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Posts posted by Wired4War

  1. 17 hours ago, Doko said:

    1-remove random priority and changed to regular turns(as 40k or fantasy)

    2-heroes with 5 wounds or less cant be shooted if they are within 3" of a friendly unit

    3-mortals wounds removed from almost all,and only spells and breaths of dragons or monsters do mortals

    4-objetives are grabed by number of wounds of the models and not by the number of models

    5-changed cost of units of the actual fixed cost by 5\10\15 models etc to a cost per model sistem as 40k

    6-add options of upgrade per points to units,as a shield to a model for 2 extra points or a pistol for 3 points or a rune of strength for a +1 hit etc

    7-a similar sistem of anvil of apottheosis(i think was the name) in each tome that let us give many options to heroes so we can have fun doing our personal hero

    8-combat changed to the two first ranks attack(or attack the models with actual rules and models of that unit at 1" of the attacking models too can attack)

    9-unleash hell,redeploy......or better every 3.0 new cp removeds

    10-save stacking deleted 


    Many changes lol but im sure that i can think of many more haha

    That sounds like all the stuff I don't like from 40k. So I'd only be okay with them doing this to AoS, if they then took all of this stuff out of 40k so I still had something to play.

  2. 3 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    Just for some inspiration, I am playing in a 1k tournament (on TTS, ofc) and here's the adjustments:

    - no units that cost 300 points or more (both as single models or as unit). As an example you can have 2 units of 15 liberators in your army (270 points each) but not a single unit of 30 (480 points).

    - tables are 48x48

    - objectives are slightly adjusted (for instance, 6 objectives in scorched earth)

    I like that simple point cap. In a non-tournament setting, I'd be okay letting a friend bring a more expensive model if we talked about it first. Especially if they just finished painting it!

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, SorryLizard said:


    Any pitfalls to look out for? Things to avoid bringing in armies?

    As long as both players are wanting to play fun and casual and take the units they like there shouldn't be a problem. At that point level, a large epic model will be at least half the list and so it will balance out by not having many other units to support it. If there is some really really good unit, don't just spam giant blocks of it. I think the small format forces using minimum sized units anyway so you have flexibility to grab and hold objectives.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, SorryLizard said:

    What is peoples advice for 1k games of full AoS?

    Are there missions specifically designed for 1k? Main rules missions to avoid playing? Different table sizes, etc.?

    I only ever hear bad things about meeting engagements but some of the normal missions seem like a huge pain in 1k. Scorched Earth with 8 objectives for example.

    I like 1k games on a 4x4 table, though the new 40k tables of 30x44 might be nice if you wanted to get into the action faster. You can always remove an objective or two if it seems like it'd be too crowded on the smaller board. Shifting objective has worked well for us, Better part of valor with 4 instead of 6 objectives, Focal Points, Scorched Earth with 4-6, and Battle for the Pass is one of our favorites. 

  5. If you really want the AoS experience, I find 1000 point games (not meeting engagements) a lot of fun and easy to start someone on. You could even start at 500, then work your way up 250pts each time you play, getting used to the new rules for the added units as you go. My friends and I do this together when we first learned the game and anytime we start new armies.

    I saw this because the smaller games like underworld, skirmish, warcry tend to add complexity for each of the 10 models per side, where a small AoS game could have only 3 or 4 units to remember. You can ignore terrain rules and other complicated rules. You could even ignore army rules for the first matches and stick to warscrolls, I do that when I play with my 4yo, but adults will probably get the hang of the army after 2-3 games (which will be short!). The other thing I've found helpful is to use simple objectives, the run up the middle and roll endlessly until one side is dead is not as fun. It can also help build narrative.

    • Like 1
  6. I super glued sheet metal into a wooden box (my daughter has lots of them from her Melissa and Doug toys). If you get the Flush-Fit Base Magnets from Magnet Baron, they work perfectly. One 6 mm x 2.2mm will hold on any infantry and you would probably be okay with the 4.5mm. I also carry my large figures this way so the 6mm were nice so I wouldn't need as many. 2.2mm thickness is the key though to sitting flush.

  7. They left themselves a lot of room to grow with this army. There are 3 other elements to explore, and another 4 great nations based on martial (Tyrionic) instead of magical (Teclian) prowess. With other limited armies like Fyreslayers and Ironjaws, you don't get any sense from the books and lore that there are many more units other than what is presented. It's sort of like Stormcast, we know there are a bunch more chambers down the road.

    • Like 3
  8. 11 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Thinking about my Flamer army, is silly to run this many?

    Eternal Conflagration

    Daemon Prince (general with Coruscating Flames, Axe,  Aura of Mutability)

    The Blue Scribes (Fold Reality)

    Fatemaster (Paradoxical Shield)

    3x9 Flamers

    3x1 Exalted Flamers

    Warpflame Host

    1970 points

    Too much burning?  It'll probably fold hard in combat, but with 27" ranges on the shooting, their flight, and only 4 drops, seems somewhat competitive vs certain matchups?  Blue Scribes can pretty much automatically bring back dead Flamers every turn.  Daemon Prince can probably smash a simple hero or two if needed.  Fatemaster dishes out the reroll bubble and tanks wounds with his crazy save tricks.

