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Mark Williams

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Posts posted by Mark Williams

  1. In regards to battle line, I’m actually on the fence about crossbow judicators as compared to crossbow vanguard, in terms of which unit is better and more elite. Lately I’ve been thinking the juds are actually slightly better due to the special weapon and better hit stats. Basically I’m not sure there’s a better “elite” option in that battlefield role, and I can conceive of actually taking more of them in place of alternative units.

    As for liberators and sequitors, I agree that their main purpose is to die, and taking any more than the minimum you need to protect your troops is probably detrimental to your army’s effectiveness. But they serve a purpose nonetheless, and I have difficulty building a strategy that doesn’t involve them.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Black Blade said:

    Hot question for you guys. If there was no way to take Sequitors as battleline, how often would you run them provided their cost remain at their  current level and how many would you take?

    My current army cannot take them as battle line, and I have 1 squad of them in my list, so the answer is 1. They serve the same function as liberators in my army - they are just a "shell" to protect the center of my army. I don't expect them to do anything more than that. I'm only taking them because I have 20 points left over and nothing to spend it on.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Zayneth said:

    hey everyone I figured this was the place to check but 99 pages is a lot to read through...

    is there a way for Liberators to get rerolls on their to hit rolls? trying to use some as supplemental battle line but the models I have available come with the hammers. 4+ to hit isn't the best thing in the world lol!

    and yes I will have sequitors and evokers etc etc but I am building 2 small squads to help fill my BL requirements before going crazy with the new Gucci models ?

    Lord Celestant on foot CA gives +1 to hit and a knight azyros gives reroll 1s. That will simulate what you are trying to do. Wizards can also cast bless weapons, but that’s probably a waste of a wizard imo.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Figoios said:

    I read that many of you are using the gavbomb list. How do you deal usually with small units preventig you to charge opponent's Key units? 

    I find them very annoying (e.g. units of 10 bloodreaver or 10 skinks ecc.) And i was thinking to put one or two Vanguard raptors Hurricane units to destroy them before gavriel drop. 

     P.s. Sorry if i made mistakes but english Is not my first language. 

    If your opponent is turtling his army, then you don't bring the gav unit out and just move your smaller units forward and fight with those. At some point, either their formation will break up, or you drop your gav unit behind your own units, and set them up to counter-charge your opponent.

    Short answer - it's okay to set up behind your own screen, rather than trying to land and charge. That's playing a tactical game, and it's okay for you and your opponent to be strategic. That's a good balance imo.

    As for taking out screens early, I'd prefer to use ballistas to do that, but raptors would work too.

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  5. 47 minutes ago, Freejack02 said:

    What about that seems fishy? It's an independent unit that's deployed on the field... just because the deployment timing is unique doesn't make it invalid.

    I can't think of a reason why it would be invalid. It just seems fishy to me because it's a unique situation that didn't seem intended when making the scions rules. It feels like trying to get around the limitations of scions, which exist for balancing purposes. If there's no FAQ against it, there's nothing stopping it I guess. I just would like to ask a designer if it's meant to be played that way.

  6. 28 minutes ago, rattila said:

    Has anyone already tested the evocator on dracoline? They are damn expensive (100pts/mini) but are they worth it?


    They seems killy (even if no rend or almost) but is 5 wound and 4+ not too low for a 100pt model?

    I regularly play against someone who runs 6-12 dracolines. On the whole he gets very good results, but the army's entire strategy is just "run forward and attack". It does great until it hits something stronger, then it just folds like paper. He's got a very good win record, but we both agree that the army is very small, and is weak to horde. The dracolines are expensive, and it's difficult to hold and capture objectives with them as a result. The best thing about them is that they allow you to expand your army's reach, as well as it's reaction distance. You can spread your army out more and still hit a small area with focused attacks. I've found that with a balanced list (shooting + assault), I'm generally able to table him.... both of us have spoken at length about the conundrum being that in almost every case that you can think to bring a unit of dracolines, normal evocators are a bit stronger and cheaper, with mobility being the only drawback, which if you play well isn't a drawback at all.

