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Posts posted by relic456

  1. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    I mean for LRL specifically their combat battleline could already fight in three ranks with their long spears 

    I was thinking more a hypothetical subfaction that makes Bladelords battleline!

    If it can happen to Bladegheists then it can happen to anyone lol

    Edit: oh wait, I forgot they can already be battleline for each Scinari hero you take!

  2. Anyone else catch that Shining Company looks to be different? It's moved to the Bladelords warscroll and reads like you can break and remake it.

    "Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit if the base of each model in this unit is touching the base of 2 or more other models in the same unit."

    Also doesn't mention any restrictions around runs, charges, or pile-ins.

  3. 2 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

    I mean why was Skarbrand even charging? Pile in 6" then fight twice seems to be the cookie cutter build for him.

    How would that have effected the game if Skarbrand had been able to activate twice that turn?

    Like I said it wasn't a competitive list so they were Goretide, not Reapers of Vengeance. My opponent only really plays when I'm jonesing to try out new stuff on TTS.

    However still a valid question. Skarbrand had a screen of Chainrasps he could have easily wiped out but I still had about 25 Bladegheists with Shademist on, Discorporate available, and the support of a Krulghast and Spirit Torment. I would have to do the math on if he could have lifted that, but my opponents army was almost wiped out except for Korghus Khul and Skarbrand, so I think I still would have got it in the end. 

  4. Played a 2k game against a friend who was playing Khorne Mortals yesterday. Battleplan was Won't Back Down and we called it at the top of turn 3 with me winning 12-8. Skarbrand missed a critical 3" charge (with rerolls) and  they didn't get the much needed double turn to start a comeback. They don't play much so they didn't field a super competitive list, but it was good to get a feel for our new book. I basically cribbed @Boggler's list but swapped Kurdoss and the Spirit Hosts for Reikenor, 10 more Chainrasps, and Chronomatic Cogs. I also put the 3x10 Bladegheists in to one big 30 model unit. I don't have a full battle report, just some musings.

    -Scarlet Doom is my jam, Bladegheists are my favorite unit and those MWs on the charge were great. I really hope it works out as a  competitive choice.

    -I usually don't like Hexwraiths but I used them as a suicide block to keep one of his flanks held back and was very impressed. They were able to retreat with one model left and I spiked Olynder's No Rest for the Wicked which brought them back to full strength, very nasty.

    -I was initially very bummed about the Spirit Torment changes but was actually happy with the flat 3 models coming back every round. Felt like a sweet spot between not being worth my opponents attention but still making an impact.

    -Galletian Veterans and the GHB 2022 changes were a chore to explain to someone not keeping up with the game. "How many rules does one game need" was uttered at least once haha. In practice though, I found it much easier to manage since it was mostly passive. 

    -The new battle tactics are wayyyyy more fun compared to the last set when we didn't have Monsters.

    Anyways that's all I've got, if I remember anything else worthwhile I'll edit the post.


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  5. Might have to try and find a KoS on steed on eBay if they don't release it with the book.  That "follow me" rule when they attack would gel well with the dreadscythe harridans

  6. I've given the leaks an initial skim and the severe lack of damage and minimal MW output is reallllyyyyyy disappointing to see. I'm not sure how we'll be able to shift anything off objectives as it is, but maybe there's some combo I'm not seeing. The allegiance abilities are great but the warscrolls are so bland. I know it's a general trend in 3.0, but seeing Kurdoss with only one rule on his warscroll really felt like a gut punch :( .

    Edit: Also if the Guardian of Souls and Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed don't get released as individual models when our book drops I'm gonna lose my mindddddd.

    • Thanks 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Elmir said:

    That being said... With those warscrolls, those allegiance abilities better be straight up amazing! Or this faction is condemned to another 4 years of bottom of the barrel armies (barring a brief exploit with Nagash and a ton of Grimghast reapers in 2018). 

    Yeah this is mostly my issue so far. The allegiance abilities have to be pretty insane to make something like the crossboos playable at a competitive level. I really doubt that'll be the case but would happily be proven wrong.

    Hype = hope = disappointment, and it really is the hope that kills you. I guess at the end of the day we're the army of grief and despair, so it's just thematic for GW to torture us!

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  8. Lets not forget that one of those 5-0s the player was allowed to bring their own terrain, which was physically enormous and (imo) provided them a huge advantage.

    I would say some early 4-1's and 5-0's (more than likely caused by people just not knowing how to play against them) followed by languishing in obscurity qualifies as "a crappy tome", but you may define that differently.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Well the core of my army was 2 torments, 2 units of 6 Hosts, and 2 huge units of Bladegesists so the change hits me square in the face 😂.

     I feel you! My collection is primarily grimghast reapers, bladegheists, spirit torment, and chainrasps. Least favourite units are banshee and harridans 😔 Everything we've seen so far hasn't been inspiring but I've got a shred of hope left for some super op allegiance abilities to bring us back to being at least relevant.

  10. Previews have so far given us an idea of a lot of what we're losing, really looking forward to previews of what we're gaining in return! Hard to get excited right now (I might also still be salty at how bad NH have been throughout 2.0 and early 3.0 🙃 )

    • Like 1
  11. This: 

    3 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    And lots of you are moaning about it.

