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Evil Bob

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Posts posted by Evil Bob

  1. 18 hours ago, #SteveJames said:

    Movement is such an important stat in AOS, it doesn't matter how good a unit is if it's not on a objective. 

    The extra 3" move plus fly is great for getting the Morghasts to where you want them. The charge 3 D6 is great to just makes those key charges more reliable. 

    Another thing to consider is Morghasts are in Grand Host of Nagash, so that will be taken in to account when they're given points. 

    Before the last point discount and the wound count buff I only used the in that one sub-faction.  Four attacks per model with Spirit Halberds seemed to be the tipping point to make them useful in the combat phase.  Even then the volume of dice is low enough to make the statistical results “swingy,” fine for anyone who doesn’t mind that kind of gambling.

    I’ve tried them with Bonereapers forces in 2k+ games.  The extra wounds certainly helps with stay around longer but that job seems better handled by the Mortek Guard.  The mobility is wasted when battles aren’t at skirmish levels.  In a big enough match I’d like them running a TIE Fighter escort with Arkham, a difficult investment to fit in regular games.

    Currently they don’t have a tactical roll.  I’d rather get some artillery.  It’s no accident they were included in the Feast of Bones boxset.

  2. 3 hours ago, lemonicus said:

    How do you all see the upcoming point decrease of Crypt Horrors from the new FAQ? (From 150 to 130). Will you be using them more in the lists?

    I’ve used them at the first discount as point-filler.  Most of the roles above/below 150 points could be done better by other warscrolls.  I have thirteen Horrors so they’ll get more gameplay before the next General’s Handbook comes out.  Their next point value opens some options for point juggling.

  3. Starting preparations for a major midwestern Summer convention and I am seeking input on what people like/dislike for their Warcry tournaments.

    Some of the basics so far:

    • Of the four scenarios that no more than two will strongly favor any one Warband structure meta.
    • Pre-Prepared terrain layouts.  Cards are not practical with what is available.
    • Gaps between matches for bio-breaks/lunch/opponent-sorting
    • Balancing time and material needs on participants.
    • Random Pairing with an emphasis on no repeats or matches with people who came to the convention together.

    Any insight on what people have found problematic would be appreciated.  Anything fun outside what Games Workshop has published would be really appreciated.

  4. Considering the damage from General’s Handbook 2019 they might do some point discounts to fix the mess there.  Not that I’m confident.  We are supposed to be investing in our new Bonereapers after all.

    Traditionally changes to the FAQ & Designer notes is to fix printing errors/drafts or nerf material loosely based on the tournament scene.   Battletomb:LoN isn’t going to get any AoS 2.0 upgrading there.  GW will pitch something when the Devs realize the full extent of the situation.

  5. Has anyone else here joined in the Activation Wars with the Huskard on Thundertusk with perhaps the best mount trait in the game?  It can be one delicious trap when the enemy charge also entangles with a friendly Stonehorn or Pack.

    I don’t blame anyone who sticks with Stonehorns only.  It’s more than kool-aid.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    As others have mentioned; hit penalties. -1 hit renders blightkings pillow-fisted. There are a lot of ways to get -1 to hit that you can pick from.


    I’m rather surprised they haven’t FAQed it to unmodified sixes.  Then again GW did delay fixing the issue on the Death side until Battletomb:Nighthaunt was released.

  7. On 11/13/2019 at 9:48 AM, Honk said:

    You sir, are not funny at all!!!

    If only I had a nickel for every time...

    On 11/13/2019 at 9:48 AM, Honk said:

    But they will probably be taken out if production soon, so I can use my money for mighty Bloodknights or might as well buy the new cheese factory called obr, maybe their riders are noteworthy, at least their heroes look like stormbros ...

    Well for anyone with a pre-AoS 2.0 or even substandard like Nighthaunt will find Bonereapers to be broken.  Then again the same can be said about the Fyreslayers, Skaven, Cities of Sigmar,  and Slanesh.  AoS still has better quality control than 40k but it has been slipping.

