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Posts posted by sorokyl

  1. 9 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I would imagine the earliest we will see it is 3/4 years away and by then resin could be a thing of the past and forgeworld/specialist games could be all plastic by then. 


    Forgeworld does resin in part because of the volume of minis they move. If you arent selling tens of thousands of a sculpt than the investment in molds and changing the tooling in the factory to make 37 Squig Gobbas or that version of  fifth version of Gandolf standing next to a bush doesn't make sense.   I think Forgeworld will keep doing resin for the forseeable future. 40k and AoS are big enough to do all their stuff in plastic. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    With the number of models that crossover between the Old World and Age of Sigmar I would be surprised if Games Workshop do not sell movement trays that can be used for round based models in the Old World. If they don't, someone else definately will.

    Games Workshop really need to start providing a movement tray as part of a unit box when it finally comes around too as CMON do with A Song of Ice and Fire.

    when your 10 model wide regiment is 10" long and mine is 8" long, doesn't necessarily provide conditions for a fair game. I never played WHFB but I assume that difference would matter. But I am use to AoS where the same ~25% base size difference (25->32) is now basically defining the game (coherency and attack range)

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    Hopefully the return of the old world means that GW will dig out that Isle of Blood box back out of storage and print those not ugly rat ogres again.

    doesn't help the AoS situation. I'm sure Moulder is due for some love in the next few years (and the rest of Skaven, though Im a bit concerned with how many "waves" it will take. 


    8 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    I'm hoping for Chaos Dwarfs(and therefore hobgrots) to be used in both games, 

    Careful what you wish for. I think it requires compromise as far as stance/posing. As a hobbiest more than a gamer, I think AoS has some beautiful dynamic models allowed back the fact that models don't have to be touching and the bases are bigger. Personally I think compromising on AoS minis for the handful of people that want to crossplay the models in two games would be unfortunate. 

    • Like 5
  4. 11 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I saw some people point out that the "hobgoblins, centaurs, and half-orcs" mentioned in the article could be a reference to the Kruleboyz and Kragnos getting backported into Fantasy's setting with different lore, like a reverse of how Fantasy models were brought into AoS. I'm not sure if I think that specifically will happen, but it will be interesting seeing what new models, if any, make it in.

    Kruelboy spears are all over the place, and the hobgrots have a wide stance on 25's that would probably look award on 20's. So i am not convinced these particular models were designed with TOW in mind. I used to think Gravelords and Lumineth were designed with Old World in mind, but they have similar issues. they won't look great on squares and their weapons will be all tied up. 


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  5. 35 minutes ago, Mikosan said:

    I do wonder how GW is going to overcome the problems with oldhammer?  While I was really into 7th and 8th almost nobody in my group bought models from GW, virtually all were second hand or alternative minis.  Newer ideas like start collecting boxes and the like would be a big help I guess. 

    While the settings and rules are carrying over, I don't think the business strategy is the same here.   This is the 30k of fantasy, not a mainline game. I suspect The rules will be expensive. the minis will be incredible and expensive. It will cater to a crowd more willing to spend I think.   A budget minded player without an existing collection is going to go to AoS much more likely than TOW.   A person who wants to do lots of alternative models or conversions is probably more likely to find a home in AoS than TOW (unless they just love TOW setting and have a very specific idea and are trying to stay true to the setting, but those types are less likely to use alternative minis)

    • Like 3
  6. 7 hours ago, Naem said:

    How do we actually know, that Dominion sales were low? Do we have any number? Because you can't assume that just from the fact that there are still boxes available. We don't know how much they made, maybe they just hugely increased the number to account for the demand and overdid it a little. 

    Yes, we have some numbers... The terms and conditions on the webstore have:

    "6. There are 33,050 AoS Decorative Boxes to be given away under this promotion."

    So, we know that GW has sold less than 33,050 copies on their webstore to date.  

    Now, how many were shipped to retailers, and how many were shipped to stores? I don't know. 

  7. So: we've got  the GK and TS heroes for their box revealed in consecutive Mondays, and we've got Kruelboyz and SCE minis revealed on Monday/Tuesday.  I think it's fair to say one of these is going to be announced for preorder on Sunday. But which?  If 40k box is getting any other new units, perhaps they are slow rolling it and it will be a little more time, the AoS news is coming a little faster... more urgently, as if they need to show us these minis before something else this week happens? I think the 

    >I'm hoping for the hobgrots to be a dual-kit with some sort of ranged unit and perhaps a minor hero to make stabbas battle-line. Any word on either of those dreams?
    Kinda feel like hobgrots were just thrown in this box TBH. The other kits have regular grots.  We've seen many Kruelboyz Perhaps hobgrots will be part of the Dark Dwarf release instead (I say Dark instead of Chaos because i can see them being Destruction too potentially)

  8. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    Do you think the Nurgle battlebox could be Nurgle vs Gloomspite Gitz?

