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Posts posted by Nevar

  1. 1 hour ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    Ive never been one for spirit hosts though, i saw a guy yesterday fluff his rolls for spirit hosts each fight phase, not getting any 6's off. Felt sorry for him haha! And when you think about it, they arent tough... 10 grimghasts is 20pts more and gets an additional wound with easier regen capabilities.  20 chainrasps have even more staying power.

    But thats just my view, each time ive used them theyve had 1 really good fight phase then evaporate! 

    Yes, but the Ruler of the Spirit Hosts is d3 models not wounds, so returning 1-3 Spirit Hosts is far more attrition effective than 1-3 Grimgasts.  Likewise Olynder's ability is models as well.  Both of those are best used on Spirit Hosts.

  2. 57 minutes ago, Roostmanuva said:

    I’m liking the idea of Nagash leading an all nighthaunt army, i don’t have either of the death battletomes at present, would this be viable with the legion of nagash book or shall I just stick to getting lady olynder?

    Totally viable, although Nagash himself is nearly half of your army.

  3. 5 minutes ago, The Cyclop Owl said:

    Next question: how did you fare in terms of mobility to contest the objectives?


    I’m torn between a sturdy Olinder+ Spirit Host list or a cavalry battalion as the base for my army, with Reikenor...

    Well these are not mutually exclusive.  You can do both.  The Death Rider bat is 1000 points about, and then you can throw in Olynder with an execution bat.  That is like 4 drops for first turn, three artifacts, 2 CP, and Olynder + Grimhailer.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    See im not just a pretty face after all ;);) but yeah its always good to view things not on paper or on pure math-hammer alone. Yes they are key parts of list building, but experience, tactics and your opponent are also huge players in what is good in a list.

    Im from quite a competitive gaming community so i have to think up combos like this to survive every weekend at the club!! ? the relocation trait is priceless, its like my daughters of khaine khailebron teleport but backwards. Mobility is key in all games. Not every turn you have to use Olynder's Command Ability as some times you wont need to use it. 

    I basically forgot the ability existed all together.  I had a spirit host with 1 wound left hanging out in a useless melee... I could have ported it to my mKoS and returned d3 models, instead of leaving it there to slow down a bunch of orruk brutes who were not even relevant anymore.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    I didnt deepstrike her once throughout the 3 games, i simply floated her up the board. MWs were the only thing that threatened her (slaughter priests, lord arcanums, etc) and once they were removed she had free reign. I underworlded a group of Grimghasts and they made a 10" for there charge roll on game 1 turn 1 and took out the knight incantor and ballista. They then survived a charge from 5 sequitors with all the buffs and the remaining group of 3 where teleported back to the MoG to then be healed back up to full on the next turn.

    The only let down in the list was the Lord Executioner who i only added as i had pts left over, otherwise it would of been 2 more chainghasts that i didnt get time to build up beforehand. He gets wounds through but its 1 damage.... He is essentially a speed bump for a turn or two for some heroes.

    *I also drowned a bastiladon in a flood of chainrasps haha! :D eat 60 attacks (MoG spell) on a 4+ 3+ rerolling 1's to wound.  It is safe to say he didnt survive the night... ;)*

    Quasi-suicide charges like that is an interesting idea.  Going in, dealing damage, and then pulling them out with the commander's teleport ability is a cool use for that.  I had thought of it as a way to relocate important models mid battle, but not in a conservation of forces idea.  I could have used that to save my Spirit Hosts in my last game and didn't even consider it.

    Makes me think an execution battalion with large groups of Spirit Hosts and Lady Olynder behind a shield of Chainrasps could do some serious deep-strike offenses, and still muster a meaty front line afterward by pulling Spirit Hosts back to Olynder after they have executed their strikes.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Bashpan said:

    Thats from the preview in the  Games Workshop page  in the battletome  reikenor only do 1 mortal wound on a 6


    Weird because he basically just had a Cairn Wraith scythe and even the Cairn Wraith does 2 MWs on a 6.

  7. 4 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    I'm thinking about getting back into the hobby after a long break and back when I started playing WHFB I always loved the Tomb Banshee (back then, just Banshee).

    I haven't seen much love for her with the new battle tome, but with the -1 bravery army allegiance and ability to come in from the underworld rules, she seems pretty useful. Any thoughts on if she's competitive?

