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Posts posted by Nos

  1. On 12/3/2018 at 10:41 AM, Yokai said:

    If Slaanesh breaks free next year (which I think is a certain), I am willing to wager a fair amount that it will involve his/her former guardians as well (ie Malerion and Tyrion/Teclis). So, new aelves is pretty much a given.

    No way they’re going to blow their load like that. Will be at least another year before any of those things happen. The fallout of Soul Wars hasn’t even been realised yet.

  2. 2 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    The bit that always amazes me is how much detail they actually cram in - when you look at this super tiny model and can actually see the pupils in it's eyes...  I was lucky enough to get to hold & look up close at the Slann that won the Classic Slayer Sword this year - truly humbling to see something that not only was perfectly painted, but conveyed textures!

    Yes i’ve seen some Golden Demon stuff face to face as it where before and the achievement of texture on a flat surface is always the thing that impresses me most.

    I think what I mean though is that then you see it as a mini in its actual scale rather than an inflated photo it makes it more relatable. I feel as though I can see how they’ve accomplished something,  a mastery of techniques that pretty much everyone uses, even if they are executed at a level few people are ever able to accomplish.  It’s like the difference between seeing sport on TV and live. The athleticism and skill seen live is no different to what it is on TV but TV coverage lingers on and maximises the extraordinary to a degree that the naked eye can’t perceive in the flesh which leads to a distortion of expectation and perception.

    At Warhammer World they have some  Demon winners from the late 90’s that I used to salivate over. And they are no less impressive in the flesh in a sense, but they’re also just models painted to a very good standard. That demystification experience was very healthy for my own attitude and approach to painting. Anyone who pains is closer than they think to that standard.

    • Like 6
  3. 5 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I don't think this counts as a leaked image as it's just the side of a box that we've already seen, but this was taken at PAX (starts 30th of November). If the box is open and meant to be played at the event, then this may mean the rules and other parts of the box will be revealed. I hope so!


    Always amazing to see ‘Eavy Metal stuff in regular lighting, thought the same at Warhammer World this year.  Obviously it’s still a great paint job but it’s crazy how much more attainable thevstandard appears when you see it outwith the pages of White Dwarf.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, gelt said:

    Hello everyone. Meanwhile, I apologize for how I write, English is not my language.
    I look for tips for a 1000 pt stormcast list to take to a tournament.
    In this tournament we will be 9 players (there will be a lot of chaos) scenarios will be: blood and glory core book, duality of death gh, total commitment.
    this was my basic idea. Allegiance: Order

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    - General
    - Trait: We Can not Fail
    - Artefact: God-forged Blade
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    - Mount Trait: Wind Runner
    Gavriel Sureheart (100)


    5 x Evocators (200)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades
    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    War Machines
    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Total: 1000/2000
    Extra Command Points: 20
    Allies: 0/400
    Wounds: 64

    I'm not convinced of the ballista, maybe I could exchange it with a lord relictor.

    These are the miniatures I have:
    24 sequitors of soul war.
    2 lord arcanum on griph.
    3 kinight incantor.
    9 evoicator of soul war.
    20 liberator with club and shield of the old set.
    2 relictor
    steelheart's champions
    3 prosecutors of the old set
    3 vanguard raptors
    3 celestar ballista
    10 castigators.

    The proxi is not allowed in the tournament.

    help me play Sunday and my first tournament and the sixth or seventh game, even if I played 10 years at whfb.

    I would remove the Ballista, it's not going to be as reliable or useful as 5 Liberators in a game that size.

    Honestly I don't think you need Gavriel either. You can do plenty with that army without him and actually it makes you more flexible and harder to outhink. My 1000 points Stormcast was very similar to this and I didn't need Gavriel to win routinely.  Sequitors and Evocators with their buffs vastly outperform their cost at this level. Add a Castellant or a Relictor instead, characters who unlike Gavriel can affect any unit in your army every turn, and you have an army that's very hard to kill, capable of healing and Resurrection,  plenty of scope for bringng on reserves for objectives and clutch plays, and is very good at kiling things in general.  Not much else you need.

