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Reuben Parker

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Posts posted by Reuben Parker

  1. 28 minutes ago, Sonnenspeer said:

    The 9th edition of 40k is coming and one change is that you have CPs tied to game size (like 6 for 1000p game, 12 for 2000p game)
    Dont know if that is a rumour or not.

    But I think this would be very useful for AoS too, as I feel some command abillitys are way to powerful for 1000p games.
    For Example Command Abilitys like Rally the Tribes from S2D or FECs Summon Imperial Guard are not well balanced for smaller games.
    The Abhorrant Archregent brings 20 ghouls to the table every round - no 1000 point army can handle that.

    So maybe only 1/2 point per round if you have a 1000p game. Not sure if that hits the nail on the head (sorry for my german English 😁)

    What would you propose?



    The Archregent is only once per game though and not very round! Yes he’s good but not absurd and by spending a CP on summon as the errata means he can’t free summon next to the throne the FEC player is costing themselves a feeding frenzy. Since the FEC point and rule changes the Archregent is a pretty balanced hero. Yes you can be reductive and say he’s 240 points but summons 200 however there’s a 50 point nominal value in the CP plus ghouls I would argue are over pointed On the whole specifically due to the army summoning. 

    It’s tough to tailor things as I would make the argument that a number of armies and game mechanics work very differently at 1k compared to 2k not just summoning. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. There’s a few builds floating round with large amounts of buffed marauders which have done well and a Kharkadrak General. They’ve been discussed on this group earlier so if you do a search should find them. In general I think Khorne allegiance abilities are significantly stronger than STD for the new units. 

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  3. The mindstealer can be a great use of a spare 100 points. Combine with reapers, sigil and even the helm artifact for one of the better morale bombs in the game. Can easily have people at bravery -4 with an extra 2d3 running. 

    I wouldn’t have morale bomb as the primary tactic due to bravery immunity and people can always use a CP for non immune units but it can be a handy secondary element in an army. 

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Firefrog said:

    So, question that's been asked before probably, but I couldn't find it elsewhere. Volturnos' ability "Supreme Lord of Tides" doesn't specify when you use it, if I'm correct a FAQ sorted that out that when it doesn't say, it's in the hero phase. However, is that YOUR hero phase, or just any hero phase.

    Basically, the question is, when can I use the command ability and in my turn, or either (during High Tide ofcourse).

    As per Command Abilities section in the core rules. If an ability doesn’t specify when it’s used then it’s used in “your hero phase”. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, madmac said:

    If the Stoneguard are 20 ppm with 1 wound they'll almost certainly be bad, though. There were a bunch of units like that in 1st edition AoS and I can't think of any of them that ended up being anything but super-niche.

    I'm just not sure how this army is intended to play overall.

    From the point costs we have, none of the troops are particularly elite. Some of them might prove highly cost effective with synergies ect but they're all likely to be fielded in high numbers. Generic heroes are...mostly nonexistent but the ones we have look like strictly support types, with only one of them being a Wizard. The only seemingly strong generic hero is the Cow Man.

    The special characters are all highly expensive and probably very strong, so it basically looks like a horde army backed with very powerful special characters, which we don't have a lot of in the game. DoK with Morathi are probably a decent comparison point, though the Lumineth units are at least in theory more well-rounded than that. There's also LoN with Nagash, but death armies play so differently than Aelves that it's hard to make a useful comparison.

    The leaked battle report has slightly over 3/4 points in characters. Maybe it is supposed to be Slinging magic and mighty special heroes as you say although that’s not generally the style of play I enjoy. 

    I do enjoy behemoths though so hopefully a multiple cow battalion exists and pair it up with a lot of spear men and archers. I did enjoy back in the previous game playing large amounts of spearmen and archers with their special fight in an additional rank rules. I’m going to wait and see what lists I can build. 

    I really like the models look  and plan to try to push my painting limits a bit with them so whatever comes will be a fun project. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    They feel like they're meant to be an elite unit, but 100 points for 5 put them in that awkward middle ground of units that are usually too cheap to have really good stats, too expensive to be spammable.

