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Gash Bauer

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Posts posted by Gash Bauer

  1. 14 minutes ago, Kaz said:

    Hey lads, haven’t been around for a while, studies and exams are a pain in the butt. 

    Overall, I’m gonna say I prefer Goretide to skullfiend tribe, and Korghos Khul is a surprisingly strong character. I really like the guy. 

    But for unnamed characters, what do you guys like more? Juggerlord or a Mighty Lord? 

    From a painting standpoint I had initially felt I pigeonholed myself into the Goretide, but I played my first game of the new book and I genuinely feel their buffs are a bit stronger on a general game to game basis.  I also talked with my opponent afterwards and we both agreed that in our more relaxed meta Khul is an absolute powerhouse.  He really highlighted how he felt hamstrung into making "rock and a hard place" decisions simply due to his 8 inch pile in.  My next test list doesn't include him and that will really determine if I consider him an auto-include from now on.

  2. I'm very tempted as a completely for fun  general trying the hilarity of a Goretide Skullgrinder with the Gorecleaver.  Hew the foe would bring him to 4 damage at -2 rend and a six would turn it into 8 damage 😄  I know he's highly impractical as far as speed, defense, wound count goes but once he got into a frontline it would be a glorious mess!

  3. I have had great success with 5 man units in the past books and in this one now too.  They are an irritant for an opponent to deal with and still can smack things around whilst under passive buffs like the secraetor.  In my test game so far with the new book I ran two 5 and a 15 and they (all together as a whole) really were reliable and I got a lot of movement out of the goretide ability with the 15 man unit.

  4. I had played a game this weekend past against Beasts and honestly Khul might have been the mvp out of my lists (barring a min reaver blades unit that by sheer luck crucially killed a whole unit of 10 bestigor that had ambushed me)  The 8 inch pile in was amazing at keeping my opponent contained in the combats.  His pile in moves and general charge positioning was by his admission affected by Khul even being around.  I was hesitant about taking him since he couldn't get hew the foe, but I think I'm going to take him in every game now.  He just has so much going for him in a Goretide list.

    On a general tactica note I was quite happy my list didn't have to change much based on my first foray into the new book.  I still really like Gore Pilgrims, as the secreator buff is still really good, and between him being in the middle with my altar I believe I stopped at least 4 spells from going off before unbind attempts. (Extreme luck so not a good metric to go off but it was really fun)  I absolutely love Goretide Blood Warriors though!  Having them re-roll ones to wound near the objectives in battle for the pass was amazing and I rolled a fair few sixes for saves as well.  At the semi competitive/casual level my store plays at I'm feeling way happier about the changes in this book.

  5. I've wanted a new khorgorath kit for so long since their last go around of improvements,  I honestly love using that model!  Also this might just be me, but I would absolutely love to see the skullgrinder receive a little something extra.

    • Like 3
  6. I would hope the rules designers see that the general consensus for mortals is "Gore Pilgrims or bust" not because it is overpowered but because the rest of the synergy interactions and battalions didn't bring the faction on the same level as the newer books.  I took it to have a better chance at prayers (which most factions can) and to spread the +1 attack (which evens the playing field with regard to profiles in the newer books)  It was the only way to keep my pure mortals viable, but also forced me to plant the flag and stay stationary, which to me is completely counter to how I envision a khornate attack. (and something a large stationary terrain piece also doesn't help)  My hope is that they took a look at the rest of the faction's synergies, rules, and battalions and brought them to the level Gore Pilgrims was.  Looking on the bright side but remembering their last fix was to raise the price of GP in the recent GHB rather than examine the battalions at large. 

    • Like 1
  7. Agreed, it's really odd something that will draw so much attention doesn't have a save against mortal wounds at least.  Also that first rider sculpt is ace, hope they salvage it for another model at some point.

    So I'll ask my blood soaked brethren here for some summoning advice.  I've played pure mortals since I started AoS, love the look and feel and I don't ever plan to play tourneys so I know I can still do well with them at the casual level.  My question now is that since summoning is free, what units/unit sizes do you all recommend for summoning?  I've always planned on getting flesh hounds at some point but are there any other units you all find worth summoning?

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Infernalslayer said:

    The rider Lord on the top is too hideous for a khorne muscle bound slaughterer.