    Also if you're not taking Gavriel you can take a different Stormhost. At 1000 points Astral Templars can kill a general easily who in 1000 points games will represent a huge part of an army's effectiveness, and will make mincemeat of people who try to cheese it by bringing something like a Great Unclean One or Spirit of Durthu similar at this level. Or you could just take Staunch Defender, giving your Sequitors buffed by the Castellant a re-rollable 2+ save on defence or 3+ on the charge, as well as a powerful artifact.


  5. 1 hour ago, frostfire said:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    - General
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    - Mount Trait: Wind Runner
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Lighntning Blast
    Gavriel Sureheart (100)
    Lord-Castellant (100)

    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields

    10 x Evocators (400)
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    - Allies

    War Machines
    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Total: 1500 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 60 / 200
    Wounds: 100

    Played this list in a recent local game and won the 5th.I lost to a 30 reapers NH list due to underestimating the reapers but won the other two NH with the bladegheists easily .

    Pretty much sure that Gav list is the most solid list these days. But it's obvious that it would lose to something like a Heavenswatch /Shadowstrike Seraphon or 90 witches DoK because they have good screening units(witches/skinks) and a powerful counterattack.

    More than once I wiped the Slann with a single Gav and Evo charge and just watched a buttload of  sneaky skinks steal the objectives .

    Is there a stronger list to win such battles or I just played the Gav wrong ? 

    Besides, I think Seraphon is the most powerful army right now which barely has flaws.But it didn't come out to be like this in the recent GTs. That's confusing.

    Did you play Hammers of Sigmar?

  6. 1 hour ago, PUFNSTUF said:

    Okay so essentially I should have either let the eels die or let the 30 witch aelves die but not both. I'll have to try that, but regardless based on my list design it seems like an uphill battle. Might have to rework it if its something I will encounter a lot.

    If your list relies on two deathball units then up against an army of similar it’s just going to come down to best turn and charge dice rolls to see who gets to pull it off. 

    The weakness of an elite unit like 20 Evocators is that its expensive (800 points in this instance). It has to do a lot of work to justify that expenditure. But lumping all your points together makes for a lovely target for them to do just that. Not many units are going to survive getting hit by 20 Evocators, regardless of wounds or number of models. So the answer is don’t give them that target. Once they’re down they’re slow and also cumbersome due to how big their footprint is, so play around that. Give them nothing juicy to strike into by lining up the edges with something dispensable  and then just avoid them.

    Youre probably thinking “Great-but how do I win if I can’t take my big units?” Well nearly half his army in this scenario is doing nothing of value. It can only hold one objective. Meanwhile the chaff you have to screen can hold multiple objectives leaving you with much more tactical strength, and you always have far more points to bring to bear where it counts. That’s how you do it.

    If your question is how do my 30 near naked non rend one wound models beat 20 multi wound multi damage multi mortal wound 3+ armour save wizard soldiers? They don’t. So don’t have that fight. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, PUFNSTUF said:

    Yes staunch may not be the best actually, but you mention dracoline trait specifically, and since there are only 3, of the other two what would be better than savage loyalty? A constructive response instead of saying it's garbage would help me better.

    They're all situational really. The 6" pile in one is a nice advantage to have if you want to fight with the LA, the +1 to hit for Dracolines is obviously nice but means you have to fight close to them restricting your command somewhat and the final trait can wreck a big fight for a horde or elite unit but again you're going to be in harms way. 

    If you take the Smouldering Helm from Realms of Magic (saving throws of 6+ cause MW to attacker) they will proc on a 5+ with SD, 4+ if you use the LC's lantern. Combine that with Ear Bursting  Roar, LA's flasks and you have an excellent  hedgehog type counter attacking unit who can cause enormous damage in defence.

  8. 2 hours ago, Bradipo322 said:

    No, they do not.

    You can choose any stormhost, the caveat is that named characters won't have that stormhost abilities.

    But most heroes specify that units affected by their abilities have to be Hammers. Gavriel can only use his ability on Hammers units for example. Astreia who was explicitly mentioned also can only apply theirs to Hammers and so on. 

