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Reuben Parker

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Posts posted by Reuben Parker

  1. We still haven’t had the war picks explained (please correct me if I’ve missed their reveal) although it may just be an alternative weapon option on the same warscroll. 


    Even assuming that it’s a weapon option from the same warscroll 4 “normal” units and a behemoth seems like plenty for a release for me it’s just characters that would be strange with only 2 generic and both being mages so I would assume at least one more hero unless all Lumineth characters are mages (which maybe cool in its own way). 

  2. 18 minutes ago, rbstr said:

    I figure a new army is going to have what? 15-20 Units? OBR has I think 18 + terrain and spells. And some are dual kits, so like 16-17ish total kits.

    How many more do we need to get there? Got the spear-pokers, archers, cow-helmets (dual or weapon option), horses, big cow (dual kit), empty guy, mage, veilgirl, god duo.

    So either we've seen about half or its a tiny faction.


    My bets are a hero or two, a bolt-thrower-like, something kind of monster/rider that flys.

    OBR has 13 new kits and 4 from LoN. Then 3 of those are unique characters. In terms of generic new units they have 10. 

    All in all a small faction but super playable that’s why I’m not worried even if Lumineth are a small range between sub factions and all the extras they will be very playable. I have played IJ for years and before getting sucked in warclans they were 8 warscrolls (kinda 9 now due to rogue idol) but still very playable. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Zorki said:


    Cool 1000 points list, the great mawpot is a most have on Boulderhead army. Specially when you have some Stonehorns.


    Have fun 👍🙂

    He has zero hero’s to baby sit so he can get away with not having it if he wants to save cash. Obviously if cash is no question then he should have it due to it being zero points but in his list it’s not a huge loss as often he may struggle to activate it. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Honestly I hope they get rid of stuff like that soon. nothing like playing a game of 2,000 points versus 2,500 points... I know it was unpopular, but I liked in AoS 1 where you had to pay points for summoning. 

    It’s not always so cut and dried to be fair. The Archregent has to have a command point used or be next to the terrain feature.  Obviously also vulnerable to early sniping as well. 

    However I do agree some armies are in a bad space  now with being too efficient with summoning DoT and slaanesh in particular. However the old way was also pretty useless a middle ground needs to be found better for all armies. 

    I don’t think anyone complains about khorne bloodtithe for instance. Just limiting to one summon per turn would instantly make most of the over summoning issues go away. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Mad Doc Grotsnik said:

    Well this is good! Read some of it, as the rest probably needs a level of ‘on the board experience’.

    Suffice to say the Pile In consideration of area denial has given me food for thought on Spears. Particularly with OSB, a suitably buffed unit of Mortek Pokey Bois could do very well....

    Yeah I think for OBR especially PE with the ability to add rend a nice building block is 40 spears 2*10 swords in a shield Corp. 820 points gets you all the battle line and often the equivalent of 3 RDP a round with the 1 it adds and the free shield activation per turn. 

    then with the added character In the battalion it puts 4 drops to 1 which often will mean you can compete to win deployment and decide first turn. 

  6. Guess I’ve been gaming for 30 years give or take :) (the old grey cells deteriorate).

    OBR are a good starting army as they’re very solid. Can have issues with model count and vs ranged / mortal wound heavy armies. Katakros is also one of the coolest models and rulesets in Sigmar. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Damosane said:

    I bloody love these guys and the helmets don't even bother me, if anyone can be balanced with a giant hammer and an unweildy helmet it's someone who has spent who knows how long dedicating themselves to becoming the embodiment of  a mountain 

    Also as AoS is a land of magic you can just say the helmets are made out of magical materials that weigh less than a grain of sand. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, ArchaicArc said:

    Has anybody thought out a colour scheme for themselves? I’ve been thinking of using the Lord of the rings high elf scheme, or something at least a little inspired by it!