    She only suffers from the "something is better than her" syndrome like the Cairn Wraith.

    Lady Olynder is better than her.  A Dreadblade Harrow is more useful.  Guardian of Souls has more utility.  Lord Executioner debuffs enemies and murders heroes.  So forth.

    She is useful in that she can do mortal wounds at range, and you can stack some bravery debuffs on enemy targets.  Herridans reduce leadership, as does the allegiance ability.  Her Battalion Warscroll makes units unable to use inspiring presence to prevent additional models lost in the battle shock phase.

    Being 'competitive' in a larger sense is questionable.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    Had 3 games of 1k last night and went 3-0. First opponent was sacrosanct, second was Seraphon and the third was khorne daemons.

    I have got to say I'm loving lady olynder. She reminds me very much of the doom of malantai from 5th edition of 40k. Comes down, spanks booty and deals out death, but still squishy.

    She nearly came close to death vs the sacrosanct player but each turn she was healing back up to full. She wasn't as affective vs the Seraphon but her veil and cc was enough to smash the lizardmen lines.

    Her unique spell vs blood letters was just cruel, paired with soul cage. The poor buggers didn't stand a chance and couldnt hit back hard due to the -1 to hit not allowing there ability to trigger.

    Overall I'm very pleased, and grimghasts did serious work, I never lost a squad with all the regeneration.

    My concern with Lady Olynder and the only reason I do not own her, is deep-striking her seems extremely risky.  She arrives after her chance to use her abilities since they happen in the previous phase, and she is left with charging in or standing there hoping to not die.  She potentially has to stand there for two whole enemy turns if you are not careful.

    Seems like you need to drop her in Battle Round 1, Turn 2 so that there is a chance you get to use her immediately if you get the double turn, or at least she only stands around like an idiot for one turn since the enemy can't double turn you.

    I was talking to a 40k player who was thinking about playing AoS and asking me about her and I also told him she is sort of like the old Doom of Malanti of the Tyranids.  Imagine her in LoN with two Mortis Engines.  They could just sit among a throng of zombies pulsing the enemy front line to death.

  9. Quick question to the agents of slaughter over here.

    What is the deal with Bloodcrushers?  I was considering making a small Khorne Demon force because I am a long standing Nighthaunt player, and though I love all the new models and stuff I am not a fan of constant mirror matching.  A second army until all the Nighthaunt hype dies down and people go back to their original factions would do well, and demons are good because I can double duty them into Warhammer 40k.

    I always liked the bloodletters mounted on the crushers, but when I looked at the rules for them they seemed... bad.

    Is playing Khorne with only demon units viable in AoS?  I was thinking a cheap 1k points army would be:


    x3 Units of Fleshhounds (because spells suck)

    x2 units of Bloodcrushers

    With units of Bloodletters on the side for summoning of course.  I figured the Bloodcrushers could help Skarbrand do some heavy fighting, but they have 1 attack each and mortal wounds on the charge.  Doesn't seem like they will do much unless there is something in the Battletome I do not know.

    Thanks in advance, my debate is between Tzeench and Khorne, and blood crazed demons are preferable over gibbering pink horrors, but the Lord of Change model and the Malign Sorcery draws the temptations.

  10. Played a paired 1k per army battle yesterday as part of my LGS's AoS2.0 celebration thing put on by GW.  Did a hero brawl before it, where I am pleased to announce that all i had to say was, "All the souls belong to Nagash." for the other mKoS player to immediately agree to a tacit alliance vs. the heroes of the Soul-Thief.  All the souls belonged to Nagash as was foretold.

    In the paired game it was two generals of 1k point armies teamed up against another pair of 1k armies.  My army was:

    Mounted Knight of Shrouds
        -Ruler of the Spirit Hosts
        -Midnight Tome (Spirit Cage)

    Guardian of Souls

    Hexwraiths - 15 Riders

    Spirit Hosts - x3 Swarms

    Spirit Hosts - x3 Swarms

    My opponent was a Orruk army that was pretty elite.

    Mega Boss on Mawcrusha

    Mega Boss

    Brutes - x5 Orruks

    Brutes - x5 Orruks

    The other two armies were not important at all in the fight between the Nighthaunt and Orruks, as it devolved into two halves of the table 1v1ing each other.  Although I will say it was my harrying of the Orruks that kept his Mawcrusha from joining the fray on the other side of the table so the Necromancer's Great Plan won the day.