    I've got a feeling a lot of people are missing this and taking Gavriel for the charge as well as Staunch Commander etc 

  9. 6 hours ago, Roodie said:

    Hey all, I need your collective wisdom planning my next purchases. I feel it's time to finally try the game with the second edition, and my first choice is the Stormcast Eternals, mostly because I already have the beginnings of the army from the Soul Wars box:

    • Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger
    • A Knight-Incantor
    • A Lord-Castellant with a Gryph-hound (from the Hammerhal box)
    • 3x Evocators
    • 5x Castigators
    • 8x Sequitors
    • Ballista 
    • Steelheart's Champions (from Shadespire)

    I'm looking for a melee-based army mostly, and I love the Liberator minis,  so probably a box of liberators will be my first purchase, and the easy to build sequitor kit to bump up their numbers to 10... but after these? Help please 🙂

    I played with this army up to 1000 points (5 Evos and 10 Sequitors though) and it's a very good foundation. Sequitors can tank and cause damage, especially against Nighthaunt or Demons, don't underestimate them.  Usually deepstrike Evocators to get them there in one piece. The plus one to wound spell from the Invocation list is beastly when applied to themselves or Sequitors. Arcanum is more fragile than they might seem, definitley a supporting hero. Ballista's real value is as a psychological weapon. Drop it and watch people waste points trying to stop it. Castigators are nothing special unless against Demon or Nighthaunt but they're a 3+ to hit shooting unit with two two attacks two wounds and a 4+ armour save, they're far from disgraceful. 6 of them are a Surprisingly good tarpit/distraction at 1000 points. Many units aren't big enough to finish 12 4+ (3+ with Staunch Defender)  saves at that level and if they are chances are they'll waste a lot of their potential through overkillinging them rather than your key units. Also potential rend minus two scioning in is a nice threat or assassination squad for "safe" casters or support heroes.

    The main issue I've found is lack of bodies for objectives and the means to stop the modifiers that cause mortal wounds  which are the bane of SC. So I've gone for ten judicators to hold objectives and free up other guys to fight, and a relictor to manage buffs and debuffs, for my next points drop. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    I've only lost once with Anvils Longstrikes, and that was in a bad matchup, in a bad mission for me, in Ulgu, with the 18" realmscape feature so my most important unit was shut off. And I still possibly could have won if I had deployed and played a bit differently.

    Stardrake lists are fine. Ballista bomb lists are fine. Skyborne Slayers is actually super good right now but everyone (including me) wants to play with the new toys. I would make an argument that there's a heavy shooting list out there that runs a lot of Hurricanes and a couple brick units as well, but I've not tested it. 

    Gav is pretty much too good right now and that's why people are taking it over the other options. Doesn't mean they can't compete.

    Absolutely. Their model limitation/cost is overcome by their resilience, their damage is good via magic, ranged and combat phase. Their only real weakness is MW's and Masses of attacks but they have plentiful buffs, auras, abilities and traits which can mitigate that and even turn it into a weapon (Halo e.g.) and all of these further enhance the things they're already good at as well. They're incredibly well rounded and you have to really do something dumb regarding your battleplan or roll appallingly to have a bad game with them. They're always there to arm wrestle in the final turn sort of thing. 


  11. 2 hours ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Jesus. Quite a lot people, I think most of them are not SCE player, on FB  arguing the new SCE should have points raised since they are OP now. The SCE ratio in recent tournament win ratio isn't that high, but those comments give me an impression that SCE crush other races player so easily like LON and DOK.

    The overwhelming majority of people don't play tournaments though so that's not really any indication.

    On a casual basis i.e. The basis that most people play, I can see Stormcast winning a lot of the time. They're easy to pick up and plug into, they're good at most things , they don't require much in the way intricate law interpretation and have few weaknesses in general . For folk just playing at their clubs once a week or less with their pals as most people do, that is going to be much easier to win with than a more specialist army which might be objectively better when properly synergused or optimised but requires more practice  and precision to do so. Not to mention financial investment. You can buy an effective SC army cheaply. Other top armies are quite a bit more, and also require far more hobby hours too.

    You can put most Stormcast units anywhere on the table and get them to do whatever and they'll likely do fine.  You can also paint them using whatever method and you'd have to do a really bad  job for them to not look serviceable. They give a big return for not much investment on all fronts, which is why I love them really. They're perfect to just play with, you'll have fun, your head won't hurt after, you're unlikely to disgrace yourself and if you play well and roll the averages you're pretty likely to win. I see why people who don't play them get pissed Off at them. They're the Man Utd/New England Patriots of AOS.

