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Posts posted by DionTheWanderer

  1. 1 hour ago, GM_Monkey said:


    The one thing I would say is you army list while good in it's varity lacks a solid punch. This usually comes from the SotW, Waywatchers and Wildwood Rangers. You have a lot of points in magic (420) so 33%ish of your army is non fighty magic which will put you at a disadvantage, especially without the Viridescent Shawl.

    Personnaly I would think about dropping the Sister of the Thorn and 1 spell weaver and then investing in either more Wildwood rangers for a faster striking melee army or more Sister of the Watch to get the fire power you need to shoot off opponents units. 

    Yeah - I’m loath to drop units because that’s £50 and countless hours of painting that’s gone into them! I feel it should be possible to have a casual, points balanced game where I can defend 1/3 objectives for 5 turns without having to carefully list optimise! If you can’t do that, the points balancing is broken. 

    I agree it’s a bit magic heavy - I went that way deliberately because I hoped that endless spells would have the same “new shiny toy” overpowering that the stormcast seem to have. Hopefully I can use them better in future. I’ll add the shawl when I put in a battalion. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, GM_Monkey said:

    I find that even at units of 30, I'm losing so many in combat that the rest battleshock off the field leaving me with no chance to retreat as everyone has died or ran away. I've been trying to use the Sister of the Watch as a mobile striking unit and then take the charge to see if they'll survive longer with they're better save and overwatch volley.

    Oh yeah, I forgot to add that the twist card for our game meant no battleshock tests - favouring me. That basically meant that 6/30 GG survived getting charged, ran away and spent the rest of the game watching their arrows bounce uselessly off armour...

  3. Yeah - I don’t have a huge flexibility on what units I pick for my list, as I’m limited to what I own! I bought my army based on having a wide range of units to paint, naievely assuming that the points values would mean they were vaguely balanced. I’m not trying to be tournament competitive, or even to win that much - would just like games at my local club where the outcome isn’t obvious from turn 1. 

    I’m thinking about SOTW to make me up to 2k with the battalion, but it annoys me that I’ll have to nominate my WW as general. Does that actually matter, tactcially? Also they cost a fortune. 

    I guess it was just a bit dispiriting to see an army of the same points values be better in every department - shooting, combat, armour. They even held their own in terms of speed and magic!

    I’ve had close games against some death armies - but ones that are mainly old WHFB armies rather than AoS ones. Every time I’ve played an actual AoS army the outcome has been clear  by the end of turn 1. 

    Anyway, bad workman blames his tools and all that, and I’m hoping I get better with practice - but my memories of playing 40k and WHFB are of much more balanced games.

  4. Just had a chastening experience against a SCE list. 3 objectives, 1 in each zone 1 in the middle. Opponent was very nice and sporting, and if anything was unlucky in his dice rolls compared to me. 

    What was frustrating was that from early on it was clear I wasn’t even going to be able to defend one objective, let alone take another. I had 20 EG in cover on my objective, with SOT (about half the time). Got off full unit of 30 GG bodkins plus Hail of Doom on his sequitors, with nomad prince buffing almost all my units. Killed 5/10.

    Got my WWR into charge and wiped out his Vanguard Palladors, but they were wiped out on a counter charge. Nomad prince and waystrider didn’t cause a wound before getting wiped. 

    Basically, it felt like even though I was getting all the buffs I could be, I just had nothing that could go toe-to-toe with any of his units, in either shooting or combat phases. It was mad. 

    Any thoughts? Maybe I could have gone after his heroes to reduce the buffs on his armour etc, but then my alpha strikes would be gone, and their regular armour makes most shooting pretty useless. 

    I’m also struggling to use maneouverability at all well - when you can only realm wander 1 unit per turn it’s not like you can suddenly flank with a viable group of units, and no one unit in the army is strong enough to threaten even one unit of their battle line troops. 

    Any thoughts? Army lists below for reference:


    Nomad Prince (Starcaster, Hidden Paths)




    2x spellweaver (endless spells: shackles + pendulum)






    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) [1500pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Knight-Zephyros [100pts]: 1. Blade of Symmetry

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger [240pts]: 2. Aethereal Stalker, 4. Azyrite Halo, 5. Staunch Defender, General

    Lord-Castellant [100pts]

    + Artillery +

    Celestar Ballista [100pts]

    + Battleline +

    Judicators [160pts]: 5 Judicators, Skybolt Bow

    Judicators [160pts]: 5 Judicators, Skybolt Bow

    Sequitors [240pts]: 2x 5 Sequitors, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Greatmace (Sequitor-Prime), Tempest Blade and Soulshield

    + Other +

    Evocators [200pts]: 2. Celestial Blades, 5 Evocators, Grandstave, 4x Tempest Blade and Stormstave

    Vanguard-Palladors [200pts]: 3 Vanguard-Palladors, Starstrike Javelin

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    + Realm of Origin +

    Realm of Origin: Origin: Hysh

    ++ Total: [1500pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

  5. 13 hours ago, Frozenbeast said:



    This is also a pretty hard situation to pull out. On paper the thing works, but then in practice you ll find yourself very few times in a similar but still worst situation  due to the fact that that combo works in that  and that only situation. In any other situation you are not gonna be even close to that efficiency. I personally never found myself in the position to pull that out either because my enemy was not holding on movement or because obj were in the middle of the table hence I had to move that 20 man unit of EG not being able to activate the ability. This almost always result in your unit being wiped out by anything that touches it before you can use FoB.

    If somebody managed to do good with it please let me know, but so far nobody pulled that combo off.



