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Posts posted by Nevar

  1. 9 minutes ago, Jonko said:

    Nice idea indeed, maybe 1 more engineer (if he get's sniped no overcharged WLC) or instead of a bombadier and 1 WLC a verminlord warpseer?

    Would like to go that route eventually, but right now I have some clanrats and will be getting two sides of the Carrion Empire box. So...

    I will have x2 Doomwheels, and I think I can convert one of them into a Warp Lightning Cannon.  Then with parts from the Stormfiends I can make my warpfire thrower teams, plus mods to one of the new Warlocks i can make him into a 'normal' warlock.  I already have Shackles for my Nighthaunt, so that will mean I currently only need to buy a box of Clanrats, and a Vermintide/Endless Spell box.  After I play this list or one I can make easily from what I have then I will absolutely start throwing in Verminlords and such.

    Also, my main opponents will be DoK and FEC, so their shooting is pretty non-existent so sniper characters/warpfire throwers is not as much of a threat in my gaming group yet.

  2. How does this list look to everyone here?

    Arch-Warlock: Overseer of Destruction

    Warlock Bombardier

    Warlock Engineer

    x20 Clanrats

    x20 Clanrats

    x20 Clanrats

    Warp Lightning Cannon

    Warp Lightning Cannon

    Warp Lightning Cannon

    x6 Warplock Jezzails

    Warpfire Thrower

    Warpfire Thrower

    x3 Stormfiends (Globe Launcher, Ratling Guns, Doomflayers)


    Soulsnare Shackles


    2000 Points, have no idea what artifact yet.

  3. 23 minutes ago, NemoVonUtopia said:

    I think that the choice of plague claw and warp lightning depends on what you need from them. Plague claws are longer range and dont need line of sight so you will be able to fire sooner and more consistently but it is more dependent on luck because there is more rolling. Since warp lightning doesnt need to roll to hit and does mortal wounds it's great for sniping heros that get within range.

    For stormfeinds, I choose windlaunchers over warpfire for a ranged unit because I dont want them to take damage in combat even though the third model will useless at range.

    I should have given a bit more context, my main opponents will be Daughter of Khaine and Flesh Eater Courts.  So I will eventually have hordes of witches or ghouls among my lines, and warpfire throwers on one of the Stormfiends will make all the difference in the late game I feel.  I suppose it would be better to throw in some warpfire weapon teams instead and get globe launchers for early/mid game.

    That said, sniping a Blood Cauldron or Archregent in the openning turns of the game can be a game changer, so maybe x4 Warp cannons are the best bet.  I am partial to Jezzails as well.

  4. I am looking to make a 'gunline' Skaven army, what do people this is better, the Plague Claw or Warplighting cannons?  A mix of both?

    Likewise, stormfiends can be built all pew pew, but what are people's experience with globe launchers?  Ratling guns and warpfire projectors are awesome, but globe launchers seem odd to me.

  5. 7 hours ago, Grailstorm said:

    Anyone had much experience with the Mourngul? Have you found it worth the points since the nerf? How does it compare to the Coach?

    Coach is pretty much always better in my opinion.  Mourngul got nerfed too much.  If he was like 200 pts then he would be good, but right now he is more expensive than our coach, and his main niche is he -1 to hit aura.  Can be awesome, but he is a model you have to build a list around to get his full benefits.  If you already have him, take him for a spin, but I would not recommend buying one to use at the moment.  Maybe build and paint him for fun and hope he gets some love in the GHB coming up.  Mine collects dust.

  6. Also, forgive my double post... but I have been taking an Ethereal Amulet on my Vampire Lord so that he can fit into the ghostly theme of the rest of my army for the longest.  Someone however mentioned offhandedly the other day that allies cannot have artifacts...

    Is this ruled somewhere that our allied characters cannot have artifacts?  I know he cannot have a Nighthaunt one since he is not a Nighthaunt hero, but the realm artifact of Shyish should still be able to be taken on him no?

  7. 12 hours ago, Ahn-ket said:

    Use dreadblade harrows as hexwraith looks cool and ist less expensive

    $125 for 10 Dreadblades, and they will all look the same.

    x2 Coaches, x1 Dreadblade Box, x1 Bladegeist Box =  $300

    So mine are more than twice as expensive as just using a bunch of Dreadblades.

    However mine also lets me make x10 unique Hexwraiths, including denoting the Hellwraith with the fancy coach horse headcrests.  It also gives me the three attendant spirits from the coach twice, which gives me six interesting ghosts I can use for conversions.  However, again it is super expensive and I cannot afford to do it that way quickly.

