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Evil Bob

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Posts posted by Evil Bob

  1. 1 hour ago, Satyrical Sophist said:


    Gristlegore monsters, Blisterskin Flayers, then more mixed lists that seem to be a mix of Gristlegore, Blisterskin and feast day.


    After the CA getting FAQ kicked in the balls I’ll be steering clear of that court for regular Match Play.  Besides Undead monsters hitting on fours is brutal when playing statistics.  Exceptions will be made for planned fluffy battles.

    Between power-creep and everyone locally upping their game Blisterskin might be on the chopping block next. I really want to call out “praise the sun,” during battle.  List building was already hard enough and the nerfs did not help.

    1 hour ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Anyone had any luck with a horror based list? Wondered if the new points drop had changed things up.


    A ten point drop doesn’t really change anything.  Still need to hug a leader.  They are about one attack die and save off from a proper warscroll.  There isn’t any solid advantage to spamming them.  Any squad over six is still eating points.

    I generally run them defensively with as many synergies as possible.  They never get to attack twice in combat because there has always been a better option.

    My primary motivation for bringing them is the Abattoir Battalion.  The first 300 points fits while doubling squad size is problematic for what I want to bring.

    They’d need to be about 120 a unit before becoming a central part of my lists.  Maybe 130 for considerations.

  2. 5 hours ago, Harken said:

    Quick question, can LoG use the mausoleum terrain as gravesites?


    2 minutes ago, Sauriv said:

    Gravesites isn't a terrain piece, it's a point often marked with something. It doesn't block models or anything. Use what you want but remember that it shouldn't effect the battlefield more than the rules LoG has. So even if you use something big you should measure from the middle of it anyway. 

    Nor do we want them ever to be errated as terrain with the mew Match Play rules.  Never have I ever been so happy about our 1mm table dot gravesites with whacky removal and replacement rules when a 3D gravesites are used.


  3. 20 hours ago, Nasrod said:


    At this point between Grimghasts getting kneecapped (Which I only use 30 of), Legion of Grief being a joke, and now this? I just want to sell my army. 


    You bought the right amount Nasrod.  Not enough to make them the only option but just enough for options.  Over investing in a very specific army/units  will always bite one on the ****  sooner or later.

    30+ Grimghast Reapers (3 box sets and two boxes) is how many I own.  Unit size 30 for LoN or three ghostly units of ten bedsheets.  No regrets.

    *** MOD HAT *** Please don't try and "get round" the profanity filter by using dashes in words 😉

  4. My guess is they didn’t play test it much.  Then after release behind the scenes epic player meltdowns must have made for some interesting emails to GW.  Scared the Devs nerfed it into the ground to head off a years worth tournament tears and rage.

    I’m just glad they straightened out gravesites for LoG so making 1/4 of the endless spells garbage is acceptable casualties.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Aaaaand you still get all the fluff points.

    True that, never discount the rule-of-cool.

    Yeah, a single Deamonette unit and a Keeper of Secrets will indeed wreck the zombie unit on a single 2+ roll after the charge phase.  Cheaper.

    In my area a number of us have been playing since the 90s.  We can play fun-fluffy or crazy-hard.  The later has gotten me off zombies because the investments and limited options tactically.  I just can’t bring myself to transition them to the round bases.

    • Haha 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Honk said:

    ?!? 2+\3+\-\1 ?!? 

    have the best statline of all the units...  with a vamp, necro and a corpse cart they will kill anything and survive to tell the tale

    Other new warscrolls get all the bells and whistles without the effort of synergies or having a large block with few casualties.

    You do make a good point Honk.  They can have a most excellent modified statline.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Sssssh, please don’t bring up the Cainwrasps.  They don’t need to be “fixed” like our other stuff.  I really like them as our reasonable priced tanky battleline.  The last think Death players need is GW realizing the unit is functioning correctly at its point cost.

    Large Skeleton blocks with spears are probably still our sold attack dice spammers.  It’s gotten a bit murky after fighting reviewed Flyerslayers and Deamonettes.

    With that said zombies going tarpit could be really cool.  I know the following is more in-line with the original goofiness of AoS but I’d like them to feel more “horror movie” focus.  Leave them with the crappy stat line but enemy units in combat with zombies are minus one to hit and wound rolls.  If that’s too harsh then only enemy models in range of zombie attacks (1”).

    Cool idea on the Grave Guard.  I was hoping for either a more traditional view with wight weapons getting mortal wounds and/or a better shrug-save.

    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, Ferrus65 said:

    But I'm not sure the battalion Worth its points

    Most of the Battletomb:LoN are a trap, either to buy excessively into models that are no good or subvert people from building a good list.  One thing about that book is it is all about force composition.  More so than other army books.

