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Maxo Bug

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Posts posted by Maxo Bug

  1. Nice lists! There are some interesting ideas to try, but I have to adapt them to 1K games, which is my "local meta" if less than 10 people can be called that.

    I do have a question for y'all, though:

    I'm curious: Do you have your armies painted as the procession you play or plan on doing so?

  2. 7 hours ago, elescapo said:

    (...) Both of us were incredibly impressed with Nighthaunt performance.

    I haven't seen much discussion about the new Spirit Torment warscroll.  At 115 points, he's one of our cheapest heroes, yet he easily had the largest impact on the game.  He carried the entire center.

    I suspect that many people didn't notice that they changed his warscroll between Arena of Shades and the battletome.  He no longer as the "enemy model must die" trigger.  He just puts 3 wounds of models back every combat phase.  I had a single unit of 10 Bladegheists in my center, and he put 15 models back in that unit over the course of 3 turns--easily paying for himself twice over.  He was also carrying an Arcane Tome and casting Seal of Shyish, so he was creating utility beyond just the healing. 

    Some other observations:

    • As others have said, we hit incredibly hard in our turns.  The warscroll stats are deceptive.  In practice, everything in the army has at least Rend -1 or -2.  We generate a lot of advantage by lining up against an exposed unit or weak flank, and then hitting as hard as we can with every available unit.  Even rolling low on charges didn't feel that bad, as it was completely shutting down All-out Attack and similar abilities.  I was reliably stacking -3 or -4 to hit.
    • Knight of Shrouds on Steed is a surprising beatstick.  I put him in support of the Bladegheists, and he did that job exceedingly well.  The Sword of Stolen hours ability is great.
    • Lord Executioner is a decent little fighty hero now.  I made him general with Hatred of the Living, and he was reliably cutting through 2+ and 3+ saves.
    • Nothing felt bad.  Everything had a use, even the 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers.
    • I was running 2x 20 Chainrasps, and I think it would have been much better and more flexible to split them into 4x 10.  Going into the new tome, I was worried about limited Reinforcement Points, but now I find myself uninterested in using them at all.


    I really loved to read this. The Spirit Torment is by far one of my favorite models (the Crawlocke the Jailor model, that is) and I'm happy to see he's still relevant and a good pick for our lists. I did notice the change (again, one of my faves) but didn't know how significant is on the table, still have to try the new rules proper.

    Regarding the deceptive damage, I'm glad to read that what I thought was true, and even better than expected.

    Nice to know that Executioner and KoSoES are good too. The ability to heal, AND increase the wound characteristic with the Sword of Stolen Hours sounds too good.

    And lastly, what I did miss, was that Chainrasps' Chilling Horde ability does not have the "More than 10 models" to be active. That's nice for MSU! Still, in their particular case, there's maybe safety in numbers, still.

  3. 6 hours ago, elescapo said:

    The charge bonus meant that the added an almost guaranteed trigger for Wave of Terror to one of my fights. 

    I still think they are too expensive, but the scroll isn’t bad. 

    I thought the same at first, but then I saw wave of terror is activated with unmodified charge rolls, so they will most likely charge, yes, but not necessarily giving an improved WoT.

    Again, on an unrelated note, I think the Stalkers are still missing the 2 wounds per model. Makes sense lore-wise, and would make them a better option for the points, even with their stats as they are.

  4. Wow! I'm super excited about these new rules. I really feel like they have captured the essence of the lore in the game-play now. Or at least looks like it is thematically driven, and makes sense.

    Super excited too that a lot of things that I had on my "wishlist" for a new battletome came true, except for a couple (that being the Dreadblades going "back" to an elite unit, something like Chainghasts but for KoS, without being heroes -we have enough of those already-; and the glaivewraiths having two wounds each or being an attractive option -not seeing that right now, but I could be wrong-).

    Even then, there was a lot of other unexpected stuff to make up for it, so the balance is positive for me.