    BUUUT, I was looking at the corpse mares that come in the FEC endless spell and they might make a cheap way to get more modern undead horses.  My main issue is two of them seem to be literally inside the ground a lot. Not deal breaking as ghosts can rise up from the ground, but not as 'flighty' as most of our ghosts looks, and they also don't have spectral stuff flowing off of them.  Maybe green stuff can help there.  Don't know how easily they can be seperated if at all.  Either way I have ideas of making counts as 'black coaches' using the stampede ridden by spirits with a ghost wizard as the front most rider.  A knight-wizard and his body guards for my Shade-Host.  Just waiting for bits places to sell the endless spells piece meal so I can get just the stampede for conversion fiddling.

  8. Hexwraiths.

    Unlike the majority of people here I swear by my hexwraiths.  Eventually I want 20 of these guys, but that is a very expensive conversion project and I am not made of money.  So it is a project that will very slowly take place.  :D

  9. 52 minutes ago, Grailstorm said:

    I was thinking of doing a Black Coach conversion with a spectral monster crushing a broken coach. No horses. Then I would use the horses for Blood Knights :)

    Expensive conversions, but they are pretty easy to use.  The main issue is only 2 of them actually attach to the ground, the other 2 need you to greenstuff or glue them to some scenery so they can stand up.


    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, bushman101 said:

    Can we talk about the StormFiends load out?

    If I'm reading it right, we can mix weapons as long as it's not more than 1/3 of the unit.

    So we could mix melee centric models with shooty models (which I dont think we could have done via the Chaos book).

    In extreme, I could have a 6 man unit with 1 of each loadout, correct?



    I have my own question for everyone.  I keep seeing people reference Stormvermin as battleline, are they battle line for Clan Verminus, or are they general battle line for Skaventide?

    Also, am I the only one who doesn't see any real reason to take an Arch Warlock over a standard Warlock?  I realize the Arch Warlock has +1 wound and a 3+ save, but the Arch's spell targets d3 units for a casting of 7, and the Warlock's targets one unit for a casting of 5.  Both have the same damage potential, and the lesser Warlock has a pistol he can plink away with.  Arch can cast 2 spells, but at the same time if Warlocks are mainly support for other Skryre units, you would want more of them scattered about as opposed to one beefier one in one location.

    I feel like the buffs the Arch gets is easily worth the 40+ points over the lesser Warlock... but even so I feel like those buffs are not what we would want to our warp stone addicted buff characters.  Those points could go to better use in Warpfire teams for instance...

    Lastly from what I can gather, if I play SKAVENTIDE, I can use all skaven units without worry of allied points, thus making a truly mixed Skaven army.  However, as SKAVENTIDE, my battleline requirements are Clan Rats and(?) Stormvermin?

  11. On 2/17/2019 at 11:44 AM, Bohemond said:

    @Nevar Thanks. Looking at Grims and Blades profiles, it seems like Grims are the better choice since I already have Spirit Hosts. Hosts are good but struggle with hordes, and Grims can help with that. It does not look like Blades have a lot to offer me then, especially since I don't have or care to buy Torments or Chainghasts (who also buff Blades). Is this assessment correct?

    Blades can retreat and charge naturally.  Likewise, Spirit Torments are extremely good support pieces even when no in conjunction with Blades.

  12. 2 hours ago, Bohemond said:

    One quick question: Can I confidently make an army with only Hex and Hosts as battleline, or are Chainrasps considered to be a better choice?

    I have a pre-battletome Nighthaunt army, thus the question. 

    Grimgasts are considered the best choice.

    Spirit Hosts are good, and people say Hexwraiths are not so great.

    However I swear by Hexwraiths, but I think in the end it depends what else you have in the army.  Hexwraiths are very good at hunting down artillery, jumping over chaff, and flying to objectives, they do not make the best front line fighters.  If you have something better at being a front line, filling the battle line with Hexwraiths is not a problem.  Spirit Hosts can do this.

    As a start to your army, Hosts and Hex's are good, you will just want to expand to Grims, Bladegeists, etc.

    • Like 2
  13. On 2/15/2019 at 10:10 AM, MrRoff said:

    Wtf, they look exactly like the myrmourn banshees  easy to build, you can already buy... Are gw really that lazy? 

    I don't think GW is getting lazy, all their amazing releases and the like prove that.  I think this is evidence of another thing we have been musing.

    I think this is further evidence that Nighthaunt was rushed/or was not what it was originally planned to be for some reason.  From the moment we started seeing models, I was predicting the four model Myrmourns were a Shadespire warband, and the x3 Sequitors were another warband also.  I said it was mainly because they had 'shadespire' type bases and came in 'shadespire' sized units.  x3 Sequitors, just like every Stormcast Warband.  Then we saw the Dreadblades and they had similar bases, so that threw me for a loop and I said... "maybe we will see cavalry in Shadespire?".