    Sequitors should be 5-10 points more per unit honestly. My unit of 10 rarely miss all their attacks after re-rolls, they put out and survive way more than 120 points per 5. They killed a Great Unclean one about 3 times over last game, even with the relic where he regains all wounds on a 4+, and there were two left over afterwards. 240 points to keep a GU tied down for 3 turns.


  12. 2 hours ago, Cursed said:

    you don't summon more skeletons now! so the number you started the game with is the max you can have! ;)


    For a good number I suggest you 2 big blobs of 40 skeletons or 30 grimghast reapers with a few 5 dire wolves units. 

    So coming from Stormcast that's...too many. I don't think my 2000 pointscarmy has more than 40 models total. And I know what I'm like re painting, I always have to paint things at a more involved level than anticipated even if I'm just trying to get things on the table.

    Thanks though!

  13. I don't know if Stormcast can perform with other options at the highest level.

    However very few people play at the highest level so it seems a strange metric to go by. 

    Stormcast are very competitive for and against the 95% of people who will use/play against them regardless of faction. And you will get better with them if you work off experience and learning them through play than just the gain saying of people obsessed with playing them at the top level that basically no-one plays at.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, AdamR said:

    If you look back a page you'll see my actual list, which does in fact feature 10 Evocators...

    This is purely hypothetical.

    But I disagree about not getting everything in. Hordes are popular, big monsters are popular. I bet your one of those players that says 20 sequitors can't fight too aintcha! 😛 

    I was responding to the list I was quoting weirdly enough aye. Hordes don't tend to cost half an army in points values and can be buffed with summons as well so it's not really an equivalent comparison.  Hordes also tend get a per model buff that Evocators don't so don't not require you to ring all of them to bear, they are  made better by virtue of just being in the company of their pals. Again, not a buff that Dracoline riders get.

    I mean I'm sure you can play games with a 20 strong footprint of 40mm bases that is effective in combat but I can't see how you'd do it on a battlefield with an interesting terrain layout, that's some big open spaces you're using!

    • Like 1
  15. 14 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    I think if I was going to do Dracolines, I'd go big - unit of 9 with Arcanum on Dracoline, Castellant and Heraldor to buff and just run at the enemy screaming for a T1 charge!



    Something like this

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)
    - General
    - Trait: Staunch Defender 
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Knight-Heraldor (100)
    Lord-Castellant (100)

    20 x Sequitors (400)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields
    - 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    9 x Evocators on Dracolines (900)
    - 6x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123

    Add artefact of choice.

    With a footprint that large your opponent would have to do something seriously weird to let them all, or even a majority, get into combat with something that would make sens. And you're paying 500 more points for less Grand Staves and MW's to get involved than 10 Evocators who with Scions are already pretty mobile and can easily be buffed to become more so.

  16. 14 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    I think if I was going to do Dracolines, I'd go big - unit of 9 with Arcanum on Dracoline, Castellant and Heraldor to buff and just run at the enemy screaming for a T1 charge!



    Something like this

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)
    - General
    - Trait: Staunch Defender 
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Knight-Heraldor (100)
    Lord-Castellant (100)

    20 x Sequitors (400)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields
    - 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    9 x Evocators on Dracolines (900)
    - 6x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123

    Add artefact of choice.

    With a footprint that large your opponent would have to do something seriously weird to let them all, or even a majority, get into combat with something that would make sens. And you're paying 500 more points for less Grand Staves and MW's to get involved than 10 Evocators who with Scions are already pretty mobile and can easily be buffed to become more so.

  17. 15 hours ago, TheKingInYellow said:

    Trying to start up SCE with Soul Wars but I have never played the army.  Just getting back into it with AoS 2.0 really.

    I have three Soul Wars boxes, another box of evocators, an Ordinator and 10 Liberators to work with.  I could use some guidance on choosing a good Stormhost/Realm/Items/Spells and any other changes I should make to the list.  Also not sure if the boxes I've purchased will get me all the various grandhammers/staves/etc I'll need?

