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Posts posted by Zplash

  1. Plague squall can be usefull in combination with rotigus and our wheel. Sometimes its exactly the last 1 or 2 dmg you need to kill the enemy support hero.

    Sadly like mentioned before Magic is not the strong side of nurgle in the current meta but at least i would place us upper midfield in the Magic game which isnt that bad ;)

  2. 6 hours ago, Saxon said:

    Plague Squall is the worst. D3 wounds on D6 units is very bad against my freeguild relying on model counts for buffs.

    Not very reliable but if it goes off its unpleasant.

    Sadly its not D3 on D6 units. You roll 7 dice and for each 6 u can choose a unit in sight of the caster. So after the spell goes off in most cases you only got too choose 1 target. 

    Nevertheless the spell is pretty good for snipping as mentioned and if you are lucky it can decide games.

    Just take care your caster is standing outside unbind range to increase your Chance to get the cast oft;) 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Unter said:

    I like it but I think you are losing some plaguebearer survivability with the small units. They are mainly tanky because of their -1 to hit, which you need 20 models for.


    How about this:


    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Plaue Flail & Massive Bilesword
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Plaue Flail & Massive Bilesword
    Rotigus (340)

    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    20 x Plaguebearers (240)

    30 x Bestigors (300)

    Thricefold Befoulment (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 128

    Messing 1 battleline for 2k match up?

  4. 8 hours ago, Hannibal said:


    Because I´m still painting my Thricefold I can only tell about smaller games (Thricefold not included, but up to 2 GUOs). The thing I most like is that 30 Plaguebearers squad that is hard to remove and that is able to hold the board center just fine. Things I´m looking for is some hard hitting, fast moving unit to complement the Thricefold + 30 Plaguebearers + additional battleline. Coudn´t find anything suitable right now.


    I think best Option Unit wise are the drones as mentioned in list 2 maybe take only 3 and add a daemon prince for activating locus and some punch.

    Im trying to play an aggressive Magic game with thricefold incl. Sorcerer or festus with plague squall and a pendulum for even more MW. Only hard counter are all the current nagash lists... 

    I agree with the need/benefit of 30 plaguebearers in the thricefold list because you need them to hold the Center or a flank. The 3 big guys should usually Stick togehter and cant be everywhere.


  5. Thricefold is very competetive besides the current meta with 50% nagash lists which makes it very compilicated due to :

    A: Hand of Dust against our big ones

    B: no real Chance to win the Magic game against nagash which is the strong side of thricefold befoulment 

    On the other hand dont underestimate the dmg output your 3 guys put out in combat with rerolling those 1s and e.g. Breath trait vs hordes 

  6. 13 hours ago, Wulfenone said:

    Hi fellow hobbyists,

    Super green to this side of the fense. Not really sure what im doing in terms of synergy and army compostiton. I love the Glottkin and Archaon minis just not sure if what I created would work well togther. Any input output what ever put would be awesome from you guys and gals.  I'm not 100% sold on WSB, maybe im wrong. I play in a semi/competitive scene. Hope this helps

    Allegiance: Nurgle
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Archaon (660)
    - General
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - Artefact: The Witherstave 
    The Glottkin (420)
    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
    - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    40 x Chaos Marauders (200)
    - Axes & Shields
    20 x Chaos Marauders (120)
    - Axes & Shields

    3 x Nurglings (100)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 157

    Agree on the comments before from the mates.

    Just one add.  hint, as i know you are only allowed to pick 1 extra spell for glottkin. You have to decide which one you wanna take but you can choose out of both spell lores.

    Maybe switch nurglings plus your 20 points left into a sorcerer to get both spells, or a poxbringer for favored poxes. I think the spell is totally underrated.

  7. 1 hour ago, RoyalDachshund said:

    The list I've used in last two local (16 and 22 players). Ended respectively 1st and 3rd

    Allegiance: Chaos
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Plaue Flail & Massive Bilesword
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Plaue Flail & Massive Bilesword
    Rotigus (340)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    3 x Nurglings (100)
    3 x Plague Drones (200)
    Thricefold Befoulment (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 125

    You can swap Nurglings for Endless spells should your tournament allows it (mirror and cogs)

    Once you do a bell+cogs+tree and sit on the objective, no force can move yours from there.
    The added bonus of MW flying across the table, 3D3 MW off Thricefold and overall nurglines

    Thx for that input.

    Played such a list yesterday vs a death list with arkhan... you can imagine what happened... 5 round game and I managed to cast the 3D3 spell once.

    And objectives got swarmed by 2x 40 blops of skelletons :/ i couldnt get more models into range than he did. 

