroll, but bring an additional Beastlord who is not part of the Battalion.

    Since BL has inbuilt rerolls for his paired axes, you can equip him with Mutated Gnarlbade as you please, while you can put a different relic onto your DB  thanks to having the extra item slot granted by the Battalion (I like the Axe, but the cloak of +2 to charge rolls is a very strong contender as well, especially if you run DB solo without any Bullgor retinue.)

    Why would you want to omit the Beastlord from the Battalion??

    There's really no reason for it. Having the Beastlord in the battalion doesn't prevent you from equipping him with the Gnarlblade.


  12. 3 minutes ago, Amradiel said:

    Which units would you call competitive? Even if it just a theory. 

    If you're running them in Beasts of Chaos, I'd say Tzaangor Shaman, Shaggoth, Bray Shaman, Enlightened (on foot or disc), Skyfires, Tzaangors, Bestigors, Ungors, Ungor Raiders, Centigors, Dragon Ogres. Then for filler or specialized purposes you can find the following useful in certain lists: Razorgors, Warhounds, Chariots.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, andysonic1 said:


    You're still allying in a Shaman. Shaman's still a wizard. I don't fault anyone for doing whatever they have to do to win, but my Khorny bois stay magic free. Besides at that point why not just play Beasts of Chaos?

    Shaman isn't necessary though. Bestigors are already fast thanks to run+1 and charge. And Bloodstoker can buff their charge as well.


  14. 24 minutes ago, andysonic1 said:

    I like Beasts of Chaos but I 'aint putting no wizards in my Khorne lists. I'll stick to my 40 man Bloodreaver blob with a Blood Stoker nearby. No need to fix what 'aint broke!

    You can't put wizards in your list with Brass Despoilers, so that's not an issue...


    • Like 1
  15. Maybe Brass Despoilers from Beasts of Chaos will be more attractive now? Bestigors are very quick (especially if you ally in a Shaman buffing their movement) and do good damage.

    Also, Daemonettes really hurt the Bloodletters as well, since they force rerolls of 6 to hit. So looks like Slaanesh is definitely beating Khorne with the units in this box.

  16. 1 hour ago, Sigmarusvult said:

    Yep it's kind of depressing for khorne, especially because I have just finished  painting 30 bloodletters 😂. An unmodified hit roll of 6 was expected but we could have imagined they would have something new on their warscroll to compensate ... Skullreapers may be the way to  go now. Flesh Hounds are okey/meh-they still don't have rend- while the missile weapon from their leader make me wonder why  gw did bother giving them a leader. Slaanesh got some love which is really good news (the fiends are amazing.). 

    Bloodletters are also screwed against Daemonettes, who forces rerolls of 6 to hit. So you will only have a 1/36 chance of triggering the ability per attack. Looks like Slaanesh definitely got the better deal in this box set...

    • Sad 2
  17. 4 minutes ago, Amradiel said:

    Yeah I have been checking out the battle reports posted by him on youtube but have a hard time telling if the lists are competitive or not. 

    He placed 5th in the Sydney GT with a mixed chaos list, so he definitely knows what he's doing. He also qualified for the Australian Masters tournament this year, but couldn't go because it was his son's birthday.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Amradiel said:

    So, been wondering if Beasts of Chaos has started to show up at bigger events yet? And how they are doing? I want to build a rather competitive army but have no idea what works and not yet. 

    I believe the guy from Doom and Darkness is taking them to Cancon in January, which will be the biggest AoS tournament ever played.

  19. 5 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    So me and my buddy are preparing for a 2v2 against dual SCE armies. 

    Each players brings 1500 pts Vanguard army. Since its a friendly match up, we dont care about what Grand Alliances they are from.

    He wants to bring his old (and very cool ! I hope they get an actual battle tome as I would love to start this army) Empire and I will bring my beasties. He does have Skaven (But he has no Hell Pit Abom omg squeek!) as his second army, but we wanted to try this "super Lore non friendly" setup first :D

    The list I am considering:

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    Shaggoth - general,  3+ Save, and Azyrite Blade. Sundering blades / Hailstorm

    2x Shaman - Wild Rampage each

    1x6 Dragon Ogers - cleavers

    1x10 Ungors

    2x10 Bestigors

    2x5 Centigors

    1x Chimera 

    1x3 Enlightened on Disc



    This is quite the light body count list, but has some very fast units to run and get objectives while presenting multiple threats and one pretty darn solid wall of Dragon Ogors  to buy all the time in the world.