    Well turns out I was right... and wrong.  These models in their very unique poses looks extremely repetitive on the table top in units of 8 or 12, even though I love them as a unit.  Also... why units in multiples of four?  Why not a box of x10 Myrmourns?  Well if they suddenly were repurposing a shadespire warband they had in the works to make another unit for the upcoming Nighthaunt release, that would make sense since their 'sprue' would be four easy to build banshees.

    Plus... look at the strange Dreadblade Harrow box that gives us two heroes for the price of one, yet they only come in units of one in our rules.  Potentially we might see our Dreadblades recycled into Shadespire soon as well.  That would make sense why the Dreadblades seem a little off the wall in our Battletome, if they, like these Myrmourns were pre-planned warbands that got hustled into the battletome for some reason.  Not to mention all the 'named' heroes we got released in other strange ways.

    Crawlock the Jailer and his two Chaingasts remain the only source of Chaingasts... were chaingasts supposed to be a seperate unit or were they a feature of the named character Crawlock?  What about the 'character' Bladegeist we got as the anniversary model?  She has a name and a unique design and weapon loadout... was she supposed to be a named character at one point?  Why is the multipart Guardian of Souls with all the weapon options an anniversary model, even though our Battletome specifically referenced his special spell?  Our Guardians are allowed a chill blade or maul... yet only the anniversary model has those weapon as options... that goes against GW's policy of only having rules for what they sell.

    Shadespire is a well balanced and forward planned game even more than normal AoS or 40k, because GW wants it to be their event/tourny type game that can live in the same realm as Magic and other not as hobby intensive games.  Hence the colored plastic and easy fit models, plus all the cards and the like.  I very much doubt GW didn't have these two warbands planned out well in advance, even before Soul Wars dropped.

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  14. Also, am I crazy or is there no way to currently make a Skaventide army in Azyr?  Supposedly they updated the unit warscrolls, but everything is still listed as Clans.  I thought the whole point of the battletome was to allow us to make mixed skaven armies again?

    Rules wise... is it just me or are warpfire weapon teams stupid good now?  For example, stick one inside a shield of clanrats, have the clan rats move up as normal.  If you get to charge in your rats, great they get to attack and such... if you get charged... great, the clanrats get killed and your warpfire thrower is standing there ready to hose the piled in enemy force with green flame.  One of my opponents is a DoK player... I can only imagine the face when I pick up all 40 clan rats leaving only the warpfire thrower in combat...  then on my turn roll 60 dice for the flame thrower on all 30 of his witches.  Burn-burn the WITCH!

    Obviosuly Thanquol is even better, but a little sniveling flamer team is much more likely to blend into the horde and be forgotten than the four armed monstrosity.

  15. Four new characters coming to the Garrison.  I made a 'themed' Spirit Torment to go with the Einhundert.  He is the Watchmaster, and has his lantern, keys, and Great Blade.  Second is a custom Dreadblade Harrow.  I upgraded him to the larger steed so he will stand out from my converted Hexwraiths who are using dreadblade horses.  Third is a foot Knight of Shroud.  Last... is my ethereal amulet vampire.  I used the chalice ghost from the Black Coach, added the vampire mask and a great blade.  Story wise he is a character in the Einhundert, rules wise he is an ethereal vampire lord with wings.



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  16. 18 hours ago, Deadkitten said:

    Has anyone tried really leaning into Bladegeists?  The base stats are amazing.  Seems 2 blocks of 20 could be a solid core.

    I am in the process of doing this.

    I plan on x2 blocks of 20 Bladegeists in the Shroud Guard battalion with a mKoS and Vampire.  That could give them 5 attacks each on the charge.  I just need to convert a Guardian of Souls to match my themed army to heal them up, and I will be giving it a whirl.

    I will try to post results here.


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  17. Paint log update.

    Worked on chainrasps (oh my so fun...) as well as the Briar Queen and her group.  Chainrasps have a lot personality and interesting details and all, but I found them to have just enough to be tedious, without being enough to make each spook fun to paint.  I also started the process on the Cairn Wraith, Banshee, alternate Guardian of Souls, and alternate foot Knight of Shrouds.


    There is also the nearly complete 'counts-as' Reikenor the Grim Hailer.


