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Posts posted by sorokyl

  1. Dominion still trying to find a floor at least here in the US. On ebay it's down to $135 and not selling quickly at that price(12 were listed a few days ago, only a few sold). 
    My FLGS has them scattered all over the store, maybe 20 copies. 
    As someone who enjoys finding deals on ebay and occasionally splitting up lots to fund my hobby, I can't even justify $135. I fee llike it will take years for this glut to dry up if ever. 

  2. 45 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

    That combat patrol is a great deal. 

    edit: I'm dumb. i was complaining about how monopose the boyz were, but they literally copied and pasted the same group of 10 twice in their image. 

    hopefully there is customization but I'm worried its the slave to darkness treatment. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    They did. Plans have changed but they didn’t put right say they did until some pressure from the community. As of now it’s September. 

    Almost always when they tell you something will come in a month, its the end of the month. Especially if your in the camp that we're waiting on the app. If these apps are being worked on by the same people, and WH+ was just launched this week.. no way they finish up the AoS+ app just 1-2 weeks later, I'm sure they fixing any issues with WH+ first. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, SlyRebirth said:

    Just be straight with us...

    Oh you want them to admit the reason they're delaying the battletome for weeks is for the new app tie-in for digital rules that is so poorly received by the community? Yeah, I'm sure they're working on that statement right now....

  5. 2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    We don't know that warscrolls won't still be free on the new app and even if they are put behind a paywall, you can still download them from the GW site. 

    thats the thing though.  Warscrolls are "Free". they come in the box, and if you pull up a web browser, go to games-workshop.com, type to search for a model, click the "rules tab", download a pdf, sure, it's free. 

    You want to look up your opponents units in real time while playing in a tournament? Quickly? You want the app. They're probably gonna paywall it. Why not? 

    I can see that WH+ is not for everyone. And i can also see people mad about X. But at the end of the day, you get the 40k app, the AoS app, the shows, the model, the whatever.   It's probably worth $5 a month to most people in the hobby, whether they want to admit it or not. 

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  6. 19 minutes ago, ian0delond said:

    Chaos space marines got the Thousand Sons and Death Guard updates between Dark Vengeance and Shadowspear. Special flavors but still. 

    But the weird thing for std is not why no new sculpt, but why new sculpt only for the start collecting ? There is new sculpts, you can buy them. They are not mixed on the sprues making impossible to sell them apart either. If the problem was to move the old stock,it should have done by now.  So weird my best guess is they just like the old stuff. 

    Anyway they also got a bunch of stuff thanks to Warcry.

    >>Chaos space marines got the Thousand Sons and Death Guard updates

    They are seperate books. that's like saying "Slaves to darkness got Putrid Blightkings"... no, they didn't... 

    One reason to not put the new chaos warrior sculpt in a box is that it's monopose dudes with no weapon options and no command models besides leader. It would be a big dumbing down of their warscroll. 


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  7. 23 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Maybe they had way too many boxes of the old chaos warriors laying around? 

    and the solution was to take them out of the start collecting box(surely the biggest mover of models), and put new sculpts in its place??  I suspect that was not it. 

    I have a feeling there was a pivot at some point surrounding slaves to darkness / chaos / warcry / covid that makes the current situation feel weird. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

    That would certainly make a lot of sense! I understand that AoS wanted lots of gear-swapping and equipment lists, but I never understood why they had to give different names to otherwise identical units. Made the battletome (and webshop) look very bloated. And inconsistent too: Liberators are Liberators, regardless of hammers and swords, but Retributors become Decimators when they wield axes?

    It is due to the simplistic way in which matched play points work in AoS.  In 40k, you can have a "tactical marine squad", but it has a billion options and you pay points for those options. 

    In AoS, they can do three things:

    1. Model has different build options so different rules, but they function the same, or close enough the same that they can have the same point cost. 
    2. Model variant's rules are different enough that they must cost different point values for balance. So they have different warscrolls
    3. All of the customization is purely aesthetic, no rules difference. 

    If you've got an army with over 70 models, #2 does not make sense.  If you have an army with only 10 kits, #2 makes a lot of sense to create diversity in its rules without having to release new models. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, Mutton said:

    Just a little reminder that we have an actual news thread now if you guys want to talk about those sweet dragon-lads.