    I would prefer a helmeted head (which they should offer by default as an additional option for this price) than a centrepiece Khorne Lord that looks like he came out of a "Wrong Turn/The Hills have eyes" movie. 

    Thats my issue with it chiefly.  The slaughterpriest, exalted deathbringer with spear, skullgrinder, even blood warriors have fantastic helmeted heads.  I can't really see what they were going for other than Sloth from the Goonies who looks like he's been through the wringer at least twice.  Additional note, why does he have one horn on one side of his head, and the massive bull neck?  Just an odd sculpting choice on an all around amazing sculpt in my opinion.

  9. Played 1500 against my Beasts of Chaos friend yesterday, let me first say the goats are quick.

    We played the starfall mission from an earlier GHB.

    I'll put my and his list in the spoiler so I don't text wall too much


    Khorne 1500

    Asp Deathbringer(general), Bloodsecrator, Slaughterpriest, Slaughterpriest, Exalted Deathbringer, 10 Blood Warriors, 5 BW, 5 BW 10 Reavers, Khorgorath, 5 wrathmongers, Garrek's Reavers, and Gore Pilgrims.

    He (roughly, based on my memory) had

    3 Bray Shamen, Cogs, Taurus, Beastlord(general), 2X 10 Bestigor, 10 Gor, 10 Ungor raiders, and Ghorgon, and the Slaanesh Battalion.

    It was an intense game right from the start.  I deployed in such a way as to box my good units behind the 10 reavers up front and the 2 units of 5 BW on my left and right flanks.  Odd deployment for me as I knew he had ambush and the cogs, plus he was a one drop army.  My careful deployment proved to be the key to my success as the chaff I had placed at the fronts were turn one assaulted by the 10 gor(who came up the middle at my reavers), and the 2 units of 10 bestigor(who assaulted my left and right wings).  I popped Slaughter Incarnate at the start of the combat phase with my extra CP from Gore Pilgrims to try and blunt the blow I was receiving.  Lost my left warriors to battleshock. had 7 reavers left at the middle, and 3 on my right wing.  My turn one initiated and I opened the portal of skulls and my priests got all of their blessings and prayers off (managed to do 11 total mortal wounds, 6 on the gor in the middle and 5 on the bestigor on my right).  Charged Garrek's reavers into the left wing bestigor, Exalted deathbringer into the middle, and the khorgorath into the right.  Managed to destroy all of those units and came out with 4 blood tithe turn one.  (Exalted deathbringer with mark of the destroyer is absolute hilarity).

    Turn two saw him win priority, his comet falling on his far left board, and me charged by a Ghorgon, Beastlord, and a summoned unit of Bestigor.  He killed a few models and I did 5 wounds to the Ghorgon with blood warriors.  I did a pile in with my wrathmongers into his beastlord and a pile in with my deathbringer, both beasts KIA.  (Again I can't comment enough on the power and hilarity of the buffed deathbringer with the mark of the destroyer)  My turn two saw a wipe of what was left in my territory, my comet falling nearly on my bloodsecrator, and an all but secured victory as he didn't have enough shamen and CP to get his summoning points.  

    We played the rest of the game out but we both agreed it was over by the end of my turn two.  One of the craziest and funnest games I've had in awhile!

    Takeaways for Khorne for me

    • Aspiring Deathbringer's command trait is ridiculously awesome, never fielded him before today
    • Exalted Deathbringer and impaling spear with mark of the destroyer is unreal
    • Garrek's reavers were pumping out a surprising amount of damage for a unit I included with blood tithe in mind. 
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. The Slaughterbrute of Khorne only needs a Khorne Mortal hero to be bound to it and is only 170.  Additionally most khorne heroes are fairly cheap and tough, plus they don't dabble in sorcery ?

    I'm highly considering one and binding it to either my lord on jugg or my skullgrinder.  One is super tough and the other everyone ignores until its too late.  What's everyone's thoughts on the best hero to bind it to?

    • Like 2
  11. Sold.

