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Posts posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hulksmash said:

    I'm looking forward to allying in a blood stoker or two for a first turn 16+3d6 threat range on my Gor/Bestigor :D

    If you want a Beastmen proxy for your Bloodstoker, the OOP Khazrak mini uses a whip and still looks pretty good!



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  2. 5 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Waaaaaa? Well that is kind of unexpected. assuming it's true.

    Well time to pair Bullgors with some slaughterpriests and bloodstokers!


    So wheres the FAQ to fix Everchosen Battalions!?! ?

    Sorry, I'm not really familiar with Khorne  (nobody I know plays them). What are the advantages of the Bloodstokers and Slaughterpriests with Bullgors?

  3. 2 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Too bad this isn't AOS 1.0 though so you can't stuff these guys into one of the other armies since it'll be so many points in allies.


    I thought it was OK to put them in Khorne since they have the Khorne keyword? Isn't that how Khorne players get Chaos Warriors?

  4. Just now, Ajay29 said:

    Wonder how the summoning will work.

    10 of “something” for a Ghorgon, so doubt it’s number of models sacrificed because a Ghorgon is worth way more than 10 ungor...

    My guess is that it is 10 Ungors, but you can  sacrifice a maximum number Ungors per turn.


  5. 2 hours ago, Ajay29 said:

    Something allowing a friendly unit to pile in and attack immediately after a Beastlord attacks would alleviate the command issue a little. Although I’d have hoped a rule like that would be on the warscroll rather than being a trait or artefact.

    Maybe it’ll be part of one of the Greatfray rules?

    I certainly hope so! I love the Beastlord model and this would actually make him pretty good.

  6. 1 hour ago, decker_cky said:

    One thing not factored into this - herdstone will now, in some way, be an armour debuff. Depending on the range and reach, beastlords might become a very reliable damage dealer against heroes.

    A Beastlord could already get Rend -3 from a Realm Artefact to deal an average of 4.15 wounds per combat phase to a 4+ save hero, with a maximum of 6 wounds dealt. But even then Beastlords weren't very popular. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    It's hurt my enthusiasm, not gonna lie. I'm going to wait to see what Gor herds' "Anarchy and Mayhem" rule is like before I decide anything, though. There's only so much "every army gets a buff from their abilities except yours, you get to gamble for buffs" rules I can handle.

    Yeah here's hoping this release isn't just a lazy  cash-grab from GW. Hopefully they actually carefully thought about the rules and playtested them against top armies, and didn't just have an intern who's completely unfamiliar with the army make a minor change here and there.

    I'm hoping we get a preview of something that isn't hot garbage this week. Preferably some miracle that will save the Beastlord from sitting on my shelf.

  8. The more I think about it, the worse the new command ability for  Beastlord looks. It requires me to activate him first, but he is way less damaging than Bestigors, messing up the alpha strike. Since the units being buffed will activate second, they are going to take a bad hit before they get to strike back.

    So disappointed in GW for not fixing the Brayherd's only melee hero. :(


  9. Kadeton in the other thread was able to use his photoshop skills to read the Beastlord's command ability: 



    Grisly Trophy: With a roar of triumph, the Beastlord raises a severed head into the air.

    You can use this command ability in the combat phase if any attacks made by a friendly BEASTLORD with this command ability resulted in an enemy model being slain that phase. If you do, until the end of that phase, you can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made by friendly BRAYHERD units wholly within 18" of that BEASTLORD. If any attacks made by that BEASTLORD resulted in an enemy Hero or (Monster?) being slain that phase, you can reroll hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by friendly BRAYHERD units wholly within 36" of that BEASTLORD instead.




    It's an improvement over the previous version because you can activate it in the command phase, but now lasts for only that phase and the effect is worse unless your Beastlord kills a hero or monster (but with his awful attack profile that's pretty wishful thinking). Overall still a garbage hero unless there's some really good command traits or artefacts he can use.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, Ajay29 said:

    Can anyone make out what the Beastlord warscroll says in the preview? Any changes?

    If anyone has photoshop, could try running a high pass filter on it; it might make the text a little bit more readable. I tried my best with making an impromptu high-pass filter in Gimp, but not luck with making it more readable.

  11. 1 hour ago, Atreides said:

    What do you guys think of Ungor Raiders? I like the models and would love to field quite a few of these fellows.

