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Posts posted by Moogypies

  1. So close to finishing all the skaven books, 3 more to go! 
    May be an image of book

    Had my first tournament with the new book last weekend. 

    Overall felt great and like all games where winnable went 1-2 but both the losses of games where lost by a single dice roll and had a single point or two between them, the first game by my plague furnace not managing to deal single wound to eltharion, and second due to failing the clans pestilens tactic when the plague furnace rolled double 1 on prayers! :( 

    List was 





  2. Had my first game with the Rats today, I went full moulder with 2x20 clanrats. 

    Was against a kurnoth based sylvaneth list, both of our first game with new missions/GHB and tomes!

    Ended as a skaven victory at Turn 4 18-4, would've been able to get up to 28-4 with the fifth turn. 

    My general takeaways-

    Giant rats are surpisingly shreddy when buffed and people just ignore them when rat ogors are in their face, combined with the rat ogors all being tanky now, it's a delicious combo. The little rats managed to nibble through 4 kurnoths in a turn and left lady of vines at 1!

    Hellpits, still a love hate relationship, they do a decent job, not quite good enough, sometimes excellent it's too random 😛 

    Rat Ogors are as they where before, solid.

    Moulders, bring back on a 3+ is just so nice ❤️ Crack the whip +3 to charges is so big for good positioning, using it on the giant rats was so good :D 

    List was as follows

    Allegiance: Skaven
    - Grand Strategy: Take What's Theirs
    - Triumphs:

    Master Moulder (90)**
    - General
    - Command Trait: Moulder Supreme
    Master Moulder (90)**
    - Artefact: Rabid Crown
    Master Moulder (90)**
    - Artefact: Foulhide

    18 x Giant Rats (180)*
    - Reinforced x 2
    4 x Rat Ogors (280)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (280)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    20 x Clanrats (100)***
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (100)***
    - Rusty Spear

    Hell Pit Abomination (245)
    Hell Pit Abomination (245)
    Hell Pit Abomination (245)

    Core Battalions
    *Bounty Hunters
    **Command Entourage - Magnificent
    ***Expert Conquerors

    Total: 1945 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 163
    Drops: 11



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  3. 10 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    My jealousy of your collecting is starting to rise.

    love your collection😂

    Nearly there with the skaven fiction too! 3 inidividual books to go, 7 if we include alternate covers/hardback, but they're rare as all sin to come by :( 

  4. 20220626_150033.jpg


    All the books throughout the years, silly that all the Collectors and current tomes have the same cover 😛

    Got the first use of the new book coming up in 2 weeks, so many options and wants to test gonna be tough to pick something :D Good problem to have i suppose 

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  5. 59 minutes ago, undeadheadz said:

    its more interesting but i think the stormvermin would be a softer target, if your against other people fielding bounty hunters every hit that gets through on your stormvermin would be at least two dead rats as the stormvermin are veterans aswell,

    or you could combine both possibly and have something like this


    leaders - 325pts

    Greyseer - 125pts

    clawlord - 110pts

    master moulder - 90pts

    master moulder - 90pts

    battleline - 1245pts

    6x rat ogor - 420pts (bounty hunter)

    6x rat ogor - 420pts (bounty hunter)

    30 x stormvermin - 405pts (bounty hunter)



    Hellpit abomination - 245


    Warpfire thrower - 70



    Apart from the fact you've used 6 reinforcement points, yeah 😛 

  6. 8 hours ago, frostfire said:

    Thanquol is on a 90*52mm base iirc which is identical to the soulseeker. It could fit in.

    Actually I think Thanquol is the best wizard who can be transported with boat because there is no other wizard on such a small base (even if Arcane Tome considered) could fight as hard as Thanquol. Thanquol alone would make the soulseeker hilariously too good.