    I've won my local GW tourney once already and this is exactly the warband I'm looking for to just have fun from now on.  The fanatic might be my favorite fighter they have ever released!  The scurry rule is also really cool.  I expect a lot of fun deckbuilds with these guys

  12. As far as I know yes they do get the bonuses.  I just re-read the rule for a further clarification and it simply states "then attack."  I've always played it having the pile in attack affected by all bonuses.  Anyone please feel free to correct me if I am wrong!

    • Like 2
  13. 5 hours ago, Bandit-94 said:

    Nighthaunts seem to be a little more effective in combat than the sep. guard. do you think that an aggressive tactic could be a good idea or could the warband bring back the objectives strategy to be good completely forgetting the fight? 

    I'll preface I have only played one game with them and that was with the demo deck.  I think they can do both honestly.  I played highly in a highly aggressive manner much like my skaven and I was able to score annihilation against the new stormcast.  That being said, I think there is some merit to choosing a board with a high amount of danger hexes and, in the best scenario, planting 3 objectives in that death pit.  Since they ignore all blocked and danger hexes I feel there could be some play with an objective based deck and varclav for sure.

  14. So via the in-store demo copy of Nightvault I was able to test out the new Nighthaunt warband with my GW manager.  I have to say they were a blast to play!  My first activation was obviously to test Varclav, and that push ability is very nice.  Drew very lucky and pulled the ploy that does the same thing as Varclav, so on the first activation all 5 of my chainrasps had encircled Stormsire, who was placed up front by my opponent.  Over the first turn the ever hanged proceeded to kill Stormsire and I only lost one chainrasp.  The push from Varclav was essential to getting me inspired and getting the most out of having 7 against 3.  In the end I had lost one chainrasp, the briar queen, and the ever hanged, while I was able to wipe all of the evocators off the board.  I am really excited to get my personal cards in with the new nighthaunt ones to really make a fun deck.  I would say just off that one game they felt more like Spiteclaw's Swarm if I had to make any comparison to a previous warband.  

    The Evocators are no joke though.  My opponent couldn't land an attack to save his life for most of the game, only killing a bunch in the last turn, but the statlines and spell cards he was attempting were quite powerful sounding.  With luckier dice I know that game could've been quite different.

  15. I can't recommend the Goreglaive enough, always take at least a unit of ten for one.

    While we are sort of on the topic of +1 to attack buffs and the Aspiring Deathbringer, which do you all recommend?  Is the pile in after failed morale worth the 20 extra points over the classic model version?

    Additionally, if one felt they didn't have the best anti-horde presence, would Skarr be a solid option in the end?

  16. I might be a bit out of the loop regarding announcements to rules changes, but today's WC article on the old 8 warbands just stated this in the Sepulchral Guard section.

    In practice, this means that when you bring back a Sepulchral Guard fighter from the dead, they have no tokens – meaning they’re free to act again as you wish.

    I think this is a great change for not only them but the skaven too.

  17. 7 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    it will be FAQ'd and the other books errata'd.

    Blades of Khorne currently have Brayherds / warherds/ Monsters of Chaos / chaos Gargants - all now under the Beasts of Chaos banner.

    They will need to be errata'd to take into account the new faction.

    Does the giving of the keyword not instantly give it allegiance by default?

    Even as allies you can't fit this battalion in - minimum buy in for it is 520 points.

    Currently as it stands all you can do is pick up buffs from an opponent fielding a god specific chaos army.  Even slaves to darkness can't really give you much if you ally them into your beast army.  This battalion really only makes full sense if you can ally in the specific god armies or if this can then integrate with a blades army as a way of saying here's a way of getting beasts in but you pay 190 points for the privilege.

    I'd be alright with that, a doombull leading a khorne host would be so fitting and proper - what better lord of khorne is there than one carved in his own image. :)

    So I don't know if the paid version of Azyr is completely up to date on this issue, but as soon as I added the battalion while having the Khorne Allegiance selected it provided me with what I assume is most of the unit options from Beasts of Chaos.  Since the Blades of Khorne book specifies it operates under keyword Khorne I don't see why they would even be allies if Azyr is to be believed.

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  18. Unless they're introducing new boards with more starting hexes, a drop in drop out roster system, or the squigs don't have actual cards and are similar to  endless spells I don't see how that works.  Sepulchral guard currently fills all of the starting hexes on current boards and they have 7 fighters.  Interesting to see how that pans out.

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