    I like having a ranged unit, and Ungor Raiders are all we've got atm. They're not bad though; a big unit of 40 to keep those rerolls of 1's and 2's going is pretty effective.  Unfortunately with the changes to terrain rules they're not as effective as they used to be when you put them down next to the herdstone.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Cerlin said:

    Welcome to the Free Guild. I like all the models you listed. It can come down to preference. I think each model in the army is viable if used right.

    I made a list then let me give you details.

    Allegiance: Free Peoples

    Freeguild General (100)
    - Shield & Lance
    Freeguild General (100)
    - Stately War Banner
    Freeguild General On Griffon (260)
    - Shield & Greathammer
    Battlemage (120)

    30 x Freeguild Crossbowmen (300)
    10 x Freeguild Greatswords (140)
    30 x Freeguild Guard (240)
    - Halberds and Shields

    Total: 1260 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 14
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 98

    This army has 1 great company, uses both generals in the general box, has a monster, and a little magic.

    With the griffon using Armor of Meteoric Iron, you have a hard to shift centerpiece. The great company gives you a solid front line, and the greatswords give you punch.

    I personally prefer Handgunners to crossbows, because of the long rifle range and less reliance on needed 20 models for bonuses. Crossbows did just get buffed and are great against rend ignoring armies like nighthaunt.

    The greatswords are like all elites, fantastic if they do not get charged first. I would use them in the great company and charge them in to hit first. 

    Guard can be your preference, but sword and shield is hard to beat. Give the stately war banner general indomitable and you are a 3 + rerolling 1s. Really hard to shift. Halberds are my favorite, but mostly for the look and because I like rend.

    With the general, if you only get the 2 choices, I would do banner on the ground, any weapons you want. Then make a mounted general with a shield for cavalry charges.

    You can bring a battlemage, or replace him with more bodies, or an artillery piece.

    I find this army is most effective as big blocks, and since you are a Brayherd player, you should be used to it.  

    Thanks for the detailed list and explanation! Unfortunately the tournament is 1250 points so this would put me just barely over. What would you suggest dropping to get under 1250? I assume one of the generals, and then maybe getting an endless spell or two for the leftover 90 points?

  13. 7 hours ago, someone2040 said:

    I think what's most interesting about the post from GW is the "overlapping allegiance abilities".

    This makes me feel we're going to get a few flavours of Beasts of Chaos. Perhaps vanilla Beasts plus Brayherd, Warherd and Thunderscorn flavours. Or maybe you'll unlock certain allegiance abilities for having certain characters in your list, since it talks about overlapping.

    Like if you've got a Beastlord, then your Brayherds can ambush. If you've got a Shaggoth, then all your casters get the lightning spell.

    Will be interesting to see how it turns out.



    Another thing I hope is that we get a return of Beastlords and Shamans on Chariots (I mean, I REALLY hope that they do in a new chariot kit but by all accounts that doesn't seem to be happening). I doubt it'll happen (because it's not a 'kit' that's sold), but it's so simple just to grab a character and whack it on a Chariot instead of the Bestigor. GW should embrace simple conversions a bit more, like how Grey Knights got a Grand Master in a Nemesis Dreadknight.

    Yeah I would be happy if they brought back the Beastlord on Chariot too! I'm working on Gorthor's chariot at the moment and it would be nice to be able to use him as a Beastlord instead of an ordinary chariot.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Slaanesh said:

    It will be nice to have all the old stuff with round bases in the box

    I'm still basing on the old squares, personally. They're easier to transport and move that way on my magnetic movement trays, and I like to keep them compatible with other rank-and-file games. Plus I like the look of them all ranked up together. Only my Shamans and Behemoths are going on rounds at the moment since they won't be fighting in ranks at any point.

  15. I'm thinking of building a Freeguild army for a 1250 point tournament in a few months. I've only played Brayherd/Warherd in AoS so far, so I'm not sure what a reasonably competitive list would be.  Any suggestions?

    I've heard Crossbows are good and so is the Freeguild Guard with swords. Should I just get as many blobs of those guys? I assume that probably the Battalion is out of the question at only 1250 points so probably not worth taking Greatswords?

  16. Hey, I'm considering building a 1250 point Khorne army for a tournament in a couple months, but I'm brand new to Khorne and have only played Brayherd/Warherd in AoS so far. Anyone happen to have some ideas for competitive list at that point total? 

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