    Unless the mods start ruthlessly deleting every post on here about news and not rumors, I think this other thread just is gonna be a pain in the ass and fragment the discussion.  Personally at this phase in my life/hobby I really come to this forum to read one thread, I don't really want to have to look at two threads especially if its the same people making the same comments in two places. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, NauticalSoup said:

    That's a pretty hot take when it's literally a racial soup book. 

    Warclans is a racial soup book (all Orruks)
    Mawtribes is a racial soup book (all Ogors)
    Skaven is a racial soup book (all Skaven)

    Cities of sigmar has many races, and none of those races are solely in that tome (Dwarves have two other tomes, Elves have Several, Humans are in most of the Chaos tomes). Hence it's not a racial soup book, in the same way. CoS makes sense because it represents the composition of a city in the lore. 

    It's a "soup" book, but I hope you can see the difference 


    • Thanks 2
  11. Everyone complaining is calling Kruelboyz an "Army", when GW has never pitched them as such. Its a new range of models for Orruks. 

    To people who like small, thematic, visually consistent armies:  Have them! No one is stopping you, they even give you rules for it! 
    Having the rulebooks souped does not detract from what you want to do with your own army, model wise. 
    Rules wise, you probably benefit from soup as GW obviously had the idea to have many factions at the start of AoS and then realized they could not keep the game balanced and keep that many books up to date. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    As awesome as both of those sound, odds are GW would never do such a thing: why sell two battletomes when you can sell four?

    Right its not like they've done any faction consolidation over the last few years... 

    They can barely put out battletomes fast enough as is. And it's not like each person buys each battletome, so your math is a bit flawed. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, AngryPanda said:

    The sculpts for the Kruelboyz are very well done, but I was hoping to see at least another troop choice, or the rumored calvary unit; the model range is extremely monster-heavy. While a centerpiece monster or two is nice, when there are at least five monsters-esq. units and only 2 troops, it feels burdensome. 

    Perhaps that's why it is not its own faction. I get that it the other troops have a different aesthetic. I mean I am going pure Kruelboyz myself, but you do have to be reasonable in how many new kits you expect them to put out!  

    From a Warclans perspective, they got what they needed. There was already plenty of dudes on foot. There's already 2 calvary units. They needed support models, wizards, ranged, artillery, monsters. 

    • Like 2
  14. 7 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    Surprising, with how many rumor sources insisted there would be some kind of wolf cavalry unit. Maybe they just saw an Underworlds or Warcry warband or something.

    Rumors could be leaks out of the design studio, where who knows how many minis have already been designed. 

    The Best way to predict what GW will do is look at the recent examples. they always have a formula, and it evolves but you can get a good idea looking at the last two "completely new range" releases... Battle Sisters and Lumineth. Both had an initial wave, and then a second wave some months or even a year later (and in both cases a new Book, right after the previous one...). To some extent i would say Slaneesh was similar, two waves and two books in less than two years. 

    Based on the pictures they showed, the fact that they're digging into battletomes, and this comment from the warcom team, Hopefully we're all on the same page now that this was the extent of the SCE/KB releases (for this battletome)

  15. 7 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Yeah I saw that re:cursed city, Mauler on Dakka/Bolter said they simply hadn't expected that level of demand [they had ordered 4 times the stock of Blackstone].

    Meaning what they had on hand? I hope they aren't implying cursed city was 4x total order of Blackstone 

    You just can't convince me that there wasn't some logistical issue here. Blackstone fortress was a hit. It also came out 2 years ago and the core game is still in stock. Either they did multiple runs, or made a TON.  It's so popular, the expansions (which were single runs), are selling for up to TEN TIMES their value on ebay (seriously, $15 packs of cards sell for $150). 

    Given all that, you tell me they made a bunch of Cursed City, sold all of it in a day, and then never spoke about it again? They didn't plan any expansions (which would have already been printed, you would think)? $200 USD for a few sprues and some paper goods and they're not gonna make anymore? (but they are still fine selling 8 sprues of Ork Stompa for $100). (Also, why make more Blackstone and not more Cursed City? Same cost and MSRP $50 less... )

    Obviously they can't lie on their financial disclosures, but they are not giving the full story. 


  16. 34 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    So nothing for Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz after all? This is a really bad omen for souped armies if their fate is to be outshined by the new army that gets souped along with them without even getting a single model.

    Relax, they are obviously gonna preview rules for new units that they are trying to sell you (you've already bought IJ/BS). You'll have to wake until someone has the full tome in hand to really get a good picture of how subfactions compare. 