    I’m tempted just to try their scheme (although worried it will be too technical for my skills). Or may just do them more Roman / Spartan looking with red cloths and then metals. Alternatively could do them as Buddhist monks with orange robes and more neutral tones for the other colours. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, Athrawes said:

    So for those of you who are like me, and worried that everything we have seen thus far is it for the Lumineth, here is something positive to consider:

    If what we have been shown is it for Lumineth, that would legitimately make us the smallest faction in age of sigmar, with 10 warscrolls, no endless spells or terrain. The next largest are Daughters of Khaine, Kharadron Overlords and Idoneth Deepkin at 15 warscrolls and then Fyreslayers at 18. 

    I just cannot believe that games workshop would spend three months teasing what would end up as age of sigmars smallest faction.


    That gives me hope that we have more still to be unveiled.

    I’m happy with what there is but GW does have precedent for small factions. IJ were 8 warscrolls (1 of which is unique) for years before they were rolled into warclans. If you want to play IJ allegiance then it’s still 8 warscrolls as they never had anything added and they’re very playable.


    whatever comes I’m happy with, the models are spectacular!

  10. I’m going to assume the army will have a spell or artifact to fight before normal units are chosen. Add that to the army wide ability and on your turn it’s 3 units going before your opponent. Means can play MSU and still break up enemy death stars / punch through screens and hit the tasty fillings behind them. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Thaliontil said:

    I was also a bit disappointed with nothing else but the battlebox today, but we have to understand how difficult it must be to readjust the schedule of releases while keeping the hype with everything in lockdown and no signs of re-opening of their factories and shops in, at least, two weeks. I hope that, following the reveal of one of our allegiance abilities, they will start revealing some warscrolls or spells, with a couple more models, at least, on the preview of the 18th April. So looking forward to having this army!

    Exactly they’re doing previews now in a world where they could easily have nothing out for a month or months. No one has a time frame. 


    Also the box box seems pretty sweet! I’m not normally into buying all the extras so hopefully they give a money break on it all as it’s a combined box. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, FlatTooth said:

    I love how many folks on this forum are highly knowledgeable and accomplished artists, rules writers, figure designers, graphic designers, folklorists, media and communications experts, literary critics and probably great cooks to boot. Not fans, *experts.*

    it’s humbling being in the presence of the greats. To hear what is objectively bad design, art etc. thank you for your service. 

    But why start a flame war?


    I like the models and the theme  but equally I can understand why others don’t. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The new Warriors of Chaos SC(!) was pretty 'normal'. I think between the overwhelmingly positive response to that, the early LRL reveals and the success of Cities of Sigmar will send a clear message there's a demand for less over-the-top designs.

    We already had a whole set of STD, same with Cities that was a matter of rolling together other older factions. So they weren’t pushing new models in fact outside the SC was anything new added to either faction? (Not being an ****** it’s a genuine question as something maybe slipping my mind). 

    when we look at armies that are brand new concepts I don’t think we have anything bar new zany wacky ideas. Both new dwarf armies moved away from the old concept. Sylvaneth are not wood elves. I think DoK are similar to Lumineth in that they have some regular elves still and some wacky stuff. IDK is all wacky. 

    FEC was a step away from conventional death although not that extreme. I guess nighthaunt maybe the most normal but again they were an expansion on an established force. 

  14. 38 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    Will be interesting to see what mechanics they have. I personally hope they get some on their own like the OBR RDP, just based on magic. They already mentioned that the High Warden are in control of channeling magic into the spear units (and they look a little bit like fight/mages with the lamp and wand options). Looks a bit similar for the Sentinels. 

    The Stoneguard does have a mountain stance. And interacts with the Stonemage and the Mountain Spirit if they are near. They do look like a tough units, as they are always talking about "unmovable" it could be some kind of charge-resistance, or just save-bonuses (maybe dependent on a trigger (haven't moved etc.). I don't see the Lumineth being that tough though outside of the mountain faction. 

    In this respect I hope we see one more of the elemental temples. Something speed focused with some flyers (so wend or zenith). I really like the army so far, and would be ok if it basically stays like this, but an High Elf-inspired army without flying units and just one cavalry unit would feel a bit strange. 

    I hope they get some kind of speed related bonuses, it just fits with elf armies and is also a big part of the Hysh fluff. But hopefully not a general always strikes first mechanic for all units. That would be really obnoxious for everyone else. 