    I am aware he is not on a horse, but I he is a character for the Garrison of Nacht'Tor.  This is the right hand of the Black Duke, a former career adventurer and traveler of the Mortal Realms.  He helped stabilize the gate to Ghyran, carve out the Harroways between the villages and the castle (more to come on that), and was one of the final defenders at the gate as it fell.  A more detailed profile on him to come when I finalize his concept.  He exists because the Black Duke is a powerful mage and named character... I will be making a conversion to 'count as' Lady Olynder to represent the Duke.  Kurdoss is a cool lord, but he is a melee character and so can't represent the Duke, and Reikenor is more a warrior+mage middle ground that doesn't seem to match either the Duke or the Marquees.  One is an arch mage, and the other is a warrior son.  I could not use the -actual- Reikenor since I do not like having realm wide major characters in my background fluff or even in my table top games. (Why are they at this battle?)  Since I planned on making a 'circle of mages' conversion to 'count as' Nagash, and I knew I would want an inner circle for the Black Duke.  This character is the first in that plan.

    When it comes to rules, I do not see any issue on his size or speed or the like.  His staff reaches the horse's shoulders, so drawing line of sight is slightly harder against this model, and likewise drawing line of sight from is slightly less advantageous.  With the same base size, I do not foresee any specific 'model for advantage' issue coming up with this conversion.  What do you guys think? 

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  18. 6 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    You arent taking her retinue into account though, or her quite nasty ranged/melee attacks.

    You are getting 11 wounds for that 150 points, and she doesnt need to stay with her admittedly fragile squad. They can camp a lone objective while you toss her inside one of your main groups.

    She can still cast Mystic Shield as well; which I find most people overlook its effectiveness with our 4+ ethereal save

    As well as an arcane bolt without 'wasting' a more important caster's spell.  I agree Mystic Shield is 90% of the time a better call, but with her shooting attack in addition she can very likely reach out and finish off buffing characters that are just out of melee range of the front line.  For instance those Guardian of Souls who are sitting just a little back giving out +1 to wound.

    Her chainrasps are also perfect home field objective campers.

  19. Welp, I have been away for a long bit here in my paint log.  A lot has been painted, so I figured I would post some here.


    For now, I am finishing the models needed for my upcoming Path to Glory.  Character conversions are limited to the sword wielding Lord Executioner who is a former 'village constable' who can tether in and lead the swirling spirit hosts made up of the lost villagers from the Dutchy of Holsstok.  He is not a named character in my procession, I imagine there would be one in most villages, and he would have been lawman and executioner when need arose.  The Spirit Guardian represents one of the many mages in the service of the Duke, again not a named character and there would be dozens haunting the fallen dutchy.  The Spirit Torment is much the same as the other two, nameless jailers who helped the constables maintain order in the hay day of the dutchy, now they haunt the ruins of the realm capturing the souls of those who expire in the blighted dutchy.

    These models represent the souls of the 'civilians' of the former dutchy.

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  20. 5 hours ago, Ggg said:

    I don't expect (hope!) change except the "cannot be taken in LoN".


    The unit by itself is not problematic. It's the "bring it back for one CP" + "4 graveyards" that are problematic.


    I just wish for a point overhaul in the ghb '19. Many nighthaunt units need to be re-evaluated in term of point cost. Or even battle roles (Glaivewraith stalker as BL).

    Chainghast come to mind, as many people already discussed here. 

    I don't think prohibiting the Grims in LoN is a good way to solve the problem, likewise a point increase would make them overshadowed by Bladegeists completely.

    TBH I don't actually think they are as much of a problem as people give them all their hubbub over.  Maybe a point reduction and a removal of their rend would help.  That could let GraveGuard step into the role, especially if GraveGuard got a points reduction as well.  Grims are a battleline for Nighthaunt, and when they are basically just as good in many ways as our 'elite' Bladegeists there is more of an argument of a lack clear role position for the Grims.  When they are basically just amazing all around, it is hard to justify any other unit.

    At the same time I do not think they are particularly cheap or overly good at anything.  It is just that they are good enough at most things for a good price, and the other options around are not different enough from them.

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  21. 58 minutes ago, Undeadly said:

    Eh, the problem with their current price is that even if they were BL, they'd still be more expensive per model than even Grimghasts and the exact same price as Bladegeists, while not really possessing all the things that Bladegeists have going for them. Their weird 4 model count also really hurts them; if they were 5 for 60, I would be okay with them.

    The small cheap unit size to fill a BL slot is why I think that is not too much of an ask, 180 pts for all three BL slots filled with excellent hero/arty hunters makes a lot of other cool units to fill out your list.

  22. Just now, Undeadly said:

    This so much; If they were a BL option, and a bit cheaper, maybe 40 points, they would find an actual role inside of a Nighthaunt army. I still wish they had some sort of rule to represent how they are spectral hunters that track and kill those who have angered Nagash.


    I would be willing to pay the current price with current stats and no changes for Glaivewraith battleline.

    Their largest downside is they compete with much better units.  If they were BL I could even consider throwing their battalion on the table without much hesitation.  As they are, my question to myself is always, "Why not Bladegeists?"  "Why not Hexwraiths?" "Why not a Cairn Wraith?"

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