    The deployment saw us all stuck in a 15" corner bubble, with me deploying the mKoS and GoS along side the 15 rider block of Hexwraiths.  I kept both Spirit Hosts in the underworld.  I was in the South-West corner of a 4x4 board, Orruks were in the North-West corner.  My allies, the Sacrosant Chamber (cough) had the South-East corner, and the Orruk's allies, some cold blooded Saurus warband had the North-East corner.  The orruks deployed their Mawcrusha as far to the east as possible, clearly intending to send it barreling into the other battle to help wipe out the Soul-Thief's golden boys.  The objective of the battle was to slay the enemy's generals.  I made an error from the beginning assuming the Mawcrusha was the Orruk general, but hilariously his regular Mega Boss was the general of the Orruks.  Apparently he wanted to use the Mawkrusha as a wrecking ball and figured the foot boss was safer.

    Nagash granted us Turn 1, and the Golden boys proceeded to drop a comet on the Saurus army.  This would ensure the Sacrosanct victory on Turn 1 although we did not know it.  Apparently neither of our opponents had any wizards or means to dispel endless spells, and the Comet is  a casting value of six.  My opening move was to summon the Spirit Hosts from the underworld in a little soul fence between the Mawkrusha and all of his intended targets.  One Spirit Host failed to charge, the other rolled a 10 on the charge and instantly put 5 Mortal Wounds on the Mawkrusha.  I thought perhaps the Mawkrusha would go down fast after seeing that, but it would turn out the Spirit Hosts grew tired soon after doing so well.  Hexwraiths moved up only about six inches, hedging that I couldn't make the charge and ensuring that I was out of range of the counter charge from his main line of Brutes and Mega Boss as I had no idea how lethal there were and i was being cautious.  In the actual combat phase the Spirit Hosts managed to put another three MWs on the Mawkrusha, things were looking good, although the Mawkrusha destroyed two of the swarms and left the third wounded.

    Enemy Turn 1 saw the Saurus desperately running to clear the comet's impact area but not really succeeding.  5" radius pulse of MWs on that comet is really large when you are stuck in a 15" deployment pie.  One unit was able to charge into a full squad of Sequitors, but those rerolling saves are dumb and only one golden boy fell to the charge.

    On the Orruk side, he decided he didn't like the game that was afoot, and pulled his Mawkrusha out of combat with the wounded spirit host to rush toward the East side of the table to assist the Saurus.  Luckily my second fence of Spirit Hosts stood in his way so while he got much closer and could join that fray in the next turn.  They were hoping for a double turn so the Mawkrusha could escape my measly yet annoying trap.  Likewise, the Brutes all chose to run after the Mawkrusha to engage the Spirit Hosts and keep him free to leap free of the annoying spirits and go thrashing among the Soul-Thief's chosen instead of wasting his powerful attacks on phantasms.  They all rolled 1's on their runs and basically shuffled after the Mawkrusha failing to really go anywhere.  His Mega Boss, who was his general unknown to me charged the injured Spirit Host for extra movement but failed to wound it at all due to his wiffs and my saves.  I proceeded to place two Mortal Wounds on his secret general.  That Spirit Host unit would go on to get Employee of the Month awards, though their fellow Spirit Hosts were promptly fired as they would not deal even one MW.

    T2 saw the plans of Nagash continue to bear fruit as we again gained first turn.  The comet pulsed with radiation slaying more Saurus as the vile sigmarite comet still sat amid their lines.  The Soul-Thief's chosen showed their skill at magic by dispelling the comet with an exorcist, and then calling forth a new one from the heavens with the Lord-Arcanum.  Again the Saurus army was rocked by the massive impact of a plunging comet even as the Sequitors streamed forward to match the incoming cold one riders.

