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Posts posted by DionTheWanderer

  1. A lot of people talking about stacking WoT - but other than the save modifier, it doesn’t stack, right? 

    best you can do is -1 to hit, no save and strike last, which given that requires multiple 8+ charges and at least one 10+ is both harder to get and arguably worse than the old WoT where you could fight twice.

    • Like 1
  2. Sorry if this has been posted already - isn't there a typo in the rules for the Shadow's Edge artefact?

    It says that it causes D3 MW if the wound roll is a 6 - but then says do not make a wound or save roll?

    I suspect it's if the hit roll is a 6, as otherwise it's a bit rubbish on a high rend D2 weapon!


    Could be nice on a Cairn Wraith....


    Edit: In addition, Cairn Wraith has attacks equal to models within 3", but doesn't have to attack that unit. So an attack on a support hero, while numbering the attacks based on the models in their bodyguard unit could get quite nasty. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Had my first AoS 3 game with my Nighthunt (sic - it's Wanderer themed) army. Vs a Gotrek Living City list. Somehow managed a win by dragging Gotrek into no-man's land, then popping up with From the Underworlds on the objectives my opponent had rather carelessly abandoned. Certainly felt like the list had no staying power or hitting power, but a lot of maneouvrability, such that you could force an enemy with only a few units to waste time chewing up your small units. 

    Overkill is definitely our friend. If Gotrek spends an entire turn wiping out 10 chainrasps (doing about 10 wounds of overkill) that's a turn he's not doing anything useful. 

    Couple of pictures of my favourite models. 








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  4. 10 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Battlelines are determined by the army, not the unit. So some units might be battleline in one configuration but not another.

    In this case, LoG's battlelines are: Chainrasp Horde, Dire Wolves, Skeleton Warriors, and Zombies.

    In Nighthaunt the battlelines are: Chainrasp Horde, Grimghast Reapers, Hexwraiths, and Spirit Hosts.

    All of those Nighthaunt units are allowed in LoG, but don't keep their battleline designation.

    My slight issue is that every model in my army is quite heavily converted, which makes horde units a bit of a pain. However, I have enough battleline units to run it as a NH force, and can slowly build up my other units to allow LoG or GHN allegiance in future. 

  5. Thanks - I've ordered a copy of the Forbidden Power book off Ebay.

    Am I right in thinking that the only units counted as Battleline for LoG are those which are also Battleline for all other allegiances? So I'll need some skellies or lots more chainrasps to make up a legal army?

  6. So I’m almost finished painting a 2000pt Nighthaunt army. Looking forward to using them in a game sometime once lockdown ends. Looking to expand in a vaguely LON direction, adding one unit at a time - I’m a slow painter.

    This may be a dumb question, but how do I get a copy of the rules for Legion of Grief?


  7. On 10/8/2019 at 1:11 AM, Kierdale said:


    I chose ebook as I live in Japan, so thought that would save you some postage 😉

    E-Copies should have come through by now. Did yours arrive? Gmail threw a fit when I tried to bcc a whole load of addresses with an attachment. 

  8. 10 hours ago, Kierdale said:

    I would love to, but hesitated to sign up as I’ve read no AoS novels, only fluff pieces/short stories in the army and rule books. Have been a warhammer fan for decades, though.

    If that’s okay, I’ll sign up.

    I'd particularly appreciate your thoughts. I struggled myself getting into Black Library type stuff at first, so I've tried to write something a little different that's more accessible. 

    • Like 1
  9. To celebrate the release of Cities of Sigmar, I have released a book of stories based around three new cities in the Mortal Realms, including a Wanderers-centric novella.

    (This is not an official GW product, so I will NOT be charging for it).

    I have a limited run of print copies, which I will send out free of charge. If these run out, I will send out audio/ebook extracts instead.

    If you'd like a copy, please fill in this form:


    In return, I would appreciate an honest review (details in the book). This will help me attract publishers/agents for future work.



