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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. On 1/23/2023 at 5:45 PM, Rors said:

    The other thing I'm really considering this edition is grieving legion because once again, bounty hunters going away is huge.

    Chainrasp have a less than 1 inch base so they can make single lines. 3 blocks of 20 is 60 inches of wall around their deployment.

    For fun here's the list I'm thinking of. It's got double battalion for extra enhancements, don't have the list with me right now so sorry the names are off.

    With this list you can get 9 units teleported (3 underworlds, 4 via boat n harrow, 1 spell, 1 GC ability). You can set up a wall around their deployment, then position your heros 2 inches behind that wall for pile into combat fun. Depending on what they have you can change what you put down. Banshees can be objective grabbers while you have them pinned or swap them for some spell protection. Palisade will stuff up shooting and they'll have a hard to getting away from it while pinned in. Lady O + Kurdos messes with their CP. And boat man and harrow have the utility of taking a unit each somewhere else if you need to jump back out.

      Allegiance: Nighthaunt - Procession:  Grieving Legion -

     Leaders Awlrach the Drowner (170) General

    Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (210)

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340)

    Spirit Torment (120) with arcane tome (5+ ward) and come back to life on a dice rolle

    Spirit Torment (120)  With GC teleport and -1 to wound artifact

    Dreadblade Harrow (130)  mortal on charge

    20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1

    20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1

    20 x Chainrasps (220) - Reinforced x 1 

    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (100)

    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (100) 

    Endless Spells & Invocations Prismatic Palisade (30)  Total: 1980 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 104 Drops: 11

    The issue is Nighthaunt have much better options for alpha pinning. I'm also skeptical of 20 blocks of Chainrasps holding up. I had a lot of luck with a block of 30 with Nagash... but had I run a block of 20 they'd have been dead. I had a Spirit Torment as well. 

    Also, I just don't thing Greiving Legion is good compared to the other subfactions. It doesn't have the utility of Emerald Host, doesn't open up battleline options, doesn't increase your damage, and even if it works; it creates a NPE for your opponent. I was high on it when I first read the book, but am not anymore. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Bayul said:

    Can we talk about Nagash in GH 2023? Could he be a meta pick in Emerald Host to kill Galletian Champions? 

    Honestly, yeah I think Nagash might have juice this edition. I've played two games now, and The Emerald Curse does work, especially against small heroes. 

    A 55 point reduction is large, the realm spell is a great tool in his arsenal, he can easily zap GCs with Arcane Bolts, he can teleport in Nighthaunt to grab objectives, Chainrasps are a better investment without bounty hunters being around; there's a lot to like about him. 

  3. I got in one game this week playing with the leaked General's Handbook. I played a Nagash list (Nagash / GoS / ST / 1x30 Chainrasps/ 1x5 Hexwraiths/ 2x3 Spirit Hosts/ Cogs) against a weak OBR list on one of the new battleplans - can't say there's a ton of takeaways from that game, but here's a few:

    - Nighthaunt are in a really good spot. Galletian Champions make a big difference for some battleplans and especially for battle tactics, and we've got loads of great ones to bring. 

    - Movement will be key. I think Tunnel Master will be a great bonus for us to take. 

    - Spirit Hosts and the Cruciator are still great, but no longer necessary. I didn't take the Cruciator and never once missed it in my game. Meanwhile, I took 2x3 Spirit Hosts (with a Torment and Guardian of Souls) and never once used their bodyguard ability. 

    - A block of 30 Chainrasps can now act as a tarpit. Without bounty hunters, I was able to bog down 20 Mortek Guard and two units of 5 Deathriders while keeping my block close to full health thanks to my recursion. 

    - Emerald Host can be great for sniping GCs

    - The new realm spell has some nasty potential

    I'll be playing 2 or 3 games next weekend with the leaked General's Handbook as well. Not sure what my list will look like yet. There's a lot I'm looking forward to trying out, so I probably won't be using Nagash again. Has anyone else got in any games with the leaked book yet? 

  4. 13 hours ago, Sigmarusvult said:

    There have been a couple of rumours mentioned today, please take it with a hand full of salt:

    The first one is from Twitter, a TO was told that the priority roll will be gone in the summer ghb.

    Now this rumour doesn’t say anything else so it could be for a specific turn only or under certain circumstances, no one knows for sure yet it has already sparked a lot of reaction on the internet.

    The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only. 


    What’s the actual quote from Rob? A lot of times he just says stuff he hears from others and people take that as actual rumors. He’s pretty clear when he has a rumor he runs with. 

  5. On 11/12/2022 at 7:48 PM, TechnoVampire said:

    Has anyone else been using ten man units of bladegheists and feel underwhelmed with their performance? They feel like they should perform really well in units of 10, but with coherency they only ever attack in one rank (5), which isn’t enough to do significant damage. With the new book using MSU is very advantageous, and these feel like they should be the go to for small damage dealing units, but for me they are far outclassed by grimghasts - being cheaper, battleline and attacking in 2 ranks. Disappointing as their warscroll and models make me really want to use them.