    Quietly the agents of Nagash dealt with the beasts of Gorka-Morka.  Three Spirit Hosts once again charged the Mawkrusha, but failed to cause any damage, although they succeeded in tangling him up into combat once more.  With nothing but a chill wind to announce them, the host of Hexwraiths broke over the massed Brutes and with a single 9 inch charge they encircled both Brutes squads and the foot Mega Boss in a ring of ghostly horsemen.  Spectral scythes cut down one Orruk Brute and wounded others, but more importantly brought the Mega Boss down to 3 wounds left with Mortal Wounds.  The Knight of Shrouds watched from a safe distance while keeping them in range, ready to summon up more riders should any fall.  Guardian of souls moved out into the center of the battle to get into range of the Hexwraiths as well as keep the Mawkrusha in range for Spirit Cage.  Our ghostly agent was a bit exposed out there in the middle, but the Saurus knights seemed preoccupied enough with the comet and angry Sequitors that it seemed safe.  Seemed being the key word.  In our combat phase some of the Golden boys needed the first combat, which allowed the Mawkrusha to go before the Spirit Hosts, as the Guardian of Souls had only just moved up into range and therefore hadn't yet cast Soul Cage on him.  The beast proceeded to demolish all three Spirit Hosts with laughable ease.  More brutes took damage but none fell, and two hexwraiths fell to crude blades.

    On the opposing turn, more Saurus got to grips with the Sequitors, but the stalwart rerollable saves are just so good when the sigmarite plan was to just hold the line while a comet pulsed the enemy to death.  The real change in fortunes came when the Orruk player decided the eastern flank was lost and didn't want to go into comet radiation, and instead proceeded to charge the lone Guardian of Souls in the middle of the table.  He then proceeded to bowl over the GoS as if he wasn't there and charge again into the Knight of Shrouds who was busy directing the combat with the Brutes.  Blind sided the Knight of Shrouds was nearly overrun in the first frenzy of attacks leaving him at three wounds thanks to some lucky saves.  Concerned now, because I thought the Mawkrusha who had 6 wounds remaining was the enemy general and was about to nom nom my general I made devious plans.  The Knight of Shrouds struck back causing one unsaved attack and brought the beast to 4 wounds.

    Turn 3 saw the enemy get the first turn, granting them the ever wonderful double turn.  Lucky for us... the comet still pulses at the start of the battle round and more Saurus died in droves in front of the Sequitor shield wall.  The combat phase saw two more Hexwraiths go down, but crucially the Mega Warboss and unknown to me the enemy General, fell to the flurry of Mortal Wounds that our Employ of the Month laid on him.  First of two enemy generals slain.  Another brute died in the melee with the Hexwraiths, and lucky for out Knight of Shrouds no damage made it through the Mawkrusha's wiffing and his spirit save.  Sadly, neither did the Knight of Shrouds cause any damage to the beast.

    Our turn 3 saw two Hexwraiths return to the fight at the direction of the Knight of Shrouds, and the agents of Azyr once again dispelled the comet and dropped it -again- amid the cold blooded lizardman's lines, crushing all but the fiercest creatures.  A mighty saurus scar veteran on a massive carnosaur remained standing, and was clearly the saurus general, and the last of our targets.  Like the Mawkrusha, this beast was also on its last legs thanks to constant comet collisions, having only 4 wounds remaining.  I made a tactical retreat, pulling all of the hexwraiths free of their fight with the orruk throng and riding south to aid the Knight of Shrouds, using Spectral Hunters as I did so to cause an additional 2 MWs to the orruks and slaying one as I fell back.  Two of the Soul-Thief's champions charged out of the Sequitor shield wall to end the fight, assaulting the carnosaur in a valiant if foolishly brave move.  The Lord Arcanum was his general, and with my Knight of Shrouds likely to be crushed in the fight phase, exposing his general to an angry carnosaur seemed like a bad move.  The Knight of Shrouds was torn off his spectral steed in the combat phase, leaving the Mawkrusha to glower angrily at the onrushing mass of Hexwraiths.  The sigmarite heroes however managed to cut down the Carnosaur with -literally- their last attack.  A particularly loyal gryph hound launching itself into the fight and bringing the brutalized dinosaur down.  The Lord Arcanum and his Lord Castellant had hilariously failed to end the beast, getting savaged in their attempts... but the sturdy little gryph hound... we need some spirit gryph hounds... maybe Nagash will create some for us after this battle.


    -Always bring a wizard.  Even just a midnight tome allows you to dispel and attempt unbindings.  The comet was cast value of 6, making it extremely easy to cast and dispel, and the Stormcast ally made extremely good use of this.  The comet is quite over powered when the enemy has no way to dispel.  With even a skink priest the saurus player could have unbound it at least once or twice as he only cast it on a six one and a seven on a second time.  Likewise a skink could have dispelled it protecting him from the secondary pulses.  Even still, that comet is likely the most broken Endless Spell I have seen so far, though deployment did make it more effective than perhaps it should have been.

