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Glam The Laughing Warrior

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Posts posted by Glam The Laughing Warrior

  1. Since Shadow Warriors and Sisters of the Watch are a dual kit, and Swifthawks have been completely annihilated, I'm expecting/hoping that Shadow Warriors will become Wanderers.  In which case, I would use my Glade Guard as Shadow Warriors.  Only problem is that at 160, I think Shadow Warriors are over-priced.

  2. When you deploy the battalion units in the movement phase do they all have to be on the same table edge or can you split them? It says “edges of the battlefield” so it sounds like you can split them but can anyone confirm?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    They wont be back i am afraid. Gw never done such move for any unit.

    One possible way to use the model, would be to ally a Dragonlord and use the forest dragon. That or convert a dragon to look "Wanderer"

    That's what I've done - I used the forest dragon as a dragonlord (with a Waystrider on top)


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  4. Hi all, I played a couple of Skirmish games with my Wanderers yesterday.  My warband was:

    - Nomad Prince with Ambitious Fighter and Blessed Amulet

    - 4 Wildwood Rangers

    - 1 High Sister of the Watch

    - 3 Sisters of the Watch

    - 3 Glade Guard


    Pic here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Btq9N4An7xh


    First game was against Kharadron Overlords using The Ritual battleplan (randomly chosen).  Not familiar with KO so not really sure what his guys were but they all had different guns!  I won the roll and chose to be the assassin. Turns out that was a good choice because both of us only had one multi-wound character (our generals) so the ritualist wouldn’t be able to use their general to attack. Also neither of us had wizards/priests making the ritual harder to complete.

    His general was set in the corner of the first floor of some ruins surrounded by 3 of his troops.  The other duardin were scattered around the rest of his deployment zone. I had 3 glade guard in the corner by one of the locus of power, 2 sisters near the other, 2 more sisters in another corner with line of sight to the guys around his general, then 2 rangers on one edge and 2 rangers and the Prince on the opposite side. The idea was to have all the archers surrounding them and shooting the normal duardin while my Prince and Rangers head for their general.

    KO got first turn and he moved his guys on the ground out towards the locuses of power. His shooting killed 2 rangers and 1 glade guard. On my turn the Prince headed towards his general. The rangers headed towards the closest duardin who was on the way to their general. The glade guard stayed close to their locus. 2 sisters stayed close to their locus but had to move to get better line of sight. The other 2 sisters stayed put. I can’t remember if I actually killed anyone in this turn, if I did it was only 1 or 2 duardin (my wound rolls were awful in this game).

    I got the double turn which let me get my Prince into his general. I only got 2 hits and then rolled snakes eyes to wound... the other duardin were being slowly killed by my shooting.

    On his turn, the duardin were off trying to take control of the locuses and he only had 2 remaining to protect his general. They struggled to do much damage to the Prince while the Prince manage to knock the general down to about half wounds.

    He got the double turn this time but it went similarly to the previous turn. This time the Prince managed to kill the general achieving a major victory for the Wanderers!!


    Second game was Hold the Centre (randomly chosen) against Khorne.  He had an Aspiring Deathbringer (I think), a Khorgaroth and a bunch of bloodreavers.

    Khorne got first turn and ran everything to the centre taking two of the objectives. Having forgotten about arcane bodkins in the last game, I used them against the Khorgaroth but missed with all of them. The Sisters focussed on the Bloodreavers killing a few.  The Prince and 2 rangers headed for the centre while the other 2 rangers took the unclaimed objective. The Prince and 2 rangers charged the Khorgaroth. The other 2 rangers charged the bloodreavers but one failed. The Prince took the Khorgaroth down to 2 wounds, while the rangers failed to do anything. The ranger attacking the bloodreavers got surrounded but somehow survived (poor attack rolls plus one save).

    Khorne won the rolloff and attacked my Prince with the Khorgaroth leaving him on 2 wounds. The bloodreavers kill the ranger, while the other 2 rangers failed to do anything again. The Prince killed the Khorgaroth.  On my turn the shooting and combat finished off the bloodreavers leaving him with only his general, who failed his battleshock test and ran away. I had more victory points at this point so it was another major victory to the Wanderers!!


    It was a lot of fun and nice to be able to play a couple of games. I think my warband had a pretty good balance of shooting and melee. Most of the melee damage was done by the Prince so he was key to both games.  Also the command trait and artefact were both good for the Prince.

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  5. I'm building some Wild Riders at the moment and wondering whether to give them shields or not?  Is it worth taking the movement penalty? 

    Or maybe I can just hang the shields on the steeds and decide whether to use them or not in each game (depending on opponent and battleplan)?


  6. I was planning to put all my Wanderer heroes in 32mm bases (same as the Nomad Prince). I see that the official base size list has all the other heroes on 25mm bases though.

    Has anyone else put their heroes on 32mm bases?  And are there any issues when playing if not on the official sizes?

    The spellweaver with staff especially seems to need a larger bases as she’s quite unstable on a 25mm.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Frozenbeast said:

    I am pretty sure from GHB2017 GW specified the General MUST be a model with the HERO keyword and not any model on the battlefield. I did not go through all of it yet but I am pretty sure this did not change in the new edition.

    Doh! You are right. In GHB2018: “In a pitched battle, your general must be a Leader, and may not be an ally”

    Well it was just a crazy idea... Makes sense it should be a hero...




  8. Has anyone considered making the High Sister in a unit of SotW their general? She could take Stalker of the Hidden Paths so the SotW would be able to teleport to any table edge every turn.

    With the FAQ, they could always shoot twice, and if someone does manage to charge them, they get to shot again. The High Sister could also take Forget-me-not in case anything really scary charges them to give them a chance to Realm Wander away.

    Seems like it would turn them into a mobile killing machine, especially if it’s a unit of 20.

    (Obviously the SotW would not be battleline in this case so would have to get EG or GG)



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  9. The app has been updated including the warscrolls. I did a quick skim through of the Wanderer warscrolls and there didn’t seem to be any differences in rules.

    For some reason the Eternal Guard are now in their own section (they still have WANDERER keyword though)

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