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Posts posted by Kempak

  1. 1 hour ago, CDM said:

    This wasn't as bad as expected.  I do wonder what it means for the lore, the Phoenicium being one. Hopefully wanderes and phoenix temples remain part of the lore though as forces that still have some part to play in established cities culture and defense.

    I was wondering this read prince maesa not to long ago and seemed like a series they could expand on as he is a wanderer albeit exiled.

    Maybe there will some explanations in the book some cities destroyed etc causing them  to be wiped out or turn to something else like wanderers kurnoth etc. Could be like in wow where they became blood elves and joined the horde.

  2. I've read a lot of books recently and nugle does seem to be the easiest to push and hate to say that new harbinger has forced me to buy my first models just for he regiment.

    May have missed it, but is the new named general on the manticore part of the launch set also?

    Would be nice ro get some updated savage orruk models.

    Any news on book 2 been leaked?

  3. Thinking about wasted releases missed a trick to do crusader knights devolving into fec against hassasin slaanesh in nightmare quest. hopefully they get something for the next season. 

    4e needs to introduce malerion and ulgu its the logical way to go. 

  4. 4 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    Although the Galaxy is generally described as being large enough that there should be room for Tau sized alien races I'd say. Yes, the Imperium is located in basically all of the Galaxy, but it's not occupying it all and the idea of a cluster of stars that weren't ever colonised fits fine*.

    *Or perhaps they were colonised, but the locals objected, and the Imperium being rather busy and bureaucratic just has a running counter on how much tithe the planets are overdue by. Eventually the number goes high enough that some no name Space Marine chapter is sent to collect, and they disappear too, but send a signal informing the Imperium of a previously unknown Xenos race with very high tech levels. Cue new faction introduction.

    The Q'orl would essentially fill this role their 40k silent people esque, the are powerful af established in 40k and hate the imperium. But due to their location on the west of the galaxy and lack of warp drive likely to get eaten by Tyranids shorlty. Interesting fact its theorised one of their queens were forcibly taken by the eldar and used to create tau ethereals.


  5. As a fyreplayer too I enjoyed my army but it did get samey with limited strategies you could win, it is a mid-high tier army and does require to remember lots of buffs and not forget to do certain actions.

    Gotrek is the avatar of grimnir

    Grombrindal is the avatar of grungi 

    In the grombrindal books it confirmed that gotrek books they met him already he was the old dwarf who disappeared in the silver tower and later returns in this novel in the desert and shows gotrek some of.his.true prowess.

    I think fyreplayer work with their own aesthetics I was originally attracted due to Viking esque theme and were my first aos army proper.

    Give long axe wielding riders of young magamdroths in a unit of 3 for cavalry would sort a big issue out.

    Also as they are dwarfs albeit more medieval than kharadron they should get the magmacannon or flame cannon would work.

    For the dispossessed they should make a tankier model of grombrindal like that on his book cover to lead them is cos/dawnbringers or dwarfs should go down a dawi soup mix all three into one book allow for a big waaagh system or allow them to be individual.

  6. 26 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Was just checking Cities Dwarf prices on the webstore and...

    When did the Cogsmith disappear? Looks like he's now only available in the Start Collecting?

    They do this a lot now look at scinari cathallar for lumineth only in vanguard now.

  7. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    If you break it down, for a (nowadays) casual player as me it goes like this:
    Army construction:
    - Add Units, choose the General choose artefacts and commant traits. The latter two I have to look up, since I won't have them memorized due to how often I play
    - Choosing the battalion is already annoying since I just want to get going and I don't want to read up (again) what each battalion does
    - Now back to going over the Warscrolls I added to somewhat remember what they do (in order to play tactical)
    - This should be all there is to it now one would assume. Wrong.
    - Now I have to go back and look up which battalions are actually the ones useable and what they do.
    - Finsihed? Far from it: Now get back to the season rules and try to learn those with all their needlessly complicated formulated rules 
    - Then have a look at the new Battleplans
    - Try to figure out if Grondspine Incarnates are a thing
    - Go back and check if your army makes sense with the new Battlepack
    - Finished? Far from it! Go back and check Battle Tactics
    - Finally I can get to the Table!