    -Never underestimate a Mawkrusha

    -Make sure you know who and where the enemy general is, especially when they are your objective.  I only managed to kill the Orruk General by happen stance, I didn't realize until after he was dead that he was the general.

    • Like 3
  11. Not to derail the topic, but has anyone seen new tables for Skirmish that includes the new Nighthaunt models?

    I play Skirmish, and want to start using Grimghasts and stuff, but I am not sure where those are.  Only Path to Glory is in the Battle tome.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Mikeymajq said:

    Is having units of 10 hexwraiths excessive? Kind of reasoning to make the units harder to take out. So you get the most out of your 'return d3 models' abilities. I can't comment on Reikenor as I forgot what he does ?

    Grimghasts seem super good so a block of them would certainly be ace.

    I used my Hexwraiths in a block of 15 riders for about a year.

    This helped me spread out, get zone control, and keep me in potential charge range of a massive amount of the board.  I did this because my opponents were all very fast or could teleport, so spreading out so much denied places for them to arrive from their reserves, and kept the places they could arrive within potential charge ranges where I could pin them down even if only like 2 riders got into range.

    That said, they were a pain to pile into combat with more than six or seven of them at any one time unless my opponent was dumb enough to stretch out a wide battle line to receive them.

    In my shame, I also have never once used their Spectral Hunters rule because I always thought I would have to jump clear across a unit to do it, and my massive block could never land safetly out of 3" on the other side.

    I would say 10 riders would be the optimal way to use them in a Death Riders battalion.  You will not likely get all 10 into comabt, but 6-7 making it in usually means they are already prepared for casualties when you do the calculations in your mind, and they are less cumbersome to move around.  Also, 10d6 looking for 5+ Mortal Wounds on Spectral Hunters is really good.

    Since I own 15 riders right now, I will be buying 5 more to fill in my Death Riders Battalion.  I will also bring x2 Dreadblade Harrows in it and either Grimhailer or mKoS in a Shroud Guard Battalion to go along with it.  Being able to make our Harrows wizards with the Midnight Tome will be good for one of them to teleport to objectives as a wizard and/or bring spell support to the Death Riders.  Give the mKoS the return d3 models command trait and have him ride along and you can restore 2d3 riders a turn to your hexwraiths.

    Shroud Guard is just icing on your cake because you can have Bladegeists with a 5++ and I was planning on bringing Grimhailer and/or mKoS anyways.  Use those guys to come in from the underworld where you need them most and protect the Bladegeists from shooting and spells by putting them safely in the underworld.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, The Cyclop Owl said:

    I can only agree, which is why I'm also trying to find a way to start from the other end. This list will definitely be part of a 2000 points list, but I don't quite know how to approach it. 
    At the moment, I'm thinking Grimghast Reapers, because of their speed and ability to murder hordes -- which would be the direct counter to the Deathriders.

    Reikenor the Grimhailer 180

    Guardian of Soul 140

    30 x Grimghast Reapers 360

    How would you finish this list for 1000pts?

    Nah, you just add a second Death Rider Battalion.

    When in doubt, double down.  :D

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  14. Got my Battle Tome, went through it and came up with a few highlights.

    1.)  Knight of Shrouds on Foot no longer needs to be General to use his command ability.

    2.)  Ruler of the Spirit Hosts returns 1d3 models, perfect for a mKoS and his Hexwraiths, or a KoS and some Spirit Hosts.

    3.)  Black Coach also returns d3 models not wounds, making it ace in the Riders battalion.  mKoS and the Black Coach can return 2d3 Hexwraiths to the battle.

    4.)  Reaper of Shyish has the potential to do massive damage, or do literally nothing.  Very risk reward version of the Pendulum.

    5.)  Also, this is my own fault and I have been playing my Hexwraiths poorly for over a year...  Hexwraiths are mini-Endless Spells with their Spectral Hunters rule.  They only need to pass over models to cause MWs, this could literally just be flying forward and then going back to where they started.  With a Pendant of the Fell Wind nearby they move 15".  For some reason I always thought you had to jump clear over a unit to do this... I am a dumby.

    • Like 5
  15. Nighthaunt is not your endless undead faction.  For that you need LoN.

    Legions of Nagash can even bring back swaths of ghosties also.  So if you want summoning and endless undead, play your ghosts as LoN.

