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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 1 hour ago, khadgar567 said:

    Runes can work so we have forgethenes work as caster unit. Know we are talking for complete army. While robber barons can work as inside faction enemy as normal nobility keeps factories working to keep forge citys safe while robber barons discard  uselesd units ala beasts of chaos. Maybe robber barons can declare units to suicide bomb while nobels use advence tactics to keeps combat machine working

    So we agree on using runes instead of magic? alright then, how do we update some of the current models available to the weld(the official ones) such as the glorious steam tank?

  2. 3 minutes ago, khadgar567 said:

    that leaves the casters part and the endless spells. we can use spotters for few magic style actions like directed bombardment or requesting supply drop to boost the damage of units like gunnery sergeant from vampire coast. but the new tomes still feel like don't solve big problems as we still focus on shooting and bunkering down on the corner of the map until we get morale win or lose the battle. how about a unit like tree revenants to act as honor guard or tough hammer allow ironweld to push objectives as besides the Templars and lancers we need a few close combat forces capable to push to the objective while bunkered forces act as support /  via indirect fire. this way when we need object secure templars and revenants left the main army to get into the goal early then main bulk of the forces reach and bunker in until we get the win.

    How about instead of focussing on the spells, we get a few more heroes? synergy is a big part of AOS, especially now of all times. we could have a robber baron/captain of industry type who boost's the hit rolls of war machines, at the cost of laborers lives for example.

  3. I always love the subsections of each army, I find that they give some colorful narrative to otherwise bland armies. So here are some I've come up with:

    Order of the Storm Forged

    hailing from the realm of heavens, the Order of the Storm Forged are amongst some of the most prestigious(or arrogant depending on who you ask) of the gunnery schools. The Guild Patriarch often claims that his family studied under the famous Six Smiths, and that most of the blessed sigmarite items the Stormcast Eternals used can be traced back to any of the noble houses of the guild. In battle the nobility of the order can often be found marching alongside members of the Hammers of Sigmar, staying behind to fortify newly captured realmgates or laying siege to enemy fortifications.

    Drakes Foundry

    Based primarily in Aqshy, the guild Drakes Foundry was founded by a mixture of azyrite immigrants and reclaimed tribes. Instead of the common segregation and thinly veiled racism common amongst the reclaimed, the scholars of the Weld encouraged the intermingling and sharing of knowledge between the two cultures, which led to the discovery of the volcano ring known as Grimnir's Cannons. the magma from the Cannons is rich with various metals, which, once filtered and separated from the molten rock, are of an incredible quality. The rapid expansion and wealth of this relatively new guild exemplify this, and the quality of their weapons have only increased as the guild makes trade deals with multiple Fyreslayer lodges.


    Hailing from Chamon, this guild is primarily made up of Dispossessed and "mad" human wizards and scholars. The Ur-Chemists seek to restore order to what they consider "Grugni's Workshop", as such they strive to find locations of potent chamonite upon which to build powerful navigation and chronological device, the better to catalogue the realm. The Ur-Chemists have raised certain beings to a state of sainthood, such as Lady Celemnis, who is called upon by the many artisans to bless their blades. 

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  4. On 1/3/2019 at 9:44 AM, Melcavuk said:
    Stage one Mockup of Morgaraz the Spider King.
    Not a huge fan of the big boss on giant spider model and without new models coming to replace him in the new Gloomspite Battletome I found the need to build a decent replacement.
    The base should be the right size and with the pillar he has gained the added height.
    Current WIP lore is Morgaraz was chasing the Bad Moon through the fungal marshes on night, eyes turned skywards as he clamoured frantically over brush and through bog to try and pursue the malevolent god to earn his favour. Blind to the obstacles ahead of him Morgaraz fell quite unfavourably into the nest of an Arachnarok brood, quite unable to dwell on his misfortune the young Grot found himself wedged quite firmly into an arachnarok egg, the corrosive fluids within already withering his lower body.
    Whether ignorant to the intruder, or simply mistaking the part grot part egg as one of its own brood the Arachnarok did not deliver the swift demise that Morgaraz expected, instead day after day, night after night he felt himself withering away.
    It was then quite unexpected, as the brood began to hatch and the frenzied spiderlings began to clambour around the nest that Morgaraz too felt the egg beneath him tremour and shake. Erupting forth Morgaraz scrambled forth from the nest, his legs freed after weeks he ran for aslong and as far as he possibly could. It was only, given time to reflect that he glance down and found himself quite changed, below his waist his body was withered away, the fledgling spiderling too had suffered in the collision. Instead the two now existed, fused at the waste.
    Morgoraz was reborn, king of the Spiderlings.





