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Posts posted by Spears

  1. Personally I have hit peak ghosts, I really don't want to push more infantry around the board. I'd like to see significant points drops to the heroes and spells so that I feel less like i'm gimping myself by not putting a bazillion chainrasps on the board.

  2. I've only ever seen it played that you have to have one on the board before you are able to set one in reserve, same for Stormcast. 

    Allies count as a unit setup on the battlefield as far as I am aware though.

  3. 4 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:


    If running host of the everchosen I think either Slaanesh or Nurgle are possibly better than Khorne, Archaon can point at a unit to give out reroll hits and wounds of 1s, less useful for multiple combats but just as good when fighting one giant blob of hearthguard or mortek etc. At which point the exploding 6s of Slaanesh is a big deal given the quality of attacks in the army (does this also effect mount attacks?), rerolling charges is also nice. I'm not sure the extra damage of Nurgle is quite as good but the -1 to be shot is very strong if shooting is popular.

    10 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Do we have a way to let the knights retreat and charge?

    If you are feeling brave you could try teleporting them out of combat.

  4. 29 minutes ago, ZLee Syn said:

    Can you compare for me reapers, dreadscythes, banshees and revenants ?

    What are their main advantages/disadvantages, what uses do they have and is there clear winner/looser?

    If you check the previous page there is a fair bit of chat with differing opinions on this.

  5. With the current rules I could see an argument for the Unmade and Splintered fang in addition to the Golems. Unmade do a decent job of retaining their damage to the last few wounds whilst having a bonkers special rule, not being able to retreat can absolutely win games. The splintered fang are pretty awesome recipients of any +1 attack buffs whilst having some innate healing. Even the untamed beasts have some utility in their pre game move whilst the Cypher lords bring a pretty sweet -1 to hit, shame it isn't on a ranged attack though.

    Corvus cabal are definitely at the bottom of the pack for me though, their wet noodle ranged attack doesn't make up for their not quite fly ability.

  6. 4 hours ago, Charleston said:

    Also, as expected, Warcry-Warbands with twice the Sprues per Box are coming. To be honest I am a little bit shocked looking at this copy pasta looking box art. Can anyone who has one of thoose kits confirm if they are monopose or can be built in a different fashion?



    The warbands are monopose but they do have some variation within them. For example the crouching model in the Corvus Cabal can be built with a crow or a spear.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 70 points for 10 wounds with a 4 up potentially rerollable save and a shooting attack doesnt seem awful to me. Not exactly exciting but the last two books have had a lot of power baked into the allegiance abilites and subfactions so its a bit early to asses the warcry warscrolls.

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  8. Having only played Nh and not LoG there is definitely room for any of the three 32mm units.  Harridans with two command points popped on them pretty much the same as Bladegheists stood near a spirit torment. In an army that wants command points for summoning spending two on hit bonuses is a reasonable investment.

    Trying to get those bases into combat when at 20 models is a bit of an ask though, and with those damn crawlers knocking about you need to be conscious of standing in two rows. Which is where Grimghasts step in, that reach is a big deal. Ultimately take whichever one you like the look of imo.

  9. 51 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    Hey everyone, I have a quick question that came up over the weekend. 

    I had been playing under the assumption that only the general of the army could use the "Spectral Summons" command ability. A different player told me I was mistaken, and that any hero can use that ability since it never mentions it has to be used by the general. I did some digging and couldn't find any evidence in the books that it had to be the general. 

    So, can any hero use Spectral Summons or just your general? And where is that information located?


    The rules for spectral summons state that you remove a unit from the battlefield and set it up wholly within 12 of your general.

    • Thanks 1
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