    Time to convert a Warpstone powered ferry it seems. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Same, disappointing and excited 

    The doomwheel has actually been semi-buffed there was one word change with it's roll over ability, from normal move to move. So now you can give out mortal wounds on any move, including your new double pile in, charge and moves. So it has 4 times the opportunity to mortal wound!

    This wording also means you can charge over a unit of 3 wounds or less, AND pile in over a unit as if you have fly.

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  8. Hey, those are Veteran giant rats you're talking about nowadays :D

    Im happy with my moulder list, being able to buff hell pits now and the brackets being waaaaaay more forgiving is really going to help, and rat ogors? Barring the warscroll redesign being flat out awful, they're gonna pump it, I hope they get a full chart of buffs not just 3 to pick from like before. 

    3+ return instead of a 5+? Literally in heaven.

    Hopefully moulder DOES have a second page for rat ogor mutations, cause if they do via the wording on the mutations for hellpits, we may get 1 mutation for each hell pit and ogor unit per moulder 😮 The wild dreams

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Cosmicsheep said:

    Wowsers, there’s a lot to take in. Loads have been leaked on the FB group. As many suspected re-rolls have been replaced with +1’s, but in many cases it’s +1 to Wound meaning that we can still apply All Out Attack.

    Speaking of which Thanquol can use the same CA twice, meaning double All Out Attacks (on diff units obvs) and he now has a +3 cast. Between him and the bell we have some serious casting. 

    Super excited about being able to take other battle lines, and even more happy that my favoured Clan Moulder seem to have come away unscathed and possibly better (depending on Ogor mutations)

    Hoping we see some price reductions in the Winter FAQ because some heroes have gone way up for no real reason (looking at you Skritch and Verminlords)

    Also hoping for something on reinforcements, that seems to be lacking from the leaks 🤔

    Cant wait to see how it plays out in the new Meta 😉

    I use 6 units of giant rats in my moulder list, +120 points costier xD real shame there 

  10. 1- My wild predictions-

    Renumber the bravery allegiance to apply to lower unit sizes.
    Skaven battalions give extra reinforcement points.

    Eshin Bonus -1 to be hit in combat+range
    1 Mortal on 6's to hit for gutters/night runners.

    Pestilens- Mortal wounds taken if in combat. Leadership negatives.
    No changes to plague monks.
    Censer Bearers OP, new kit.
    New Mounted Plague Priest on Brood Horror. 
    Catapults still absolute trash.  

    Moulder- 5/6+ ward on Hell pit & Ogors 
    Giant rats cost up, 6+ save. Scares all monsters.

    Skryre- Double Rend Characteristic on 6's to wound.  
    Weapons Teams are now teams, you take them in a unit 😛 

    2- Im not sure of your point here, especially as Big Waagh is the best faction in the Orruks tome by a fair bit. but I do think we'll see the Four main clans and a mix all clan style.

    3- The time of the Realm of Life is coming, surely an explosion of life means even more rats. As fanatics of decay of all life, surely Clans Pestilens will make a move 🐀 

    4- I doubt we'll get a new big guy, we've got a new named deathmaster now, so plague priest or moulder would be lovely. 

    5- I'll be majorly surprised if we have a new batch of miniatures. Happily surprised, we're a dual tome release with Sylvaneth that means maybe 1 hq and 1 unit like nighthaunt got in their box. Maybe an extra hero like they had too. 


  11. I think the cost whilst high, is probably fair. 

    6" deepstrike with strike first and retreat with shooting mortals and melee? 

