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Ragnar Alpaca

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Posts posted by Ragnar Alpaca

  1. 2 hours ago, Dammaz said:

    Oï mate !
    I made some testing with Gyrobombers*3 and Tempest Eye allegiance, and I must say, that's pretty neat !

    With the bonus movement turn 1, bombing get scary, especially if you manage to get 2 or more units in a carpet-bombing. Nothing broken, but interesting.

    Just keep on running with those gyro-flapflap.


    On Gyrocopters, I'm eager to test it against big units with Greywater allegiance. I think there is something to do on it and +3" range. ;)




    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I already have one built as a gyrobomber, but I think I want to build a squad of copters instead. If not solely for the reason that they are much faster. 

  2. @Oath Stoned We started this hobby at all most the same time, and we both have quite large collections of dwarfs, and it is hard knowing that so many of our models are now discontinued, but we have to hold out hope for the remaining line to get included, and possibly expanded upon later. At the end of the day we’re dwarfs, we never should give up. I’m holding on to all my dwarfs, even the old ones that have been discontinued. The ones remaining I will buy more of and make a cities of Sigmar army. 

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  3. This doesn’t look great lads. I’m very disappointed, I held out hope that we would get our own tome right until I seen the CoS tome, and even after that I held out hope that we would be able to play a pure dwarf force. This is just awful though, I expected the quarellers and thunderers, but the cannon, organ gun, unforged, and warriors!? That’s most of my force of dwarfs and I guess they’re all just useless now. That’s really sad and I hope GW know that they’ve upset a lot of people by doing this. 

    With saying that this is going in the book, and will not be taken out until we get new models. So most likely never. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I agree, it would be a bit weird to drop this new fluff seed and roll Dispossessed in with Humans. I could see this new faction as being sort of a crusading force led by Grungni. Rallying all the Dispossessed clans and possibly some of the other Duardin to reclaim their former Khazalid Empire from the enemy. The Dispossessed trying to repossess their homes. Like you said, new stuff like golems could be brought in and other new stuff. Grungni is finally getting out of his depression and helping his people. I just had a new idea for a chaff unit. Duardin Pilgrims, devote Duardin from across the realms rallying to Grungni. They could be modeled with bits of Fyreslayer and KO aesthetic nods to depict a far wide rallying. Just an idea I just had.

    Grungni is the Pope. And I shall answer his call. Deus Vult Dawi!

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  5. 3 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    You pretty much just listed all the reasons why they would do a combination tome. And it's likely to also happen with the Aelves, if they don't also get bunched in with a Free People\Cities tome.

    The Dispossessed line is definitely big enough to have it's own tome and be expanded upon, I agree.. but I also think they fall too closely to standard Dwarves and would actually fit just fine in a "ragtag" tome instead of their own when there's already 2 unique dwarven IP's out there. They've shown to be "lazy" and do this with the Gitz, BoC, LoN just to name a few so, to me, it does make sense that they would continue this trend.

    It likely is cheaper and faster to do as they won't need to include any new models (maybe a terrain piece?) and will get all of these broken factions more up to speed. I mean, I'll be honest I hope I'm wrong as it would cool to have them fleshed out on their own but... I just don't see it with how they've been doing every other book.

    I don’t agree. If they combined Dispossessed, free people, ironweld, and any elves, that would become a bloated mess of an army. Also they haven’t done this before like you say. Gitz, BoC, and LoN are not like this at all, they all were once a single army like they are now again. Free people and dwarfs have never been one army, and if elves were included that would put 3 armies together into one.

    Also I feel one reason people are up saying we are going to get combined again is that during that interview they said, “Dispossessed would be included and the book itself won’t be called Dispossessed.” Well this is obvious. BoC weren’t called BoC before they got their book, neither were Gitz or LoN. They all had their small respective group names and when put into a battletome they got a new name labeling them all as something new. This will also without question happen to our dwarfs. 

    If I'm to guess the release for dwarfs will come out later next year most likely, and combine Dispossessed and the dwarf portions of iron weld. Like the fyreslayers we’ll also get some sort of endless spells, along with some sort of terrain piece. At this point I don’t see us getting a DoK style release with a couple new kits, but hey we can still hope for that.


    • Thanks 2
  6. 4 hours ago, colbytcook said:

    Hello to all the Longbeards! I have finally bought into Dispossessed with the Tempest Eye box (such a good value!) and I will most likely pick up one or two more. As a long time lover of all things Dwarf I can't wait to get them on the table top.

    And a side note, I did my part on the Community Survey (Dispossessed Battletome please!)

    Welcome beardling!

  7. 8 minutes ago, Azamar said:

    I’ve done my part! 

    Anyone else notice that dispossessed and ironweld arsenal are grouped together when selecting factions...?

    I did and I mentioned specifically at the end “please update the Dispossessed” so if enough of us do this well it might speed it up or show them we want a separate tome aside from a free cities book. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    Every Release there is a limited edition Battletome version and I always think, that it is a waist of money there is the same text in it. But if we get a Battletome I will get a limited edition Battletome, hopefully they give it a book of grudges look.

    Yeah once we get a tome I’m preordering the limited edition one, along with a couple packs of dice (if they’re not too over the top), and the warscroll cards. 

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  9. Being a big Dispossessed fan, I don’t expect anything to do with us tonight. I also don’t know where anyone is getting the idea that a combined dwarf faction will ever become a thing. It’s a dumb idea that as far as I can tell was started by NDA breaker a while back and now we now everything he said was worthless. Im fairly certain that when we do get a tome it will be standalone or combined with free peoples, and dare I say it, elves.

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  10. 3 hours ago, raaaahman said:

    I like your paint job!

    In a mixed Order list, I'd see the point yes. Though aren't there any nasty combos with Thunderers, Runelord, Warden and/or Dispossessed allegiance? Like hitting on 3+, +1 from thunderers> 20 , re-rolls 1, wounding on 3+, +1 from Warden King's command ability, rend -2 from runelord?

    That's one third of your budget in a 1000 points game, and if they fall below 20 models, that's half the shoots... Ain't that a bit risky?

    It would be yeah for 1000 points, I don’t think I would ever take them in 1000 point games, I only play 1500 and usually 2000 point games. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. My favorite unit in our army rn is a block of 30 quarrellers, 60 shots can melt quite a lot of models, especially with some rend added from the runelord. I’ve taken out Neferata in one turn with a group of 30 of them. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Bladedwind said:

    In response to a previous question I have no idea who my partner will be. That said I have thrown together a quick list.

    Warden King 120
    Runelord 100 (Pickaxe)
    100 Point Hero of Choice

    20 Ironbreakers 280
    30 Hammerers 420
    20 Irondrakes 360
    10 Longbeards 100

    Total 1480



    Plan is to just go elite, go straightforward, and use pickaxe to cap objectives. The role or use of pickaxe may change. The unnamed hero will PROBABLY be a Runelord, but I have an Unforged on the way and I'm toying with the idea since we do have a Chaos player as well as someone that runs Beastclaw Raiders

    Looks like a well rounded elite list. The pickaxe would be useful with the breakers hammerers or drakes. As for the other hero, I would definitely go another runelord. Other than that since you don’t know who your partner you can’t really plan ahead much more than you have. I would advise against the unforged though, he can be good but really needs an artifact and be against chaos. 

    • Thanks 2
  13. 6 hours ago, Bladedwind said:

    I serk assistance from the Longbeards! I will be at a local Tourney next Saturday that runs 1500 points...with the twist that it will be 2 on 2. Any suggestions tactics and list wise?

    Do you know your team mate’s army and list?

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