    Regarding the damage output, seeing people comment about the lack of mortal wounds and/or rend, I have something to say:

    I think that you are just focusing on what's on paper, and explicitly said. Values and words (like mortal wounds), and forgetting the implications that are there:

    With bonuses for the charge , with army wide retreat+charge, and high mobility, we are expected to be moving and charging constantly, like a tide of ghostly death, ethereal waves crashing time and time again. When you do so, you will be receiving lots of bonuses, but in the form of debuffs for the enemy. You may not have that extra point of rend on the warscroll, but make a 8-9 charge roll, and the -1 is there anyways for the enemy save. Doesn't matter where it came from. Even more, make another charge of those (MSU, here we go!), and suddenly the enemy has -2 to save PLUS your warscroll rend, making an effective -3 rend, for example.

    When you can do this, and bypass your "to-wound" test on sixes, when you have an auto-wound attack, with -2, -3, -4 to the enemy save, it will feel much like mortal wounds against most armies.

    And that's just damage output, not taking into account the enemy models lost by failed battleshock, which we may be seeing more often.

    And, as many people have said, even then, killing is not everything in this game.

    I look forward to try this battletome!

    • Like 12
  5. 6 hours ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    I am totally going to try understrength units for Spirit Hosts.

    Pay for 6 but only bring 5. I waste a little over 40 points but the benefits are huge. Think of it as mini-Battalion

    That's a good one to try!

    I was just thinking if reinforced units of SH were worthwhile. Now, my question is: aren't "understrength units" just those under minimum size? In this case, like just 2 SH?

    I can't take a look at the rules now, and I had that idea.

  6. 4 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Insult to injury or more to come? You decide, because the #NewAoS page hasn't updated for Nighthaunt yet.

    Nothing special. Same happened with Nurgle, they just took some time to update there. I was checking while waiting for ours.


    Regarding it, the only positive things I could take away where:

    • We are not worse than before, at least
    • They sure as hell should notice now the sad spot that we are in right now. After all, they had NOTHING to say about us, and had to make do with whatever they could grasp. The "biggest winners" in particular was a joke, with a General that shouldn't be one, with a "trick" as old as our battletome, and nothing, nothing related to the new edition or rules.

    In conclusion: either they keep neglecting us, or a battletome must be in the way. If it wasn't already, they should start working on one after this public humiliation 😆

    • Like 1
  7. So... no Battletome... 😕

    Well, this was a possibility. I guess we won't be getting a new one, until Nighthaunts get out of rotation for the starter kits, tabletop games, Mortal Realms magazines, and other cheap ways of getting them. Maybe they are too easy to get for their own good, at the moment.

    I think something similar happened with Khorne. So... waiting for AoS 3.0 then?... 🙄

  8. 11 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    Hopefully your right but it might as well just be another page or two in a future Broken Realms book, released  somewhere down the line.

    C'mon! I hope not, would be a very bad joke!

    Bloody Lumineth got a second Battletome already!

  9. On 1/28/2021 at 11:24 AM, Bayul said:

     So imagine a new Nighthaunt Battletome comes with AoS 3.0 this year. What would be your (reasonable) wishlist?


    Unit reworks:
    Glaivewraith Stalkers should become relevant again for example as Monster hunters with -2 Rend (like Savage Big Stabbas)
    – Mortis Engine receives the NIGHTHAUNT keyword and the Ethereal trait.
    – Guardian of Souls with Mortality Glass is a thing again.
    – Demote Dreadblade Harrows to a unit. Nighthaunt have enough heros already and the dual box is weird. Give them an ability to transport themselves and an additonal unit to each other. You'll have an actual reason to run two Dreadblade Harrows this way.
    – Maybe no more stupid Black Coach levels?

    I know I'm late for the party, but: ALL OF THE ABOVE.

    Except I don't know much about the Black coach, and in addition would give the Glaivewraith Stalkers 2 wounds each. They even are a fusion of two souls lore-wise, and would separate them further from the Revenants, being a more elite durable and small unit.

