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Posts posted by FlatTooth

  1. The Path to glory section of each book literally says to take what they’ve given you and use them as you can.  They are not hard and fast. All narrative gaming requires that the people playing have some kind of dialogue about what they’re doing.

    If that isn’t for you, that’s okay. 

    If that is for you, awesome!

    It’s that simple. 




    No, it is actually really that simple!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, dasnation said:

    How would you optimally deploy your Loonshrine during the Starstrike Battleplan? This analysis is my take on an optimal Loonshrine placement that does not take into account terrain nor tournament specific rules preventing terrain placement close to objectives.

    Do you choose placement A or placement B?

    Placement A provides you with more board control by placing in the middle allowing more flexibility to adjust on where the stars may fall. While providing you with 6" buffer if the second round star falls in the center, and 2.75" buffer on turn three if the objective does not land center on your side of the board.

    Or do you gamble and choose placement B? Placement B gives you 100% coverage on two possible star falls, but can leave you out of position should the start fall on the opposite side you place on. 

    I believe placement A in the clear optimal choice to place the Loonshrine, however, depending on terrain and tournament rules we may be forced to take the less optimal placement B and hope Gork and Mork are smiling favorably on us.

    What do you all think?



    I went with A in a recent game and was very happy as it bounced to bottom left and then went NUTS and bounced about 4 more times to mid center haha. If the gamble of B played out it would be amazing but I feel like the core you can build with A is still beneficial even if the aura doesn’t quite cover the position of the objective. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Jetengine said:

    What do you reckon will get cheaper ?

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see loonsmashas and the gobbapalooza drop a bit. I Also wouldn’t be surprised to see regular hoppers dropped a bit but who knows! I’d just kill for the battalions to drop a bit. I love my stampede but it’s pricey for sure. Also would love if the Loonboss on Manglers was able to be a part of the squig rider stampede!

  4. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

    For me it is a bit of both.  You can fix most things with cost adjustments, and if they put a very hefty cost reduction on these guys then I would certainly be more inclined to use them.  But, I really dislike how this unit is packaged and certain models in this unit are a big miss for me.  I also just detest the battalion.

    So, I guess let me start with what I like about the unit.  The models are amazing and I love the concept behind each of the different unit members.  They are all cool conceptually.  I also like that GW is using the prayer mechanism for different buff effects in armies.  The non-wizard members of the Gobbapalooza are all functionally using prayers and that was a good idea in terms of rules mechanics.

    Now for what I don't like.  First, I greatly dislike that the Gobbapalooza only supports one facet of the Gloomspite book - grots.  In addition many of the "prayers" that some of these models have are just uninventive, not broadly useful, or just sort of poor.  The Brewgit and the Scaremonger are the worst offenders in this regard.  If we are going to drop more buff options, especially an expensive package, into the Grot section of the book then they should be very good.  The Gobbapalooza spells are pretty nice, but not really anything you cannot live without given other available spells.  The "prayers" are extremely niche even for Grots.  You will rarely find that you need the run/charge rerolls from the Scaremonger.  The Brewgit has a good hero buff, but an extremely limited selection of targets for it (wizards, loonbosses on foot, and Skragrott) and so he will often just function as a tax.  The Spiker is good - but only if you are trying to build for a fighting grot build based on the Stab Em Good ability.  This unit seems like it really has an extremely narrow army construction that it supports - otherwise you are effectively paying for overpriced mini-heroes that you don't need.

    I am honestly torn about this unit.  They could do a lot of different things that would make me like them more.  If the target restriction for most of the buffs was broadened then I would like them more.  But most of the buffs I would be more interested to use on non-grot units.  The Scaremonger would be more interesting for Squigs or Troggs in many cases I think.  The Brewgit I would prefer to work for ALL Gloomspite.  The guy is just handing out moonshine to heroes.  His buff is simply to reroll misses and while this is a good buff it is not the most amazing or rare ability in the game.  Plenty of armies that are arguably better in combat can hand that buff out like candy already.  The spiker is simply giving out poison for weapons and that fits with just about everyone as well.  So if they change the Gobbapalooza so that they worked more generically across Gloomspite, rather than purely within Moonclan Grots, then I would like them more as they currently function.  That would also make a good unit that fits into the soup style builds - which this army honestly has issue supporting well.

