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Posts posted by Drib

  1. Spoiler
    12 hours ago, Cambot1231 said:

    Here is the Tzeentch list i'm experimenting with.  The core of the models I own are Mortal Chaos so I went and picked up a few pieces of Tzeentch tech to flush it out.  I have blue Horrors and a Herald of Tzeentch on foot for summoning.  The Gaunt Summoner basically makes a block of of Chaos warriors re-roll all saves with Shield of Fate.  Lord of Change sits back with Flamers helping them with +1 to wound and activating their locus if/ when they die.  Chaos sorcerer lord buffs either flamers or Chaos warriors with daemonic power spell.  Let me know what you think and what i might improve (without going into tzaangor) 

    tzeentch list.jpg


    You are using one Artefact too much and I would sugguest Cogs with Mark of the Conjurer on the LoC for more summoning. And you might consider switchning the Gaunt Summoner's and the Sorcerer Lord's spell, as you realy want to keep the Gaunt Summoner alive.

    • Like 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, Olincay said:

    Finally had my first game for 2.0
    Faced off against ogors, from a game mechanics point of view 2.0 is great, from  a Tzeentch point of view i feel alittle underwhelmed.
    It was a tight and close game, only being pipped at the end for a loss.
    Main gripe is that things just seem overcosted for what they do, i feel a LOC shoudn't be 380 points, i also feel the fate points for summoning is a tad high.
    To my surprise i did manage to summon some blues who then split into brims, but there was no way i was going to summon anything else. 

    Seeing the results from the midwest meltdown hasn't filled me with hope either. 

    With the changes to Mark of the Conjurer, a LoC with Cogs will yield 6 Fate points per turn for only 440 points. I guess that's nothing to joke about. Kairos on the otherhand ..

    • Like 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, obmik1 said:

    The question is, what is better. Arcane sacrifice or magical supremacy?

    I do prefer Arcane Sacrifice as the bonus range to unbind will only affect things that are more than 30" away so it's most likely a buff or an other wizard is nearby. Also using Sacrice on a Gaunt Summoner (sacrificing Pinks for Blue Points and battleshock and/or Fold Reality) to increase the hordburn to 27" is dope.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Boss Salvage said:

    Meaty FAQs across the board, lots of reactionary changes that I can't argue with. Rest in Pepperonis, Lens of Refraction :P

    Unrelated question, the Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch has a HERO keyword, yet only has a Behemoth battlefield role on the pitched battle profile page of Monstrous Arcanum. Is it in fact still a HERO for the purpose of, well, everything? But particularly giving it an artefact. Also, is there a way to add it in on Scrollbuilder that I'm not seeing? Can't seem to find it under various tabs.

    Heros get Artefacts, so yes.

    But there were no Forgeworld FAQs.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, AaronWIlson said:

    So I've got my first 2K game this week, going to take a lot of photos and do a battle report for you guys. Here's what I'm taking - 


    Allegiance : Tzeentch 

    Lord of Change - 380
    Artefact - Gryph Feather Charm 
    Lore of Change - Tzeentchs Firestorm 

    Gaunt Summoner - 180
    Lore of Change - Bolt of Tzeentch 

    Tzaangor Shaman - 180
    Lore of Change - Unchecked Mutation 

    Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch - 160
    Trait - Magical Supremacy
    Lore of Fate - Glimpse the Future 

    The Blue Scibes - 140
    Lore of Change - Uncheked Mutation 

    30 Tzaangors - 480
    10 Pink Horrors - 200
    10 Kairic Acolytes - 80
    10 Kairic Acolytes - 80

    Umbrall Spell Portal - 60
    Geminids of Ulh-Gysh - 40


    I am always running with Fold Reality. Could be used on the Shaman as you will more often cast his own spell rather than the Unchecked Mutation.

  6. 42 minutes ago, ianob said:

    In narrative sure. In matched play, endless spells have a points cost, so you don’t have them available to use if you didn’t pay for them.

    The wording in the GHB is a bit unclear, you pay to know the spell but the model part is a bit strange worded.

  7. 12 minutes ago, ianob said:

    You can’t. You do *know* enemy endless spells, but since this is matched play and you must pay for ES in matched play, you can’t actually cast the spell as you have no model. So no stealing endless spells from opponents, unfortunately.