    I also wish for the Tomb Banshee to be a thing (remember her?) and the Lord Executioner to deal mortal wounds. He's an executioner FFS! The ability is even called "Beheading strike"! What's a more "mortal wound" than that?

    I'm not quite sure about this, but I'd make Ruler of the Spirit Host a command ability instead of a command trait. So, army wide, opening more options instead of being the go-to. Even if you prefer something else like... what? Cloaked in shadow, maybe, you would not tell me that you don't want to have a free RotSH, would you?

    There are many minor things like that that irk me and would like to see them fixed (like the Dreadblade Harrows being more prominent heroes than other captains, like the one they serve), but above all I'd like to see the faction become the scary thing they are supposed to be, either with better use of a more relevant bravery, sheer power, or both.

    Still, it's good to see people still loyal and enthusiastic about the ghosties! 👻

    • Like 2
  10. On 1/28/2021 at 10:07 PM, EnixLHQ said:

    You know, I agree. Hard agree. No disrespect to our bonedaddy, but I have always had my Nighthaunt lore separated from him. Even going so far as finding ways to break free from him and plot revenge.

    Well, I like the fact that GW even took that in mind in our current battletome. On page 18 you can find a small section, "Chainwraiths", which mentions a spectral host, cursed by Nagash and freed by accident by Idoneth Deepkin, that not only hate the living, "but also take their revenge upon any undead that serve Nagash". So that's canon already 🙃

    I know it's not the same as the full faction being "independent", but it's something, right?



  11. So, I've had this idea for quite some time.

    Even thought at first I wasn't convinced about the non archetypal kind of ghost that the Glaivewraith stalkers are, I really grew fond of them with time. The lore they have is great, and after reading Soul Wars, the Battletome and some more, I really liked the idea of them being a kind of Boogeyman of the mortal realms, and more akin to some kind of "folk horror" ghost that haunted these particular worlds. The models are amazing as well, specially those of the "Easy to build" kit. Moreover, it's highly probable we already have a bunch of them.

    My point is: they suck in the rules department, we know that. But maybe with some "small" changes they can be turned into something different from "more of the same, but worse", and make them an interesting, albeit situational, choice, that lives up to the fantasy as well.

    What if:

    • They were 2 wounds apiece: After all, they are a merge of horse and rider, according to ("retconned") lore.
    • New rule for the Deathbeat drummer: A unit that includes any Deathbeat Drummers can pick one enemy unit in the game. If that unit is slain, you can pick another one at the start of your hero phase. If the Glaivewraith Stalkers are in combat with a different unit from the one selected, they can resolve the combat and immediately make another normal move, provided it is towards the selected unit. 

    What do you think? At least makes more sense in the narrative aspect, but what about gameplay? Yay or nay?

    PS: for reference, here is the current warscroll. They cost 60 per unit of 4. Points could be left as they are, maybe?


    • Like 1
  12. Hey, guys. How is it going?

    I'm playing against some lizards this Friday, a Vanguard match. Have never played against them, though, so any tips are welcomed.

    This is my list:

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    Reikenor the Grimhailer (170)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Spirit Drain
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    - General
    - Trait: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts
    - Artefact: Midnight Tome - Shademist
    Spirit Torment (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    5 x Hexwraiths (140)
    10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)
    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (70)

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 59

    I also own:

    • 1 KoSoES
    • 1 GoS
    • 4 stalkers
    • 1 Lord executioner
    • 2 Cairn Wraiths
    • 1 Tomb Banshee.

    I know I don't have many bodies there, but since I played the army in AoS 1st Ed, I liked the idea of an elite death army with the Spirit Hosts, (which, BTW, are one of my favorite models from the range) and Hexwraiths.


  13. Hello, guys! 
    I'm about to buy (online) the AoS Gaming book, since I don't have the core nor the general's handbook. The rules I'm most interested in are the Meeting Engagements rules, and I wanted to make sure that the "Matched play rules" section includes it.

    Since I don't have access to any store selling it: can anybody please let me know?