    Nurgle battlebox is a pretty minor rumor. It's not unlikely, especially since their battletome is the oldest and they sometimes release these boxes alongside battletomes (but not always).  And gloomspite only if they refresh spiderfang. Gloomspite got a battleforce this year, a new SC box a year ago, and Looncurse 2 years ago.  I don't think it would sell that well. They also don't really need any new heroes besides a plastic Scuttleboss.  

    But for real, with all the killer GW releases in the last year, and anticipated, who has money for a Pile-of-shame box.. I mean battle box?(much less the time to actually paint it!)   You spend $200 to help GW clear out excess old stock for a couple of new little heroes. I see them as filler/trap


    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Dreddships said:

    between the expected Star Drake replacement

    Why are we expecting the star drake to be replaced? They aren't replacing the Cabbage with the Bird, likewise I think the two SCE dragons will exist side by side. The kit is only 4 years old.... Unless i missed some rumor 

  10. 1 minute ago, edmc78 said:

    New Vulture is amazing, mild preference for the boss build as the horned helmet on the vulture is totally crackers. 

    I am sure nobody is gonna refuse to play you because you swapped bird heads if you want the shaman!  fortunately both the rider and bird head seem like they are a super easy magnetization 

  11. 22 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

    Yeah but… why though? They’re two perfectly functional and fleshed out armies that have no need to be in the same book. Just throw in some extra coalition rules and boom, no soup needed. Plus if the trend set by the 40k Codexes are anything to go off, there is a lot less fluff in there anyway, so the last thing we lore enthusiasts need is anything like that.

    Has this forum just developed a fixation on wanting factions to be souped together that have no need or reason to be lately? If there’s any STD souping happening at all it’ll probably be Chaos Duardin, not Beasties.

    I dunno, most of what I see for both armies when looking at the webstore is really old plastic or resin. STD has a lot of warcry junk on there but it's hard to count that stuff. I wouldn't call any army with that much old stuff "perfectly functional and fleshed out". 

    GW has not really made any indication to commit to supporting BoC in the very long term with new models.  (Kragnos being put in destruction is a bit of a warning sign... )  

    Rolling BoC into the "Chaos Undivided" battletome could allow the more modern units to live on and let GW cut the older kits they don't want to keep supporting 

  12. 2 hours ago, CitizenX said:

    So when I was in the local GW shop the other day, the manager pointed out to me several times that all the Skaven kits were being pulled from the shelf (knowing I am a Skaven fan). This seems to suggest a repackaging or a line refresh. 

    Sorry, Clanrats were already repackaged recently, and Verminlord, Plague furnace, Plagueclaw, also have modern AoS boxes already.  Usually things in modern packaging being pulled from the shelf is just to make room for new things and things that sell better.  

    If you'd just said "Stormfiends (or Thanquol) have been pulled from the shelf." I'd say "ok, they're probably getting updated packaging", because I don't think that kit has it yet. 

    I'm not saying that Skaven won't get some models, for sure they need some and it's gotta come at some point, just don't misread the tea leaves. 

    >>because they were updating the rules included in the boxes
    100% guarantee you they are not going to pull modern boxes from the shelves just to stuff new rules in...

  13. 1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

    I'd say FEC need to have their whole range refreshed but the latest hero from Carrion Empire and Underworlds team.

    Sure man. Right after CoS humans, Seraphon, Skaven, Beasts of Chaos, Ogors, etc. 

    The Terrorgeist kit is from 2011, not very old in terms of some of the models out there... The Crypt Ghouls are from 2005 or 2006? But they've held up pretty well imo compared to a lot of the rank-and-file type troops (they're about same age as moonclan grots)

    • Like 4
  14. Did you place your Dominion order from GW directly? 


    Did you have it shipped to your home as opposed to a store?


    When did you order?

    <1hr into preorders

    Did you get yours yet?

    It's out for delivery today. I am 1 shipping day away from their facility in TN. 

    I ordered from GW only as a contingency. I also ordered from my FLGS (20% cheaper, and get it on launch day).  As soon as my GW copy shows up I'm calling them and arranging a return to my local GW store.  I think this is a great method if you're worried about something selling out / GW cutting your FLGS allotment.  Inconvenient for GW maybe but that's what they get for the horrible way they do all this. 


    • Like 1
  15. 49 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    Guys whitefang laughed at my post and I don't know what that means for my release predictions lol

    Perhaps sometimes people are genuinely trying to indicate they enjoyed or disliked your post and not trying to convey secret messages. Can we stop making posts every time dude clicks a reaction button like it's breaking news? 

    • Like 12
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  16. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    It's funny how many people still misunderstand this. It was never said that the scare shields represent Kragnos.