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) ++

    + Leader +

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline: General

    Lord-Ordinator: Astral Hammers

    + Artillery +

    Celestar Ballista

    Celestar Ballista

    Celestar Ballista

    + Battleline +

    Liberators: 2x 5 Liberators, 2x Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    Sequitors: 2x 5 Sequitors, Redemption Cache, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield

    Sequitors: 2x 5 Sequitors, Redemption Cache, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield

    + Other +

    Evocators: 3x 5 Evocators, 6x Grandstave, 9x Tempest Blade and Stormstave

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost


    From memory you only get two or three Greatmauls in the main box, including, confusingly, one on a prime who also has a cache. It makes sense to give the Prime one as that's 3 x 2 Dmg attacks. 

    You might also want to consider dropping the Libs and bringing in the Castigators and the Hailstorm Battery Battalion given you already have 2/3 of units paid for. In certain instances the Drop reduction and ranged damage might be more useful.  

    You can take a relic as well which you haven't yet. Two if you take the Battalion.

  18. 2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    You're full of positive comments. Everything I've seen is very passive aggressive towards other users. 


    Rumour doing the rounds tonight is that in addition to the slaanesh herald with the harp from w&r, there is also another herald model to come alongside the KoS release in the future. 

    You're full of confusing not getting what you want with GW not knowing what it's doing.

    Also I have nearly a hundred more likes than you despite not being here as long. Some I guess enough users don't consider me passive aggressive.

    Not wanting to take the thread OT though so apologies to all for any asides 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Aryann said:

    This is not how you build up your reputation. I mean - you can do always what's profitable and easy and it might work, like let's say Activision with their Call of Duty. But you can take the other path and create a legend around yourself of being most customer friendly fun oriented company that satisfies needs of their clients and thus selling more products, like Rockstar with their GTA and Red Dead Redemption. GW doesn't have to release 115th battletome of Stormcasts even though it will sell well. They might appeal to customers that appreciate world and story building and instead release Skaven, Free Peoples and Grots battletome that will sell to other people. 

    I think GW know better than you how to run their Buisness. You're talking about a company who is in the FTSE 250 on account of selling toy soldiers. They're pretty good at building a reputation.

    • Like 3
  20. 10 hours ago, Luke82 said:

    This doesn’t really work, as GW are still selling the models and advertising the ‘older’ factions.

    By this logic, as I bought some Skaven yesterday, I should be entitled to a Battletome before someone who bought there Fyreslayers 2 years ago. 

    I mean no-ones entitled to anything to be fair. GW don't release stuff on the basis of who are the most deserving or long suffering fans, they release stuff that will get them more money. 

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  21. 11 hours ago, Overread said:

    Destruction is in an iffy spot because for years many of its factions were the mindless boogymen of the classic fantasy world - ergo the generic evil. AoS has Chaos take that position so Destruction is sort of in an odd spot; however its ripe for them being able to flesh them out with far more lore and stories tht focus around them and showing another side to make of the ork clans and such. 



    Also I should note in my post above about Daughters of Khaine - they do rush forward to bring the fight to the enemy, but they don't rush forward blind. You have to balance the need to get into combat fast with the need to get the charge not be charged; so there can be some crafty dancing and movement planning. they are certainly not a mindless army to use 

    Chaos has always been the Bogeyman in Warhammer since Realm of Chaos, i.e most of its lifespan . It's lurking everywhere. Arguably it's *the* biggest thing that establishes GW's fiction as something noteworthy. The fact that the real badness does not lie in the monsters outside but the monsters within, and that it is entropy and breakdown that holds the most threat to humanity, not monsters. Chaos hasn't suddenly become the big bad in AOS, it's been the worst and scariest evil in Warhammer for decades. 

    Destruction by contrast has always been lacking in lore really, and instead their history and fiction centred around personalities and wars. Why? Because living to fight and trash stuff is a boring motivation to read about. The most interesting insight into orcs and goblins always came from the people they were antagonising because you can at least relate to how that might feel. On the other hand it's the fact that GW double down on the bashiness of orcs/orks that makes them such a charismatic faction. Yeah they just bash stuff, so wot? Thatz wot they does bezt. Why complicate things?

    What both the above real is why GW has been successful for so long, which is true factional diversity.  

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