  14. It may be a silly post to make, but here we go anyways:

    Are the nighthaunt in such a bad spot? All I read is that they are lackluster or that they should be updated or that they were half-assed.
    What's the issue? It kinda sucks that now I see my once favorite army as "meh", and can't help it with all the comments in that regard. 😅

  15. 6 minutes ago, Wraith01 said:

    We have Meeting Engagements in the GH2019 for Skirmish sized games now. 

    But its cool that you want to add to the Skirmish rules. 

    Ummm... How? 3 - 15 models in Skirmish, compared to 30+ models, unit cohesion, plus completely different rules for deployment, "bigger" table size, and rules from specific battletomes allowed, make it very different. 🤔

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  16. This is great! I'll try it for sure. 

    Yeah, I'm sad it's unsupported as well. Was my first Warhammer rulebook ever, and now it's "discarded". 

    I do like Warcry, seems interesting, but found Skirmish to be a great way to introduce people to AoS: both in the money investment (you can play with a handfull of minis) but also to the rules, which Warcry doesn't do, being a completely different system.

    Anyhow, great work! I'm glad to see people still giving some love to Skirmish.

    • Thanks 1
  17. Quote

    The Briar Queen – nemesis of the cursed city of Shadespire – is unleashed by Nagash to menace other lands. She is tasked with claiming certain souls that have cheated Nagash. With the aid of her spectral army – the Thorns of the Briar Queen – she visits each of the Mortal Realms, always bringing back her target’s soul. Between missions the Briar Queen returns to Shadespire, for her need for vengeance there remains unsatisfied.

    I just realized that the Briar Queen, the warband leader of the new WH Underworlds, was mentioned in the Nighthaunt battletome already. (p19)

  18. On 8/28/2018 at 3:40 PM, Benlisted said:

    [...] That said, you can make some value judgements from them. For instance, I’d say generally steer clear of a Lord executioner unless you really have nothing better to do with 20pts (take a Cairn Wraith instead). The difference in damage output is noticeable. That said, if you want to make one your General, then the more durable LE is certainly a better bet. But normally I’d rather have a wraith and the shackles.

    I think the only real no brainer is maul over sword on GoS. Even things like LE and the Mourngul, which respectively are fairly clearly outdone by the CW and the BC, have a niche in a list stacking - to hit. Personally I also can’t see myself running Glaivewraiths [...]

    I don't know how to feel. You just named half my 1K army...

    Is the Lord Executioner that bad? In paper doesn't seem so bad, and I really like the model... I mean, I may love the Cairn Wraiths even more, but...

  19. 2 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Horus Heresy. Last I remember people say that despite all the crazy options, its relatively balanced (for FW rules anyways) since its like 85% space marines with a sprinkling of Ad Mech and normal humans.

    Ah! Right. Thanks! Didn't think about it. I tend to forget all 40k related things, since I'm not that familiarized.

    (Besides a couple of videogames... but I shouldn't talk about that ?)

  20. 2 hours ago, Ahn-ket said:

    He didn't lose ft in the app its not filled in but in the battletome he has it unmodified 6 its two mortal instead normal damage 

    Oh! I hope it stays that way and gets corrected in the App instead of FAQed in the battletome. If so, you brightened my day a little more!

    50 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Nah I'd say its more of they don't really know exactly how to balance FW things when they're not doing HH.

    For example they made 2 completely new Khorne models for AoS...and yet they have always been meh game wise other than one of them making Khorgoraths battleline (and I dont think he does that anymore). Meanwhile they have buffed the Chaos War Mammoth despite the lack of having it available for purchase....

    SMH. Well... we'll see. Meanwhile, I don't see a reason why someone would expend 300 points in a 'meh' Mourngul when you can spend 280 in a Black Coach, which does everything and then some more. And don't even get me started in the model! The old one was one of the first and the most memorable WHFB miniatures that I ever saw and wanted one. Good thing I waited for this one. 

    By the way: what is HH?

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