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Everything posted by Selpharia

  1. Does anyone have advice for painting a bunch of witch aelves quickly? They’re so small and spindly and fiddly.
  2. So I won my local Path to Glory with a Melusai-heavy list, such that the only time I ever lost was against an illegal list. It’s to the point where, unless I’m facing a really highly-tuned list, I just win. Is there some way that I can make a usable casual list that doesn’t feel like bringing a Deathsword to a knife fight? I’m already using minimal witch aelves, and just kind of riding the Hag wave, but I feel like a bully playing most of the casual players st my FLGS and just sticking them in a blender of knives and snakes. Granted, Path is absurdly unbalanced, but I’ve had similar experiences in Matched play (if not worse, because more witches are harder to avoid? Should I just accept that Daughters have no chill and find a different army?
  3. Oh, I see! The idea is that you have them drop 9” out, but then potentially use the post-shoot moving to get in close enough to contest even an objective that the enemy is using that 9” deep strike bubble to ward, is that it?
  4. Why are Heartrenders better than Lifetakers? Even at rend -2, they’ll struggle to kill anything with their low number of shots. But then, maybe I’m overestimating the value of D:2 on the charge for Lifetakers, which seems like it might chew through horde blobs pretty well
  5. What are people using for their Realms? Ulgu seems thematic, but Aqshy’s Fiery Crown for the +1 bravery bubble and Inferno Blades at 24” with Morathi seems brutal. With the Jaws, you can even mindrazor away all those endless undead blobs with attacks doing 3 damage a pop. On the other hand, Ulgu spells are less obviously powerful, but moving other people’s heroes and/or keeping them slow seems very powerful.
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