    If they are taking Battletome:LoN stuff out of production I wonder what that means for the majority of the old Death line?

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, TheKingInYellow said:

    Crawler should be hilarious against Skaven.

    The crafty ones bring MSU of Plague Monks.  The guy I know would get the pot on a maxed clan rat battlines.  Other than that I’d throw three shots at different elite units and hope to knock them down a unit size buff rank.

  9. 1 hour ago, InvkrMainr said:

    4 Mortek Crawlers in 2k.. yay or nay? 

    really love that model, and the rules seem pretty nice too. 


    This is prob too many to be a top tier list, but seems super fun to me. 

    Significantly so.  Alpha charge armies and anyone with broad saves will have the advantage.

    Also the Crawlers lose damage output pretty fast, every 3/2/3 wounds lowers their primary damage output by twenty percent.  So even casual range fire is a threat.  These are precision machines with very specialized uses.  I’ll get one for anti-horde fun, maybe a second so they aren’t alone.  Only one would be on the field outside mega battles.

  10. 3 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    My second game was against slaanesh (oh boy) with a keeper, chariot hero, masque, 2x20 marauders and 10 demonettes. Went as expected and was forced to commit wo the center objective (in rearguard action) with no way to get around him in time. His KoS stood behind a wall of marauders, using his 2" reach and forcing my to strike last. The big battle came down to my stalkers and morghast striking last. my Mortek killing a good bunch of screening demonettes, then the keeper killed all the stalkers, then struck again on killed 1 morghast. The morghast whiffed and got killed by 20 marauders.

    My mortek held fast, but then his turn came and I was out of discipline points, the keeper then killed them too.

    For some reason my opponent and onlookers complained about how overpowered my units were, with 3+ saves and rerolls, 6+ minion save etc. while my army just got hacked to pieces by nearly 1 model... 

    This gave me the chuckles.  It really does sum up the typical reaction to Death in general.  If you can Scurvydog it might behoove you to explore other groups.  Some stores or clubs are just toxic.

    Our über terrain piece is going to generate somewhat justified hate.  In that regard we’ll be in the same boat with those stupid water-logged elves.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, EnixLHQ said:


    Is Kurdoss worth bringing in a 1500 game? Especially if running Vassal and Aetherquartz?

    That would depend on how well he slaughtered stuff.  His most common flaw is how difficult he is to get into the combat we want him.

    You are fighting humans so the ST should be able kill and regen Bladegheists.  Terrible rolls aside.  I think the hardest part will be positioning.  Keeping everyone in range and avoiding your opponent burning a CP to take a possible second shot at cutting him down.  Of course leaving him back is an option, personally not a fan of sidelining that many points at 1.5k.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, WinnerDave said:


    Best thing for me as a noobie to GHoN, it made the hero phase super quick.  Before that the hero phase took ages as I tried to figure out which combo of spells to attempt.  8 Arcane bolts into a unit of eels, salty tears were shed ;)

    I think you meant, “tears of joy.”  That line left me feeling so much joy I can feel Beethoven playing through my very soul.

    • Haha 1
  13. On 11/1/2019 at 2:11 AM, EnixLHQ said:


    KoSoES and ST would have been better heroes to take. The KoS extra attack for a CP is likely the best buff I could give out, and if I'm lucky enough to get a Danse off those two have great synergy. ST's reroll 1's for everyone, and Bladegheists getting to reroll all failures from him or his Chainghasts, would do a huge favor to my damage output. Not having The Condemned battalion really hurts.


    I’m pretty addicted to the Spirit of Torment.  Although in LoG he can’t get the relic needed to get his “kill” on, followed by the “heals”.  So you’re probably right about the Mounted KoS.  Did the DH prove useful?  You might be able to free up points from him and the Banshees.  The necromancer or GoS can always lurk back as the unit re-summoner.


    4 hours ago, Grimoriano said:

    3- in LoG u have to use at least 1 powerfull unit at max number, use it as a kamikaze, res it with cp, do it again... with that u will get a points advantage.

