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Posts posted by HCMistborn

  1. That is a big part of my interest in it. I am in school and working full time, I barely have time to do all the stuff I NEED to do, much less build and paint a 2k army AND play 4 hour games. I want this to be popular in my area, and I also hope that 1k games will be reasonably balanced for the main game. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    So looking at the community page it looks like Genestealers and Ad-Mech are on the table for tomorrow. IMG_0317.jpeg.16c9727217f80fde6df6acbc31224334.jpeg

    Slight distinction, most likely Mechanicum for Heresy, not Ad-Mech of 40k. They seem to refuse the plastic kits to cross over anymore.

  3. I just hope that Spearhead gets actual support throughout the edition, and isn't just something to throw in the box for the first year of the edition then ignored. It really seems perfect for people with Hobby ADHD, so that I can paint up several Spearheads without committing to the full 2k of an army.

  4. All very cool, but I have to say I came out of the preview more excited about Spearhead. The box is huge, and it made my skin itchy just thinking about having another big box of mini's in my pile of shame. Instead I think I will grab a Spearhead and focus on that until Chorfs.

  5. I wouldn't hate them using Warcry/Underworlds or a similar type of game how they do for 40k. Create some unique units that might not warrant a special release, like the Night Lords, and also use it to update individual old units, like Striking Scorpions. That way we can still have some fun and cool stuff in a small skirmish game, but create overlap for the larger game too. It was fun to see the Night Lords for KT, and unexpected. 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Luperci said:

    There will be 23 battletomes come aos 4, 24 if IJ and KB are split. The edition will have 12 quarters, leaving the last 2 or 3 free for end of edition campaign stuff then there should be at least 2 battletomes per quarter if they want to get them all out. I expect q3 this year to be skaven + stormcast. Q4 will probably only be 2 books also. But I think 2025 we'll see most of the books done by end of the year which is like 3 books per quarter. If we see a roadmap it'll be the first 4 books, and then they give us the grand alliance of the first book for next year or something. Maybe not at this showcase but whenever they show off the non launch box skaven and stormcast stuff.

    I agree, I also think there is a good chance of a "new" army in Spring/Summer of 2025 such as Chaos Duardin or Malerion Elves. They seem to like to use the "middle year" of the edition to launch something new, but the timing varies based on what they are releasing for other systems. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, novakai said:

    If there are new Spearheads box when the  battletomes get release, Fyreslayers better be getting more models because they ran out of unit combinations for a new box unless they put the Magmadroth back in.

    Magmadroth but they will list one of the other character builds and pretend like it is new.

  8. 3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Really feels like GW actually read the stories Robert E. Howard wrote about Conan and understood them. Conan above all else hates “civilisation”, he views it as hypocritical and even if he interacts with it he’s always pretty jaded by it. In the world of Howard, “civilised” cultures always lack a bit of something the so called “barbarians” have… and they’re imperialist. And that whole “Dawnbringers vs Darkoath” narrative is pure Howard… with his Aquilonians vs the Cimmerians and Picts. With no clear good or bad sides and deeper meaning than a bunch of muscle bound barbarians might imply. 

    What do you mean? I only know Conan from the Adventures of Conan TV series. JUST KIDDING, put away the pitchforks. I totally agree, you have made a really thoughtful post about this and it just makes me want to paint up some Darkoath even more. Even the way that the Darkoath hate the worship of a singular god or deity as weak sort of reflects Crom being like "don't ask me for favors or worship me, you weaklings."

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  9. I have to say, that Darkoath lore is dope. I really love the duality they are going for with the Dawnbringers and the Darkoath. You can really understand why the Darkoath do what they do, and why they view Sigmar the way they do. It also leaves room for the Darkoath to still have people who just really love being evil in their ranks, but also someone like a darker Conan among them.

    • Like 4
  10. 33 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    A fundamental shift in how rules/lore are delivered. I would like for AoS to move away from the Battletome format. Not only do I think they are slow and cumbersome, they are expensive and due to the nature of rule updates often out of date shortly after release. They are also pretty limiting regarding where the design studio can go. 

    I almost said this, I really feel like we are at the point that 99% of wargamers can handle using an app or some form of digital rules in place of these. If not, they can ask a friend to print it for them. One Page Rules and Conquest have done it with success. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    This is kind of misinterpreting the issue. Cross-usability between AoS/40k and those skirmish games isn’t an issue because they’re all made by the main GW design studio.

    It’s cross usability (and sales which can’t be cleanly split out) between games by the main design studio and the specialist games studio which is the ‘problem’. So ToW, 30k, Necromunda, etc.

    I don't really know how to fix this, but I feel like I have a solution that other people might be able to tell me is stupid or isn't. When I ran a pet supply store we would sell the same product under two different UPCS to track a certain type of packaging, to see if the packaging would make it sell better. Couldn't they do the same thing for these? Have the webstore track if someone adds it to their cart from Warcry tab or the Age of Sigmar tab? Have different UPCs, one on a warcry box and one on a age of sigmar box? Then it would divide sales to calculate better?

    On rumors, I might have to wait it seems like Malerion and Chorfs seem to be hinted at coming, which are two factions I am most interested in. I might start Kruleboyz since they are cheap to be able to play the game until then lol

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  12. Koala, this is great advice. I always try to tell myself that the miniatures don't go bad, they don't expire. I can always paint them in ten years, or a few months. Projects should follow inspiration and not purchase timing, at least within reason.

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  13. Did the murder the plague priest in the model cleansing? Maybe a grey seer that can be built as a plague priest, like in Total Warhammer? I seem to remember them being the same model with a different staff and stink lines floating around the plague priest.

  14. I don't have anything constructive to add, I just need to say that these Dwarf models are all amazing. They have had such a strong and incredible range for such a long time and so much of it still looks great. Even the stuff in AOS that might vanish, the Dispossessed or seems to be moving to TOW are still so great looking. Then I see something like the new models like the Kings and the new White Dwarf, and I am starting to wonder if they are just that good, or do I love Dwarfs and I haven't accepted it?

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  15. On 4/14/2024 at 9:59 AM, GrimDork said:

    IMO the 3 year edition cycle necessitates army squatting or souping to some extent. If all factions are to receive an updated tome for each edition and they want to release completely new factions, something has to give.

    A lot of us want to see new things like Chorfs, Malerion Aelves, Kurnoth etc but this has to come at the expense of losing something old. Or souping factions together. Neither option is popular.

    If the edition cycle was longer, would be more time in the production calendar to keep more existing armies going and insert newer ones. I get that the 3yr thing is a money decision and the launch boxes/starter box refresh brings a lot of interest, but why not just have a hyped "big box" release every 3years with a refresh of models and a newly printed Core book containing the latest errata inside, but otherwise leaving the rules alone. People would still buy it for the latest print/new models and it would still be a good starting point for new players.

    If GW ever get close to faction balance they then have to start from scratch again when a new edition drops. That new edition development time could be spent better play-testing new armies to balance with existing factions.

    Yeah, I would rather have a 5 or 6 year cycle than these short editions personally. I hate people getting Battletomes/Codexes a month or two before the edition dies. OR, as many have said before, switch to digital rules and drop the BT/Codex system for anything other than lore and art.

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  16. This is my struggle too, I am building my dream Dark Angels army right now. I never thought I would have gorgeous Deathwing Knights and the Lion, but I am also using the Deathwing Knights and regular terminator arms to make Deathwing Terminators with robes. But I have zero interest in 10th edition 40k. I am loving all the rules we see in 4th Ed AOS, but I want a classic fantasy style army, and I can't seem to find the inspiration in AOS for that.

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