    Pretty sure Adam Troke said this during some preview, which is why everyone has been repeating that. For sure he was confused or had his notes wrong though. It's just meant to represent the orruk carrying the shield.

    • Like 1
  17. 33 minutes ago, Yargar said:

    Ironjawz are in the same situation correct? They have had no new releases either.

    Sure they have, they're all new in AoS besides the 'ard boys (whfb black orks).  That's the big difference between them really, I would call Ironjawz an "AoS" faction where so far Bonesplitterz is a "WHFB" faction, similar to spiderfang, dispossessed, wanderers, etc. I just think it's kind of weird that they would even come up with Kruelboyz if they were really into Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz.  

    • Thanks 1
  18. The aesthetics are so different it feels weird to me to have all of these on the table together. feels like maybe some of these are for a different game system or something. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to have the rules for their minis squatted, but if I were asked to guess which currently produced sub faction would not be around in a few years... Savage Orruks are in the top 3.   If you asked me which will never get new models, probably my #1 pick. Just because everything else is just more popular/bigger existing range / more unique (not the 3rd most popular faction of their race)image.png.17d6c4d1021b741aaefd5c873642badd.png

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  19. 1 minute ago, trolemon said:

    Bonesplitterz just need their resin heroes in plastic, boss onna pig, and plastic rogue idol (with optional Wurrgog rider).

    But I agree, if they don't get them now, they're not getting anything this edition and that stings considering they didn't get anything last edition either (Underworlds don't count).

    Savage Orruks and boarboys are from March 2011, not 2010.

    yeah, sprue says 2010, usually what i go by for dating kits. 

    I am not saying the models aren't good. I'm not saying "the range could be great with a few more kits", I'm just saying it's not likely to happen from the perspective of having a nice, clean, streamlined range. There are just too many other armies it makes more sense to shore up (with too few models or very old models). I think Kruelboyz hurts Savage Orruks chance at seeing more stuff. And Beast Snaggas over in 40k? Yeah, nobody interested in green dudes is gonna have any money left after these upcoming releases. Makes more sense to do literally anything else. 

  20. 3 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Obviously Kruleboyz are getting the focus with this new release, but I do wonder about (and hope for!) new releases for the Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz to go along with them.

    I would be suprised if we ever get a bonesplittaz release again... The range has 2 unit kits, from 2010 (not old, but not new) and a few heros, mostly resin?  I don't think warcry warbands are indicative of future releases.   So not a huge commitment to them from GW perspective.   On the flip side, how many subfactions of greenskins do they want to maintain? in 40k there is really just 1. In AoS you've got a real hodge-podge, split between two books. Add in Kruel boyz, maybe grotbag scuttlers in the future, just seems like too much. and I don't think they all necessarily look great together.


    • Sad 1
  21. 18 minutes ago, Soolong said:

    Which is nuts from a business point of view, your tripling the audience for that kit by including it in all the orruk army's. 

    I  think they are unwilling to sacrifice making the best models possible just to benefit the rules. The mount has to aesthetically go with the rider. It's going to have a saddle and probably some other things. The pose needs to be just right, and how the rider and beast fit together needs to be seamless.  Krule boys have different body proportions than the others. 

    Also, they have really cut down on the amount of plastic kits have these days. Back in the day a big monster was 2-3 sprues. now it's no more than 2, sometimes less. Supporting different builds using a lot of extra bits may push that. 

    • Like 4
  22. 9 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    Doubt we will see much overlapping, possibly for Old World but AoS is moving further away from the old world look each time a faction gets refreshed. It also sounds like the Old World game will be exploring a different era than the old warhammer fantasy, so I would expect that to look quite different as well.

    I don't necessarily agree with this.  There are factions and models that certainly don't fit in the old world, but Lumineth and Soulblight I had a hunch were designed to work in The Old World.

    You can maybe say a giant cow monster guy doesn't fit in TOW, but you can't say a nice, modernly sculpted elf in stereotypical elf armor doesn't fit.
    I expect/hope they don't want to maintain two completely seperate ranges, and have more overlap than they do between 30k/40k. 

    Because of the need to make more "TOW friendly armies", I hope we soon see updated ogor, human, skaven, seraphon sculpts for the base infantry. 


    • Like 2
  23. 3 minutes ago, Eternalis said:

    Oh boy, we have to paint with GW official schemes now?

    it's weird that was part of the question, but it's not part of the answer.  I do not consider a model painted a different scheme to be a "proxy model"

    Question of my own, from core rules FAQ:


    1.5.1 MEASURING DISTANCES Q: Say I can set up a unit wholly within 6" of the edge of the battlefield and there is an objective set up 12" from the edge of the battlefield. Can I set up my unit so that it is within 6" of the objective?
    A: Yes.

    This seems wrong?? If a model must be within 6" of the edge of the battlefield, it can not be 6" away from an objective, (which is a precise point 0" wide) that is 12" from the edge. 

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