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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. I’m thinking FEC is a bit of a red herring. They’re appearing, but it’s not going to be what sinks a crusade. I believe in one book it was mentioned that there’s been something going on underground… I think it’ll be a vermintide that ruins one of the campaigns leading into Stormcast vs Skaven. 

    • Like 5
  2. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    95 in the end. Prices this week has been quite high in some stuff. I am specially shocked with Blacktalon, Tahlia and Ionus.

    Funny, my group in the US is talking about how good a deal the Ionus box is. 

    1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I don't consider two dragons 75. I consider them 3 Stormbringer issues, which is half that.

    We don't have that in the US AFAIK. 

    8 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    To me it is like a hidden overcosted DLC. Yes the rules are free, yes there's no obligation to play that way, It is optionnal and very cool. 

    BUT to play this new free content, you have to buy at least the new box and more dragons if you don't have enough. I relate it to the last Total war Warhammer DLC which crate a shitstorm against Creative Assembly because of the price. Yes it is an additionnal content and you don't need it to play the game, but this does not justify the price to pay to play it. 

    I guess people with many dragons will be happy to play this army of renown but those who have too few won't buy 2-3 boxes more to play it imo. Bit sad when you see how many warscrolls we have in the BT.

    Once more we don't know if dracoth will be added to the army of renown yet (in which case my contrariety will be eased). 

    -> the argument that GW needs to make money is not receivable to me, it have been use too much to justify things that are not justifiable. They do make profit, they are in a oligopolistic market and they probably have more than 50% of its shares. They set up their own prices and people follow because no one on the market can carry their jockstrap. 

    Anyways sorry for the digression, just a SCE player desperately in need for new rules and sad to can't play them when they are finally here... 😢 

    I'd wait until we see it - but it's just meant to be fun. Stormcast are actually in a decent spot right now after the last battlescroll, are getting two new units in this book, and are getting new units in June and a new book in August/September next year. 

    • Like 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

    I think people get hung up on what system models get released for. Whether they’re released for whfb, aos, warcry or underworlds, they’re just warhammer models. 

    It’s pretty obvious that the end times models in particular were designed with the knowledge that AoS was coming. Archaon and Nagash are ‘AoS’ models released during the final month or year or whatever of WHFB. This ‘replace whfb’ battle models or ‘whfb characters should be retired’ stuff doesn’t make any sense. Older kits will get replaced because that’s what GW does (in the main - waiting for skaven and boc players to tell me I’m wrong. Besides, for me, it was always eldar, IG and tyranids that needing replacing the most urgently…)

    Archaon, Be’lakor, Nagash, kroak and Teclis are far more interesting than Bastian, Tahlia and Kragnos imho. 

    I hear ya, but once you mentioned Bastian I can’t agree. Dude’s swagger alone is more interesting than Archaon, Nagash, and Teclis.

    Lowkey one or the best AoS models ever.

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  4. 26 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Also, recently we had all the talk about Book 3 being release X week or Y week. Aren't we missing today's story and another one before having it in preorders?


    This actually makes it more likely it’s this Sunday’s preview and then goes for pre-order next Saturday.

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I don't see any real hopes of Kurnothi after this, at least not the wood elf variety. They made a treeman the Avatar of Kurnoth, leading kurnoth hunters and tree-revenants with wild rider helmets. It's all trees all the way down. If the wood elf remnants can't even get an Avatar of their God that fits with their aesthetic they are doomed as a concept, IMO.


    This is who Alarielle put in charge to keep the spirit of Kurnoth alive. Of course she chose a Kurnot Hunter and not a Kurnothi aelf she lost touch with eons ago due to Nurgle. I do not think this closes any doors.

    • Like 4
  6. 35 minutes ago, jhamslam said:

    Seconded. i wonder if the Regiment / Army of Renown for SCE is more Drake related. Thats clearly where the Tome (in whatever state its in) points to now, i could see a Dragon based Regiment/ Army of Renown

    That’s a good guess…

  7. Just now, Chikout said:

    Yeah maybe but I'm kind of over the random hero release. This has been the trend since the end of first edition. It's time for the random unit. Grave guard for soulblight, Temple guard for Seraphon, Man-eaters for Ogors, Minotaurs for BoC, Gholems for all the Duardin, a big mob of creepers for sons of Behemat etc etc. Ironjawz have set the standard for surprise end of edition updates and I don't want to go back. 

    They did this with the wolves for Gloomspite, so not impossible. 

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  8. Just now, PJetski said:

    Why would Cities be previewed when they have already revealed the whole range?

    Have you not seen the Flesheater Courts leaks and rumours?

    FEC might get their limited edition box previewed, but I could also see that waiting to November. It’s pretty clear the next Dawnbringers isn’t them.