    Or if they are meant to work purely within Moonclan Grots then I would like the abilities designed so that they are compelling and effective within that niche.  This means the Scaremonger and the Brewgit should be tweaked in some way.  For example, change the Brewgit so that it no longer has the hero restriction.  I'm honesty not sure about what to do with the Scaremonger in this scenario.

    Or they could break the unit up and let people pay for individual members rather than the full group.  That could work also.

    I greatly dislike the battalion for a few reaspons.  First, I feel that it took up the spot that could have been used for another interesting Grot battalion.  Except for the Mega battalion there are only 2 battalions for Moonclan Grots.  There is the Gobbapalooza and the Skukmob Horde.  The other battalion is the Squig Rider Stampede and that one is supporting Squig builds (although it is small enough that you can add to a different army).  One of my disappointments with the Gloomspite books are the battalions in general.  I like the concept of battalions, but I find a large amount of the ones in Gloomspite to not be very compelling either due to cost or simply what they do.  Moonclan Grots really got hardly any battalions if you separate out squigs.  The Gobbapalooza does not really do anything interesting or compelling.  The only compelling thing I see is that it is possibly the cheapest battalion if you are just looking for another relic - and if that is the selling point for a battalion then I contend it is a very poorly designed battalion.

    So long story short, all I know is that the Gobbapalooza unit just really did not land for me.  I love the models and I love the concept behind the various characters - but I just find them to be one of the least compelling parts of the book and that is a real shame.  They could do a ton of different things to make me like the unit and I am not picky about what it is.  But in their current state I just can't see using them very much at all.

    I pretty much agree with all of this. I wish the gobbapalooza and the terrain feature functioned based on your general choice. Like, if you’ve got a trogboss as a general the terrain brings back troggs instead of grots etc. 


    maybe that’d be nuts or something, I duno!

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  5. 13 minutes ago, novakai said:

    but the most concrete info we got about warcry was that it going to be released in July though

    Well ****** I missed that



    Feelin a little sheepish now. 


    Still wouldn’t hate a bit of info on the gameplay itself. 

  6. I really wish they’d post some concrete warcry information. I’m loving the minis and the general tone of it but I’m also feeling like it could be out next week and it could be out the last week of August! I’m planning on going pretty heavily into it (barring something insane) but don’t know if I should set aside money or what haha

  7. Now that I’ve got 20 bounderz built and painted I really want to get some hoppers to try harassing tricks with. Hand of Gorking them into back lines where they can hop over smaller support units is my first thing I want to try. 

    One of the best things about the gitz is how MUCH there is to play around with. 

    One of the worst things about the gitz is how little time I realistically have to play with the things haha

  8. The Order, Death and Destruction images are literally the icons for the GAs in the big core book so I’m not looking to them for any indication other than “we think these images represent the GAs”. The Chaos symbol is a representation of the big 4 and the rats so arguably more neutral than the Khorne image they use in the book. 

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  9. On 4/22/2019 at 7:03 AM, Joseph Mackay said:

    since 2017 until late last year, Fyreslayers were my main army in aos. sadly i was getting a bit bored of them, within my group i basically auto won in Duality of Death and lost everything else. i dont think the army was bad, it was definately down to how i was playing them. however i did get bored of them and moved on.

    after playing 2 games with the new book vs Stormcast and Beasts of Chaos, heres a bit of what i think

    -Throwing Axes: disappointed they were nerfed to 5+
    -Runes: small complaints. movement one nerfed to 2" and the throwing axes one was nerfed to bring the axes back up to 4+ why?
    -lack of magic defense really hurts a lot more now than it used to pre endless spells. at least our one artefact for it is no longer once per game
    -Magmadroths: cool that you can take 5 with Lofnir. the abilities being tidied up is good, the extra wounds, attacks and most of the mount traits are great, still die to a stiff breeze as always
    -Hearthguard Berzerkers: they always felt overcosted b efore but now i think theyre great. theyve survived better than vulkites
    -Vulkite Berzerkers: extra wound is great, normal axe attacks are better, no damage save hurts a lot (see below about points costs), Berzerker Fury is a bad rule, ours is once per game yet khorne get it all the time on a unit thats much better
    -Infernoth: my favourite model of the prayers and i think it hs great rules. my only issue is you need a lot of priests to really take advantage of this and the other prayers
    -Grimwrath Berzerker: greatly improved, my favourite foot hero. i look forward to game 3 where i plan to try a list using 10 or more of them (since they dont have the LEADER tag, you can take as many as you want but they cant be your general)
    -Points: so heres the real dowside to the new rules (apart from not getting any new units). it feels like the points are based on what the units used to do and not what they do now. Vulkites cost too much at 160 without the damage save, Hearthguard Berzerkers could maybe go up by 20. magmadroth points are around the wrong way Runesmiter should be the cheaper one. battlesmith isnt worth 140 for what he does now (+1 save instead of reroll saves)