    The lore they’re giving them makes them sound overall super elite. Which I will be happy about as I have a horde addiction and it gets rough painting 100+ model armies. Especially with them looking very technical to paint I would like them to be a 40 odd model type force. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some throwback style spells (something like speed of light for the speed up you mention) then maybe a modern remake of assault of stone. 

  15. I think people need to expect and accept that sigmar isn’t going to have any new “normal” armies. Every new army has been that way for a long time. Personally I like their fantastical elements so it’s not an issue for me. I can understand those that don’t but unfortunately for them I don’t see it changing. 


    On what we have the previews kind of make me feel they will be like Fyreslayers. Charged up with multiple wounds and maybe even a save after save. Then on offence will they get always strikes first back? Maybe something similar to OBR RDP as well? Also as they’re being touted as the best magic army what can we expect auto cast, +5 to cast ?? DoT and death both have ridiculous magic buffs so to be the best it needs to be pretty over the top. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 3/13/2020 at 5:10 PM, Blood Priest said:

    Thanks everyone. The Blood Tithe is the thing about this army that seemed the most tricky, I appreciate the advice :)

    Something to be careful of with blood tithe is that it happens at start of the phase. This means it’s same time as judgements and blood fuelled prayers (you choose order) but not the warscroll 2 prayers on priests which must be after. This can also be a bit funky in the opponents hero phase as you go after their start of hero phase stuff but before their normal hero phase actions (you probably will have to interrupt them as well as they normally won’t give you a courtesy cue). 

    Also the reset bloodtithe to zero as far as I can read is after you resolve the ability so even if you kill something with the free attack or meteor your bloodtithe will still reset to zero. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. I too was looking at a Khorgorath list. One thing I was squeezing in was a rage thirster.  I think the Skullfiend CT and Item are both best on him. +2 attacks (possibly upto 9)and then the AoE mortal wounds can often kill multiple support heroes so doubling the blood tithe can be really good. 


    Its fun as for me the coolest aspect of Khorne is more around suicide MSU style (although as said maybe not the most competitive but you have to enjoy what you play). 

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    Be interested in your strategy here  - presuming you are putting the thunderers in the IC, but remember 12 wardens can’t hitch, so what is their role? 3*10 arkanauts doesn’t feel like large units, though it will of course do the job of netting you some gold shares initially; are they objective campers? And why 2 khemists? 


    Wardens are just to shoot things and use gold shares to re roll misses move 12” is pretty fast anyway. Multiple khemist as cheap heroes for hero scoring missions and two large fire base units so the buff has a reasonable increase in damage output. 


    Arks are just just pure screens. As I was saying it’s a list that trades the new KO redeployment options for just sheer fire power. 

  19. Most KO lists I make have always trended towards MSU thinking I might look at some big units to maximize the gold shares. 

    2 khemists bottle 


    IC either last word or overburden fly high 

    3*10 arks

    20 thunderers all special 

    12 skywardens full shooting 

    1940 points then endless spell  probably geminids for possible -3 or pendulum / purple sun for damage  

    would go custom sky port but using d3 extra gold shares so the big units can have multiple gold.

    it loses the movement shenanigans of new KO but has the opportunities for pretty insane damage output  



  20. 27 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Now that I'm officially a balloon dwarf admiral but also a bad painter with a patience tending to zéro, I'm trying to find a way to speed painting my units: my starting point is quite homogeneous: 3 aether war box + ironclad. so:

    - 18 balloon guys

    - 2 balloon heros (will resell the third probably)

    - 3 gunhaulers

    - 1 Ironclad

    Any tips/video that can help? (I don't want a particular barak/port paint scheme, so, I don't care about colours) (PS: my thinking: leadbelcher spray as a start? or gold? etc...then adding few details?)


    I too am a bad painter. Haven’t finished but my plan is simple. 

    Ships spray silver then large colour on hull

    dudes spray gold


    pick out weapons

    bright orange and blue dry brush of the “energy” areas pipes, gubbins etc


    the dudes look surprisingly good just sprayed gold. 

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