    Liberators are 100 points, for example. Saurus Guard are also 100 points for 5, and they are quite mediocre.  Hearthguard are super strong at 120 points and a horde discount, but that's another matter. Most units that are 100/5 are 2 wound models with 3 attacks/1 damage and not particularly good at anything.

    The other Battleline units are similarly priced for their respective unit sizes-largely in that middle ground of not elite, not pure chaff. Mind you they could be a fair bit stronger than points values suggest, and that wouldn't surprise me, but none of them are initially pointed as powerful elite type units.

    I guess the differentiator would be if they’re still only 1 wound. I know a lot of talk is expecting them to be 2 wounds but I don’t think a leak has ever confirmed that (if it has been confirmed and I’ve missed it please correct me).  

    At 20 ppw they can then be very elite but need to see if they will be 1 or 2 wounds.

    I think the points leaks put most of the units for the faction  in a grey middle ground seeming to range 12 - 14 ppw. Meaning none of them can have particularly strong attack profiles without being too good. Spearman for instance expected to have reach maybe even 3” I guess a 4+ save and maybe a defensive ability for less than thralls meaning they should really have a fairly weak attack profile to balance. 

    • Like 1
  7. The confusion comes from the fact you can play up to 2 shipwrecks and each shipwreck is either 1/2 or a whole. 

    So for maximum competitiveness you should buy 2 but running 1 split into halves won’t make a huge difference. Although two big ones clogging up the middle with a primsmatic pallisade between them and the ritual to remove flying can be a huge tactical weapon but isn’t reliable. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, MrSc0tty said:

    Hey y'all, I have an interesting little problem for you.


    A while back I traded armies for an Idoneth army purely because they looked a treat to paint, and I find out that the shape of what I've got is basically...everything but what people consider to be the two most competitive units that show up in 99% of tournament-winning Idoneth lists. I ended up with a spare sprue of Namarti Thralls somehow, so I converted myself a couple of each footslogging Independent Character. What I've got in total is


    -2 Leviadons

    -3 Allopexes

    -6 Ishlaen Eels

    -30 Thralls

    -10 Reavers

    -2 Tidecasters

    -2 Soulrenders

    -2 Soulscryers

    -1 Lotann

    And I actually have 20 more thralls NIB that I was thinking of trading on rather than building, since what I have is well over 2k and I don't anticipate wanting to paint them. 

    I got the eels assembled and without the bits to turn them into Morsarr, and it didn't seem like a single unit of 6 was likely to lack the punch needed to make them worthwhile anyway, while a single unit of Ishlaen eels might be helpful to tank against ranged-heavy opponents.

    Is it possible to make a decent Idoneth list with no princes or morsarrs, or is it just going to be a bunch of pretty models to paint and maybe they'll be useful next edition? Also, is there any reason to ever run 2 turtles in a list?

    Your stuff is ok and although lacking spear eels isn’t ideal, kings / Volt are actually normally seen as substandard compared to reverse tide tidecaster lists (although I like defensive king lists). 

    Also shield eels are ideal in skirmish units of 3 they blow up chaff, are hard to shift unless a serious unit hits them and messes with opposing shooting.  

    2 turtles isn’t really going to be worth it but never know what a new book may change.

    With what you have I would run something like the attached. 



  9. I was just musing on a few things whilst lockdown continues. One thing that came to mind was it would be cool to have a 3 kings list Volt and two regular. The army would fog and block for the 3 kings then on high tide to come out and sweep everyone away. Obviously though kings are not worth 240 unless they’re the general. This is particularly true with Deepkin but does apply to a few units in other armies. Ideally they would have two points values for units that have general only rules. 


    In the the long term it may not matter as I guess with the next Deepkin book the general only restrictions will be removed (in line with more recent books where general only restrictions appear to be on special characters). 

  10. On the spear men side of things it will be interesting to see if they have 3” reach. Some of the side photos make the spears look super long. This would also fit in with a carry over from old High Elves when they could fight in 3 ranks. 