    His Bladegheists are maxed.  It’s just unusual seeing someone actually running that many together since in a regular Nighthaunt army they’d potentially be falling out of synergy ranges.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Dongilles said:

    With the changes to Nagash, I am reading alot about an Arcane Bolt spam but I cant find the rule that he can cast Arcane Bolt multible times.

    Can someone please explain the spam to me? 

    It’s part of the text included with his staff.  In the same manner they justified Arkham saying his staff can repeat the basic spells as well.

    Must be some kind of Death phallic thing.

  15. 8 hours ago, Gwendar said:


    ... but man, I will always wonder if that Crawler is more worth it 😉

    Having an option that can reach those annoying positioned hard to reach juicy targets.  I like it more than the Harvester and I WANT to like the Harvester over the Crawler.

    Pre-warscroll-nerf people hated the KO Grundstok Thunders with a passion.  All mortars truly inspired enough rage GW did the unheard of warscroll change in a generals handbook.  You can bet money people are going to go apeshit.  

    I’ll buy one for Screaming Skull Catapult nostalgia sake.

  16. 19 hours ago, Kayzee84 said:

    Evening all. Can anyone garner a guesstimate on the Ogor model value in Feast of Bones? Assuming just the models. In USD.

    Math it for a precise number. (Sum of Ogar retail value)/[(Sum of Ogar retail value) + (sum of OBR retail value)] X what you paid 

    It would be easy with the leaked price list except neither limited edition figure has one.  A solution there would to treat both as $0 if they can be considered the same value.


    Edit: It’s around 36% if the leaks are correct.

    Edit 2: The Guard unit is half so it is closer to 40%

  17. It doesn’t help that most lists stop at twenty models.  With skeletons it was a lot easier to play off a worse to hit number because of battlefield placement.  If you cloud show more than half the swords weren’t connecting then you were probably better off with spears.

    I drank the Rend Juice a long time ago.

  18. 8 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    I don't think Deathriders are 100%  needed for anything other than Mobility; not like they'll be doing a lot of damage as they seem quite... meh.


    I think “meh” is going to be a pretty common feeling when people look at the smaller amounts of attack dice than we are used to.  The funny chair hero was a very deliberate.  Some people are going to highly value getting to re-roll ones in combat.

    My liking for the Deathriders has to do with any source of mortal wounds is good and the Leige Kavalos is going to be active and never running alone.

    Aside the Devs did lower the point inefficiency on the Deathriders by giving the rider a third attack.  That was a nice touch.

  19. 15 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:


    Also I think always-strikes-first on the charge could be a little too powerful now that I ponder.. bladegheists would be insane. Maybe first strike OR double attack but not both

    Anyone putting serious thought into the game probably has some version of The Activation Wars syndrome on the brain.  I haven’t seen a general game mechanic cause so much angst since free reinforcements in AoS 1.0

  20. 2 hours ago, Jaxler said:

    I think my problem is I've been trying to use black knights or hex wraiths and other stuff when a unit of skelies or grimghasts and minuses to hit do the job better. 

    About four editions or so of this game I loved Black Knights.  Mounted Wights were excellent cavalry back then.  Now they play more like some skeleton variant.  You also only get one shot for them to do something impressive on the charge.  Nurgle is pretty decent at taking a charge.   Unless there is a strategy that is paying off I’d ditch them in favor of more rank and file.

    In my forces Hex Wraiths as an objective grabbing skirmishers.  Normally saving the points and doing the same job with Direwolves which are more disposable albeit less tanky. 

    5 hours ago, Jaxler said:

    I usually bring 2 necros, a vampire lord, and a zombie lord on vampire. 

    What keeps happening is he deploys first because batallion, decides to go second so can double turn. He then forces me to walk up the board, unable to nerf magic. He then kills my screening wolves with shooting and goes in to charge my skeletons or whatever, exploding 6s them to morale town, wipes them and keeps all my stuff bogged down while rebuffing and setting the wheel to reroll 6s. 