  16. 4 hours ago, Ungface said:

    Well. One unit has to be the worst doesnt it.

    I think the Harridans are the worst unit in our battle tome.

    As to Glaivewraiths, people are forgetting a feature of them that makes them more worth it.  They are naturally able to be used in Legions of Nagash armies.

    Bladegeists -are- plain better but they also clock in at nearly 400 points for a full squad, eating up all of your allied points in a LoN army.  Glaivewraiths are slightly worse versions of the Bladegeists in every way except as a LoN player you can just include them as normal units with the LoN keywords.  Their ability to leave combat and charge something else is awesome, we only say 'meh' because we have Bladegeists.

    Even still, Glaivewraiths have the potential to cause more damage over a game than the same Grimghasts do, thanks to their ability to charge every turn and fish for 10+ charges for extra rounds of combat.  Grimghasts generally will get one, maybe two attempts for their 10+ charge per game, Glaivewraiths can easily get 3-5 attempts, especially since they are less likely to draw ire thanks to their less murderous profile.

    • Like 3
  17. 12 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    are the dreadblade harrows any good? is there a warscroll somewhere? I can't find any infos about them and I'd like to use them in the cavalry/black coach bataillon...

    thx in advance

    They get a buff depending on what phase of the combat they are in.  +1 to something when they charge (hit/attacks/forget) and then +1 to something else if they have not charged (wound/hit/dunno).

    They get a +1 to hit if they are nearby a Knight of Shrouds.

    They can teleport anywhere on the board 9" away from any enemy models during any movement phase instead of moving normally.

    They are heroes so they can be your general, and/or carry artifacts, which is important in a lot of the new scenarios where heroes, mages, and artifact weilders are sometimes required for scoring.

    They are pretty good in melee for their price.

    They are fast flying cavalry.

  18. 54 minutes ago, Keldaur said:

    To be honest, if you are starting out don't play 2000 games.

    I even suggest starting with Path to Glory, or escalation leagues tbh.

    If you don't mind learning the game rules itself and not worrying about army creation right away you can even get started with Skirmish and one or two units.

  19. 28 minutes ago, Undeadly said:

    Well, here's my first crack at a actually decent Nighthaunt list. I know it'll need some finetuning, but at the moment, I have a good feeling about it.

    Guardian of souls (140)
    -CT: Cloaked in Shadow
    -Relic: Beacon of Nagashizzar
    -Spell: Spirit Cage

    Knight of Shrouds (140)
    -Relic: Midnight Tome
    -Spell: Soulcage

    Spirit Torment (120)

    Guardian of Souls (140)
    -Spell: Shademists

    40 Chainrasp (280)
    40 Chainrasp (280)
    30 Grimghast Reapers (360)

    12 Myrmourn Banshees(210)
    4 Chaingheists(160)


    2 CP

    General idea here is to overwhelm the enemy via deepstriking, than dragging along the rest of my army via ethereal summoning. Depending on the situation, Chainrasps can either hide in the back and camp objectives, or slowly march up the field. Either way, it'll be hard for the enemy to smash through so many bodies, and if need be, they can plow their way up the field.

    Spirit torment can go where I need it, either buffing the Grimghasts, Myrmourns or Chainrasps. Chaingheists can hang out with him, while pestering enemies with 4d3 shots. It'll be weird shooting stuff, thats for certain.

    KoS will be my frontline general, generally landing in and summoning minions forth. Has spells to help pin and dispell as needed. Second GoS will do a lot of the same, although he'll be more defensive.


    P.S. tried out the technique of layering 3:1 Lahmian and Incubi over hexwraith that peachy showed, and wow, does it look good.

    Cool idea to make the mKoS a wizard.  Gives you spell casting, but also gives you more unbind and dispel attempts to help keep those pesky mortal wounds from sniping your character with enemy spells.

  20. 46 minutes ago, Ahn-ket said:

    Nice ideas on the lists

    but you get 1 command point for your army in general + 1 per hero phase + 1 per battalion + 1 per 50p under 2000p so your first list should have 4 cp after setup + 1 per your own hero phase 


    An army that has no additional CP given to them by Battalions or added due to 50pts not being spend starts with zero command points.

    You generate them at the hero phase, and get none 'naturally' for your army.