    I have found units of 10 to always disappoint unless it’s a smaller game or that’s all I’m running. A bigger block gets more into the combat, and is durable enough to take advantage of the various recursion abilities sprinkled throughout the army. 

    Also, I really wouldn’t run Bladegheists outside of Scarlet Doom. Just not enough bang for your buck in my experience. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/8/2022 at 7:16 AM, Boggler said:

    Here are some more Nighthaunt armies that were in contention for Best Hobby and or Player's Choice.

    Except for mine! Because I'm too lazy to make a display board! And also too lazy to pack my models nicely, they just sit on the car seat like that.

    The hobby skills out there is amazing!





    Love the look of that first army. Inspiration as I continue to plan out my repaint of my ghosts to a hunted forest theme.

  7. On 8/4/2022 at 2:52 AM, Gitzdee said:

    I dont know who painted these. I want to paint an army in this style some day. Dont know what other army would fit such a paint scheme though.

    Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

    Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.



    On 8/4/2022 at 3:02 AM, EnixLHQ said:

    There's a similar style I'm in love with that I keep saying if I ever repainted my army this would be what I'd do. I just haven't been crazy enough to do it, though.


    I'd just do a blue in the same vibrance as the green here.

    I’m hoping to repaint my army and do a haunted forest basing. These schemes would be great… I wonder how they’re done and if I could pull it off.

  8. 9 hours ago, Maxo Bug said:

    Nice lists! There are some interesting ideas to try, but I have to adapt them to 1K games, which is my "local meta" if less than 10 people can be called that.

    I do have a question for y'all, though:

    I'm curious: Do you have your armies painted as the procession you play or plan on doing so?

    I’ve seen people do it - Tyler Mengel has a tutorial on Scarlet Doom and Quicksilver Dead. However, I don’t plan on doing it. It’s never necessary for gameplay. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Boggler said:

    My 30 BGR melted to a MBMK plus 3GG combo. I was KGC bubbled. I also lost all 30 to Longstrikes and Tempestors with the help of a Hortorgast. Again KGC bubbled.

    Stormdrake Guard were clearly a problem before they came out. I don't see the comparison.

    Quicksilver Dead is also at 55% winrate and they don't even take BGR. Maybe the whole book needs adjustments?

    Something to hard counter Ethereal?

    What do the first abbreviations represent?

    The shootcast I can see as the Krulghast does nothing against ranged shooting early in the game. 

    I don’t think Quicksilver has enough games to be a problem yet. 

    And to be clear, I don’t think Scarlet Doom is the same as Stormdrake. And I don’t think the nerds will be as drastic. Bladegheists at 185 most likely, Scarlet Doom going to impact hits on 6’s maybe. I don’t think that would break the subfaction at all. 

    The other unexpected change in addition to Binds of Battle is how good Purple Sun is for Nighthaunt.

    The next battlescroll should drop in September, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see some light nerfs fall on Nighthaunt. And that does happen, it’s not reason to panic. That’s all I’m trying to say. 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Kiekeboe said:

    Hey that's my list being discussed in the start! I went 4 wins and a draw...which in hindsight was a victory because I got my grand strat, he didn't. Whoops. I wrote an elaborate article on the hows and whys of the list, link in my signature below.


    Happy to discuss the list and my choices :)

    Can’t see the link on mobile it seems. I’ll have to check it out later. 

    7 minutes ago, Boggler said:

    I'm not saying BGR aren't strong. I just think it's way too early to talk about any required changes.


    Before GHB2022, GGR were all the hype. Now they melt to Bounty Hunters.

    And this was after people not playing them for a couple years due to the pts nerf they got from the Nagash and 3x30 GGR list.

    BGR melt too but they also do some blendering. Especially in this environment.

    My list this weekend has 40 BGR. The last 10 are the only models I'm using from the Arena of Shades box.

    Stormdrake Guard got nerfed prior to release. Don’t agree it’s too early, especially with the consistent 4-1 and 5-0 results.

    People were more mixed prior to GHB 22. I knew a  few Scarlet Doom MSU lists that competitive players were building once the battletome dropped. 

    And blocks of 30 ghosts do not melt at all. They survive, resurrect, retreat, and delete. I haven’t gotten games against everything yet, but none of the following hammers have succeeded in lifting my 30 block of ghosts: 

    2 Stonehorns (1 with metal cruncher)

    10 Melee Snakes 

    4 Fulminators in bounty hunters

    30 Gutrippaz in bounty hunters

    2 Mega-Gargants

    2 Sharks and 20 Reavers

    My block of 30 is supported by a Krulghast, Torment, and Guardian. After the alpha charge, I get 3(Spirit Torment)+D6(Lady O)+D6?(GoS) back. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Boggler said:

    Well. Scarlett Doom being strong is more about GV attacking in two ranks now and the BGR becoming mega blenders.