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  10. To celebrate the release of Cities of Sigmar, I have released a novel based around three new cities in the Mortal Realms. Hopefully it might provide some inspiration for people thinking about new Cities armies!
    (This is not an official GW product, so I will not be charging for it).
    I have a limited run of print copies, which I will send out free of charge. If these run out, I will send out audio/ebook extracts instead.
    If you'd like a copy, please fill in this form:
    In return, I would appreciate an honest review (details in the book). This will help me attract publishers/agents for future work.


    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. Narrative fans:
    To celebrate the release of Cities of Sigmar, I have released a novel based around three new cities in the Mortal Realms.
    (This is not an official GW product, so I will NOT be charging for it).
    I have a limited run of print copies, which I will send out free of charge. If these run out, I will send out audio/ebook extracts instead.
    If you'd like a copy, please fill in this form:
    In return, I would appreciate an honest review (details in the book). This will help me attract publishers/agents for future work.
    • Like 4
  12. 22 hours ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    I think Inspiring Presence should let a unit use the Hero's Bravery characteristic. Then a Hero's Bravery actually matters for once.

    I'm amazed no one has yet suggested what seems an obvious solution - combine with this changing the roll to a 1.

    This means that units with autopass or special abilities on a natural 1 get a chance at this without using a CP. If this fails, you can change the roll to a 1 and boost bravery using 1 CP. This could save you up to 10 models (assuming a roll of a 6 and bravery 5 to bravery 10).

    Maybe even allow use of Hero's *unmodified* bravery? Or would that be too powerful?

  13. 12 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Obviously I disagree.

    I'll say this though, Age of Sigmar in truth has very few brand new armies. Stormcast, Fyreslayers, Deepkin and KO for Order. Ironjawz for Destruction (Whoops, actually no, they kept Ard Boyz), and nothing for Death and Chaos so far.

    Daughters of Khaine, Seraphon, Sylvaneth, all the Chaos factions, all the Death factions, (including NightHaunt), Bonespitterz, Gitmob Grots, Beastclaw Raiders, Gutbusters when they get their book...by far the vast majority of armies in this game are a mix of old and new models spun into something new...or something quite old, in many cases. Beasts of Chaos is just the old Beastmen army, for example.

    GW is certainly interested in making new armies, but decent plastic kits are a sunk cost investment they're still very obviously interested in utilizing when possible.

    I see Cities of Sigmar as a purely stop-gap book, like Legions of Nagash was just a way to salvage Death into something playable while everything got sorted out. But that hasn't stopped them from spinning Nighthaunt into their own thing, not to mention the coming Death army and probably eventually at least Soulblight.

    Regarding Kurnothi specifically, I fully expect they've been in the pipeline for a long time, and that's why Wanderers have gotten more support than the other old Aelf factions. None of the High Aelf stuff ever got reboxed on rounds, or GHB support and oh look they're dead and gone. Wanderers and Darkling Covens (and Dispossessed) did get that kind of attention over the last few years and they're still around, minus a couple of old boxes and finecast models that people have literally been predicting would be axed for years now. Doing it all at once was sudden, but all of the lost models for Wanderers/Dispossessed were easy to see coming.


    I really hope you’re right (and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be). 

    I’m just setting my expectations low so that new developments are likely to be a bonus not a disappointment. 

  14. 20 hours ago, madmac said:

    Possibly, but I think they will get combined. If there was no future planned for the Wanderers, there was no compelling reason to give them GHB rules for several years and keep the bulk of their range intact for Cities of Sigmar. It's not as if Cities with it's 50-60 updated warscrolls was so hurting for an extra 3-4 elf kits that they desperately needed to keep them on board while piles of stuff was getting tossed out the back door.

    Honestly, I think everything that survived the Order purge has a future of some kind. Wanderers will join the Kurnothi, Dispossessed will get their own book, Phoenix Temple will join the Hysh Aelves, and some chunk of the Dark Aelf range will join Malerion.  Freeguild will I expect get a larger overhaul at some point and most of their range replaced.