    This means his first list has 3 CP at the start of the game due to his 3 battalions and is correct.  At the start of his hero phase he will generate an additional and be at 4 CP, but this is important because if he goes second for instance, he only has his 3 CP until he generates that 4th one.

    Likewise, if you bring no battalions and are at full points... you start the game with zero CP and have to wait until you generate one in your hero phase.  This is a small but important distinction, as if you charge and do damage first turn before your opponent has any CP, he can't do things like inspiring presence as he has no CP.

    This means the second list only has 2 CP instead of three due to only 2 battalions and no spare points.

  21. 5 hours ago, Spears said:

    As the bladegheists get the reroll hits just for being near torments or chainghasts, does this mean you dont need the torment at all to trigger this?

    Correct, the warscroll states "wholey within 12" of the Chainghasts or the Spirit Torment, it does not say "when under the effects of a Spirit Torment" or anything like that.  Fluff wise it makes sense as both are wardens to the Bladegeists so they would be afraid of either or.

  22. 1 hour ago, pikachoux said:

    I think that I will add some of the new Nighthaunt units in my Legion of Nagash. I want to know if anyone have some combo that I can use with the units from the Soul Wars box? Any clue if we can  take more Nighthaunt units in a Legion of Nagash beside those from the starter box?

    You can bring anything via the allies rules.

  23. 1 minute ago, Nuradin said:

    Too me it feels as if 5 hexwraiths are a bit too squishy to do much, especially if they get tied down in a fight. But then again I haven't played with them so you have a lot more experience than me in this matter! 
    However with 5 man units you can have two units running together and achieve the same objective as with having 10 of them, cause your point about having more charges is the key I think. With a fast list and with Nighthaunt in general it seems the charge is quite important and can quickly turn the tables on a match.
    However, unmodified 10 is not exactly easy to get. Not even unmodified 9 is that easy, so I'm not having a hard time thinking it's a good idea to build a list around it.
    That leaves the speed, which is key number 2. And with the black coach and a few units of hexwraiths and mKoS you should be able to redeploy pretty quickly around the map where you are needed the most. I'm just a bit worried that the hexwraiths will die too quickly.

    What complementing heroes would be good for such a list? mKoS or Reikenor is according to me pretty obvious.. GoS seems to have a role to play in order to heal your units, but he will have a hard time keeping up with the quick army. Same with Spirit torment, however it gets more much flexible with chainghasts. Chainghasts can also cause some damage from ranged, so I still kinda like them together with a spirit torment.

    Well the cavalry Warscroll Battalion is minimum x2 units of Hexwraiths, 1-2 Dreadblade Harrows, and a Black Coach.  That warscroll bat gives you +1 Command Point, +1 Artifact, and unmodified 9+ charge attack out of sequence.

    If I can take two of them, I would and use a Dreadblade Harrow, 2x5 Hexwraiths, and a Blackcoach twice.  That gives me x2 Dreadblades, x20 Hexwraiths, x2 Black Coaches, x3 Artifacts, +2 Command Points, 9+ unmod charges for extra attacks.  Then I would use mKoS with Pendant of the Fell Wind to give it all +3" speed.  That is a 15" standard move on your cavalry.  I would deploy all of that, and then place the Spirit Torment and Guardian of Souls in the underworld.  Maybe even some Chainghasts I dunno.

    Then you fly up the board making charge attempts across the enemy line or seizing the midline objectives either way, and then summon up the Spirit Torment and GoS up into the front line where they will be in range.  This keeps them from having to keep up with the cavalry.

    If I can't take more than one copy of the battalion I would just move all of that into one battalion and drop a Black Coach to replace it with something else.  Dreadblades can reportedly teleport around the board to seize objectives or be where you need them most.  mKoS giving more attacks to Hexwraiths is good when they do MW on 6s, but if I was in one Battalion I might buff up a unit of Hexwraiths to 10 man and keep two 5 man ones for the wings of the army.  This way the mKoS's +1 attack has more impact on 10 guys.

    You could even throw Lady Olynder in or Bladegeists or the like since you have space in the underworld and they can teleport into the fight in range once your cavalry has locked down the board and setup the battle lines further up the field.

    The idea is, the more table you control, the easier you can score objectives, especially with the Harrows who can teleport each turn to new locations and grab uncontested ones, or 5 man Hexwraiths can shoot off to side objectives from the main fight if you want.

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