    Short answer - they are good, just not great due to the fact that they directly compete with normal evocators.

  7. 7 hours ago, ledha said:

    The only characters that can be take and stay efficient whatever their stormhost is are the Celestant Prime (who can be affected by everything), Neave (who doesn't have any interaction) as well as Aventis Firestrike, who can affect himself with his own command ability if needed, and his more a big and lone missile that try to go in melee while the lord arcanum on tauralon is here to support the army


    by the way, some people insist to tell me that the celestant prime have his +2 attacks only once. Am i the one not reading his rules right ? Divine retribution is used in each movement phase, and as i read it, it grant +2 attacks to the end of the battle each time you don't make the celestant prime deepstrike

    Vandus Hammerhand is pretty independent too.

    I’ve had the same argument about the prime. As near as I can tell, there was some rumor started on a forum, video, or podcast somewhere during the intitial round of battletome reviews, and it circulated as truth. I only see argued amongst “more informed” players, who read Internet forums. Have zero issues with people who just read the rule in the book and use common sense. There’s some kind of weird, bad “whisper game” going on with this and I’ll be glad when it goes away. I don’t even see a case to be made for it, unless I take my glasses off and drink a few beers first. It’s rules lawyering mixed with a bit of, “I heard someone say it works this way, and I trust them because it helps my army so it must be true.”

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  8. 2 hours ago, Future said:

    My buddy is offering to part with some unpainted vanguard models. I think its most of a start collecting box. I don't main stormcast but have been thinking about playing them as a second army. I've heard this is the 'worst' chamber but I love the way they look and farstriders. Anyway are there any competitive lists that run this chamber and if so what are some strategies I could use with their units, they look more hit and run?

    I did sit down a while ago and tried to come up with a vanguard list. I think it would actually be possible to build a decent list (not great) with them, but you probably don't want to put anything more than the minimum points into the hunter troops. Also keep in mind you need the lord acquilor if you're going to go down the route of a full list. I wouldn't mind experimenting with them before I actually bought any models...

    Biggest issue is they seem like they have low damage output for their points so you might have some trouble lasting long.

  9. 2 hours ago, Requizen said:

    It's anything but a "Normal Move". The rules state a Normal Move is made during the Movement Phase, and those rules only apply during that time. So Watchful Guardians can be used to move into melee range, since it is not a Normal Move.

    I stand by my opinion. I think you have to stay 3” away, unless you’re in combat already, in which case you have to “flee” and get 3” away (but not roll an extra dice to flee). Until FAQed, I’d prefer we roll a dice to settle it.

    Bare in mind I play SCE too and use these units. It feels a bit beardy to do that to people to me.

     I think the intention of their ability is to make it more difficult to charge them by flying away, or to fly away from a combat. Flying into a unit in order to prevent them from charging just feels wrong to me, and saying you can do it because it doesn’t say you can’t, even if you win the semantics debate, will not win you many friends...

    My rule of thumb is to not do shady stuff until a FAQ or clear ruling allows it. IE. err on the side of your opponent rather than your own.

  10. 29 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

    Never should have been an option in the book to begin with! 

    Not sure if you’re joking, but I actually agree, and same for liberators. I thought it was an error in the unit description when I first started building my army.

    as it stands, you’ll have to do a conversion.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Darkrich said:

    I have a question about the aetherwings watchful guardians rule. I looked around but there was never a conclusive answer. Can you use it to hop them into melee?

    My gut says that the core rules for movement would apply in this situation, and it would fall under the blanket of a “normal move.” Meaning you would have to stay outside of 3”.

  12. 8 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    So I kinda don't know what to do with 5 Evocators.

    I've only just finished painting, and I've only had 2 practice games so far.  But both times I've tried to be a bit aggressive with the Evos and both times they've melted away.

    I'm considering either saving them for a Scions drop, or hanging them back and using them more defensively.