    Autotake in Mono Eshin (Duh) and I look forward to trying them in mixed clan too, they're near in cost to a hell pit and I'd rather have these right now then a floppy 12 wound 5+ save that gives away a vp  

  12. Two separate posts for two different things! 

    Been waiting to report on my 1k tournament where I went 3-0 claiming second place behind BoC due to differentials in winning VP's

    TL:DR, Went well Rat Ogors are just ridiculous.
    Breakdown of each game in post

    Game 1- Feral Foray VS Soulblight Win 29-24

    Game 2- Apex Predators VS Idoneth Deepkin Win 25 - 10

    Game 3- Power Struggle VS Kruleboyz Win 25 - 12



    Allegiance: Skaventide
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Warpgnaw Verminlord (275)**
    - General
    - Command Trait: Cunning
    - Artefact: Vial of Manticore Venom (Universal Artefact)
    - Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
    Master Moulder (95)**
    - Artefact: Rabid Crown
    Master Moulder (95)**

    4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
    - Mutation: Insanely Rabid
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
    - Mutation: Toughened Sinews
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Giant Rats (40)*
    6 x Giant Rats (40)**
    6 x Giant Rats (40)

    Core Battalions
    *Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements

    Total: 965 / 1000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 2
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 70
    Drops: 8

    Game 1-


    Game 1- Feral Foray VS Soulblight (Kastelai Blood Knights)
    Win 29-24

    They took first turn and moved up,

    Real simple retaliation, split army into two (Fighty Ogors + Packmaster) one way, Warpgnaw+ Tough ogors the other

    Charged Fighty Ogors into 2x5 blood knights to hold them up and stop them getting charge bonus, took out 4 blood knights (1 in 1 unit, 3 in the other)

    Warpgnaw+ Tough ogors the other, slammed the Warpgnaw in Ogors failed the charge- Warpgnaw took the unit of direwolves to 2, wasn't that worried about non charging blood knights and wanted them off the objective that my rats had snuck onto.

    From here, ogors and warpgnaw won the fights in subsequent turns and they didn't have much of an answer to rats porting around the board burning objectives.


    Game 2-


    Game 2- Apex Predators VS Idoneth Deepkin (Sharks, Namarti Thralls, Reavers, Soulreaver, King)

    Result- Win 25 - 10

    IDK took turn 1, moved up king on one objective, soulreaver on another, sharks left the warpgnaw on 3 wounds!!! from shooting alone, making him flee through the gnawholes to the top objective to heal for the rest of the game till his epic return later....

    Both units of rat ogors, got into the namarti/reaver line.

    Carnage. Fighty unit flat out minced the namarti, tough unit managed to pile in and take the reavers down to 3, 2 then returned via the fisherman man whos fish had killed a few giant rats.

    IDK took turn 2, charge the king and sharks into the tough unit of ogors and despite all the buffs going off with hide tide, only just managed to kill them with all the sharks AND the king! Unfortunately the king had also tagged the fighty ogors in, who then proceeded to deal 4 wounds to the fisher, destroy the sharks and leave the king on 1 wound.

    My turn rocks around, and the warpgnaw pops out of the gnawhole with an arcane bolt charge, pinging the king for slay the warlord with a monster, rat ogors finished off the fisherman which took away IDK's possible win condition. Tabled IDK turn 2 bar 4 reavers.

    Game 3-


    Game 3- Kruleboyz (Big yellers)- Power Struggle

    Result- Win 25 - 12

    Standard list 9 boltboyz in mud, tough stuff.

    As shown in picture, over half my army stayed in cover afraid of boltz. And rightly so. Giant rats would run out to tag objectives and then run away to live another day.

    Rat ogors where thrown into the back line as a distraction which worked perfectly, as the gutrippaz and killaboss went to deal with them. Alas, the rat ogors kept coming back with rolls of 6's from the master moulders command abilities. meaning the distraction continued every turn, they came back and then just slipped through the tunnels again!

    The warpgnaw stayed in the holes till he felt comfortable the boltboyz would leave cover, eventually they did, the rat ogors took the overwatch from the charge and died for him (16 mortals!), but....once again came back thanks to the moulders. With him in combat dealing 4 damage a swing, it was curtainz for the boyz.

    The threat of the gnawholes forced him to stay back before I claimed his objectives each turn with a cheeky giant rat unit and the ridiculous luck with the moulder return rolls meant a fairly good win.