    ---> I usually quit at step 4. I want to play a game, not repeat my master's thesis.


    "I also think alot of people forget, matched play is only one way of playing AoS. If you don't want to use the new GHB - don't. Try narrative or open play. "
    Cute if it was that easy. First you have to find someone who is still playing Age of Overloaded Whateverness. Then you have to talk that person out of playing what most people see as "the true game". And then you will maybe have a pretty crappy game while feeling bad for even asking.

    I have to say I agree a lot with this as a casual player. I played a few games before the last generals handbook and that seemed like enough to get my head around. It is very daunting an seemingly time consuming with other aspects of life work, social etc. During second edition I'd play maybe 2 games a month with either my ogors or fyreslayers.

    I guess I'll just wait till 4th ed and keep paintings and reading. Shame if they just kept things similar to 2ed but drastically lowered points.of battalions it would be more accessible to casual players. A

    • Like 2
  8. Bit disappointing was hoping there would be more to do with the gotrek the soulslayer ending. Searching for the ruined kazak and expanding on the actual story.

    Seems like this is just to introduce a new felix character and just to highlight the new dawn bringer faction. 

    I hope this isn't setting a trend for his books that he is just used to introduce new factions and models. I suppose they'll explain away the end of soulslayer with a loose explanation. 

    It's frustrating as so much potential.

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  9. 58 minutes ago, TreelordRecent said:

    Looks like there already some rumours for the 40K Christmas box sets : imperial fists, raven guard, custodes.

    Has anything leaked for AoS?

    The rumour on valrak channel is they'll be hero heavy for 40k probably shifting models they struggled to sell. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a rehash of some older ones ironjaw and khorne springs to mind. I missed those boxes by a year getting into aos.

    I think they may also be Daemon heavy run in with the push for 40k hopefully a greater daemons or two.

    But if we stick with the four we normally get for aos my guess is.

    Stormcast thunderstrike box set

    Kruleboyz or big waagh themed one

    Khorne or nurgle or stretching a std one.

    And lumineth.

    Death got a lot of love last Xmas so unless it another soulblight with the characters they struggle to shift and a mortach neferata/Manfred etc box I'd be surprised.


    Anyway just my predictions. 

  10. I've just finished reading prince maesa quite a good book I've enjoyed it won't drop any spoilers but it's had me thinking about aos lores with the aelves.

    Now before idoneth lumineth etc, they had retreated into high azyr. But if I'm not mistaken this has been Retconned into just morathi, malerion, teclis and tyrion awakening couldn't find any other aelves, trapped slaanesh then dividing the eaten souls amongst eachother.

    My question therefore is where do the wanderers and remaining wfb aelves that are left in sigmar fit in? Is it just rule of cool, is there a reason i.e. okay slaanesh didn't quite get them all and teclis etc didn't quite look far enough? Just it seems to contradict eachother and is bugging me.

  11. Any hints on lumineth or dot vanguard boxes I'm interested in which hero they will include for the lumineth hoping the loreseeker or the mountain cow to be included. Each big box though seems to include dawnriders I'm personally hoping for a change maybe windchargers? 

  12. I am a causal player. So far since covid UK restrictions lifted I've played 2 games. My armies we my main fyreslayers and secondary army ogors. At the time using 2.0 batteltomes faq'd as best of possible. We played in a few store and a few times reffered to the sm for clarifications.

    I do prefer the new detachment style for things like vanguard or warlord etc having slots filled rather than points.okay may not be os op as battalions but I hardly ever used them due to their cost in points. 

    This new update on the battlesmith is a kneecap job honestly. While you can use a cp too give +1 saves I'd rather save it for something else. 

    My first game against savage orks was quite even, but the +1 bubble save of the battlesmith was crucial. 

    Secons battle ogors against fec so that was interesting mage my tyrant have a 2+/4+ save each turn so was very hard to shift. Ogors did seem to benefit in 3.0 also it did show hoardes have taken a hit with the new reinforced rules as it makes it harder for them to spam large units. Something that as a more elite army player I appreciate.

    Debating to order fyreslayer batteltome guess wait to hear a bit more. I'm hopeful as other gets update it will be more balanced.to.a degree. 

