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Posts posted by Brush.Addict

  1. 8 hours ago, Overread said:


    Another aspect could be that Slaanesh finds a way to twist those souls escaping him and piggy backs off Morathi's syphoning and sends a surge of twisted, mutated aelven souls to his forces to bolster them in a dramatic way. Cutting support for some of the Aelves most powerful units whilst at the same time bolstering his own.




    Love this idea, it'd be a very exciting twist, add new models and bring the chaos god back into the fray. Prehaps causing so much havok that Slanesh could weaken his restraints for another epic story. 

    If GW dont watch these feeds or feeds like this they'd be missing a trick. So many different and great ideas!

  2. 8 hours ago, Hoseman said:

    Does the novels posted on the community give us something to think about?? Gotrek is from the world that was so why put him on a novel instead of any other dwarf? I get the novel that featured Neave Blacktalon and the one with darkoath warqueen but why an ancient hero on a Sigmar age novel? Is he going to come again? I think I read somewhere that maybe he and other guy will return but don't know. 

     And for the green guy? Is he bretonian? And for that scourge privateers female?? What a wonderful model for a miniature! It would be cool to see expanded scourge army and maybe that novels give us something like a preview... maybe they will go for legends? New battletomes? Soup battletome for elfs? 

    As for Gotrek, in the two books Slayer and Kinslayer they focus on his doom. But it all happens in such a way that it would be possible for him to come back without breaking continuity. I hope he gets a mini

  3. 17 minutes ago, novakai said:

    with the recent Nightvault release of two Moonclan warband, the Moonclan Fungoid Shaman released early this year, and a lot of rumor about them specifically, I am leaning more on a Moonclan battletome release more then anything else really. Also it look like their are actual new unit for Moonclan are on the way which doesn't match with their soup battletome release since they haven't release those book with new models yet.

    I think we are reading too much into the poster, like two of those faction (Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz) have battletome already and the only hint you could really get from it is possibly Moonclan and Spiderfang being roll into one. ( or there a separate spiderfang battletome release happen soon afterwards)


    I'm really quite excited for a Moonclan Battletome, they way GW have been going recently with all the new Battletomes I think a moonclan one would be brilliant. 

    I've been wowed by the newer battletomes, the content has been fantastic not to mention how all the new allegiance abilities and warscolls make for some very interesting and exciting games of Aos.

    The absolute madness that would follow a Moonclan release would be brilliant. 

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