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Posts posted by Fluttershy

  1. do you have to use feeding frenzy immediatly after that unit has attacked or is it possible to use feeding frenzy later on that unit, too?



    - unit A attacks

    - enemy unit A attacks

     - unit B attacks, followed by using feeding frenzy on unit A

    - enemy unit B attacks




  2. 38 minutes ago, Vlagorescu said:

    Get the point? :)

    found the FAQ, thx

    Q: Some abilities allow or require a unit to fight at the start of the combat phase, or the end of the combat phase. How exactly does this work? What happens if two or more units have to fight at the start or the end of the phase?

    A: Units that fight at the start or the end of the combat phase make a pile-in move and then attack with their melee weapons before the players start picking any other units to fight in that phase, or after the players have picked all other units to fight in that phase, respectively. So, first you pile in and make attacks with the units that are to fight at the start of the phase, then the players alternate picking units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place, and lastly you pile in and make attacks with units that make attacks at the end of the combat phase. If there are several units fighting at the start or the end of the phase, the player whose turn is taking place attacks with all of their units in the order of their choice, and then their opponent does the same.

  3. 2 hours ago, Kairos Tejedestinos said:

    - A command trait.

    - It's your turn, if i am not mistaken the command trait is that you attack at the beginning of the combat phase rather than at the combat phase (i don't have the book), so you still get to choose which units attacks first in the combat phase. To simplify, you resolve beginning of the combat phase, attack twice, then start to choose units as you normally do, and since it's your turn, you go first choosing unit, and you attack twice with it if you have the CP.

    - Yes, you pop it after it has attacked.


    It's kind of funny because it shows how long the battletome schedules takes, because it's kinda like a doppleganger cloak, and that one got nerfed to once per battle.

    ok, let's assume you start with an attack covered by your combat trait followed by an attack triggered by feeding frenzy. in this case you're starting your combat phase with an attack (triggered by feeding frenzy). after your attack it's your opponets choice to attack witch a unit.

    i don't think you'll be able to attack 4 times in a row.. we'll see ;)

  4. 48 minutes ago, Kairos Tejedestinos said:

    Never mind me, i read it wrong :D

    i still don't get it.

    - why is your general fighting first in every combat phase?

    - fight 4 times before any other unit gets activated?

    you can pop feeding frenzy after that unit has attacked, not before!?

  5. gues it will be other mechanics, wich will become apparent as broken 😁

    but hey, it's a "new" battletome, it has to be "uber" to sell those dusty fec models.. buisiness as usual.. enjoy your time, as long as it lasts

    RIP Ghoul Patrol & Majestic Horror

  6. Just now, MrRoff said:

    Yeah, but what stops you from having 5 Abhorrant Archregants? And using all the command abilities the same turn, and having the throne terrain piece?
    1000p+ worth of models added to your army.

    nothin'. your limitation is # of heroes / game

  7. 2 hours ago, AaronWIlson said:

    Are you FEC players considering use dice apps? Units of 40 ghouls very reliably rolling 200+ (And that number is being modest, very modest) with Feeding Frenzy + double pile in and attack will really chew through game time. 

    I'm using "Xd6" and some times "Dice Roller: D6 WarGame Kit" on my IPod

    Xd6 ❤️




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  8. hmm..

    black hunger (ghoul king, cast:5) and ferocious hunger (archregent, cast:6) combined gives a unit +2-4 Attack characterisic until next hero phase +feeding frenzy

    melee mayhem.. 20 ghouls with bh & fh and ff will make 162 attack rolls (min) 202 attack rolls (avg) 242 attack rolls (max) 😲

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Shroud Of Night said:

    This is very interesting, RAW it does seem to hit charge and retreat moves as well.  This does amp up the power level quite a bit.

    RAW it states "move" not "normal move"

    move = normal move / charge-move / pile-in move


  10. playing a 1000 pts game

    me: "hey, i think returning slain models could be added to a unit within 10" - because of..."

    he: "..I'm  ok with that - doesn't matter at all"

    me: "ok, but it *makes* a difference"

    he: "nah, bulls***"

    -- putting 950 pts DEADWATCH Batallion on the table - (1x Crypt Infernal Courtier, 1x Varghulf, 3x 3 Crypt Flayers ;) ) --

    he: "I'll squish your bloody wings"

    me: "ok"

    -- short time later --

    he: "ha! see, i wiped your first unit, they totally suck in small numbers"

    -- returning 4 Flayers to unit (a) (including the two slain Crypt Infernal [leader of the unit] models from unit (b) and (c) --

    he: "you can't return leaders of a unit to another one"

    me: "why not? as long as they have been slain and are using the same Warscroll - in coherence with the Core Rules of UNITS 'Models fight in units. A unit can have one or more models, but cannot include models that use different warscrolls.', bloody winged Crypt Infernal [leader of the unit] can be returned to a friendly Crypt Flayers unit within 10", too.

    he: "but.., eh.., but.."

    -- fisted his SCE with a lovely unit of 7+ Crypt Flayers DEADWATCH including 3 'leaders' :D -- took 2x 10 summoned ghouls to take objectives --

    he: "damn - ok, there is a difference"

    me: "gg"

    -- we got some beer, a bloody feast and laughed a lot --

  11. I might miss something -- this **** is burning my brain..


    So let's start with the definition of slain models:


    Once the number of wounds allocated to a model during the battle equals its Wounds characteristic, the model is slain. Place a slain model to one side – it is removed from play.

    (Core Rules AoS 2.0)


    For simplification let's focus on ghouls.

    So every slain (ghoul) model goes right into our "slain-model-(ghoul)-pool", beside the board - removed from play.


    When it comes to our HERO PHASE let's pick our Crypt Ghast Courtier and use his ability:

    Muster Men-at-arms: In your hero phase, you can roll 6 dice for each friendly Crypt Ghast Courtier on the battlefield. If you do so, for each 2+, you can return 1 slain model to a friendly Crypt Ghouls unit that is within 10" of that Crypt Ghast Courtier. Slain models can be returned to more than one unit if you wish, but each successful dice roll can only be used to return a model to a single unit.

    (FAQ July 2018)


    It allows us to return (previously removed from play) slain models (back into play) and add them to a friendly Crypt Ghoul unit that is within 10".


    This doesn't imply the slain model has to be from a specific (ghoul) unit, nor we have to "return" it to the unit it previosly belonged to. We return a slain model to a friendlyCrypt Ghul unit within 10" - returning to the battle, returning to the game, returning "into play". It shouldn't matter if the model has been slain in ghoul unit (a) or ghoul unit (b).

    It still isn't adding new models to a unit - like ghoul patrol does "[..] and add that many models to the unit."

    We're still limited to our "slain-model-(ghoul)-pool" and since AoS 2.0 hasn't any "you can't go over unit starting size" restrictions anymore, I think we should be able to return a slain ghoul to whatever ghoul unit within 10" we want to.


    Counter argumentation is apprechiated ;)

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