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Posts posted by HCMistborn

  1. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, about the mixed races cities being unique, I think some other companies are starting/ will start to explode that niche. For example, Warcrow recently launched and they indeed have something like CoS where they mix humans, dawis and elves: Hegemony of Embersig (warcrow.com)

    And this other faction could be pretty similar to a dispossessed new look: Mounthaven (warcrow.com)

    Off topic for the forum but the more I see of this game, the more I look forward to it. 

    I think our best chance at regular dwarfs is in COS as a mixed unit, or a unit brought into the same design as the rest. Fyreslayers and KO are very different for Dwarfs, and GW seems to be moving away from the generic fantasy stuff. Right now the only generic fantasy esque armies are regular mawtribes and COS Dark Elves and Dwarfs. Shadow Elves for DOK will help move away from DE, and COS Ironweld style Dwarfs will help solidify baseline Dwarfs in the setting. Then they can go in the opposite direction with Chaos Dwarfs. I think they might lean into the bright colors like Fantasy Chaos Dwarfs and less of the Legion of Azhorg FW copper and brass look. That copper and brass, fully armored look is already owned by KO. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think people don't get as excited about it because mechanically efficient stats and flavourful, but less "good" abilities appeal to different types of players. I think Ogor players are not as much into mathematically efficient warscrolls as they are into making big charges and slamming big dudes into the enemy.

    I resent that, I can at least count to six, as that is how many are in my glutton unit.

    • Haha 2
  3. I think there is also a distinct chance that they look exactly like the models from Total War: Warhammer 3. Grombrindel looks almost exactly like his model, and while it is a different game we saw the Thunderstrike Liberators and Prosecutors in the Realms of Ruin before the starter set. I know that is a really big reach, but just food for thought.

  4. I know this gets said a lot, but it really is way too early and far too little information to be saying the sky is falling on anything. So far I have heard people say that each of the faction focuses are good and bad. Summoning is gone, by there is a good chance that things that were priced around that will drop points because of that. This happens every edition, and I remember people reacting this way to every faction, every edition. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Sception said:

    the "+1 control score per model" is a particularly nice if subtle bit of rules phrasing.  At first it's like 'isn't this just a more awkward way of saying +1 control characteristic?', but it lets a big unit contribute a lot of weight to objective control even if you can't fit all those big bases in control range.  That little rule is probably the part I like best about the preview in that it just feels like a really smart bit of design.  But again, isn't not exactly a rule to make you sit up and say 'wow!'.

    I feel the opposite, I think it is really cool. While it isn't as exciting as a combat mechanic, it is showing an effort to change the rules around something other than killing your opponents army turn one then being smug while they pack it up. I know that is more of a 40k problem, but it makes me happy to see them doing something to encourage play outside of smashing each other. 

    • Like 3
  6. If they released enough units in the style of the new warband, I would start FS in a heartbeat. I just don't like the completely naked look of the current models, and the waist capes help mitigate that for the warband. I could easily get away with painting pants under those waist capes, and the extra armor and scaled bits are amazing. 

    • Like 2
  7. I really like the change to Pink Horrors. I never fancied painting up a million blue and brimstone horrors just so that I don't miss out on an ability with Pink Horrors. Attempting to pop some mortal wounds is a great alternate choice. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I don't know if it reduces the chances of a substantial wave. They might already be in the works. Store anniversary Runesmiter and Vulkyn Flameseekers definitely indicate they are. Together with the Grimhold Exile and the Auric Flamekeeper they have quite a consistent and slightly renewed style.

    It'd need to be a big wave though, but Seraphon, CoS, StD, Ironjawz, SBG, FeC last edition have shown that they're perfectly capable of that. If it's just one unit and a hero I'll be very disappointed.

    It also seems like the narrative will go to them quite quickly. The Vermindoom is right next to the adamantite chain.

    I can see how Chaos Dwarfs will visually work as the enemy of Fyreslayers, I don't know if there is any history between the factions. But I could see a Chaos Dwarf vs Fyreslayer box being pretty cool. Fire and Greed or Gold and Brass or something.

  9. That is a big part of my interest in it. I am in school and working full time, I barely have time to do all the stuff I NEED to do, much less build and paint a 2k army AND play 4 hour games. I want this to be popular in my area, and I also hope that 1k games will be reasonably balanced for the main game. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    So looking at the community page it looks like Genestealers and Ad-Mech are on the table for tomorrow. IMG_0317.jpeg.16c9727217f80fde6df6acbc31224334.jpeg

    Slight distinction, most likely Mechanicum for Heresy, not Ad-Mech of 40k. They seem to refuse the plastic kits to cross over anymore.

  11. I just hope that Spearhead gets actual support throughout the edition, and isn't just something to throw in the box for the first year of the edition then ignored. It really seems perfect for people with Hobby ADHD, so that I can paint up several Spearheads without committing to the full 2k of an army.

  12. All very cool, but I have to say I came out of the preview more excited about Spearhead. The box is huge, and it made my skin itchy just thinking about having another big box of mini's in my pile of shame. Instead I think I will grab a Spearhead and focus on that until Chorfs.

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