    Man, I love this community a ton, but I can't recall a more entitled-feeling group.

    Contradicts this:

    5 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Soooo, really you just don't want it. That's fine. That's a you thing, and I certainly won't tell you you are wrong to not want a product.

    And I think "I don't want it, it's not what I asked for", is a pretty common perspective among those unhappy with the app / Warhammer+. So I hope that satisfies this:

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    I would very much enjoy reading a reasoned counterpoint to my idea that it's more than a little entitled to complain that we should be getting free stuff ... 'cuz reasons. Got anything along those lines?


  12. 2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    W+ comes with:

    Really nice, regular animated content.

    Don't want this, never asked for it

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    High quality battle reports.

    Don't want this, never asked for it, and get it for free on Youtube

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Next-level painting videos many have asked for for decades.

    Don't want this, never asked for it, and get it for free on Youtube (Duncan Rhodes anyone?)

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    A free model, with option to get another.

    The chances of this free model ever being an army I play are slim. If it ever even was, I'd be able to get it online for much cheaper than a 12 month subscription.

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Digital versions of out of print magazines and other material.

    Don't want this, never asked for it

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    The 40K app.

    Don't play 40k and don't plan on it

    2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Then, today, they add what pretty much everyone here is saying looks to be a really well done AoS app. They add this for all to try for free, giving us all a chance to 'try before you buy.'

    The one thing I actually want, but it's certainly not "well done" (crashes constantly, bugs out the ying yang), especially in comparison to the old app.  Letting us "try" something we've had for years for free, like it's some kind of gift? I can't help but laugh. 

    But hey if you're in the business of paying $84 CAD a year for things you don't want I'll send you my bank account info and you can send me $7 a month in return for an envelope of glitter.

    The only silver lining is that at this rate the app will be in beta for so long that 4.0 might be on the horizon before they actually get the paywall up.

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  13. Honestly, even though pirating is ridiculously easy in this hobby, you never really even needed to. With aos reminders and free warscrolls you had access to pretty much everything you needed legally. By pay walling warscrolls, they cut off that possibility and it makes me worry about the future of other free resources, including Warscroll builder and aosreminders.


    Not to stir an old pot, but I just noticed that in today's Metawatch article, the featured Soulblight list is Vrykos dynasty and doesn't take any dynasty specific artefacts, instead opting for Arcane Tome and Amulet of Destiny, 


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  14. 8 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    My personal reason: The painting takes ages (in my case since I want the models to have a certain level of quality) - so I end up with ~30% of all my armies painted. Do I feel bad about it? Nope. Why I want the quality? The models were expensive so they should look decent, otherwise it feels like devaluing them.

    This really resonated with me. I understand putting in an "effort" to get something on the table with paint. But damn does it not feel like a waste of money when you're a beginner painter since everything looks like ****** haha

    • Like 4
  15. 15 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Point is : you're not reaching GW as a corporate by getting angry on this forum or others like Dakkadakka. There's no point in being agressive here, unless for the sake of agressivity itself.

    I'm actually glad you posted before I submitted my edit, since this is an interesting point.

    I approach corporate feedback with a multi-faceted approach, since it amplifies your voice. I message them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, send an email through the appropriate channels, and then talk about my frustrations (among other things) here. TGA is arguably one of the largest "unofficial", public, AoS forums. The mods are friends with GW employees, and I'm sure they visit here, even off the clock. So I'd argue, that while not the most efficient method, feedback here does reach GW. I would think that when TGA has to post stickies about negative sentiment and hires two extra mods, that sends a message, however small, through to GW too.

    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Thing is you don't have to shout to make your voice heard; you just have to speak clearly.

    Remember whilst a company is a faceless entity, its comprised of real people just doing their jobs. If you attack them for things they do, chances are they'll just ignore you. Think about yourself, would you listen too or respect a person shouting, screaming and insulting you for doing your job? 

    Probably not, even if they have a valid point. 

    Constructive feedback isn't about shouting, screaming or insulting. It's about saying that you don't like something. Explaining why you don't like it and perhaps offering alternative options. It's perhaps about bringing to light things that the company and individuals within, might have overlooked. Eg some have pointed out that the loss of digital media impacts those who have more limited vision. If you can gather together many people and deliver a clear message in a constructive and polite fashion you've FAR FAR more chance of getting an open reception to your idea. The company still might not agree or make changes, but they have a vastly greater chance of doing so (even if it might take weeks/months to make such changes happen).



    If constructive criticism affected change the same way that online outrage and refusing to purchase a product do, then I'd probably agree. But coming from a corporate background, well reasoned criticism is often ignored because it isn't loud enough. On an individual level, sure it might resonate, but actually affecting corporate strategy? Nah, that's borderline naivete.

    I appreciate the desire for constructive criticism to avoid negativity, but that's definitely at odds with changing the way things are.

    Full disclosure, I did send well reasoned feedback through the appropriate channels (regarding several issues over the last few years). I don't think it changed anything haha.

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