    The Bonds of Battle changed a lot and will be gone next year anyways.

    Is that Nighthaunts fault?

    If that leaves and Scarlet Doom isn’t as prevalent, they’ll change them again? Even before the new GHB, people were on the Scarlet Doom hype train.

    There’s a problem when a really good book, with strong subfactions and strong units / internal balance only sees one unit spammed at high level play. 

    I have 30 Bladegheists and am debating another box at some point, and the subfaction lore is my favorite. But Scarlet Doom is definitely overpowered at the moment. There’s a reason why 90% of the 4-1 and 5-0 lists are that subfaction. If you don’t think that should change, cool. A lot of Stormcast players were mad when Stormdrake Guard got nerfed too. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Boggler said:

    Ugh. I hope not. Nighthaunt is also one of the most played factions.

    Nothing sticks out as OP.

    Usually, factions played more often have lower win rates. See Stormcast.

    And I’d argue Scarlet Doom has definitely proven to be overpowered. Bladegheists will probably go up in points, or the impact hits will trigger on 6s instead of 5s. 

    As much as NH players from 2nd edition have been waiting for the book to be competitive, no book should be over a 55% win rate. 

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Fingers and toes crossed that with 10th Edition most likely dropping next year it doesnt affect AOS too much.

    Usually release years are slow for the edition that gets released after the big summer release. I’d expect multiple big releases for AoS next year and almost all of the armies to get their update for 3rd edition.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  14. This last weekend, two Scarlet Doom lists went 4-1, placing 2nd and 6th. Two other NH lists went 3-2. That’s from the tournaments that were reported on the stats show by The Honest Wargamer. 

    I know Ronya likes Grieving Legion a lot, while Mike Wilson (one of the 3-2 finishes) and Tom Lyons are high on Emerald Host. It will take time for the meta to settle, but I expect NH will be an upper mid to top tier army now at the tournament scene. 

  15. 15 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    Some advice how to play against Stormcast? I think mostly units from last starter, maybe evocators and/or dragons.

    You’ll want to stack on some rend. A Purple Sun and stacking charges will wreck them. A Krulghast will help against their multi-damage.

    • Like 1
  16. I don't feel like it's been that slow for AoS, considering it's been more of a 40k year. 

    We've gotten 6 new battletomes with 4 more on the way, a General's Handbook, and a fluff/narrative Thondia book. 

    We've gotten 7 new heroes with at least 4 more on the way (and likely 6), 3 new kits (one that is a multi-unit kit), and the Incarnate and terrain. 

    Maybe it's been slow if you're just into the hobby side of things, but for gameplay it's been great and constantly changing. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    I can't actually remember a single time that's happened in the last few years, to be honest with you. Everyone says this everytime and then the book comes out and the warscrolls are exactly the same. And why wouldn't they be? We're talking about a months gap in release time between the boxset and the books most of the time, if not simultaneous release.

    It literally just happened to Nighthaunt. 

    Craventhrone Guard, Spirit Torment, and Scriptor Mortis all changed slightly. 

    Also related, people were really down on Bladegheists. Then boom, they get a subfaction where they do impact hits. 

    • Like 1
  18. 20 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Isn't that GS objectively worse than the one that only reauires 3 GV units on the table at the end of the game?  One less unit, with no restrictions on where they end up?

    I guess the 4 quarters one allows summoned vets while whe three units one requires them to be from your starter army, but while NH have some healing we're not really summoning a lot of units to the table mid game.

    So right now, RAW, you can have one unit - even one model left from the unit, stand directly in the middle of the battlefield and get the the GS.

    If the FAQ changes that so that a unit can only claim one quarter, it’s worse. 

    • Like 1
  19. I don't feel like blog posts get as many hits, so this is going to be a long post to kind of get my thoughts in order about the stock up stuff for Nighthaunt in this season of the GHB. This is based on my limited experience with the new GHB and conversations with others who have experience.

    Also - I really don't think any of our units got worse. There's some sidegrades (Reapers now fear bounty hunters and in the right subfaction, Harridans and Bladegheists fight in two ranks; however Reapers are more versatile, and work great in either of the new battalions).

    So, this is purely a stock up list.

    Stock Up:

    Quicksilver Dead/Scarlet Doom/Emerald Host

    See previous post


    Longstrikes and Alpha striking Stormdrake Guard are gone. The leaves Morathi and the Bowsnakes as the only true threat to Nagash IMO. On top of that, Chronomantic Cogs (even if it gets adjusted to just affect one wizard) means you're no longer worried about miscasts. Oh, and opposing units can't ignore his monstrous actions. And there's several juicy generic endless spells. And our cheapest batteline (Chainrasps) got a lot better IMO. Is he worth his points? Probably not, but he's a whole lot better now.