    But I guess Death is a though match up either way for daemons.

  8. Any ideas of a competetive nurgle daemon list? Trying to avoid the blightking train a little bit  :/

    I am definitely aware that daemons only competetive strategy right now is playing the objectives. Still difficult to find the right mix and heros for a competetive daemon list. Maybe even a tallyband could be worth it.

    If my enemy is first on the objectives the game is already kind of over for me because i have nothing to push him away anymore.

    What are your experiences with our daemon friends :)

  9. 23 minutes ago, ZaelART said:

    So is the consensus that if you can run a block of 30 Plaguebearers then that’s good, but if you can’t then probably just get more Blightkings?

    Also, for casting, is a Rotbring Sorcerer recommended over a Poxbringer?

    And finally, with regards to summoning, how strong is this? What amount of units do people generally end up being able to summon in an average game, and what models do people recommend having on hand for summoning?

    There is no real yes or no to your questions. It always depends whats your goal to achive with it.

    For Holding objectives for example plaguebearers shine. Doing dmg kings will outperforme plaguebearers every time. Also to remember what is the rest of your armee? Buffing mortals? Buffing daemon?

    For the caster issue its the same. Sorcerer has access to rotbringer and mortal spell lores. Poxbringer to daemon spell lore. Maybe you can say for debuffing take poxbringer for dmg take sorcerer... 

    Summonig is a nice Strategie aspect. Taking objectives with summoned plaguebearers for example. Since now I only summoned trees and plaguebearers in 5 or 10 men squads depends what i want them to do. Maybe there will be a Situation where drones could work too...

    • Thanks 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Darkfine said:

    Well sure, banking on what is basically a fancy game of Farkle(spell casting) isn’t the way to approach a series of games(like a tournament).

    However using the wheel and Squall to top off characters/units is kind of our best shot at Death, which, as far as I can tell is the only allegiance that out tar pits us.  

    So true. 

    I just try to build a competitiv list around nurgle daemons and their defensive skills. Thats why I Love plague squall and deluge of Nurgle to even have a Chance to kill something... most of the time I focus the enemy support heros with that spells.

  11. I currently run a list with plague squall +balewind: turning wheel -> rampant disease and a Rotigus-> deluge of nurgle.

    My first experience about that Combo: it fully depends on your cast rolls (and unbind if enemy caster is in range).

    I destroyed Key enemy units with good Casting rolls but another game i had 4 hero phases without 1 spell going off from the three above. So GG.

    Another risk are other deepstrikes which can e.g. easily will your sorcerer in your backfield corner...

  12. Im not sure about the thricefold befoulment for match play either.

    You can only try to cast the wind spell once per own Herophase. So best with dagger and tome of 1k poxes as artefact on one support GUO. Other GUO mellee attachments and one rotigus.

    Still you limit yourself with over ~1200 points for 3 models which should be best kept tight togehter to maximize the benefit out of the batallion.

    Nice are the extra artefact and commandpoint. Is it worth 65% of your army? Im really not sure and pretty interested in feedback too :)

  13. 24 minutes ago, Avvien said:

    As for summoning, I tend to save up for when I have 21 contagion points (turn 4 usually), then summon 5 plaguebearers at 3 different locations to swarm objectives. If the game only has one objective, and the enemy has control of it, I'll summon them all near that objective and have 3 chances to charge! most times the 5 bodies is enough to take control. I've won a lot of games this way lately.

    Thats a great way to use summonig vs less model count armies. 

    I will keep that one in mind. Thx for the tip. 

  14. 23 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    You need line of sight for plague squall. No range though. So on a balewin he will be able to see almost the entire map, +1 save for balewind and the extra spell. Not worth it for me.. but hey im glad it works for some people. I would rather have 5 more kings for the 160. 

    Is this out of FAQ?

    Because the spell itselfs just says "pick enemy units" and nothing about "which must be visible to the caster", like it is for the rotigus spell deluge of nurgle .

    I always thought its described in the spell if LOS is required?

    Thanks dir your input guys.

  15. 22 minutes ago, PUFNSTUF said:

    I'd assume because you need Los to your plague squal Target?

    No LOS required for plague squall... thats so great about the spell and why i included a sorcerer in my list, to snipe some support heros etc...

    At least thats how my group was playing it... dont ruin my day please

  16. What do you guys think about Rotigus? 

    Its such a nice model but he isnt played at all... or at least i didnt see him in matched games.

    Im not sure if i want to put him at the end of the table and cast every turn deluge of nurgle (feels like expensive 340 points) or put him on Frontline due to his thoughness and OK dmg. Still with some wounds on him, deluge isnt quite good anymore.