    I don’t expect Cities to be in the preview, but I do expect previewed stuff to release with Cities or at least before the next preview show. So it’s a limited window with one already massive AoS release.

  9. There’s a few logical reasons for this preview to be small for AoS:

    There’s another preview in a month. 

    The Cities of Sigmar full range will be releasing soon and will take up a lot of oxygen. 

    There’s been no leaks/rumors of any range expansion for an army.

    I’m expecting 4 medium sized heroes. It seems like Sylvaneth, Stormcast, and Darkoath/Slaves to Darkness have been confirmed. Based solely on the harbingers, I’d guess Fyreslayers or Nurgle as the fourth. 



    • Thanks 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Who said Kurnothi were forbidden from having pet Sylvaneth bugs ? Every unit in the Sylvaneth BT has the right to have bugs. Bugs are awesome. They make the army distinct. More bugs please !

    I love the army and dislike the bugs - moreso that it’s only bugs and not other forest friends.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I find weird no one did this yet! It is guessing time ;)

    40k: Codex codex everywhere. We will have a quick peek at the Mechanicus and Necrons codex and new units. 2-3 of each as max.

    Kill Team: A new box fully showed. Space Marines Scouts vs Eldar Striking Scorpions.

    Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringers book 3 and alll its miniatures. Callis & Toll, 1 Silvaneth hero and 1 unit multikit, Khorne hero and StD hero.

    The Old World: The leaked plastic pegasus and its Tomb Kings equivalent + 2-3 resin miniatures for each faction. We could even see one outside of the two classic ones from last previews.

    I don't follow game systems other than AoS, but my guess is:

    Dawnbringers Book 3 + 2-3 new miniatures. (My guess is that Book 3 is Order based and will release the same day as the rest of the Cities of Sigmar range, which would lend to there not being many models with the book). 

    Some kind of preview for FEC. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Vagard said:

    A Kurnoth army of renown means a lots of new kits right? Like at least one battleline, one central hero and 2-3 other units and 1-2 side heroes. Is it something possible as we already have a big ironjaw wave and and the cos release, as we are also waiting for a big FeC release in few months?

    Maybe I am missing something but creating an army of renown when you only have one UW unit existing now means too much releases at the same time regarding what we already had and what we are wainting for (but I would love sucha big release of course) 

    There’s 3 Kurnoth Hunter units. Arch-Rev is Kurnoth aligned. So that’s already a hero and 3 units. Wouldn’t be surprised to see some other current units in such an army.

    Honestly they could do it without any releases - see Sons of Behemat and Kharadron Overlords. I think Sylvaneth will get at least one model though. 

  13. I’m guessing Dawnbringers book 3 releases in conjunction with Cities, is Order focused, and only has a few models. Guessing it’ll be times supporting the crusade. That’ll be Sylvaneth based on the lore in book 2, Stormcast due to that’s what Stormcast does and we’ve seen the Blacktalon models, and maybe Fyreslayers since they had a herald. I’m only expecting 2-3 models we haven’t seen with the new book.

  14. 1 hour ago, Danaork said:

    Given that rumors mention an overhaul of the Skaven range and a potential introduction into the shadow realm, is this enough to say that Malerion and his Aelves may release late 3rd edition or perhaps current of 4th edition or are we crossing our fingers too much on this subject ?

    I’d guess if there’s a new faction at the end of 3rd, it’s Chaos Dwarfs. They’ve been mentioned more often this edition. If it moves to shadow next edition, I’d guess Malerion appears at the end of that edition.

    • Like 2
  15. I’d be really happy to see new Stormcast as long as they replace units. I think the OG Stormcast were a miss at large whereas the new design has a much larger appeal. This is anecdotal, but I know of 4 people who have gotten into them since their redesign that wouldn’t have touched them before. And 2 were new to AoS. That’s what you want out of a starter faction.

    I do think there’s design space for the Vermintide box (just what I’d call the Dominon style box) to be CoS vs Skaven while the true starter boxes are Stormcast vs Skaven - but I doubt they’d try that. 

    The bottom line is until proven differently, Stormcast will always be the starter faction for Order. 

    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    We've been talking recently about Skavens and SCE renovation assuming that both would be in the new edition box, but what about that 'new edition new army in the launching box' pattern we had so far? I think we've missed it in the recent days speculation.

    Maybe a new outstanding army would be the real mindblowing, and SCE vs Malerion would be Order vs Order, to finish the cycle.

    Khorne, Nighthaunt, and Kruleboyz. One has been around forever, one was a massive range expansion for 4 units, and one was a weird sub-army. I wouldn’t say there’s a pattern of new edition, new army in the starters. 

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