    Lady Olynder

    Chronomantic Cogs. Two casts that can now be re-rolled? Makes her warscroll spell more likely to get off (before unbinds) than not.

    Guardian of Souls

    Largely because of Purple Sun of Shyish. Such a great spell addition for Nighthaunt now. The Guardian can get Master of Magic, Cogs, or the artefact that auto-casts it. I doubt I'll run a NH list without Purple Sun.

    Cairn Wraith/Lord Executioner/KoSoES

    Give any of these Arcane Tome and use Lauchon to get them into something really juicy.


    Purple Sun of Shyish. Chronomantic Cogs. Prismatic Pallisade. There's a lot of good endless spells now that you want to cast.


    Bounty hunters exists.


    These. Are. So. Good. Now.

    You can run them as MSU and deepstrike two units of them to get 3 points for Barge Through the Enemy Lines. And then they'll likely nab you Desecrate their Lands as well.

    You can run them in blocks of 30 in a castle. They should be at -1 to wound on a 5+/5+. That will take a monumental effort to lift - even for bounty hunters.

    Bring a Purple Sun and plant it next to them and they'll always be at rend -1.

    And they're our best buy at 11 points a wound.

    Also - they want to be Expert Conquerors to steal objectives or really hold them down. An MSU block of them will count as 30 and be able to snipe objectives. A block of 30 will be 90.

    Honestly, they're great. I just traded for 30 of theses so that I now have 40 and am debating getting 20 more.


    I lumped these together as they got better in the same way.

    They can fight in two ranks in their subfactions. Each has merit. I like SD for the lore, and think QSD is better in the current competitive meta.

    They also each make for great bounty hunters or expert conquerors in their subfactions.


    Cogs makes it easier to cast.


    Wait and see:

    FAQ will be needed, but right now Awlrach, Fight or Flight and the Black Coach both look solid. Awlrach because currently the one GS that requires you to have a GV unit in all four quadrants - Awlrach could just teleport them there turn 5. Fight or Flight if it means you still get the GS if tabled. The Black Coach is a free battle tactic, when they are a lot more difficult now, as long as army specific battle tactics remain.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  20. 39 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Sounds about right, though I feel host is neither up nor down, and the main problem for grieving is that the 30 model chainrasp or grimghast units they like to take are hard to fit in cruciator bubbles.  There are still games that will be won by no retreat tho.  It's just that kind of ability.

    Not convinced by squads of 30 GVs in general, especially of the 32mm base stuff, due to aforementioned difficulty fitting in cruciator bubbles.  I mean, yeah, it's a big bubble, but 30x 32mm bases is so much table.

    Speaking of cruciator bubbles, these are vital this season.  Maybe even 2+ mandatory?  Not running them at all is right out, certainly.  If you don't have one yet, now's the time to buy.


    Thought on hexwraiths?

    I very much like a unit or two of hexwraiths in anything.  Fast as heck, mortals on the charge, don't give up extra damage to vets, 24+d6" sacraficial first turn move to box in enemy vets or hunters, whichever are more troublesome for you in a particular game, unless they can teleport or fly.

    Maybe I'm overestimating the value of that due to coming from obr, who are so slow that losing your first turn of movement is practically game right there, but still.

    Make them hunters, maybe have Reikenor toss a purple sun downfield, and they even have some halfway respectable output against enemy gelato vets.  Grimghasts, crimson bladegheists, & quicksilver dreadscythes all do far more damage as hunters, but they're also vulnerable to enemy hunters so they have to play around cruciator bubbles, while hexwraiths are free to range out.

    In order:

    The thing I forgot to mention about Emerald Host, is that it's the pick if you want to go for a spellcasting bubble most likely. Nagash got buffed (more on that later), Purple Sun exists, and the Terminexus became easier to cast (due to Cogs). I think that's the reason it's a slight bump.

    Blobs of 30 are more difficult, but not impossible to fit in the Cruciator/Torment/Guardian bubble. Easy to do when playing defensive or being mindful of your pile ins. I also recommend charging the heroes in to trigger more WoT stuff if you play them offensively.

    I think Grieving Legion suffers from more teleports becoming available, from Bounty Hunters, and from the Incarnate existing as an ally that could give the same benefit.

    I don't think two Cruciators are necessary with Spirit Hosts existing, but two aren't bad. Just keep in mind they do nothing in the mirror match. Due to that, I always put an artefact on mine.

    Hexwraiths. They're great. So versatile. Chaff. Pinning units. Objective grabbers. Additional WoT triggers. I'd only put them in Bounty Hunters if there's extra space in the battalion slots or if you're running a Hexwraith spam list. I'll always bring a unit of them.

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