    Manfred won’t excel in any battlefield roll and the vargheists will be an uphill battle to make them useful at their cost.  They have some nominal value lurking behind skeletons and leaping over for added attacks.  Too expensive to run just as skirmishers and we have better options.

    • Like 2
  9. 13 hours ago, Nevar said:


    Is there a rule of one somewhere to keep this from happening?

    The Devs wisely rolled the three rules-of-one into the core rules.  The craziness with games outside match play was too much.  It’s also just nice not having to rules switch anymore.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if the FAQ it for “reasons”

  10. On 6/26/2019 at 11:15 AM, Charlo said:

    Everyone reckons that Nagash will be FAQ'd out of the LoG fairly soon, as to fit with the other LoX rules.

    The story in Forbidden Power takes place deep in Shyish.  Whatever the Midnight Tomb is it sounds stupid important.  Put together that peanut butter and chocolate and even the Great Necromancer may consider pulling a guest star appearance.

    • Millenia spent getting his Nine Tombs back.  
    • Millenia spent reading them again.  
    • He’s probably ready for some new material.


  11. On 6/26/2019 at 7:58 PM, Sception said:


    but they still compare poorly to any other elite infantry in the game at the same points cost, and skeletons are still a lot cheaper for pretty much everything grave guard are minus the rend.  Grimghasts even at 2 points more per model still look better with reach and fly 8 and ethereal 4+, and grimgjasts don't even look very good to begin with right now.


    Basically that.

     I don’t know how well the point change may interact with fellow older warscrolls.  New warscrolls will destroy them via power-creep.

    Even optimizing them through GHoN doesn’t draw me for standard Match Play games of AoS.  They might work in Meeting Engagements, the chatter in the GHoN thread is pretty interesting.  If my local hobby group will play that game mode I’ll pull them from storage for testing.

    The Devs really need to decide on their role and rework the warscroll just like they did for Deamonettes and Fyreslayers.

  12. 15 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
    20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)

    I’m rather fond of this combo with Legion of the Sacrament.  Something to do with how easy it is to fail a casting value 6.  Twenty Chainwrasps can be surprisingly tanky whereas twenty skeletons seem to fold to a stiff breeze at 2k.  The low cost on this team-up makes it so tempting in other legions.

  13. On 6/24/2019 at 12:10 PM, Sception said:

    What are everyone's thoughts on meeting engagement lists for Grand Host?


    On the other hand...

    We have seen small points drops for Morghasts and Grave Guard - and an increase to minimum unit size for the latter, which is a good thing in meeting engagements - more elite units not dependent on numbers for their offence.  These decreases probably aren't enough to make these units /good/ in my opinion, but they are a bit better, and they're units that the Grand Host in particular gets extra benefits with.  We also have gravesite deployment.  It doesn't get units on the table early, but it can save your later units a turn of running up the field to try to get into position.


    Main Body - as hard hitting as we can get out of a block of 20 battleline , taking advantage of bl GG in grand host
    Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120)
    - General: Lord of Nagashizzar
    - Artefact: Ossific Diadem 
    20 x Grave Guard (280)
    - Great Wight Blades

    Been having a similar thoughts after seeing preview rules for Meeting Engagements.  It really feels like the very rules reverse the desirability of Skeletons verses Grave Guard.  AoS battles already had a different dynamic at 1,000 points.  Although at any level of Match Play the Grave Guard were combat ineffective when I brought them.

    Battletomb:LoN armies were always odd since it is more about list building than other factions.  I am cautiously optimistic that doubling down on high-end deathrattle could work.  The rules remove much of the auto-wipe possibilities (for example cheaper piles of attack dice on sizable single units).  A shared concern was with such a heavy investment that a strategic or tactile slip-up will snow ball everything.  Wrong place at the wrong time is almost half the army.  Time to concede and congratulate your opponent.  Really want to see the battle plans to see if the Wights have a shot.  Or see if gravesite tactical shenanigans can cover the slack.


    I think Morghasts are going to be a risky proposition.  In units of two their attacks are really swingy (with Pirates Halberds) at twenty percent of the points.  I’ve had wild rolls good or bad even in units of four.  

    The gambler in me is kind of curious what would happen using over half of the army points on four Morghast Harbingers and a Vampire Lord.  The hard hitting mobility is very appealing.  Even with the loss of attack dice to points.  Although with the general maxed sized units being upwards of twenty models wiping one enemy unit on the charge is doable.  So basically a lot of prioritizing charges while trying to avoid quagmires.

  14. Games workshop releases these alternative forces now and then.  The Litchmaster got one in a White Dwarf that was pretty interesting.  To my knowledge they’ve never gone mainstream.  My guess would be at most LoG might influence content in a future Death Battletomb.

    GW is making what money they want from Forbidden Power.  They’ll stop at that since this is just part of a business cycle before they explore the next story in their intellectual property.