    The thing is, they can spin things out that way and still keep them in Cities. Some Wanderers join the Wild Hunt, some of them prefer to stay in the cities, Some Dispossessed join Grungi when his plans get rolling, some stay put, Perhaps the bulk of the Darkling Covens join Malerions forces when they emerge but some few remain loyal to the cities, or at least so they claim in order to act as spies...ect.


    I think you're too optimistic.

    Cities of Sigmar is a vehicle to get people with large existing collections not to quit the hobby when they squat large parts of it. If you can still field some of your models in a viable force - or maybe just have to add one or two new units to get back to 2000pts - then it's less dispiriting than starting over from scratch. However I don't expect new models, or even much attention to be given to the rules going forward. It will be a slow fade out for 'generic' elves dwarves and men. Still, that's better than it could have been. 

    So I don't expect updates or for them to get rolled into new factions. Kurnothi, if they exist, will be their own race, book and IP with no Wanderers crossover. In the same way that Disposessed and KO/Fyreslayers don't work together.

    I understand the reasons behind this and I think it's probably the best compromise we could have hoped for.  I'll consider collecting another army - or I might just concentrate on my scenery collection and having narrative games. I wasn't planning on going to any tournaments anyway.

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    • Sad 1
  15. 55 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    Dishonor on my family! I forgot glade guard because I've run sisters as long as I've been in the army. For shame.


    Anyway on the subject of decent heroes I don't expect any new profiles so what we have is what we get sadly :/

    If that's the case we're pretty screwed, as there are precious few ranged heroes.

    I suppose the gunmaster has a profile that you could fit to a Waywatcher/Wayfinder if you squinted  a bit. 

    One long attack at high damage (think hail of doom arrow/precise shots) plus a bunch of short range attacks (think rapid fire, Legolas style). 

    I know I'm going to have a fair bit of fun rewriting various warscrolls so that the wording fits Wanderers but the profile remains the same for 'counts as' purposes.

    Of course, all of this is highly dependent on the synergy of abilities available, so I will be waiting for the book to come out before I get too excited.

  16. 10 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    So as much as I don't want to think about it with the new book on the horizon and 5 of our meager warscrolls ripped from us, what's everyones plan for their discontinued models? I know I for one won't be rewarding GW for this move with more sales and I've got a nicely converted spellsinger and waywatcher that are just going to get real good at math because they're gonna "count as" super hard.


    So far

    Spellsinger - easy battlemage

    Waywatcher- knight venator ?

    Waystrider- knight questor?

    Wayfinder- also knight Venator?


    Just trying to figure out hoe to keep using models I love that fit with my army without giving GW the satisfaction of trying to force me to buy their crappy "not" space marines.

    Glade guard are a pretty good fit for Freeguild Crossbowmen - I like the rend throughout the game, they get an overwatch, and actually I think their horde bonus being volley fire rather than accuracy fits the lore better. 

    Just a shame they can't hit anything, but frankly neither could GG.

    Hopefully the book will have some decent heroes - they're characterful units and I've put a lot of time into mine, both painting and lore wise.

  17. Just now, antoara said:

     About the second, whenever someone has problems with proxying, I just don't play with him, people with that point of view is just silly.

    I mean, that is why I don't go to tournaments, which is a bit sad when you think about it. Fortunately there's plenty else in the hobby to keep me occupied and enjoying myself. 

    On a more positive note, I think the freeguild crossbowmen have a warscroll that actually fits glade guard reasonably well (at least, nearly as well as their old one, which wasn't exactly elite to begin with). So if keywords etc stack up in the new book, which I'm hopeful they will, there are definitely ways forward.   

    I'm actually playing a narrative event in October  that I am using to determine the path I take next. So I may go down the free cities route, or a completely different one, depending on the outcome of the games in that event. Looking forward to it. 

    You have a Harrowhall army? Have you put much together yet or are you waiting for the book?


  18. 4 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    For 11 months. Then they are tossed into Warhammer Legends.

