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Posts posted by Fredster64

  1. 8 hours ago, Malakree said:

    So just doing a quick check of and the card itself is completely vague.

    A basic thought experiment, if you are in one corner with an adjacent enemy fighter on one end of two short end boards and there is another enemy fighter who is in the exact same position on the other end of the board. If it measures the distance to every enemy fighter and you must be further away from each individual fighter then the ploy is unusable no matter how many hexes movement you get, as you physically could not get further away from the fighter in the opposite corner.

    Given the name of the card and it's artwork (the warden) it implies that it's there as a tool to move the Warden after he gets jumped by an enemy fighter by some method, say hidden paths. Thus the restriction is there to stop it being used aggressively, say shifting the harvester from adjacent to one enemy to adjacent with 4. In that case it wouldn't make sense for a fighter 15 hexes away to stop him from shifting away (escaping) from a fighter next to him. So RAI seems to be that if you start adjacent to any enemy you can't end adjacent to an enemy fighter, if an opponent played it against me that would be my personal reading of it.

    • If you are playing in a friendly local setting I would just explain it to your opponent before the game and get an agreement one way or another. You might want to pack sidestep (if you aren't already) so that you can swap it if you can't.
    • In a tournament setting contact your Tournament Operator and get a ruling before you submit your decklist. Again I'd suggest taking a replacement with you so that in the case of an unfavourable ruling you can just swap it.
    • I'd suggest asking it on the Shadespire facebook, they will often forward it to rules team so that it makes it in the next FAQ and are fairly good at giving an answer, if a bit noncommittal ;) 

    Sorry I couldn't give you a better one.

    Thanks for the reply! :)

    I agree, it seems to be a very vague card. Personally I think the card's text aligns better with the more restricted interpretation whereby you have to increase your distance from every enemy fighter, but: 

    1) (as you rightly said) it doesn't make sense for a fighter on the opposite side of the board to affect the push; 

    2) this restricted interpretation makes the card pretty terrible, so I'm really hoping it's not right! 

    As for replacements, I'm already using sidestep in my deck but am considering swapping in flickering step (although I never seem to roll any crits for it :( ). 

    Do you mean the GW Shadespire page or is there another community group? I haven't heard of anything like that so it would be interesting if there was something. 

  2. Hello, first post here so I hope it's in the right place! 

    Wanted to ask a question about the Sepulchral Guard ploy Swift Evasion (#75): it says that I must end the push "further away from all enemy fighters" and I'm not quite sure how this works. As an example: say my champion is next to Garrek and two hexes away from Saek. Can I move him so that his final position is still two hexes away from Saek (given that he ends up adjacent to no enemy fighters), or do I have to move him further away from Saek (and all other enemy fighters) than he was before? 

    Sorry if I didn't explain that very clearly! 

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