  15. 8 hours ago, Ferrus65 said:


    What do you think of the list, my undead friends? And what legion? Host of Nagash, for grave guards battleline, or legion of sacrament for magic and extra move?

    A deathrattle heavy force has the most advantages in the old Grand Host be it regen, extra attacks, battleline.

    Your list has a strong narrative bent to it.  At the height of WFBs when Wights (on foot or mounted) were great, I loved big formations.  In a good gaming group that enjoys company and the hobby you’ll have a blast.

  16. 17 hours ago, Bradifer said:


    How will you guys be changing your lists? I will probably add the Morghasts back in or try out the Hexwraiths again.

    Half of my use for Direwolves was to cover battleline tax and the other free up points for elites/heroes.  With the point changes most elites are not looking so good.  Arkham while a spiffy caster already pays a lot of points for his lackluster combat profile.  Over a year ago I came to the conclusion in sub-2k lists he was taking up too many points.  For the glory of The Great Necromancer it may be time to bench him.

    My Legion of the Sacrament lists might go “bread and butter.”  Massed skeletal units and mid-sized chainwrasps units.  Fill in heroes as appropriate.  Maybe throw in a Morris Engine for giggles.  It’s going to be a brave new world for sure.

  17. In retrospect it isn’t fair of me to boycott GW movement trays.  I’m going to take those square ones from pre-7th edition (I have a pile in grey or green) and lay some flexible magnetic strip in them.  Magnetizing over 300 ghouls, skeletons, and chainrasps will take awhile but the project should end a feel good.


    • Haha 1
  18. 7 hours ago, Qrow said:

    Personally, kinda hoping for undead pirates; they are quite popular in total warhammer and would give idoneth an actual threat to deal with. They are far too safe living under the sea...

    During the GW Bush presidency there was a naval action option for Warhammer Fanstay Battles.  Gamesworkshop put out a plastic bag that had zombie and empire sprues (no instructions just creative kit-bashing fun) to assemble undead pirates.

    It was fun and in no way influenced by a certain movie franchise. 😏

    • Like 1
  19. 35 minutes ago, Alphonz said:

    Just in reference to the above (how fragile) question, I recently got an Olynder from a Fb BuySell group, and she is so delicate that I'm wondering whether I got shafted with a resin fake.

    Her staff arm had broken off next to her body, and the staff itself (along with her ghost companions & dress) all flex with a small amount of pressure. I've noted that the arms on Myrmourns also flex a little too, so just curious. 

    Mine broke off in transport to and from the game day.  Her staff arm is going to be well know for that weakness.  Mine currently is being transported in one of the foam fitted cases set to keep her arm from making contact with any surfaces.

  20. 4 hours ago, Sception said:

    And speaking of Nighthaunts, grimghasts did see a slight increase - something somewhat expected, though frankly they were mostly only abusive in LoN armies and imo a better solution would have been to rescind the errata that allowed LoN to take them as native units instead of allies, but to make up for it many of their non-poachable units saw modest point decreases, including all three of the named heroes, so that's cool.

    Garbage elite options in LoN are still garbage.  The blame is better leveled at GW.  The offered a bedsheet elite option with a decent warscroll at a reasonable price to a book that lacked it.  I agree there was abuse involved except said abuse was from GW refusing to fix terribly outdated warscrolls in favor of profits.


    Edit: GW had another incentive to nerf Grimghast Reapers.  As battleline in Nighthaunt they discouraged use of elite units and Chainrasps to an extent.

  21. 2 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    So I've narrowed down to NH or LoN. I've been trying to do some research on LoN and at first it looked like anything that wasn't Flesh-eater Courts or NH was LoN but now I'm seeing stuff about Legion of Sacrament, Legion of Blood and Legion of Night. I guess I'm a little confused about those. On the games workshop website it looks like there are only three "sub factions" of Death. Flesh-eater Courts, LoN and Nighthaunt, but I don't know if that is an accurate assumption or not?

    You need Battletomb:Legions of Nagash.  It will cover everything else you’re considering.  Everything underlined is described in there.

    There is some cross over of NH into the Battletomb:LoN but the Soul Wars Box already addresses it.  In the FAQ The Knight of Shroud (on foot) and The Guardian of Souls variant were retroactively added to the list.

  22. 52 minutes ago, Ahn-ket said:

    Most of the malign soccery spells get points changes like cogs goes up to 80

    I wonder if the hike will be enough to nerf it from the game?  Regardless it a particularly impressive “******-you” to Nighthaunt.  It made the underperforming Battletomb less bad.

  23. I’ve seen one 3D printable movement tray that worked just fine and a bunch of others that were ******.  A local Skaven player uses some kind of MDF Board made ones that are just awesome..

    Probably going to end up doing magnetized trays because the exact pattern I want isn’t available in the layout I want.

    GW is not going to get away with charging me an arm and a leg for something that costed them under a dollar to produce and package.

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