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  13. It's a shame that its the starter box indeed, but i'll get it for them, theyll look so very odd amongst my 60 monkey rat ninjas :D 

    Got a 1k Tourney tomorrow, going with the following- 

    Allegiance: Skaventide
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Warpgnaw Verminlord (275)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Cunning
    - Artefact: Vial of Manticore Venom (Universal Artefact)
    - Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
    Master Moulder (95)*
    - Artefact: Rabid Crown
    Master Moulder (95)*

    4 x Rat Ogors (190)**
    - Mutation: Toughened Sinews
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)**
    - Mutation: Insanely Rabid
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Giant Rats (40)**
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)*

    Core Battalions
    **Hunters of the Heartlands

    Total: 965 / 1000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 2
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 70
    Drops: 8

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  14. 19 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Good luck

    We return Victorious! I went 2-1 and ended up 5th/20

    A hard day and interesting as it was my first time playing all Moulder.

    Faced Soulblight (Loss) OBR (Win) Maggotkin (Win)

    Changes I would make to the list? Drop Death Frenzy, Pick up Warpgale. Not much else I think that I could change that would improve this, maybe drop a hellpit for more rat ogors and soulsnare shackles for more area denial?

    List and small summary of games below.



    Allegiance: Skaventide
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Grey Seer (140)**
    - General
    - Command Trait: Cunning
    - Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
    Master Moulder (95)**
    - Artefact: Rabid Crown
    Master Moulder (95)**
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)**
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
    - Mutation: Toughened Sinews
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
    - Mutation: Insanely Rabid
    - Reinforced x 1

    Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
    - Mutation: Never-never Die-die
    Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
    Hell Pit Abomination (240)*

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Warp Lightning Vortex (90)

    Core Battalions
    *Alpha-Beast Pack
    ***Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 141
    Drops: 16



    Game 1, First Blood vs Soulblight, Mannfredd, ZLoZD, Grave Guard and Zombies.

    I skavened this game right up, turn 1 we got the Warp Lightning Vortex off and slowed down the advance of the dead considerably. Take it to turn 2 and the Grey Seer ate some Warp Stone and killed himself. 👌

    The large block of zombies ate 4 rat ogors, which came back! The zombies then got munched by the unit of rabid ogors in return for 38 damage, taking them all out in a fell swoop. Shame that Soulblight are better at bringing things back then us, and for no command points too!

    The hellpits fell over to the ZD/Mannfredd who made all their charges leaving me after a hard fought 3 turns, unable to do all that much.

    SBGL: 29 Skaven:15


    Game 2- Tooth And Nail vs OBR, Petrifex Mortek with Katakros+Arkhan

    I mean I can only describe what happened here as a marvel of Skaven ferocity. The OBR may have overstepped their boundaries, allowing the hellpits to go all in and simply remove units of mortek at a time with their mortal wound output. When the blocks of mortek died, objectives where mine to keep with little threat to the little rats in the back holding the fort. Screening of any advances Arkhan could make.

    OBR- 15 Skaven- 31


    Game 3- Power Struggle VS Nurgle, Glottkin + Pusgoyles with the Pusgoyle hero, and some Blightkings

    Very tough game, but we managed to prevail via constant screening of giant rats and at one point using all 3 hellpits as a massive screen in the middle! Combined with teleporting little rats to the backline gnawholes the nurgle didn't have enough models or speed (Thanks against Warp Vortex preventing run and fly!) to deal with the numbers of giant rats I could quickly move to each objective. If he left it to deal with another objective, I took it back preventing him scoring for another turn.

