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Posts posted by Blueraven84

  1. 53 minutes ago, CrimsonKing said:

    Ive started collecting dark elves for old world, But waiting for more concrete announcements on bases, army expectations etc. before building up. Will they even have rules for the various armies or just start with the few factions they teased are part of their launch?

    This. I'm overhyped but I need more info what the game actually will be like. I got like dwarfs and maybe orcs ready to go, just have to see what they do with base sizes if I can play lizzies, chaos and so on.

    Rules I don't care so much about. Just make them smooth and not require to sell kidneys to have 2000 point armies.

    In theory I could have like Bretonnia, Orcs, Khemri and Dwarfs ready to play 2k games soonish after launch. Just need to get couple more minis on correct base sizes and that small thing called getting those painted


  2. Now imagine this: your favourite setting/game gets blown up. Oh okey guess I just move forward then to Aos after being grumpy old saltbag for an year. You rebase 90 percent of your models/armies while geedubs keeps ending support for your fantasy armies, hello Bretonnia and Wood elves.

    Then you hear that okey they have this small side project coming to squares when you have been preaching for 7-8 years how great round bases are and how easy it is to get in to age of sigmar.

    They finally figure it out that, bigger bases are better, you can actually rank models now in unit. But of course it's Gw so they don't want age of sigmar players using their toys, they want you to buy them again on little different sized shaped bases.

    (sorry for the salt but all these rumours that you can't use aos bases/models are killing me) Sorry for all the beastmen players of old, basing ungors 20mm->25mm->round 25mm->square 25mm if you want official gw size.

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  3. I have like 3 tinfoilhat theories about Old world currently, or should I say how gw will handle the release:

    1. We have only seen like actual 10 percent of everything they have planned rules and models wise

    2. It will only be some forgeworld side project that will get releases luckily every second month. (aeronautica, middle earth etc)

    3. It was going to be 3rd "core" system/game but some problems with logistics or something else customers don't know about, made them change plans aka sell old models and upgrade sprues, though this is like rumour at this point in time.

  4. Maybe they learned from horus heresy. No models for the new players other than expensive resin from forgeworld. I'd rather take old models to fill my old armies rather than get nothing. Of course it would be nice to get new shiny models but have to face reality at some point...oh well maybe next year or year after that if ToW sells.

    • Like 1
  5. Some Natfka rumours, apply salt as much as needed:


    Rumors via a great source here on Faeit 212

    I got more Stuff about Warhammer The Old World;


    New Base for new produced and sold Sets;

    -25mm - small Infantry

    -30mm - larger Infantry

    -60mm - monstrous Infantry,

    -30mmx60mm - Cavalry

    There will be no rules for base measures, you can use your old models with their old bases. You even could use rebased Models with Movement trays for round bases.

    Launch Set will be (as said) Empire vs. Orcs

    Bretonia and Khemri were previews to show "those factions are not forgotten, we will bring complete new Stuff for them!"

    Khemri will get the biggest range overhauls

    Some older Models will return to production

    First (6) Factions to get releases will be Empire > Orcs & Goblins > Chaos > Kislev > Bretonia > Dwarfs

    • Like 4
  6. On 3/27/2023 at 8:48 AM, Chikout said:

    This isn't from a well known source but over on Dakka, they are saying there will a tombkings Vs Bretts starter in November or December. There will be new plastic kits for knights, men at arms and longbow men. For Tombkings there will be skeletons, horsemen and chariots. Both sides are apparently also getting 'new kits' too whatever that means. The minimum base size is apparently going to 25mm. 

    Don't know if it's rumour reverb but this is like 3rd time I'm hearing brets vs khemri in starter and end of this year. I guess no smoke without fire....

  7. I really wonder what are they going to do with square bases/models. For example current chaos warriors extend over 32mm round base so ranking those shoulder to shoulder with 25mm? square bases seems like wishlisting. Maybe they will reprint old style warriors but I really don't think so?

  8. I had hoped that Skaven would get more than one model considering how old their range is. It's like expect nothing and still get disappointed... I suspected with Heresy coming as core game there would'nt be so many full range refresses in the summer.

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