    I am hopeful things will improve mixed feelings some things I preferred in 2.0 others I am liking in 3.0 maybe see the state by end of year. We can always hope 4.0 and the unbraneth will fix it

  13. Thanks to hobby ADHD I am working through my pile of potential (shame) what do people think I should start next anything that stands out in third ed.

    So far I have a khorne mortal/daemon army, storm cast army, nighthaunt army, fyreslayers and ogor army completed.

    My choices to go through my pile of shame are as follows.

    Slanesh: slaanesh half of the wrath and rapture.box. 2 X slaanesh half of the Vs dok box the new battleforce Also ordered 2 X of the new war cry box for 20 blisbarb archers and the elites. And sidgvald and the broken realms box.

    Lumineth: launch set, battleforce and 2 X of.the warcry set

    Soulblight gravelords: original skeleton SC box probs build Manfred. The Xmas battleforce and new start collecting box a vampire lord and a necromancer I also have 

    Flesh eater court 2 X start collect and the brokem Realms box


    Tzeench: tzeech half of the battebox Vs khardron 2021 battleforce box. 2 X broken realms boxes.

    Slave to darkness. Old start collecting box new start collecting box and the old battleforce also some warcry warbands from x3 the starter sets.

    Seraphon: slaan, saurus guard 2 X saurus start collecting and the battleforce.

    Kharadron: other half of Vs tzeench box, last battleforce, and start collecting box.

    I also have most endless spell and scenery for the army's to build.

    Dok 2 X battlebox Vs slaanesh 1 X start collecting box 1  wytch alves box plus probs get next battle box for nighatunt and dok.

    Could do a big waagh I've got the start collecting iron jawz and the Dominion half of ktuleboyz just need to get that shaman from savage orruks.and getting a mega boss as I was the guy who chose it on w+

    Lasst but not least yes-yes skaven battleforce warlord bombardier and the old spire of dawn set.






  14. 1 hour ago, FleetAdmiral said:

    This is a bit of a theory but some of those stores may have been hit by brexit. My gaming group based in the Copenhagen area of Denmark used to buy all our stuff from wayland before Brexit, but with customs etc it’s no longer a viable place to shop for us. If others have done like us they may have seen a large dip in revenue and can no longer discount like they used to.

    I see a point about this if you suddenly have to pay tarriffs on the boxes then certainly buying from a UK supplier does change. Obvs don't know about Denmark stores I may be wrong but I remember a gw article on the community talking about them offsetting any of these. I would of thought it would be their direct supply though.


    53 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    If you get only a very limited supply from GW, labour like putting it on website, arranging the rest of the logistics are stretched over less boxes. It's not as if these boxes won't sell anyway if supply is this limited.

    I've spoken with my store manager since in a local gw shop just mentioning I managed to get a box. He also said they were not getting any physical copies all online now. But also something along the lines of only 5000 were done 10/500 of each box. May not be totally accurate. Also raised the point some boxes just don't sell as well and end up sitting there. But I can imagine if so that would certainly effect supplies. 

  15. 49 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Here in spain they got the same disscount that every other box,15% in almost every store,25% in one store(that it went to out of stock direct so i guess sold only in fisic) and some stores have it at 20% and didnt change.

    Btw i wanted get the vampires and was veeery hard,it went online at 10:55 at gw,the the web stores got it at the 11:00 and in the 30 seconds that i click add to cart and add my target number it went sold in 4 diferent stores,i could get it in one store at my 5th try lol i dont know because gw only sold as 2 box to each store,they went sold at less than one minute in each store.

    Seems only was this for vampires,the others box are even now even available

    Yeah soulblight went quick 

  16. I was assuming pandemic and shipping but think you're right about the floating discount it must have been as stock reduced. I was just going to get the soulblight and slaanesh but yolo'd the lumineth box.


    I stopped playing 40k as prefer aos now but necrons were my army since 8th and I did get indomitus. That box has pretty much everything I don't have bar warriors but as said as I don't play anymore can't justify another £100+ on a box to add to the pile of potential (shame). I may stare online for a while longer see if I break.

    As said don't think the boxes will last till January so at least I have plenty to work on this year. 

    It's a shame I don't really have any game stores near mine and only have a couple official gw stores as would love to support a flgs and go in person.

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