    My buddy will be bringing a core of:

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    1x General standard Commander to keep the whole core of the army ignoring Battleshock, 

    1x Hero with lance on horse Accompanying the Chocobos

    2x20 gunners, 

    1x 30 block of swordsmen with sword & shields

    2x10 Greatswords

    1x6 Chocobo riders

    1x Hellblaster Wolley gun

    ....Or something like this.



    The idea is that my fast agile, fluffy and absolutely peaceful Beastmen, will ..... rush forward and smash face ROAAAAAR !!!!

    Ok srsly now :D  My army is made to surge forward, grab and contest objective and try Alpha striking as many targets of opportunity as possible. This should buy his army 1 turn to move forward and redeploy all his forces, so that from turn 2 onwards they can start peppering enemy units with lead.  And from what I remember playing against this army, their shooting - if allowed to deploy and stay put, is quite devastating. 

    Ideally I want him to be within the range of the Herdstone so that if his units are charged by the high Armor SCE stuff, the herdstone start chipping at their saves, while his guns and Volley gun will add an additional -1 to that, pretty much tearing through the normally sturdy units with ease. 

    I have not yet decided on the Shaggoths spell. I think Sundering Blades is a solid pick, but Hailstorm, if used correctly can be amazing. As for the build, Since this Shaggoth will run forward with his Dragon ogor retinue he is kitted out for war, rather than support. Maybe not the most optimal of traits and items but it does serve a specific purpose.


    EDIT: Damn and of course I forgot to pose the question itself - What do you guys think about this ? 

    With all the information about both of our armies, do you think there should be some other aspect that should be looked at ? I do have low body count, and that is something that worries me. And I dont trust the Chimera to live past 2 turns, heck maybe it will die from SCE shooting even in the first one, so those 240 pts do feel a bit .... "ouch" and possibly better spent  elsewhere.

    I'd suggest you drop the Chimera and bring that unit of Enlightened up to 6. Also drop one shaman for a Tzaangor Shaman, since +1 hit is huge and he's the best caster in the army. Lastly, put a defensive artefact like Gryph-Feather charm or Doppelganger cloak on the Shaggoth so he doesn't die in one turn. He doesn't have a great profile for offensive artefacts anyway.

  20. Has anyone had any luck running the Khorne Battalion from Beasts of Chaos in Khorne? Unfortunately Warherd are terrible in Beasts of Chaos due to lack of synergy and the nerf to the Doombull's command ability, so I'm thinking of running them in Khorne.


    14 hours ago, Kimhot said:

    Hey guys. Just started aos and og ofcause i went for the right army - the good natured og loving rats. 

    So i just had a 2 k fight with a Friend. The idea was to bring the hardest list we could. 

    I did 2 battalions with 2 furnace 2x40 monk 1x 30 monks and 2x10 to protect and push the furnace. Furthermore 1 corrupter and 3 priests. The idea was to turtle and survive the Alpha strike (My Friend plays sylvanith, lots of kurnith and that big durthu guy).

    He started and killed the 30 rats, loosing 2 kurnith hunters in doing so. 

    My 2x40 ran in with thier d***s flooping around (the rat way) and killed around 800-1000 point. He called It after that. 

    My question is why the dear rats is not placed Better in tournements? With 3 attacks in charge plus 1 from warlord we get 4 with reoll hit and with Prayer or one time priest we get reroll wounds aswell. When a rat dies There is both mw and the get to hit. This is damn ugly to fight. Few enjoy having to make 50+ saves some with -1

    I ser the problem is that It is a bit og a slow army in that they need to be within 13 inch og the furnace but still. 

    What weekness am i Missing? 

    Once you play a good Daughters of Khaine list you'll realize that they're just better in every way to Pestilens, unfortunately.

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