    At a 120 for 10 with a possible regiment discount (here’s hoping) units of 30 are very doable. 

  11. 4 hours ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    I don't think it's orchestrated so much as all the subscribers getting their copies this week

    Still waiting on clear pics or a video of the full Lumineth batrep, the one guy who flips through it on YouTube so far skips it!

    My guess would be Lumineth win ;) even with a list that’s 3/4 characters in points, 35 models and I’m guessing around 90 wounds. Which isn’t a list composition for winning sigmar in general. Still I think it will be a fun read just to fuel more partial knowledge. Interestingly the points were not what I was expecting. I was thinking they would be around 160-180 for 10 and come with 2 wounds (like Fyreslayers being magically empowered). However at 120 and 140 for 10 that’s Deepkin infantry points so I assume good attack profiles 1w and fairly flimsy maybe 4+ for spears 5+ for bows. 


    Infantry spam maybe a thing thing takes me back to when I used to play mass spearmen fighting in 3 ranks and bows shooting in 2 ranks. 

  12. 1 hour ago, LordAlpharius said:

    I still hope that we will at least get one more hero (preferably a generic mounted melee hero) but I'm quite pleased with what we have seen so far.

    Indeed it would be nice and although I’m fine with the range as we’ve seen without a generic “fighter” hero it also limits worthwhile command traits and artifacts to only defensive or casting ones. 

    EDIT: just realized I’m probably being stupid as the spirit of the mountain are probably heroes so fill the generic fighter so a good target for aggressive traits and items. 

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  13. I think some people are over hyping how small the range is. Look at fyreslayers and ironjawz. Fyreslayers only have 3 core units and it seems in each edition only 1 is really worth taking. They may have more war scrolls but it’s only due to hero choices. 

    deepkin have more choices but so many are bad that actually only about 5 or 6 warwcrolls see play. As long as the Lumineth warscrolls are all playable the release is 100% fine and varied interesting armies will be available especially with allegiance abilities battalions etc. 

    • Thanks 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    My only fear is that we won't be competative without Teclis now. I love that pointy ****** but I hope he isn't in the "too good to miss out on" territory.


    Also still holding out on a Loremaster or archmage type hero... holding out for a hero till at least the end of the night.

    I think he may end up being not very competitive (obviously all final  judgement reserved till I have the book) As he’s 660 and cheaper than the other big two as such I don’t think he will have amazing defensive stats on top of his magic. This means shooting armies will have an easy time vs lists with him and even things like Tzeentch between lords of change and their other rules they can fairly easily shut down casting rolls of 10. 

  15. 29 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I'm also in the camp of "there is at least something else" just because without any news, this would be a really, really poor new army release. The lists will all be Teclis+Eltharion+ few things.

    Not sure about that if you drop Teclis you can get access to another 50 dudes. We will see what his rules are but either will be him plus units and minimal other characters or no Teclis and plenty of dudes. You can’t win Sigmar games vs decent lists with so few models. Especially as there’s a lot of shooting around at the moment that makes big points sinks generally a bad idea. 

  16. I was kind of expecting all the infantry to be 2 wounds similar to Fyreslayers due to being infused with magical energy. However after seeing the points they look in line with Deepkin so more likely 1 wound elite infantry. Also with those points and possible regiment discounts if not fielding Teclis can easily be a pretty high model count army if wanted. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  17. Yeah his only weakness would appear to be against spells. However I’m assuming Lumineth as an army will have good anti magic and also some forms of healing. With what we’ve seen of his rules I would expect him to be pretty pricy say 250ish point range. Normal fighter wizards are 140 to 160 and he has so many advantages. 

  18. 15 minutes ago, ArchaicArc said:

    Haha, Jesus, thanks, I wouldn’t have guessed that in a million years.

    Sorry they’re all armies I play so used to using the acronyms but wasn’t really thinking, should have put the full names. 

    My real hope for the cows beyond some good swings with the big hammer is something like a 3+ save 14 wound profile with a defensive ability (wound shrug, save re roll something like that). 

