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Mark Williams

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Posts posted by Mark Williams

  1. 4 minutes ago, ledha said:

    I'm playing him a lot in 1000 and 2000 points but i can't answer you because mine is literally cursed by the dice gods and roll horribly EVERY TIME.

    His last prowess was killing 6 clanrats in two turn before being one shotted by a rat ogor

    I played against one in a tournament last year and killed it pretty quickly as well. It seems like kind of a fire magnet to me, but I think you can protect it if you want and maybe do better. People sort of rush models like that out in the open I notice.

  2. 2 minutes ago, j0lt said:

    Thanks Mark, it's looking like Anvils of the Heldenhammer for some extra shooting but with my own colours :)

    Something like this maybe...

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer
    Mortal Realm: Shyish
    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)
    - General
    - Trait: Deathly Aura 
    - Artefact: Soulthief 
    - Spell: Chain Lightning
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Lighntning Blast
    Lord-Castellant (100)
    20 x Sequitors (400)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Terrifying Aspect
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 107

  3. 16 minutes ago, j0lt said:

    So I've been roped into (read willingly with a Soul Wars Split) a tale of 6 gamers - with 5 other friends, so obviously Soul Wars will be split, however I would really like to run a defensive sacrosanct list - I've been thinking of having 20-40 sequitors some invocators, ballista/castigors with a scattering of support.

    I've got the battletome but would love some input from other players, I just want to play like oldschool dwarfs from WHFB!

    Pick out which stormhost you want to use too, as that might change the direction you want to go in.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ledha said:

    i don't agree. The ONLY way to be within 3" of someone is by a charge move, and a FAQ precisely said that watchful guardian ability from the aetherwing wasn't a charge move

    The FAQ is pretty clear imo. I don't see room to disagree with the way it's worded. It seems like a pretty cut and dry case to me. :S

    "if it said ‘This unit can move D6".’ then it could not run but could move within 3" of the enemy."

    That's almost a carbon copy of what the warscroll says.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Naprapaten said:

    Question, looked for a certain answer to the watchful guardian rule but couldnt find one. Can the aetherwings move into 3" of enemy units or nah?

    Anyone got a clue? :)

    Yes, they can. It’s not considered a “normal” move. There’s a FAQ about how “not normal moves” don’t have to follow the rules for movement. Not at a computer at the moment; it doesn’t mention them specifically but it’s close enough.

    Edit: Here's the FAQ.



    Q: Some abilities allow a model to make a move out of sequence (in the hero phase, for example), or to make a specific type of move (a ‘6" retreat move’, for example). Can I run when I make these moves?

    A: You can only run if the ability refers to making a ‘normal move’ (which includes any move made ‘as if it were the movement phase’) and the ability doesn’t specify the distance of the move. Note that the restrictions that apply to normal moves (not moving within 3" of the enemy, and having to retreat if they start within 3" of the enemy) also apply to normal moves made in any other phase. Also note that the increase to the unit’s Move characteristic for running only applies to that move.

    So, for example, if the ability said ‘This unit can make a normal move’ the unit could run and could not move within 3" of the enemy unless it retreats, and if it said ‘This unit can move D6".’ then it could not run but could move within 3" of the enemy.



    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, ledha said:

    You know, the more i play against the new battletomes, the less i think sequitors and evocators will really be nerfed that hard.

    Now, everyone seems to be able to punch trough the sequitors without any real difficulty

    I think that I agree. As someone who hasn't quite gotten on board with all the new Soul Wars models, my older liberator based army is starting to tank pretty hard in matches. I'm pretty certain that I need the newer models to even stand a chance against the newer battletome armies. If anything I'm feeling weaker by the minute lately.... My army is still as strong/good as it always was, but the competition just seems to be getting stiffer and stiffer in my gaming area.

  7. 3 hours ago, Requizen said:

    What do people think of running a Dracoth with the same suite as the exploding Stardrake? A Staunch/Lantern/Molten Helm/Azyrite Halo Dracoth is, of course, 9 less wounds and doesn't have some of the abilities (table wide MWs, bite attack), but it frees up 340 points compared to the Stardrake. 7 wounds on a 2+RR will still take around 250 wounds to kill on average, though it is much more susceptible to MWs popping it out. 

    Still, as a mini-bomb and not a full centerpiece of the list, you could buff it up and chuck it into Skeletons, Grots, Gors, etc and just watch them blow themselves up. And then you'd also have points left over to bring more to the table than just the minimal support pieces, which I think might make a more TAC list than the traditional Stardrake build.

    I run a LCoD with shield regularly, and I'm often looking for some terrain on the board that I can sit him in so that I can do just this. It works really well, and I was able to beat off something like 600 points worth of models a while back. To the point that my opponent got angry at me and said the cover rule was BS, and that he didn't want to play me anymore if we were going to use that rule.

    Short answer - it works really well.