    On a more positive note, the warscroll for freeguild crossbowmen (who I *think* are not being binned?) actually fits the profile of GG pretty well, and they are cheaper, points wise. I'll miss arcane bodkins, but at least there's a warscroll that fits the model reasonably well. Well enough that I might still paint up the 8 I have on sprue to make 2 units of 20.

    Allegiance ability/keyword permitting of course (would suck if Nomad Prince couldn't help them shoot), but hopefully the book will be supportive of that sort of thing. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, Raffonerd said:


    But you can use glade guard body and legs and shadow warriors arms, elm. So I think that you can have a similar model.

    If you see some convertion accepted to GTs those are for sure compliant with them. (As long as you use 50% of the original model - head, arms, weapons). Same base size ecc.

    Better if you switch them to wylwood rangers i think.

    I think you’re missing the point mate - people have existing models that they’ve put a lot of time/effort/cash into. 

  20. 58 minutes ago, Glam The Laughing Warrior said:

    Since Shadow Warriors and Sisters of the Watch are a dual kit, and Swifthawks have been completely annihilated, I'm expecting/hoping that Shadow Warriors will become Wanderers.  In which case, I would use my Glade Guard as Shadow Warriors.  Only problem is that at 160, I think Shadow Warriors are over-priced.

    I think what annoys me about that is that the models are clearly archery focused, whereas the shadow warriors are more combat/shooting balanced.  

    Also, having carefully built my glade guard into huge units for the horde bonus, I now need to rethink that. 


  21. 2 hours ago, antoara said:

    Why don't you use them with other rules? Once Cities of Sigmar is out, you could use your army with the rules from this battletome. You could, for example, use them as free peoples or something like that.

    I probably will end up doing that. I freely admit I'm whinging, although there are *some* good reasons for it:

    A) I don't know what I'll be able to use them as, and the uncertainty is stressful

    B) I've had bad experiences with people in the community being arsey about proxying/base sizes etc, and it would be nice not to have to worry about that and just play

    C)  It's still depressing to have spent two years building an army and painting it to a (for me) high standard only for it to get TK'd 8 months later. 

  22. On a related note, could I get away with using AoS models as a LOTR army?

    I suddenly have a lot of wood elves that need a home - and elves being a little taller than humans isn't a bad thing, even if they didn't shoot the films that way for obvious reasons.

    I like the realistic scale of LOTR stuff - glade guard look clunky by comparison, but I have enough of them that I could field a whole force, which at least means they wouldn't be compared side by side. 

  23. 9 hours ago, Phil D said:

    I'm not a free peoples player, I got the stormcast half of the starter box when I shared it with my son and have built a SCE army, currently around 8,000 points. I toyed with freepeoples but thought the models were meh so haven't bothered. Until now.

    The CoS battletome got me really excited and I've been thinking about starting a free city, more on this later. However the down beat attitude coming across at the moment is putting me off a bit. No offense meant, I'm sure if GW cut the stormcast army I have spent two years building, painting and fighting with, building a narrative history that is currently 16,000 words long and increasing, I would be pi**ed off too. But wait for the book to drop and then start complaining, when you know what is happening. I am probably completely naive, I mainly read this website and the community pages and I haven't seen a list of models and battletomes that have been cut with a GW statement to say "You can't use any of these models anymore in AoS so don't bring them to our stores, thank you very much."

    I think a lot of people (myself included) have been limping along with armies we love but that get battered on the tabletop, in the hope that they will get a book one day. That isn't really a problem with Stormcast, as they have been doing the ones doing most of the battering (seriously guys, do you have to be good in *every* phase? Give us one phase we can compete in at least.;) )

    To learn that is not going to happen, and that they probably won't appear in GHB20, right after hearing there was finally a book released, was a bit galling.


    9 hours ago, SentinelGuy said:

    I know newer players that have now lost their entire armies because they started playing AoS after the End Times and had no idea that legacy units would eventually be removed. GW should have never continued to sell those models if they were going to end up unsupported. I guess it's feeling like GW are slipping back into their old ways.

    I know them feels. Had my first game with 2000pts on Wednesday. Friday rolls round and I'm back down to 1090pts, if you take the legacy models out.

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