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  17. 6 hours ago, elfhead said:

    The text in the community article suggests the red dragon will be available to more armies, maybe all order forces? Or am I reading to much into it? 

    I am pretty sure this is just a lazy toss up to sell more models. Similar to the Mega Gargant and Kragnos being playable in many factions. It doesn't necessarily mean it will work well in other armies (They want to sell the models, but nobody wants to see the same dragon twice on every table). But we shall see! 

    From todays article (battletome preview):
    AoS OrrukRules Jul27 Image5

    Someone spent a long time setting up these scenes and photographing. They're trying to incorporate all the cool new models. I make two observations:

    1. No Calvary. If it's coming, I would think that its part of a second wave. The only hold out of hope for calvary is that I don't see the mounted hero either, so perhaps the photos are carefully cropped to not show the flanking orruks. 
    2. RIP hobgrots (as a thing in warclans).  Only in one photo, hidden in the background. This (a little) reinforces my opinion these were an after thought, thrown in, because they couldn't think of a better thing to put in the box  (The last SEVEN (going back to black reach & isle of blood) GW launch boxes before this have the "bad guys" have a 20 strong unit of weaker dudes to make the "good guys" feel more elite and powerful.  So GW seems really attached to that idea and for some reason the Orruks this time were "too big/elite" for that slot). 

    So. I think this is suggesting we are done with model reveals and ready to get on with the battletome 

    • Haha 1
  18. 29 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    But hot damn are they dragging this Stormcast/Kruleboyz realease out looooong, sneak peak of 1 thing every week and we still do not have any idea exactly how big the release is going to be, not even an actual battletome announcement or look at the cover, it is a super strange way to market this. Customers have no idea what to really expect, it is just so random and odd, 2 big new dragons revealed and the book is not even really announced? 

    You missed the battletome announcement/cover:
    And i suspect this was the "grand finale" since the only thing they eluded to in the future was:
    "Check back with Warhammer Community in future as we take a closer look at the Draconith princes and their place in the upcoming Stormcast Eternals battletome"

    So basically it seems like the next AoS articles will start to go into battletome previews. 


    I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear the how these releases are planned, as it is an absolute mystery to me.

    Pandemic, Brexit, etc. 

    But also, mystery is kind of the point. They want you to be focused on what they are releasing right now, not saving your money for a thing you know is coming out in 87 days. I am sure there are multiple bean counters at GW studying data that we don't have access to and determining exactly the best way to get you to buy as many things as possible.. and you understanding that system is not part of their plans!

  19. I know the art is usually based on the miniatures and not vice versa, but in this case the art was already established... Personally would have been more happy with something like this. If this is daddy I guess mama was a dwarf or something. image.png.5df226545e363504a3c21ccd5be83d14.png


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  20. So now we know that The Scales of Victory was really quite foretelling in the models we would see... (spoilers from that short story below)

    "followed by a scene of two drakes – one noble of aspect, another whose features were cast in shadow"

    We know that only two drakes survived Kragnos, and here they are. But from this story we also know that the seraphon have hatched many many drakes over many centuries, and that the biggest ones are approx the size of Bastiladon.

    So, in the future perhaps we will see these adolescent Bastiladon sized drakes, as well as maybe whelps. 

     Anyone hopeful that putting these two from today in SCE is just a stop gap, and that later they will release more models and get their own book (a small faction, similar to Imperial Knights and Sons of Behemat?) One ray of hope is that unlike the Stardrake there is no SCE armor/iconography molded onto the body, the blue one just has bits that stick on. 

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  21. 2 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Because dragons aren’t actually real 

    Neither are Daemons, Orcs, or Squigs, but that doesn't keep GW from sculpting in a way that typically makes sense to us and how we expect to see creatures shaped based on animal evolution and the laws of gravity... 

    Looks like he's been bench-pressing since the age of myth. 

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  22. Wow that blue one is so ugly. What is up with all the derpy face Order monsters when everyone else gets such great stuff? Tauralon, then Celennar (Teclis), now this. 

    And the body is so weird and disproportionate.  Can it even fly? Why are its fore arms so much bigger than its wing muscles?? 



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  23. 3 minutes ago, Urauloth said:

    Very excited about the new edition of Kill Team. I wonder if we might see some of its features migrate over to Warcry at some point in the future.

    Don't worry, it's moving towards you at a rate of 3 orange hexagons and 2 green triangles per turn. 

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