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Posts posted by Selpharia

  1. Synessa is a solid toolbox, but requires finesse and practice to use optimally. Dexcessa is fun, but can easily find themselves overwhelmed before they build up steam, and lacks the defense and shenanigans of Sigvald.

    Of the two, Syn is more commonly seen because heir tricks are rarer/better in a god meta, and they can hide. At least IME

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  2. I mean, I would say that Slaanesh is tricky and unforgiving, it’s probably better to give it a few more shots before you give up. Just looking at your list, it might be worth proxying one or both of the slickblades as blissbarbs. This list also seems like it could benefit from some kind of anvil, just to take punches, since your list is fragile as heck

  3. I pretty much agree, with the caveat that the smaller heroes (IME Enrapturess/Masque and probably LoP) provide enough value that they’re competitive with any equivalent multi-model unit. I love my Keeper bunches because she looks amazing and has a high spike result, but it’s hard not to look enviously at Be’lakor or an Exalted Bladebringer + Masque for the points

  4. I’ve been thinking about alternatives to summoning, and I’m drawn to the idea of every unit having a bonus ability on its warscroll activated by spending 3-6 depravity points. Something like giving Twinsouls MW on 6s, letting slickblades move 6” in any direction after they fight, the Lord of Pain granting his 5+ ward in an aura, or Synessa getting an extra/+1 to cast.

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  5. The thing I dislike is when people whine and kvetch without their own experience and in absolute terms, like “ohh this can’t possibly work, no one could possibly beat X with Y” and instead of reasoned points or acknowledging the limits of their own understanding, stamp their feet and pout. It’s one thing to be upset that a faction you like is having a hard time, or express disagreement. I simply loathe petulance and baseless absolutism

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  6. Twinsouls have a 5+ fnp on alternate turns. You’re also getting in summoning units, adding to board control. 

    It’s certainly an uphill climb, but it can be done. I don’t think Slaanesh is a tournament winner right now, and you probably knew that, but there are tools.

    I don’t understand why you asked this question when you sound like you know the answer you think is correct.

    Have you played any games with Slaanesh in the new edition? 


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  7. The list deals with gods by using Be’lakor to shut them down for a turn, Pavane them with Syn. The tank is the Twinsouls who can get to a 3+, and the Lord of Pain granting rerolls on either the archers or the Twinsouls spikes their damage. If you look at how he deploys the Hellstriders, he uses the base length to wall off portions of the board. 

    Synessa is useful for sniping small heroes or low save units like archers

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