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Blog Entries posted by Ritualnet

  1. Ritualnet
    Just a quick update as I've not taken any photos.
    I decided that the harsh shadows was better, after realising that on the table top, the shadow and mid tones blend in too closely, and it's not really that visible. Those that didn't get the agrax wash on top of the bugmans, I painstakingly put it into the recesses, and the rest gave them a wash.
    I'm now at the stage where I have all of the ungors, with their skin at Cadian Fleshtone level. Now to highlight, and paint in the rest of the details. I've worked two things out so far:
    Painting in batches like this is a slog. I will start off strong, but after the first or second minature, I start to flag. The legs confuse the living bejebus out of me. Where do the shadows go? I'm starting to just paint the whole thing cadian, barring the most obvious shade points, and hoping to wash it later if it looks too stark. If I am doing more Ungors later, I need to find a way of doing them. I think I'll finish the highlights within a day or so, and then can do the fun stuff (weapons, fur, etc).
  2. Ritualnet
    I've liked the idea of beastmen for a while. They are the quintessential enemy to many in the Old World of Warhammer, this pure chaotic force that does not conquer for gain, but to despoil. I've read about them in various warhammer stories, and always wanted to know more.
    When the Start Collecting box came out (along with the Beasts of Chaos battletome), I figured, what the hell. It took a while to pick up the box and book, even longer to get round to building the figures, but now I have the box built, undercoated, and ready to go.

    The Beastmen gathered on the outsider. Braying, they beat him down, for he was different. He was no longer 'light grey'.
    The one thing I find amusing, is a few of these Ungor raiders, I've given them a single arrow and a bow. I have this image of them being given an arrow, and told they have to re-use it. Other than that, they'll have to beat them with their bows.

    The outsider's last moments.
    This was the test model, done to test what colours I want to use. They seem ok... but the shadows are too dark to my eyes. The paints are the standard flesh tones, Bugman's Glow - Agrax Earthshade - Bugman's Glow - Cadian Fleshtone - Kislev Flesh. The time spent layering Bugman's back over the agrax could have been saved, if I skip the wash and go straight into the layer. I'm trying this now, and will see how it goes.
    Other than that, the rest of it is standard. Skaven-dinge Blight - Nuln Oil - Tyrant's Skull for the fur (basic drybrush), the arrow and bow are Dryad Bark (same colour as my Dryads, so that it looks like they cut bows from the screaming dryads).
    For the other models, there'll be a bit more variety. For Ungors, that won't last long (either they die or get sacrificed... and die), they can all be the same. 
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