  19. I will be getting the battle cattle probably multiple  as I love the models and love big monsters however beating up a bloodthirster isn’t really a tough yard stick. 

    its 14 wounds on a 4+ and some of the cheapest monsters out there (Khorne being my main army). Bloodthirsters are far more finesse monsters than others either setting up pile in shenanigans using an unfettered or big hits against MSU with a rage thirster. The only one who can just smash people is Skarbrand and he’s still terrible on defence. 

    If it was a MBoMK or FLoSH then that would be impressive. 

  20. 16 hours ago, theDon said:

    Allegiance: Khorne
    - Slaughterhost: Baleful Lords (Host of Chaos)
    Skarbrand (380)
    - General
    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (270)
    - Artefact : Black Brass Crown
    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (270)
    - Artefact : The Crimson Crown
    Bloodsecrator (120)
    - Artefact : Collar of Contempt
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing : Bronzed Flesh
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing : Killing Frenzy
    5 x Blood Warriors (100)
    - Goreaxe & Gorefist
    10 x Blood Warriors (200)
    - Goreaxe & Gorefist - 1 x Goreglaives
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Reaver Blades
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Reaver Blades
    Gore Pilgrims (140)
    Tyrants of Blood (140)
    TOTAL: 2000



    guys what are your thoughts on my Khorne List ? 

    I’m not trying to be harsh or negative but I see no one has replied.

    I guess it depends on what your meta has. Your list would be stronger vs shooting armies. However I think it’s quite a weak list vs melee armies.

    Vs melee armies an unfettered is an auto include in a Bloodthirster list as his CA breaks the game open for the Bloodthirsters.  Then also vs melee Reapers for double fight is a lot stronger. Then the gore pilgrims and blood warriors feels like a lot of dead weight 440 points. 

    if your facing a lot of shooting and your plan is just to alpha strike and then hold objectives then the list is probably fine although I would still look to drop the gore pilgrims and warriors for a 3rd cheap battle line and another Bloodthirster. Also when playing Skarbrand I always try to have some Wrathmongers as anything that adds attacks to him is insanely good. 

    • Thanks 1
  21. 1 hour ago, ogarrah said:

    Hey got a quick question on Apoplectic Frenzy, I assume because you expend Blood Tithe Rewards in the hero phase, you can use this reward to have a unit fight twice, once in the hero phase and once again  in the combat phase, I didn't see anything in the core rules that said you couldn't do this, and I also would assume that you can make a normal move if possible later in your turn in the movement phase if you had already wiped the unit you were in combat with. Just checking to make sure that I know what I'm doing (for once in my life)

    Yes those scenarios work as you want them to. 

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  22. 6 minutes ago, Rune said:

    I think technically you can summon the same judgment twice in the same turn, as long as you are bringing two. I can't see in the rules where it is stated that it is not possible. Neither in the FAQ.


    Open play your correct but I was assuming matched play. Although yeah it wasn’t specified  

    Matched play you either summon it and can’t summon again. Or you fail and can’t attempt again in the same turn.



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  23. 10 hours ago, DestructionFranz said:

    Hello guys. 


    I have a couple of noob questions. 

    How many prayers can chant one slaughter Priest  in  hero phase? 

    Is it possible to repeat the same prayer with two different slaughter priests? 

    Technically 3 (1 warscroll, 1 blood blessing and 1 judgement)

    the only prayers though that can be repeated are the warscroll prayers (you can blood boil or blood Bind once per priest). The blood blessings and judgements are unique once per hero phase. 

    As priests are essentially lvl3 wizards (if including judgements) that can’t be unbound for a 100 points you see why they’re Khorne best hero by a country mile (outside of possibly Bloodthirster spam lists).

    its for this reason I think similar to Fyreslayers some smaller Khorne hero’s shouldn’t have the “leader” designation and then they might see play. Khorne lists either spam Bloodthirsters or spam priests throw in a bloodsecrator maybe a bloodstoker and your leader slots are full.


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