    It does depend on what scenario you're doing. I played Kingslayer (from the open war cards) and it worked a treat. Cocooned my General (nomad prince) in the middle of 20 EG in the middle of a forest. Gave him Mystwalker, and kept him 2" from the enemy. Therefore they *had* to come and attack the EG to get at him, and bounced badly into the SoT I managed to set off. 

    Otherwise, yes it's difficult to set up. I've also been torn between 1 unit of 20 or 2 units of 10. The problem being of course that you can only cast SoT on one unit at a time. In the end, I magnetised the command group for the second unit, so I can run either option depending on scenario. I'll try a few games and let you know how it goes.





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  6. On 9/14/2018 at 9:41 AM, GM_Monkey said:

    I really dislike Sister of the Thorn but feel obliged to bring them to fill and the battalion, to get a second tanker and faster wizard unit and for the spell.

    I usually always cast it on a stationary Fortress of Boughs Eternal guard (added bonus if I can get them into cover as well.)

    However they can't fight for anything 1 attack 4+ 4+ plus the mounts 2 attacks isn't that good for 220 points. They're shooting attack is only 9" so difficult to get off without getting charged next turn, so outside of a wizard they just aren't that good. Plus with the nurf to mystic shield getting a 4, 5, 6 mortal wound is so much harder, as soon as you introduce any rend it gets even harder again.

    I find they're at their best ~8" behind a unit of 20 EG defending an objective, ideally in cover. For extra punch, have a spellweaver in range to replenish any casualties on the two units.  

    20 EG at 3/3/3+, rerolling 1s and 2s, causing mortal wounds on 4+ is bloody hard to shift. Add the sisters' javelins, and you'll be doing a reasonable amount of damage in return. 

    Plus, while they're mediocre in combat, 10 wounds of sisters (with a possibility of 2D3 being returned by a blessings of life spell) are a pain to get rid of, so if they do wipe out your eternal guard, you have a fallback unit that might stick around long enough to hold an objective on a final critical turn or two. 

    That means for 140+220+100 = 460 points, i.e. less than a quarter of your army you have a *very* stubborn defensive unit. This gives you a fulcrum around which you can either go for mobility, firepower, or a combination of the two. 

    *Disclaimer* - I'm a pretty new player, and don't exactly have a stellar record in matches, so more experienced players may have ways round this. 

  7. On 8/31/2018 at 5:14 PM, Mitzy said:

    Hey Guys & Gals hope that everyone is OK and excited to be heading to Cambridge in October? Hopefully you are all underway with your Aethermist and Aetherlab? If not why not... 

    Anyway as you may have seen on Twitter Jimbo, Ming, Steve and Myself held a weekend of gaming to test out the cool rules and battleplans we have in store for you all. The weekend was also for us to enrich the narrative of the weekend and get to a suitable point for you all to follow on the story and forge your own narrative adventures.

    Therefore without further ado here is the story so far...


    I am extremely excited for this. One question for narrative-creating purposes:

    How do we find out which guild our armies will belong to? Will they be assigned, or shall we pick one (I assume the latter would cause issues if more chose one side than the other).

    Or should we assume that any background we write does not include the joining of a guild?

  8. Also, the Lifeswarm fits the best with the theme for Wanderers in general/my army in particular, but I think is overpriced at 60 points.  I guess it would be good to keep my Nomad Prince (nickname: Glasshammer the Fragile) in combat for another round or two. 

    I suppose it’s priced to stop people using it to make a Greater Daemon or dragon invincible. A price I could take if there were any >5 wound/120pt models available to Wanderers. 

    • Haha 1
  9. Yes - the quicksilver swords look worth it for 20 points. 

    Could you try disguising the hands by filing them down and using vines from the GW vine set to cover the spot/make the supporting structure? It’s massively overpriced at £15, but incredibly useful for Wanderers conversions. Maybe find it (or similar) for cheap online

    • Thanks 1
  10. Does anyone here have any experience using Endless Spells to complement wanderers lists? I'm currently painting up my spells and wondering which ones to choose. 

    I've gone with soulsnare shackles and pendulum to start with. Will report on how I get on.

    Also, are people tempted to customise their spells to their armies or the appropriate realm? I've gone for the former (will post some pictures when I get home) as I quite liked the idea of the pendulum tearing into Ghyran (yeah, I'm not an original thinker with my realm theming). 



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  11. I'm trying to choose between another unit of 30GG and a unit of sisters to complete my 2000pt Wanderers force. I already run 30GG

    In favour of GG:

    - I already have a second command unit painted, and it annoys me not using them

    - I could build up slowly - paint another 8 GG and I can run 2 units of 20, while I paint up the others. (I painted the first 32 all in one batch and wanted to die)

    - I'm not 100% sure I like the SOW aesthetic ported over from high elves to wood elves

    - Buying 32 GG is £20 cheaper than buying 20 SOW (more so if I get them second hand!)

    In favour of SOW:

    - I would then have a complete collection of all the different models available to Wanderers (I've based my list more on the range of fun models to paint than being competitive)

    - It would annoy Chaos players, particularly Nurgle. (This is partly a fluff thing, partly I had a game against a really annoying Nurgle player).

    - The models are pretty cool, and might look less incongrous painted in wood elf colours

    - I really struggle to get 30 GG into range for their bodkins. If I try to get close enough to get 30  models in range (which in practical terms means being about 14" away) then I inevitably seem to get charged first turn. Usually by a dragon. Glade Guard hate that.  20 SOW have a smaller footprint, which negates the difference in range, and have a chance of actually sticking around long enough to shoot.


    Also, has anyone tried running units of 20GG? Or do they inevitably take a casualty before they can shoot, thus rendering their shooting ability worse than Orruk Arrowboyz?


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