    In an objective game you don’t have to rush his forces.  Play the objective game, you don’t need them all.  Just enough to keep a lead or the score even.  There might be times to be aggressive but that would be for when the risk is right to ****** a few VP.  Most death armies are about regen and setting the fight to our pace.  We don’t have the crazy charges like BCR or Eel Force.  Our elites can’t get as choppy as SCE or GG.

    • Try using the direwolves more for opportunistic objective grabbers.  Any screening they should be doing is to stop deepstrike or board turn-one-chargers.  If he is playing where you can’t swipe objectives then the puppies are a point drag.
    • Minimal Chainerasps for a cheap screen (10 to 20) or a large blob (20 to 40) for an important objective holder
    • Axe all of your Black Knights and Hex Wraiths unless you can distinctly recall how they seriously shifted the battle.  If they had an interaction with an enemy unit how many points you paid verses his.  There are people who make those units work but in general they are under-performers.
    • With the shifts in meta I don’t like skeletons anymore but you are actually fighting an enemy they can work against.  Most of Nurgke’s units do not slay hordes well.  Don’t hesitate to bring them in groups of 40.
    • Try a more infantry horde like force and then evaluate the value of the second necromancer and/or vampire lord.

    In a worst case scenario bring the mercenary cannon.

    Your Gravesite Markers have three majorly important jobs

    1. Returning your slain maximum sized unit of Grimghasts.  Sometimes it is better to let a unit battle shock out and use the CP to reposition them.  Although that hasn’t happened with my Grimghasts.
    2. Supporting units at the important home territory objective or midpoint objectives
    3. Deploying summonable units on midpoint objectives.

    I like to group them by two’s or all four for castling.  Often between two objectives to provide overlap coverage.  I rarely put one out alone somewhere.  In those rare cases it involves my VLoZD general trying to pull a maxed skeleton unit(s) out where they’d never march out to in a practical manner.

    Lord only know how much garbage is being left out but I’m really tired.  Good hunting Jaxler.

  21. No you don’t have to get Nagash.  I am a little concerned on your hammer options.  The Grims and VLoZD are it, the latter you have to be careful with depending on the enemy.  A maxed skeleton unit is a conditional hammer if the wind is in your favor, against Nurgle you have more options to pull it off than against many other armies.

    If you bring GHoN all of your summonable units (including the grims) will get a 1/3 chance of self healing.  Going to strongly second XReN on the Morghast advice.  With Spirit Halberds in GHoN two of them are like a scalpel on key targets and four are an axe to the face of a troublesome target.  Just measure out the value of that  point commitment since the counter-punch can get ugly.

    How many heroes are you bringing?  Troop numbers are important and the only extra Hero’s you should bring are to cover for once’s you are certain to go down.

  22. 4 hours ago, Lightbox said:


    Arkhan - 360

    Liege Kavalos - 200 - General

    Bone shaper - 130


    20x Mortek Guard (Swords) - 260 - BL

    20x Mortek Guard (Swords) - 260 - BL

    10x Mortek Guard (Swords) - 130 - BL


    I’ve been consider the same three heroes above for a several days now.  So seeing Page 52 have multiple people discuses it has been a real treat.

    For my battleline I’ve been leaning more towards:

    • 10 - 20 Mortek Guard
    • 5 - 10 Kavalos Deathriders
    • 5 - 10 Kavalos Deathriders

    Likely 20x Guard since a small unit would be a weaker objective holder and I’m getting a feeling the OBR should not  try to have cheap throwaway units like other Death armies.  Everyone needs a serious job to do.  I keep flip-flopping on the Deathriders unit sizes  over squeezing in other units.  Too many nice choices for competing missions.

    So are you planning on semi-bubble wrapping the Harvester in the smaller unit and throwing them into the enemy?  I suspect the explode-y list on Warhammer Community uses two harvesters so they can better cover the limited 3” bubble.

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