    • Haha 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Nos said:

    I’ll say whatever I like thanks 👍🏻 

    The Gryph Hound impeding a way larger units than itself is an established thing that I happen to find quite cheesey.  What you explain as happening is that the massive unit still detours round the single individual, it’s movement is affected by it nonetheless. If you read that in a piece of lore, that a unit of skeletons formed a conga line to skirt past a gryph hound rather than just simply trample over it as though it wasn’t there, you’d find it plausible?

    But note I’m not demanding it be removed from the game or that other people agree with me. I’m just stating what I think and why. Never once have I told someone to change their behaviour over the discussion like you just have.

    You’re suggesting that if an opposing unit out numbers another, it should just get trampled over and removed from the table because you feel that’s more realistic. 

    The issue is that large units like skeletons don’t move very fast, and getting into charge range of a gryph hound actually makes them move faster than if he wasn’t there at all.

     I’m saying that I think it already works the way you say it doesn’t, and that your argument doesn’t make sense to me.

    In game terms, a gryph hound is in front of 40 skeletons, the skeletons charge and move an extra 2D6” that they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise if he wasn’t there, they “probably” make contact with the unit behind, which they wouldn’t have been able to do if they didn’t get the extra charge distance because the gryph hound was there in the first place. The gryph hound dies to an overwhelming number of attacks. The skeletons are farther ahead than they were before and basically got free movement out of it.

    It’s win win for the skeleton player. I don’t see what the problem is. The effectively “trampled” over the model, which is what you said you think they should do.

  9. On the topic of a gryph hound stopping a unit for a turn, I see nothing wrong with it, but further to this, I don't even see that it would work like your saying except in the form of deep striking. Whenever I've had small units on the field and I'm going up against a large unit that's assaulting me, they typically assault straight past me, touching my few models with however many they feel is necessary to kill that model while still taking the fight on past it. If anything that lone gryph hound will actually help opponents engage with you faster, while doing nothing to provide any sort of attack strength in the process.

    In your hypothetical scenario, 40 skeletons will charge the gryph hound, and the majority of them will flow right on past him into the units behind him, and behave exactly like your imagined "wade past the lone guy".

    There's nothing a single model can do to stop an opponent from leap frogging past it and going for another model behind it. And in fact, the charge rules are quite a bit more favorable to the opponent with the large unit than the one with the small unit. Gryph hounds have poor saves and generally will just die in a puff of smoke the first time they engage anything. They aren't good units, and you're talking about them like they break the game or something. If I saw my opponent stick a gryph hound out in front of his army expecting that to slow me down or protect his army in any way, shape, or form, I'd probably just laugh.  Single gryph hounds aren't "screens" - they don't have a big enough footprint for that, and I'd argue that the larger packs are some of the worst models in our arsenal that you could use as a screen, in general. They are very expensive, and have pretty low survive ability unless they go first, and that's only because they can retreat, which won't win you any objectives.

    They are a nuissance/harrassment unit AT BEST. Stop trying to make out like they are some form of cheese. I don't even know where you're getting that idea.


  10. 55 minutes ago, Joeyj001 said:

    Hey hey, newbie here, I just bought a box of libs to fill out battle line. I’m sure the difference is neglible but can the prime get the great weapon?  Looks like whoever the prime is gets the head with the decoration. 


    Yes and as an aside the steelhearts champions box - Steelheart is a liberator prime with a greatsword. Well worth the cost just for that unique dual purpose model alone imo.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Lou_Cypher said:

    Minor question but.... what's the main use of the Slaughter Troupe?

    It allows units to retreat and still charge, sure. But Sisters of Slaughter can just retreat + run outside 3", and then pile-in 6" anyway.

    And for the price of the battalion, you can get a few extra things instead.

    Is it for less drops? Utility for the Heartrenders? 

    The idea to flee and use their abilities to get back into combat never crossed my mind, but seems intriguing for a number of reasons. In any case, the benefits besides the obvious of fewer drops and an artefact and command point, is that it allows you to get some amazing distances out of those units that would otherwise be impossible. I imagine that would be very useful and catch people off guard.

  12. 6 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Re: Castigators

    I think their main problem is that they don't have a niche. They are the least cost effective shooting in our army, and Rend-2 shooting is also provided by the Ballista. Even at 60 points they would still be one of the worst shooting options we currently have.

    Here are the changes I would propose:

    Since they are firing grenades it would make sense for them to be the anti-horde shooters.

    • Burst of Celestial Energy: Each time you make a successful hit roll with a Thunderhead Greatbow while targeting a unit with 5 or more models, it explodes and causes D3 hits instead. If you target a unit with 10 or more models, it causes D6 hits instead.
    • Castigator Aetheric Channeling: At the start of the shooting phase you can choose one of these effects: increase the Rend to -2, or you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of hits from Burst of Celestial Energy.

    With these abilities the Castigators would still be a poor choice for shooting single models but they would become a good choice for shooting most battleline, and the most efficient unit we have when shooting a unit with 10+ models. 

