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Posts posted by chosen_of_khaine

  1. Just now, Skelebags said:

    You can put anyone in any legion, but if they already have a legion keyword they don't get the one you pick.
    Effectively, Katakros, etc. can be in any legion, they just only get the legion bonus if you pick Mortis Praetorian.

    And half of his Supreme Lord command ability only affects Praetorians IIRC

  2. Glancing at the Katakros warscroll, there's already clear typos that need errata. For his wounds suffered table, the tiers are 0-1, 1-3, 4-8, 8-12, 13+. What profile does he use at 1 or 8 wounds? It's not clear to intuit what they intended, as they were probably trying to have each companion have a different number of its own wounds. Come on, GW.

  3. Am I missing something, or are Immortis Guard terrible? Less tanky than blade-parry Stalkers, WAY less killy than precision stalkers. They get the wound passing off, but unless your opponent has a ton of shooting, heroes can be protected by effective screening.

    Which is a shame, because they look much better than Stalkers, IMO.

  4. 9 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    Right, read it wrong.

    And anyway Nagash can’t cast it so problem solved... now time to read the warscrolls

    Nagash is most likely going to have the Ossiarch Bonereapers keyword, as they said in the preview article that the Ossiarch endless spells can be cast by Arkhan and Nagash

  5. 57 minutes ago, Kelsicle said:

    Any source for this?

    Sharks need more than that to be competitive but it’s better than nothing. 

    Not sure if I can post leaks but I saw it too, can confirm. Soulrender and Lotann also went down 20, for whatever that's worth.

  6. Has anyone had any experience running the Alliance of Wood and Sea battalion? I'm thinking about picking up the Start Collecting: Sylvaneth box and run the battalion + Volturnos at 2k, but given that you lose access to the Sylvaneth spells and artifacts, as well as the free wyldwood and teleportation, I'm not sold on it.

    I'd run it even if it was moderately effective, since I would absolutely love to paint up the sylvaneth like coral, and use the deathworld forest terrain for custom wyldwoods.

  7. 1 hour ago, Niishaw said:

    Wow, this post made me super depressed about playing Idoneth now as it's going to be my first AoS army ever....everyone (even the store owners) tried to get me to buy either Khorne or Stormcast....but seriously demons and paladins are so...overused.....why I wanted something different, something fresh. Sorry to hear that you had such crappy luck with your army, I'm still going full in with Idoneth even if they are not competitive. 


    I think they are plenty competitive, in my experience you just need Morrsarr as a hammer/scalpel to deal with some of the BS this edition - ie Slann and necromancers sitting back and generating free units. I've been running fairly balanced lists between 1k and 1.5k and have yet to lose a game having played Slaanesh Daemons, new stormcast, nighthaunt, seraphon, sylvaneth, and Legions of Nagash. Morrsarr have been MVPs every game.


    Idoneth are very much a finesse army where everything needs to be in the right place at the right time, and are not nearly as forgiving as, say, SCE or LoN.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, thundrchickn said:

    My beginning...


    Aiming for this paint job I found on Dakka.


    945420_sm-Idoneth Deepkin Thrall - Back.JPG

    945419_sm-Idoneth Deepkin Thrall - Front.JPG

    That paint job looks clean as hell, but I can't help feeling there's one too many colors going on. I'm not half as good as this so I'm probably wrong though.

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