    Simply amazing as always(and a good choice if the rules I read off of the New Zealand page are to go by) do you have any other conversions planned besides the Skragrott one? perhaps a special shaman variant?

  5. Another unit down! this time it's the Syreens!

    Often when a chip leaves port, the crew leaves behind their loved ones. whether these be a worried mother, a caring lover, or a sibling who was promised wonderful stories, these worried souls often wait at the shore hoping for a sign of a familiar sail. Sadly many brave souls do not return, their ships lost to the deep. The grief that these poor souls feel causes them to toss themselves into the waters. But their spirits do not rest, now they sing for eternity, desperately trying to reunite with their lost sailors.syreens.jpg.ab5750b600c7becf8f8d300d0c6b5423.jpg

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  6. 3 hours ago, tea_wild_owl said:

    regarding 1), I build a ship(wreck) for my undead army from the idoneth ship, playable as 2 mortis engines (you can separate them). so it's doable :)




    Damn that's good, also I'm looking for some advise guys, what model should I use for the Bloated Corpse? or should I just not include it and replace it with one of my own crazy ideas?

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I don't expect to see anything of Moonclan until next year, they've teased it this month so I'd expect January for them. This month we've got a lot of weeks eaten up with big box Christmas releases. There's also Blackstone taking a 2 week pre-order (which might mean we miss one whole week of new products to order). Wrath and Rapture is iffy on if its this year or next, but I'd wager as they've shown the box art (which almost confirms the 2 other new options in the box) as well as shown off the fiends and hounds, we are close to a release this year (ergo pre-Christmas). 

    After that I just can't see there's any time left to get Moonclan out, esp when one considers that GW is going to wind down a bit over December and January as staff go on holidays. 

    It appears that Blackstone is only taking up one week, starting on the tenth. But I believe you are correct about moonclan.

  8. 3 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

    I'm curious if anyone has a size comparison between this new dragon and the Smaug model from GW. With the latter previously being the biggest GW dragon in production and priced £80 cheaper it'd be an interesting comparison 

    @melcavuk, all I know is that it looks awesome

  9. Hey don't quote me on this, but about a month ago I heard some stuff about a giant centipede for moonclan from a store owner in denver(maybe it was just a repeat of other rumors, but this guy was spot on for deepkin stuff). only posting nw do to recent rumor mills.


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  10. 11 minutes ago, Espy85 said:

    Pirates and undead are a winning combination, it is strange that nothing has happened in aos, if they fix the wraithtfleet of firestorm to update it to the new edition, or simply including it in the rules of LoN, would be an incredible boost for modelers. Ironclad turned into zombie navies, not to mention the Idoneth converted into zombies or ghosts.  I can not wait to see what you will create.

    Thanks, I mostly plan on having a mixture of vampire coast units and my own mad designs. I currently am planning to stop by my local store this weekend to pick up the following

    1) shipwreck(to make the necrofex colossus)

    2) Ogors(animated hulks)

    3)Zombies and free guild(Pirate crew and general  infantry)


  11. Hello all! If you've been paying attention to total war news like I have, then you know about the vampire coast dlc coming out. The lore for the faction was amazing, and I figured that they would fit into AOS pretty well with some changes, So thats what I plan on doing!

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  12. 17 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    Personally I plan on using the Grot Wizard and armored Squig herder characters to represent variant AoS Shamans and Bosses respectively.  I might even pick up a second warband specifically to use for conversion fodder.

    On a related note, does GW always release Underworlds warbands in pairs?  Or is this just part of the initial marketing blitz?

    That's what im doing.

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