    I agree with having them get stronger when targetting groups. I think that SCE in general needs some options in their book to deal with large numbers of models. It would certainly make Castigators more interesting choices as well. I'm surprised they didn't do that with them from the start as their description seems to imply that they would work that way,

    • Like 1
  13. Re: the "free" gryph hound giving you an extra scions drop. I asked if I could do this at the last tournament I went to, and was denied. I was told essentially that I would not be able to do it unless it was specifically FAQed. I'm fine with that judgement, but I just thought I'd mention it in case people here get an idea like it's common practice and commonly accepted. In my region at least - it's not.

    As for 6 castigators being the price of 5 judicators. I agree that they may actually be a decent unit in that category - the problem is that judicators count as battle line, and if it weren't for that I wouldn't generally be taking them OR castigators. The fact that castigators can't count as battle-line nixes the idea of using more of them for me. I only take judicators in the first place because I have to put something in that battleline spot and, I can include them in my overall tactic. But if that battle line restriction was lifted, I doubt I'd ever take them, as the thing I do with judicators, I can do a bit better with other units.

  14. I use castigators to either fill 80 points or to get another unit into scions (usually both). They actually can be useful in certain situations where rend is necessary to get rid of an annoying target... beyond that however, I think they are a pretty useless unit and very underwhelming... I’ve only ever taken 1 unit in a list, but I have 2 painted because I actually really like the models.

  15. 12 minutes ago, James S said:

    Hey fellas, got a quick question for y’all. How do yalls Castelants and Relictors pray twice a turn? I can’t find the rules that allow this. Just looking for some rules clarification. Appreciate any help.

    The old prayers were turned into abilities. They use a prayer and an ability now.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, Black Blade said:

    This. I'm kind of sick of people complaining about them already. There are valid issues but sometimes it sounds like a fervor and it's logic seems to come from a vacuum where only SC appear to have issues.

    The issue I find with SCE is that there’s a “wall” that is very difficult to get past at the tournament level. They do extremely well at the casual level, but once you hit the really tough meta lists, at a certain point it becomes incredibly frustrating to create a good competitive list. My “tournament” list went 2/5 in 5 tournaments last year. I changed the list every tournament, didn’t matter, and I’m basically losing to the same armies in the same ways all year. The tools are there, but you need a cavalcade of skill and luck to pull it off... I think that’s where the majority of “valid” complaints are stemming from. Barring a few very, very specific, special lists, SCE on the whole are mid to upper tier 2 at best. Not a bad place to be, but pretty darn frustrating if it’s your only army and you seriously invested in it.

    • Like 1
  17. I’ve been tooling around with a large block of buffed liberators in the center of my board for about a month and it works wonderfully. But I have no delusions that a similarly buffed unit of sequitors wouldn’t do much better for similar or equal points. In this scenario, my general is sitting in the block anyway, so it might as well be an arcanum. The only reason I don’t use them is that I don’t have the models and won’t for a while. Liberators can do it, and I find 15 is just fine, while 20 is almost overkill. If taking sequitors, I would probably take 20 just simply because of the points bargain. But it’s worth mentioning that if all you want is a choke point and nothing else, liberators are better because they are cheaper.

     I have also been experimenting with Vandus in the block, pumping out his CA multiple times in a single phase. When he catches a block of liberators, even they become good at assault, so I shudder to think what would happen with sequitors instead.

    On the subject of sequitors serving a role of elites, I use a squad of 5 for that regularly. They are almost as good as evocators, and priced cheaper to compensate. I fully believe that they can substitute for elite units if taken in large enough numbers.

    On the subject of Stardrakes piling in 0”, that is always how I have played it.

  18. 1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Well, I finally finished my 1,000 points yesterday (barring endless spells) just in time for school to start and eat my time up. I did play a game sunday and saw a post on reddit that basically confirms the biggest weakpoint of my army...


    how the heck do I play for an objective? I know it's stupid to ask but I am having a really bloody hard time with objectives recently, especially the one game where you burn objectives. Aparantly opponents can burn objectives without anyone within range of it? lost a game that was ensured because my opponent barely managed to get his toe within 6" to grab both of my objectives and burn all four of them at the end of the greatest high tide my army ever had...

    As an opponent to IDK in tournaments, if it weren’t for this fact I don’t know that I would ever be able to beat them. Any mission that has win conditions late game is pretty much an auto lose for me. IDK need at least some sort of weaknesses to balance out the incredible offensive power that they can generate mid game.

  19. 10 minutes ago, Lou_Cypher said:

    Question about Sisters of Slaughter.

    Can you have them wait outside 3" of an enemy without charging.

    Then charge a different unit with something like Witch Aelves, choosing to activate them first.

    The Sisters of Slaughter would be safe from retaliation because the enemy is outside 3" pile-in. But when you can activate next, you pile-in the Sisters 6" forward and attack the enemy that couldn't attack you.


    Yes, due to the wording on their warscroll. Note that some units in the game can pile in 6”, but can’t activate outside of 3”. SoS are a bit unique.

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