    Very very close at the end still, Nurgle- 20 Skaven - 26


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  15. 20220401_210831.jpg.ce0743facc4855dd09b78fc82f32853b.jpg

    Group Photo for the tournament list mentioned above, got some very very stiff competition in the lists- First Prince, Longstrike Stormcast, Big Waagh and Ironjawz so it'll be a hard fought game! Hopefully I can report back tomorrow with at least 1 win :D 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Understandable, longstrike are currently a big problem, which is why I am thinking of exchanging one of my warlock bombardiers and both warplightning cannons for 6 jezzails and a doomwheel.

    that doomwheel can actually deal with those longstrike with ease, when luck is on your side and you have the right combination at hand (like for example vial of the fulminator)

    I do have 4 Doomwheels ready to roll out as well, maybe next tournament when it comes around :D Wanted to get the moulder going first out. 

  17. On 3/22/2022 at 4:24 PM, Skreech Verminking said:

    He is pretty survivable and has been a good unit in many skaven armies.

    with a 5+ ward save he won’t be going down to easy, and he is vurrently the only wizard capable of casting and unbinding magic with relative good chances against any seraphon and lumineth player.

    yet with his current price tag, you could question his use, I personally went with a grey seer lately, trying to get more out of my screens and damaging units like weapon teams.

    then again I’m just a cheap guy trying to fit as mich horde/ troubling damage potential dealers in a list, which requires for thanqoul to not be a part of the army 

    Upon reflection, we've edited the list to the below now. Whilst I want to love the idea of Thanquol and will try him out at a later date, but feel he'd be too big and obvious of a target if anyone bought the ol' 6 longstrike and/or Dragon/Fulmi wombo combo.

    Allegiance: Skaventide
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Grey Seer (140)**
    - General
    - Command Trait: Cunning
    - Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
    Master Moulder (95)**
    - Artefact: Rabid Crown
    Master Moulder (95)**
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)**
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
    - Mutation: Toughened Sinews
    - Reinforced x 1
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
    - Mutation: Insanely Rabid
    - Reinforced x 1

    Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
    - Mutation: Never-never Die-die
    Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
    Hell Pit Abomination (240)*

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Warp Lightning Vortex (90)

    Core Battalions
    *Alpha-Beast Pack
    ***Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 141
    Drops: 16

  18. Hello all!

    I have a tournament coming up for my new rat boys, I expect some fairly decent lists there, almost certainly multiple big waaagh/ironjawz.

    Now, I'm likely going full moulder but need to decide by the coming Friday what list i'll be taking. I started off with 3 Stormfiends in the list, but this got dropped in favour of Thanquol + WLV in the first list critique round. But i'm not quite sure still so need further advice.

    This list currently is as follows-

    - Army Faction: Skaven
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumph: Inspired
    Master Moulder (95)***
    - Things-catcher
    - Artefacts of Power: Rabid Crown
    Master Moulder (95)***
    - Warpstone-tipped Lash
    - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
    - Spells: Flaming Weapon
    Thanquol (405)***
    - General
    - Spells: Death Frenzy 
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    6 x Giant Rats (40)
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
    4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
    6 x Giant Rats (40)***
    1 x Hell Pit Abomination (240)**
    1 x Hell Pit Abomination (240)**
    1 x Warp Lightning Vortex (90)
    1 x Gnawhole (0)
    - *Hunters of the Heartlands
    - **Alpha-Beast Pack
    - ***Warlord
    TOTAL POINTS: 1975/2000

    Is thanquol survivable enough, or do I just downgrade him to a regular seer, or even one of the masterclan verminlords. Each option opens up bringing more giant rats, rat ogors or maybe even a sneaky third hellpit in the Grey Seers case. Do I need more master moulders? :< So many what if's and indecisions. 

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  19. 5 hours ago, Soolong said:

    Does anyone have the base sizes from the box yet? Need to 3d print bases and want to get them done by next Saturday.

    Looking at Tyler Mengels posts on facebooks, skeletons/zombies on 25mm for sure and death characters on 40mm.

    From box pictures, Skeleton leaderman 32mm, Vagskyryryr 50mm, Bats 25mm, rats 32mm, 3 wolfpires 32mm, heroes 32mm except the ogor at 40

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