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Posts posted by Tooooon

  1. https://imgur.com/a/SmP4iqR

    I bought a second hand 2k army, and unable to contact owner.

    I have spent ages trying a combo of various paints to try and replicate the skin (purely because theres around 160 models already painted), namely the GW paints Kislev Flesh, Pallid Wych Flesh, Cadian Fleshtone, and Flayed One Flesh, using both Reikland Fleshshade and Seraphim Sepia Washes, but to no avail.

    Using the pics in the imgur galley above, do you have any idea at all what paint or shade may have been used? I'm losing the will to live here -.-

  2. As much as I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE for a Skullcracker, I don't see Forgeworld making a new mold for them considering how many parts it consisted of, and given the fact the original mold broke...

    But add me to the list if theres some hope in hell!

  3. Righto all - Need your help!

    Nabbed a nice painted BCR army for cheap the other day, however the Stonehorn/Thundertusks are assembled as follows:

    Frost lord on Thundertusk 
    Huskard on Stonehorn 
    Stonehorn Beast riders 

    Unable to remove/re-position riders or Thundertusk/Stonehorn heads, so stuck with this set up....

    Am I screwed, or are these guys usable? (if not the most 100% optimum) 

  4. Hey all

    Planning a 1k Khorne army, probably with Slaughter Priests and the Gore battalion if I can squeeze it in.


    My question is, if I were rocking a 1k list, what models would you recommend I buy for summons? Naturally everyone will suggest "Everything!", but that really isn't feasible given my budget :P hehe So what would you recommend?

  5. Hey all

    Brand new to Seraphon - Looking at a 1k, 1.5k and 2k points respectively, how many of each unit would I need purely as summons?


    Aka for 1k would 10 skinks, 10 warriors and 5 knights be enough for potential summons? 

    Just planning purchases beyond the list itself

  6. So new to the game myself, and housemate wants to play Free Guild and bought the Hammerhal box w extra unit of Crossbow and Militia - However he also has the AElves from the Spire of Dawn (ala Island of Blood) box, a Skycutter, AElf chariot, and the Stormcast half of the Soul Wars box

    So given this, what would you recommend for the best city for such a force? Or based off the different cities, are there any which are 100% a no go?

    Bit of a newb, so excuse if these are stupid questions!

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