    ive got a coule of list ideas i still have to try out before i fully form my oppinion, but so far im not enjoying playing them as much as i once did and i feel like i might end up going back to my Flesh-Eaters :/

    “Not as good as flesh eaters” 



  10. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see something with orruks since they’re putting them on bases and calling it out but I’d sure hate to see ironjawz and bonesplitters rolled into one. I like how they represent Gork and Mork. Wait I mean Mork and Gork

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  11. On 3/19/2019 at 1:27 PM, Travis Baumann said:

    My Idoneth Aelves have purple skin, my Daughters of Khaine have blue skin, My Orruks have green skin, My Nurgle have yellow/olive skin.

    My Nighthaunts have polished gold "skin" and skulls and while I don't count Stormcast as human per say, they will not have Caucasian skin when I get around to them... have not decided yet but I want them to look like some of the pictures of the lightning infused artwork so translucent skin with some sort of blue lightning underneath maybe.

    My point is it is weird to discuss "real world diversity" in a game where humans are a minority and nothing dictates what anything can look like in this magical setting.

    Sure but real people play this game and our fantasy settings are a reflection of our world so diversity does indeed matter. I think you know that but have instead chosen the “tHeRe ArEnT ElVeS iN tHe ReAL wOrLd” line to smokescreen. Like it or not the real world and our fantasy worlds are interwoven and it is telling what is and isn’t included. 


    Edit: just realized my phone was being weird and this response was from forever ago but I still think it stands to be said. 

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  12. Yeah I think it’s pretty silly. Like, if I can’t charge the unit engaging the host unit then let me pop out engaging them. The whole point of the fanatics are to provide a surprise punch! Not for them to get out of the unit like “oh man glad we avoided that fight!”

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  13. 2 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Basically what it's saying is that any temporary effects which are on the stabbas carry over to the fanatics. Those effects still drop off naturally and after the point they are released they don't gain new effects.

    Two examples.

    If you release the fanatics and then the stabbas run next turn it won't stop the fanatics from charging that turn. This tells us that state effects don't carry over after the point of the fanatics becoming a separate unit.

    Second is if you release the fanatics after having run, the fanatics can still charge on your next turn. This tells us that the conditions for the state effects are limited to the normal conditions of those state effects.

    So if a unit of stabbas is engaged in combat they cannot charge because of the state effect "within 3" of an enemy model".

    Now, if we take the case of a unit is engaged at the start of the charge phase. The unit they are engaged with then  dies during the charge phase (impact mortal wounds), that unit can then declare a charge in that charge phase. So the "engaged" state is something which ceases to apply the MOMENT it ceases to be true.

    So you release the fanatics, all state effects carry over. The three big ones being "retreated" "run" and "engaged". If we consider these three restrictions.

    "Retreated" says you cannot charge if you retreated earlier in the turn. So the state effect lasts until the end of your turn.

    "Run" says you cannot charge if you ran earlier in the turn. So the state effect lasts until the end of your turn.

    "Engaged" says you cannot charge if you are within 3" of an enemy unit. So the state effect lasts until you are no longer within 3" of an enemy unit. 

    Since you can only release fanatics more than 3" from enemy units then by definition the engaged state effect drops off the moment you release the fanatics.

    Hence the stabbas being engaged doesn't stop the fanatics from charging.


    The rule is really straightforward. "If this unit was released in your charge phase, it can attempt to make a charge move in that phase *unless the unit it was with has any restrictions that would stop it from attempting to charge* (if it ran for example)..."