    So for me the spell doesnt fit to the rest of the abilities. And the spell is the reason for me to play him (besides style :P ).

    Whats your opinion?


  17. 46 minutes ago, calcysimon said:

    That's something I will try for sure, he will be in cover too and in sight of 90%map,nice shot there, thx

    Hm,  why you want him "in sight" of 90% map? 

    I will try to keep him out of sight for everyone to give no chances for unbind tries of enemy casters... this 30" range is hugh now. 

    LOS is still required for an unbind try, right?

    In the GH2017 rules it was clear stated. In the new rules it says nothing about LOS for unbinding... makes me feel little bit uncomfortable...

  18. 5 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    The glottkin is both a mortal and a rotbringer, so he gets to pick 1 spell from each lore, I believe. 


    I think the battletome says you can only pick 1 spell from lore spells but you can choose with glottkin between the mortal and rotbringer ones. 

    I would like to be wrong on that topic :D but i think thats quite clear wording in the tome 

    • Sad 1

    1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    About YOUR list though. I dont like favoured poxes on a GUO because if you get it on a juicy target.. you gimp yourself TWO casts. and Cant move. I usually stick FP on a poxbringer with witherstave so even if he immobile he can debuff the enemy in a 12"  bubble. And is balewind for the extra LOS for plague squall? The 6" range boost is useless for squall and I think cogs would be better choice for flexibility. 

    Thx for the Feedback.

    My thoughts were as following:

    Balewind is only for the 2nd cast on sorcerer: plague squall and foul regenesis.  The extra range is not necessary its only the cheapest way (40 points) to get a second cast.

    No points left for cogs (maybe without glottkin).

    I got your point about the poxes on GUO and i agree it works better on a poxbringer. Still i plan to decide on the Situation if i want to break poxes and cast 2 spells or not. Combat still works with continuing poxes, right?

    I will take a closer look at the thrice befoulment batallion and also play some games with glottkin to get a feeling how my theory crafting works.

    Without glottkin i would also lose the Chance to cast blades on my 30 plague bearers... idea was to get it one Time through and than use stacked CPs of glottkin and GUO command ability on plaguebearers and wreck the enemy which are in range to the PB's.  

    I know at this Time only a Lot of theory crafting. I will give u Feedback after i had my first games in my group :)

  20. Glottkins spell is powerfull to buff the 30x Plaguebearers (= 60 wounds) + command ability in the right Situation can win a match.

    He can dish out some nice dmg by its own + healing from  e.g. GUO he can outlive some dmg.

    Dont forget about his ability-1 hit if you Hit it for units within 6".

    So all the stuff i want for my "defensive" army idea.

    Plus he will distract enemies too. Its not too bad he dies ~3. round.

    Thrice befoulment... I thought about it. But with onöy beeing able to try to cast the wind spell once per herophase i dont see the Power in it.

    Maybe the 2. Artefact would be the best thing in this batallion.

    Or do i miss something?

    (Besides that NOT OK price of the GUO -.- )

  21. My list for first 2k 2. Edition matches:

    GUO (bell/blade) (favoured poxes) (witherstaves) (grandfathers blessing)

    Rotigus (glorious affliction)

    Glottkin (blades)

    Sorcerer (plague squall)

    Gutrod Spume

    30x plaguebearers

    10x plaguebearers 

    5x blightkings


    = 2000 points 

    No batallion

    Idea: HOLD THE DOOR with the plaguebearers + buffs/debuffs and Start asap hurting those important enemy support heros in the backfield with out of sight mortal wounds (plague squall/deluge of nurgle/wheel spell). On the other hand summonig further plaguebearers asap to block even longer.  Spume als blightkings work as contagion point Generator and enough Potential to distract enemy. 

    All in all i wont kill a ****** with this list but thats not the aim. I like the idea of these resilient plague buggers Holding ground like for ever while the big guys and the caster heavy rest function like attillery and caster defense. 

    Using the strength of nurgle daemon. Winning the match on the long term.

    PS: i dont want to play that 25 blightking lists... and i love the rotigus model...

    Ty for your Feedback guys.

  22. The new spell rule says: "i can't try to cast the same spell in one herophase twice. Even with another sorcerer"

    At least it says something like that in the rules in my language  :D

    Does this mean that i cant even try to cast the same spell twice with another sorcerer even if the first try wasnt going through? 

    So question  is: can i cast 1 spells only once per herophase or try to cast once per herophase?

    Thx you for your help. I think that clarification decides about my Army Combo haha

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