    This definitely seems like a "win by tabling your opponent from range" type army. It will be quickly over for one of you either way.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    Well, I'd consider it like this: I get one shot more thanks to a second pryocaster, can shoot at two different units, if my unit gets attacked by a strong enemy unit I can only lose 3, battleshock is less of a worry (they got 10 so this is minor) and when I'm in CC with one of them (remember, shooting units in CC can only shoot at the unit they're in close combat with), the other unit can still shoot at something else. I think these are all good arguments for running two units. Plus the whole battleline thing you've mentioned - in smaller games this is especially important.

    All good points! I think I'm used to melee units where you want them all going at once. If I need to attack one target with two units in the shooting phase I can.

  10. I know the army benefits the base troops (letters, bearers, daemonettes, horrors) the most, but do you something like Wrath and Rapture would be a good way to expand out of my current Tzeentch daemon army? Possible use for the Fiends or Fleshhounds? Or should I just go with the Start Collectings?

  11. 33 minutes ago, backslide said:

    I would stick to things that have the lesser daemons keyword, so BLOODLETTERS, DAEMONETTES, HORRORS and PLAUGEBEARERS 

    So infantry and cavalry really to make the most of the dark prince command ablities when you add him to the mix


    I found an old photo of myrepers of vengence army from back in aos1.0 when battlions were cheap... I want my armies like this but all the gods lead by a gaunt summoner....


    Oh yeah, its just the Keyword isn't it!? So it works on basically everything in the start collecting boxes, except tzeentch I guess.

  12. 2 hours ago, backslide said:

    There is something to be said for simplicity I have always loved mixing my daemons in 40k it contributed to me not playing alot of aos for a few years to be fair, as it was slaneesh or khorne I couldn't mix the 2 freely like I do in 40k, so I'm looking forward too it

    Yeah, I do like when I don't feel like I'm trying to remember a million allegiance abilities in each phase. Focus on the unit's warscroll abilities instead. I think I'm just going to buy whatever daemons my local shop has in stock and when I get to play again I can take whatever I have painted!

  13. 17 hours ago, Hannibal said:

    I think due to Covid-19 nobody really got enough experience to justify a solid advice.


    These days I´m more a collector / painter than a (competetive) player and therefore the Chaos Ascendant list is everything I could have hoped for. The basis of my collection is Nurgle but I always struggled to find a Nurgle Daemon list I really liked. Not enough offense. In 40k I could play Nurgle / Tzeentch combo and now I can play it in AoS too. It´s great!

    Modelwise all gods offer some really good looking models and now I can run them without the need of "2000 points mono god". In addition: no special piece of terrain, small number of special rules. I like it.

    Even if it won´t be the best, for those 1 game in 3 months opportunities it´s good.


    And you can still branch out to all these god specific armies once your collection is large enough. Really, it´s just a matter of which models you like to move.

    Thanks for the insights. I do like to play, but I'm more on the hobby side of things too. I'll just get all the types painting up during lockdown, and then try it out once I can get back together with my friends! If I end up liking one type of demon more, I can always try their book.

  14. So my journey through Chaos started with a few Beasts of Chaos, started liking the Tzaangor more and more which got me buying some Horrors and Tzeentch heroes. Now I'm trying to decide between going full Tzeentch or a mixed Daemons army through LoCA. I'm not super competitive, but have you guys had fun playing a mix of the gods? I've always loved the demons more than mortals, and the hobbying variety of a mixed army seems exciting too, just unsure on how playstyle compares. It seems maybe more straightforward than Tzeentch with less abilities and spells to figure out? Will I feel too hindered playing this alliance compared to one with a battletome? 

  15. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Haha can I remake your hobby life into an inspirational documentary? 
    that’s as rare wraithbone primer right now 😂

    It comes from my group I play with, we only field painted armies. So if I want to try out a new unit, I need to get it painted ASAP. We tend to slow grow new armies at the same time because of this too.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Sttufe said:

    Hmm yes a heretic, the Inquisition would like to know your location. I do the same but that is not because I am limiting myself, it is because I am a fast painter and assembler, and I am cheap and can only buy a box a month, not whenever I find a deal 😩

    I'm fast too! I can't stand letting models stay on sprues for more than a few days. I tend to only buy one box at a time, so I only have backlog when those battleforce sets come out.

  17. Building and painting my first two start collecting boxes so I can get a few games in at 1000pts (typical game size where I play). Reading the warcsrolls and battletome, it seems like raiders are only decent in very large groups, and if I plan on just running or summoning 10man units I'd be better off with regular ungors? Is that an accurate assessment? Also the cygor seems underwhelming unless up against lots of magic (and I already have 2 shaman for unbinding).  Just want to get a good sense of the army and different playstyles before I expand.

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