    If it's host unit has anything preventing it from attempting to charge then the fanatics cannot charge. The host unit is engaged and therefore has a restriction on charging -- the fanatics cannot charge.

    I don't love it either but that doesn't mean it isn't a clear rule.

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  14. On 2/27/2019 at 10:13 PM, Sleboda said:

    Oof. Not me. My wallet could use a rest period. I've dropped around $2000 in GW this year, or maybe stretching back to December, already. I'll pick up the spider demon engine, but other than that, I'll be glad to not have stuff to buy for a month or two.


    I feel this on a subatomic level 

  15. 4 hours ago, Still-young said:

    I highly doubt they will have put however many thousands of pounds into developing a game, designing models, making the moulds etc without having some idea as to how many people buy Chaos models. 

    Sure but those people buy chaos models that can be used to play against friends who don’t *need* to buy chaos models. If a fair chunk of my gaming group doesn’t want to buy into this game then even the people who buy chaos models will probably not buy in. That’s what I mean. I very much hope to be proven wrong.  It seems like there are maybe 6 factions. Maybe they’ve designed some non-traditional chaos stuff to pull people in.  

  16. The fact that it’s being called “skirmish in the mortal realms” gives me some hope that it will eventually be not just chaos. The fact that it seems to have completely unique chaos sub-factions takes a lot of that hope away. I’m willing to give it a shot but at least two people in my gaming group have absolutely no interest in Chaos so what do I tell them to get them interested?


    I think GW May overestimate how many people want to play chaos. 

  17. 23 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    I feel like the current 'good guy' factions in Order are about as good as any faction is ever going to get in Warhammer. Stormcast may be flawed but they're about 1000% more genuinely moral than anything in 40k. Equally Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Free Peoples, Dispossessed, and others all seem pretty 'good' in the grand scheme of things. Keep in mind GW loves grimdark moral ambiguity, and even a setting as comparatively light as AOS is still rife with that. 

    If/when Tyrion's elves come along, I wouldn't expect them to be any more unambiguously 'good' than the Stormcast. If anything, their whole existence seems kind of shady - Tyrion taking a bunch of souls and trying to selfishly recreate the long dead civilisation he remembers from a planet that doesn't even exist anymore, along the way accidentally creating an entire society of endlessly suffering soul vampires who he cast off and abandoned... I mean, he barely has the moral high-ground over Morathi at this point, and she's a blood-crazed snake monster. Plus we're almost guaranteed a 'Slaanesh breaks free' storyline, and when it happens, whose fault will it be? 

    Not saying you’re wrong that the Tyrion-Aelves will be flawed in some way but the Deepkin were made by Teclis

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  18. 40 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    Not sure how much to read into the German thread about factions and sales, but I am not surprised to hear about Fyreslayers and Idoneth sales being low.

    Fyreslayers have 2 big issues that I can see and I expect that they both impact the sales.  First, they have some absurdly high-priced box sets for infantry.  They are an expensive army to buy.  Second, they have somewhat of a silhouette issue in the army.  Everything really blends together from a couple feet away.  The models all look good for what they are, but they all look very much alike.

    I don’t know what it was about Idoneth, but I know that my interest was high up until I got the book.  A whole lot of my enthusiasm in this case was lost when some of the units had very underwhelming stats and abilities - especially the shark.  In addition, it seems to me that they dragged the initial release out too far and more interesting stuff came out since then.  I can’t speak for others, but I would be more interested in the army if they had wider build options & synergies for armies with all fish-riders.

    Yeah when I came back into AoS I was already to hop on the fyreslayer bandwagon until I did some very basic math and get very sad hahaha

  19. 6 hours ago, svnvaldez said:

    Same as DoK Khinerai.

    The internet needs to stop complaining about prices and find a new hobby if this game is too expensive. These will be the same cost as DoK and the general trend for GW new model releases. GW gives you options thou... You can get a BoC army for cheap by ebaying all the old models... I suspect Gutbusters will get the BoC treatment with only new spells and a tome. That will be a good army to reuse your old models.

    Gloomspite are clearly not just a repackaging but rather a brand new army with new prices.

    It’s never a good look to berate people who may not be able to afford the shiny thing. This is a forum and if people feel that a price is too steep then that is a *very* reasonable thing for them to state. You can disagree but “go find a new hobby” is unhelpful and meaningless. 

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