    If you bring your own there is no problem, or ask your opponent for his.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Mayple said:

    Spiteclaw's one activates in the combat phase, Warlord's in the hero phase, and Warlord on Brood Horror can use his in the hero phase through another warlord, but then it has to be "wholly within 13" :)

    The brood horror warlord got the short end of the stick.

    Well but the Skaven Warlord's lasts until next hero phase, while the others only till the end of the phase.

  9. 1 hour ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    I can’t quite tell from the sprue picture, but did they give you enough torsos to have an Leader torso and a standard torso for that model?

    Basically does it give you 7 torsos? (1 for the champion, 3 for each of the Skyfires and Exlightened?)

    How do they define the “unit champion”? (Guy with the arms spread wide?)


    When I remember correctly, there were 4 "normal" and 1 "champion" torso frontpart, but only three legs/backs. But there are enough head and neck parts to magnetize too (armored for the Enlightened and non-armored for the Skyfires). But I only build them as Skyfires without quiver as it was easier.

    Yea, the one with the arms spread is the Champion and there are 4 weapon sets included for each typ, 3 normal spears and one spread version, same with the bows. 

  10. 20 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    If you don’t mind the curiosity, how are you handling the magnetizing of the Skyfires? That sounds like it could be fun... (or insane ... I haven’t determined which.)

    I magnetized the whole chest. Same with all my Tzaangors. Only problem is that the Enlightened and Skyfire Champion share their chests, so I only got 1 each out of 2 packs.




    • Like 2
  11. 21 hours ago, Myzyrael said:

    You are right, missed that piece that allows to override core rules. Seems like my summoning got a lot easier now ? thanks for clarifying that for me

    Even considering Warscroll > Core Rules, the term "use" refers to paying the points, as having the points (what is the requirement to summon) is not using them. 

    Additionaly the scentence with the requirment to have Fate Points to summon would be redundant. On top of that the errata that changed the 5 Fate Point requirement to 10 would have been plain useless but in the same manner make all GHB18 wrong worded while at the same time changing not a thing.

    All in all it's plain to see, that you need 10 "true" Fate Points to be able to summon.

    • Confused 1
  12. Relics of Hysh

    Lens of Refraction:

    "Each time a friendly unit within 6" of the bearer would suffer any mortal wounds from a spell cast by an enemy WIZARD, roll a D3 and reduce the number of mortal wounds suffered by the result"

    - Malign Sorcery p. 85

  13. 33 minutes ago, AaronWIlson said:

    Yeah, I was tempted with Arcane sacrifice my self :)

    Is it confirmed you can increase a unit size by doing that, as that wasn't possible in the last edition

    I prefer a magister over a ogroid for the same reason, a spawn does a better job at holding a unit up. 

    As for the Generals Handbook, I have not seen anything restricting summoning in anyway.

    Both, the Magister and the Ogroid have good potentials in preventing shooting.  You are right, the Magister's Chaos Spawn is more reliable if he is summoned. But he won't work too good on units with more than one wound, where the Ogroid shines. (And I like the Ogroid's model more)

    Additionally I would use a different spell on the Magister too,  it's a nice pick for an Ogroid but "Glimpse the Future" might be more versertile.

  14. 52 minutes ago, AaronWIlson said:

    Gaunt Summoner - 180
    Lore of Change - Bolt of Tzeentch
    Command Trait - Magical Supremacy

    I do like to run the "Arcane Sacrifice" trait on my Gaunt Summoner, especially as the unbinding range was raised to 30".

    The +9" to his casting range and the re-roll is very powerful. In addition, you can get some Blue Points in the first phase and even increase the number of Pinks above 10  (from the Icon) with the forced battleshock test.

    With that in mind you won't need the Balewindvortex and can drop the Magister to include an Ogroid wich might cancel enemy shooting from units with more than 1 wound, as long as the Brimstones survive the combat phase.

  15. I guess the same bad wording will apply to the FSWB, as they might have  forgotten that units from some battalions have an allegiance that opposes the battalion warscroll. It's hard to think, that they lose their keyword and allegiance just by having a battalion.

    Well for now it works like this, but then again, which allied battalion (including all units) is cheap enough to be used in any army?

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