    I think I may have put my list in here before, but it's basically two Wizards, Celestant Prime, battleline of 20 Sequitors and two min Judicators, 5 Evos, Lordinator with 2 Ballistas.

    I've been doing Scions drops with Lordinator, Ballistas, and one Judicator.  Considering deploying the Judicators and Scion dropping the Evos instead.


    Alternately, I might drop the Evos all together, and add in a Comet and either 2 CP (Anvild of Heldenhammer are hungry for CP) or a Knight Heraldor.

    I put them behind and in counter charge distance of a unit of libs. They in turn are surrounding my commander. I use them as a base guarding team to defend.

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  13. 52 minutes ago, Fred1245 said:

    Putting a castellant shield on Vandus is throwing good money after bad. Your best bet is to put vandus into a hyper aggression list so that your opponent can't actually afford to snipe him with how many threats are in his face. If you're going to do vandus I would probably do him, Gavriel, 3 units of Sequitors of various sizes, enough prosecutors(or even cheaper things like skinks) to let everything start in the sky and evocators to fill out whatever points you have left(won't be many).

    Issue is that list can’t take sequitors as battle line.

  14. 4 hours ago, mmimzie said:

    Was doing some back ready, and what??  


    Can't you only use the command ability in your hero phase and the eels can only drop down at the end of the movement phase.   Meaning those eels would have to hit the table turn 2. Maybe his post Is just misleadingly written. 


    Its definitely doable. I know I love me some eel bomb. Just the way that was written confuses me.

    Huh. I thought it goes off in the assault phase. At least that’s what I’ve seen... 

  15. 8 minutes ago, Namelessone81 said:

    Is there somewhere written? Cause my community haveing trouble to believe me :( 

    It’s in the core rules under setting up a unit from reserves. It’s also confirmed in the FAQs a few times when talking about a few similar units. Bottom line - Scions units are a new unit being set up as a reserve unit, and thus follows the reserve rules.

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  16. 3 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Actually, on a similar topic - people who've got the Evocator box, what are the options like for building a Knight-Incantor from that? Can you do male or female, or is it only male? Do you get some choice of how they look, or do they all come out like the one in the battletome? I've seen almost no examples of Knight-Incantors built from that box, I guess because everyone already has the other Knight-Incantor models instead 

    Technically. You can only make one knight encantor from the box. It is a male model with a special front fitting armor and a special 2h stave. The rest are all evocators, but you can almost turn any of them into a prime because the shoulderpads come in 2 sizes and are all interchangeable.

     The poses, however, are very static. It would be very difficult to get much variety from the box. A few head swaps maybe. After that you’re basically into cutting plastic and using green stuff almost immediately.

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  17. 35 minutes ago, 123lac said:

    That's a lot of sequitors!

    Anyone finding success with dracoline mounted evocators?

    I regularly play someone who is running 12 of them plus a lord arcanum on one. They are very strong, but only upper mid tier in my estimation. His games seem pretty binary. If he plays someone with poor stopping power, he just runs them over unchallenged. But when he faces an army with high attacks, he gets overpowered. The main issue is they are basically 100% assault, so they do amazing until they hit something that’s better at assault than them, or something that has a lot of shooting. We’ve had a lot of talks with each other about how to make the list stronger, but basically the crux of the issue is the cats are expensive so the model count is low, but there aren’t many good choices to replace them with that are stronger, except basically just swapping them out for foot evocators. Honestly I think the unit is in a weird place. Not quite as good as dracoths imo, so mostly just take them for visuals.

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  18. 1 hour ago, hughwyeth said:

    Guys quick question- I recall a small narrative snippet about a Anvils of the Heldenhammer character who is always escorted by the ghosts of his former self. I can't find the story though- i assumed I read it in the SCE battletome? Anyone know what I'm talking about? I really want to make a model for my force with this dude at the head, but want to re-read the snippet! THanks

    Pg 41, middle column, Lord-Celestant Ossiach Vanderghule.

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