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Posts posted by Blueraven84

  1. 28 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    "All of these characters have a part to play in the final chapter of the Broken Realms saga, and given the intensity of the first three books, this one’s going to be huge." 

    Now I am shifting from confident about 3.0 being revealed next week to pretty damn certain.

    Also who would win: some floaty Gods and a big ol' centaur man, or a father and daughter duo just making their way in the realms?

    And I'm less confident, if they spend whole monday on Kragnos and saturday on vamps...

    Please please let me be wrong and saturday be 3.0 day. I'm so done with this edition already.

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  2. 1 minute ago, DoctorPerils said:

    🤔 All these gitmob rumours had me look at this rumour engine again...


    Is this paw not pretty close to the wolf paws on the snarlfangs?WHUWBeastgravePreview-Sep15-Snarlfangs7i

    Sorry if this is obvious, I hadn't put 2 and 2 together yet XD

    I thought it was some yet unreleased soulblight/werewolf, but now that you mention it.... they do look a bit similar

  3. 57 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    It’s possible but at moment who knows. I’m expecting lots of Gravelord teasers if I’m honest. Depends how fast they want to get it out if 3rd edition is happening this summer

    Lol "if". Saturday teaser or riot!

  4. Teasing us old(long)beards is bad mmmmkay?

    I have feeling that if big IF they bring back duardin they will look nothing like the current models in my closet.

    Hammerers and 8th ed Fantasybattle dwarfs and models before that.

    If you don't have imagination enough, just compare old orcs to Irownjaws and go from there.

  5. 3 hours ago, Sorrow said:

    Is this true? Any source that Kurnothi are truly coming?

    A lot of comments of Allarielle in BR: Teclis seems to hint at Kurnoth.

    Nothing concrete really but Kurnothi seems to pop up every once in a wild in models and books.

    Cough cough wink wink reading


    Dark Harvest

    and getting hopes up....

  6. 4 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

    Too be fair the grotbag scuttles have also appeared in the Gloomspite Gitz book, and a few other books, so those are less of a meme and more of a tease.

     Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.”

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